
Elections , Newsline

Democrats Ramp Up Efforts to Delegitimize Supreme Court

Posted on Thursday, March 7, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan


the supreme court justices

The left’s longstanding war on the U.S. Supreme Court appears to be reaching alarming new heights—raising the stakes for a contentious election year in which Democrats are poised to ramp up their calls to pack the Court, smear Republican-appointed justices, and provoke a judicial legitimacy crisis that could have dire implications for the rule of law and the separation of powers.

The left’s escalation of their anti-Court crusade began in late February when the justices agreed to hear arguments pertaining to former President Donald Trump’s claim to immunity from criminal prosecution. Following the release of the Court’s February 28 order indicating that the justices would take up Trump’s request—which could potentially undermine Jack Smith’s legal persecution of the former president—Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans predictably flew into a fit of rage.

“The Supreme Court is placing itself on trial with its decision to hear the former president’s total immunity claim,” former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote on X in an extraordinary claim. “It remains to be seen whether the justices will uphold the fundamental American value that no one is above the law – not even a former president.”

Former Republican Congresswoman and Trump critic Liz Cheney agreed: “Our justice system must be able to bring [Trump] to trial before the next election,” she said.

In a similar vein, The View co-host Joe Behar lamented the news as “depressing” and claimed that the Court’s willingness to take up the case signals that we are “alone in the universe” and shows that the Supreme Court is not “above reproach.” Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe similarly criticized the move as “supreme arrogance.” Slews of CNN and MSNBC guests likewise bemoaned the fact that the High Court agreed to hear the case rather than joining in the political crusade to “get Trump.”

Just days later, the left’s animus toward the High Court once again reached a new crescendo when the justices ruled in a 9-0 decision that Colorado does not have the constitutional authority to unilaterally remove Trump from the state primary ballot. Democrat officials in Colorado and several other states had previously been attempting to remove Trump from their state ballots by arguing that Trump had engaged in insurrection on January 6, 2021, which they claim would disqualify him under the terms of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The Court said the states had no such authority. 

“The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members including Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension,” spewed former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann. “And collectively the ‘court’ has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved.”

CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen similarly condemned the unanimous decision—in which even liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson joined the majority—as an instance of the Court “putting wind in Trump’s sails.” New York Times opinion columnist David French, meanwhile, melodramatically declared, “As of Monday, March 4, 2024, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution is essentially a dead letter.”

The left’s objectives with this all-out assault on the Court should be strikingly clear. By relying on histrionic rhetoric that insists the Court is “placing itself on trial” and must be “dissolved,” the left is not only ramping up its longstanding efforts to chip away at the Court’s legitimacy and dislodge its institutional integrity, but it is also trying to pressure the justices as they make upcoming decisions related to Trump. And always in the background is the threat that they will escalate their perennial bid to pack the Court with left-wing activists and partisan lackeys.

The left’s real problem with the Court’s decisions isn’t that they are not constitutionally sound (they are) but rather that the justices refused in this case to both legitimize the extralegal attacks on Trump and to advance the liberal effort to subvert democracy by denying voters the opportunity to choose their own leaders.

Americans should also pay close attention to how quickly the left has turned on the liberal justices as soon as they ruled in a way that Democrat partisans disagree with. Ketanji Brown-Jackson went from being hailed as a genius paragon of legal excellence during her confirmation just two years ago to being derided as “inept at reading comprehension” the very first time she ruled in a way liberals didn’t like.

To anyone who values the separation of powers, the rule of law, and the American constitutional order itself, these attempts to delegitimize the Court and strip it of its institutional integrity are jarring and dangerous. And although Democrats will almost certainly attempt to downplay their desires to expand the Court as campaign season ramps up ahead of the November election, voters should not be fooled.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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6 months ago

Liberals only want SCOTUS neutralized while it has a sorta/kinda conservative majority.
Liberals will accept any and all outrageous SCOTUS decisions from a liberal majority court.
* Not a Mitch McConnell fan, at all. But, conservatives should give him credit for keeping a truly awful human Merrick Garland off SCOTUS.

6 months ago

Yes, of course the left wants to delegitimize anyone who applies logic in their assessments of both personal behavior and criminality. The reason is simple… the left wants to control and “own” the lives and livelihoods of others. They want to take what is not theirs.

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Excellent article. No surprise that democrats want to stack the U.S. Supreme Court so it will be one sided.
Even Dictator Beijing biden is too Chicken to accept Challenge for Presidential Debate anywhere, anytime by President Trump.
Can you imagine the U.S. Supreme Court only having democrats who will play politics from the Bench who will be funded by Soros who protects criminals and democrats only?
Think about it.

6 months ago

Once again, the crybaby liberals throw a tantrum when they don’t get their way, so they take any measure possible, constitutionality be damned, to cheat their way into power under their lies of “saving democracy.” Sadly, there are millions of idiots who believe them. We MUST win the election in November if we want to maintain our way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Otherwise we’ll crumble into a communist-run country and the only way we’ll be allowed to display Old Glory is upside down.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
6 months ago

The Left’s Lunacy has no boundaries … just like our borders. Why aren’t they screaming about Justice “I can’t define a woman … I’m not a biologist” Jackson… who voted with the rest of the court. WHERE IS THEIR OUTRAGE? A 9-0 ruling is what legal scholars would call.. “A No Brainer”

6 months ago

These judges need to stop caving in to the aggressive left. Pelosi, Cheney, Behar and the rest that hate Trump, why, because he showed the world what a good President looks like and it is NOT in the Democratic party. Every BS transgression they can conjure up only sticks when the cockroaches come out of the woodwork. May the SCOTUS make the right decision “under the law”- knowing what is correct for one is correct for the other.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Let me know when they’re done “saving democracy” from the voter.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

Someone should tell these whiny crybabies that the Supreme Court’s job is to rule on the issues at hand according to the rule of law. It is NOT their job to blindly rubberstamp the policy preferences of the left and the never-Trumpers. They need to understand that the courts are a separate co-equal branch of government, NOT part of the legislative branch. Also, the judges who want to make law instead of interpreting it NEED TO RESIGN FROM THE BENCH AND RUN FOR ELECTED OFFICE!

6 months ago

The demorat communist Party simply wants to destroy America. Anyone supporting them is equally responsible for the damage done to this country

6 months ago

Obama and his ilk have done more to destroy this country than ever. If ANYONE thinks Biden is in charge they are Fools no matter their hatred for Trump. ANY Conservative Republican who would run would be subject to ruination.

6 months ago

First, and most important, The United States is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, NOT, REPEAT NOT A DEMOCRACY.
Every one of the democommunists who would try to damage our Supreme Court (politician or notable civilian) should be tried in a court of law for SEDITION and if found guilty spend 10 or more years in jail.
If these unAmerican traitors hate our country so much why hasn’t even one of the traitors left America?
These traitors are rotten to the core and must be made to pay a significant price for trying to destroy our country.

6 months ago

The ultra left doesn’t fall under the law. They make their laws. And they have decided Maga and Trump are domestic terrorists. Trump is guilty of everything they decided he was guilty off. They have been busy for years to eliminate the Supreme Court. Because the court stands between keeping America a free Republic where the people decide and a dictatorship where the ultra left and Obiden decides. Every time the court rules against them they go to bat to eliminate the court. They have divided this country in order to make it a dictatorship. Talking heads like H and Liz Cheney and the brain dead women on the View and MSM like MsNbc and CNN are perpetuating the stigma ole Joe put on them when he spoke in Philadelphia from Satans cave and called half the citizens in this country domestic terrorists and migrants that kill, rape and create mayhem all over the country are free to roam the country and do it again. All this is a plan to divide this nation and brainwash those among us to commit suicide for what they call us. Depopulate the country and eliminate their opposition. If ole Joe comes back this will escalate till there are no more Magas left. H keeps saying we are taking our instructions from Trump. Well that is how it goes with the dems. We are independent thinkers. Ever since O became president I knew what was coming. Total disregard of those having another opinion from theirs. O only had been president for a few months when he was talking to a group of supporters and said, while making the motion of steeping a teabag, we will get rid of these people. Meaning the Tea Party group. The leaders of the Magas of today. Trump wasn’t even in the picture then. O started this divisiveness and started black racism on the white race. And all those that are screaming the Magas are terrorists, have better realize that they are the white race too. And once the ultra left has the total power they will be replaced in their job. That day will be here soon if ole Joe is re-elected, or Newsom or Harris if ole Joe can’t. A huge shift is coming to America till everyone sees what the ultra left, with help of the dems, is doing to this country. It is not too late people to reverse this and save America and its citizens.

6 months ago

“Democrats” (neoMarxists) ramp up their standard operating procedure of breaking all laws, “creating” or distorting and weaponizing the laws and bureaucracies against those who don’t buy into their ideologies, shredding the Constitution, committing atrocities, lying, cheating, starting wars they cannot finish, manage or win, stealing and even committing murder (eh, Hillary?), and even rewriting history and creating alternative realities such as erasing the borders and funding our enemies, all in order to gain power and control the masses. Surely something as trivial as the SCOTUS shouldn’t be any problem.

Grace Andaverde
Grace Andaverde
6 months ago

Again, the left Democrats will turn on you when you go against their AGENDA & they do have an agenda! Their agenda ,since Donald Trump has chosen to run for presidency the first time & again for re-election @ present is to keep him out of the White House. They make up LIES & continue to accuse him of things that didn’t do, especially J6 insurrection that he & many other innocent people have been accused of & FALSLEY JAILED. They remain in jail to this day denied their rights for JUSTICE. These people will go after anyone who gets in their way. THEY THINK THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW!!!

6 months ago

Liz Chaney’s response actually proves the court’s decision as correct. Balance of Power should not interfered with. So, a move to change the Judicial organization before powers in one of the other branches means the BALANCE could be changed. Doing so is a threat to democracy and FREEDOM.

T's Ling
T's Ling
6 months ago

It’s funny how the leftist went nuts when SCOTUS ruled based on the constitution but are happy to turn their faces away from the riots and looting in sanctuary cities.

Allan Terry
Allan Terry
6 months ago

Pelosi, Olbermann, and Behar have no shame. Apparently, it is O.K. for Joe Biden to ignore or deliberately refuse to enforce our laws, roll out the red carpet for millions of foreign invaders, and peddle influence to our communist enemies. Biden’s “open borders” policy can’t make illegal immigrants “legal,” so they remain criminals after being released into our nation’s interior. Small town governments and rural hospitals will soon fall like dominos from providing free essential services and unreimbursed health care to ever-increasing numbers of illegal aliens.
Those same hypocrites vigorously object to SCOTUS giving a former president, Donald Trump, a fair hearing after his Constitutional rights (1st & 8th Amendments) have been clearly violated. Congressional Democrats seek to seize control of the White House and both houses of Congress, and they are willing to do whatever will be necessary (including lawfare and fraud) to attain that goal. If they succeed in packing SCOTUS with radical, socialist justices, an all-powerful Democrat oligarchy won’t be far away. No nation can long endure when its leaders no longer respect the rule of law.
Congressional Republicans, you must begin Joe Biden’s impeachment hearings ASAP, instead of just campaign fundraising and promising to do your job next year, if reelected. Then it may be too late!

6 months ago

I can’t help but laugh at the insidiousness of their desperation. It only proves how intense their mission is to retain any and all power of control and associated income. How do these people sleep at night. They may not answer to the public now, but they will have to attest to our Maker for their greed / moral sins. Yes, it does exist.

Alan Daniel
Alan Daniel
6 months ago

Amazing how the Woke/liberal/communist think, isn’t it? It was totally legal for one Democrat office holder to declare Mr. Trump was guilty of insurrection and remove him from the state’s ballot without asking for the concurrence of anyone, including the state legislature or the governor. Was she given the power to indict or skip a trial or perhaps decide on various motions normally filed by defense attorneys? Not that I remember. In addition, the W/L/C think a 9 to Zero SCOTUS decision is completely corrupt. Ok, we might agree the court system is corrupt in various ways, but upholding the rights of potential defendants to an indictment by a District Attorney, a trial by jury, the right to be represented by council, and more, is not corruption. It is the opposite. The rights set forth in our Constitution cannot be stripped away because a dominant group holds office. AD2

Thomas G.
Thomas G.
6 months ago

Well, it does appear to me that Joe Biden and his family are above our laws or they would all be in prison by now!

6 months ago

The left wing nuts are like children having temper tantrums. They want everything their way, all the time. Many young people have been raised that way too, judging by all the college protests. It’s time conservatives gave them a reality check. Suffering builds character, let’s make them suffer.

6 months ago

Daily the Democrats and the MSM make us despise them more. I cannot think of a time when I found “the other side” so corrupt, dishonest and partisan. These are very contemptible and noxious persons who arrogantly say the opposition is always wrong, and that they know more and better than anyone else. They make up a sickening conglomeration of the worst of American politics and the worst of American politicians. I truly hope they will sink themselves into this toxic, nasty hole they’ve that the rest of us can breathe free from the noxious air they spew.

6 months ago

Just who do they think they are?

Papa John
Papa John
6 months ago

If anything should be delegitimized it’s the Democratic Party.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
6 months ago

The bottom line: the most dangerous virus American independence and freedom has ever seen is the demonicrat party!

6 months ago

The Dems had better consider that if the President has no immunity then what will happen to the head of the Biden crime family if we ever get some Republicans with the guts to speak out and prosecute his crimes?

3 months ago

Every nation who turns its back on Israel will suffer when God removes his blessings. The democrats will support the terrorists who want to kill every Jew. Please find the truth about the butchers who burned babies alive in ovens and raped and be headed children in front of the parents or made the children watch their parents killed before they were killed. And the UN thinks Israel should surrender to Hamas and stop hunting every Hamas leader. No mean no. Hamas refuses peace and has publicly condemned Israel to death.
the democrats will support any way to stop aid to Israel. Please stand with Israel and vote for those who support Israel’s right to defend their nation.

6 months ago

The Supreme Court may have “betrayed” their democracy, but was faithful to our Constitutional Republic. :).

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
6 months ago

If there happened to be a democrat that’s any smarter or more AMERICAN than MOST of the Supreme Court justices,I would be shocked.The democrats knock the constitution and there is no contest on intelligence there.The people that drafted the Constitution had more foresight and common sense than anyone alive today,especially the anti AMERICA democrats.

6 months ago

As Mark Levin, a lawyer learned in the Constitution, says, “ the Supreme Court has been politicized, a great danger.” He also commented after Biden’s disgraceful ranting speech that it makes no sense to have the justices sitting there to be demeaned and lectured to.

6 months ago

Very amazing to see how we went from 911, to this. Was everything that the government is doin now, planned out before 911 or was this planned out during Obama as president. I belive this was planned out during Obama being president. I also belive that this country has been compromised with Obiden . Obama started this mess when he was in office opening up the boarders the same way they are now , he also made it where the gay men could play in women’s sports . I belive we have a dictator in office now wich is Obama , the only way our country can be destroyed is from the inside out, and its happening now.

6 months ago

Why do we need a Supreme court to administer justice when we have the communist democrats? If the mob can do away with any attempt of receiving a just trial we are fully in their control. After all, isn’t that their main objective?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

The only “threat to democracy” I see is when the Democrat Party is apparently to the left of Justice Ketenji Jackson Brown with many of them calling for the eradication of 1/3rd a branch of our government.

P. Mahlik
P. Mahlik
6 months ago

Seems to me that when you take the the oath of office you are expected to follow our constitution and do what is right for America and its citizens. If that is not done, that should be a reason to file treason charges. Trying to make us a socialist or one world government, that should certainly be cause for deep concern for everyone who loves America. Where is the outrage and why is nothing being said about that. Why can’t we not sue the news media that keep telling us twisted news and outright lies? So many people do not know the truth. They either think we are lying or are shocked to find out too late that we are telling the truth. So many crimes being done, so much evidence, How much more do you need to charge someone when it is plain to see the evidence? So little against Trump, and charges erupt everywhere! So much of our taxpayer money spent on attorneys and still nothing? I see our my America in decline. So next is trying to destroy our Supreme Court!!!!!
A very worried American.

Roy Swank
Roy Swank
6 months ago

The SCOTUS is integral to the balance of power as set forth in the Constitution. If the autocrats (Democrats) take control of the Court then the balance of power ceases to exist and an autocratic government is established. The Democrats have proven that they have no respect for the Constitution and it means nothing to them unless it can be used to hammer their opposition or support one of their nefarious agenda items or policies. Their saying is “if it is illegal we can get it done today, but if it is unconstitutional it will take a little longer.” That is the essential Democrats’ credo. The Republic flourishes only if the Constitution is honored and followed, and SCOTUS preforms their job as the Founders intended and that is to ensure all laws passed by Congress and actions by the Executive branch are within its bounds. Ideologs do not belong in the courts, at any level. As Hamilton said, “If it were to be asked, What is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be, An inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws – the first growing out of the last…A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government.” The Constitution with its Bill of Rights hinders the advancement of their autocratic, dictatorial regime.

Joe Black
Joe Black
6 months ago

It’s never been more clear the disdain the Left has for our Constitution. It has become most apparent that their endgame is total power and rule by a small minority of self-superior elites. Their war cry to the masses will be “Let them eat cake!”

6 months ago

For several years, I have called them coNmunists. They are clearly con artists. married to a communist ideology. It has become so obvious that their own people on SCOTUS cannot uphold their plans.

6 months ago

Defend America by dissolving the corrupt democratic party. The country I grew up with loving and defending is gone. This civil war is not going to end well.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
6 months ago

Democrats are just reinforcing their determination to get rid of anyone that does not agree with them and any law that does not cement their absolute control over everyone. You can be sure they will not let the election this fall pass if it is not beneficial to their planned dictatorship. They will openly rig the election and deny they are doing it, they will even blame the opposition for it. After all this if President Trump does by some miracle still win they will deny his right to office. This will be our opportunity to finally remove everyone of them from society. Sure there will be losses but this is an inevitable outcome just as the revolutionary war was, only this time we are fighting against Marxism by known communists. They have demonstrated their nothing less than complete rule attitude and cannot be allowed to continue their destruction of a free America. This election will be the match that lites the fuse. No matter the outcome of the election we will have to fight these radicals to keep our freedom and county. They are not going to allow anything less at this point. Appeasement will only put us back in the stone age without utilities, food, or everyday comforts we are used to while the democratic elites will live in luxury as long as their stolen loot and income from a country held in slavery lasts. Is this what you want or will you be willing to stand up and stop it now.

6 months ago

To call these people (those having meltdowns) children is insulting to children. This and so much more that is taking place in that cesspool called Washington D.C. is beyond embarrassing. The fact that public schools have been failing the population in the “3 R’s” AND Civics—CLEARLY—is now showing up all throughout our decaying, godless nation. The woefully ignorant are everywhere, and they have the megaphone. Let’s pray (and I do mean on our knees) that we don’t squander our last chance to turn this around in November. Pray hard and without ceasing! Time is running out.

6 months ago

Got to get way out in front of all of the NONSENSE.

6 months ago

Nothing to see here! Just the Soros Organization and their Bought and Paid-for Democrat Party implementing their Cloward-Piven Strategy intended on Destroying our American Way of Life.The Democrats have been attempting to stack the court system since they became a party. FDR tried it and lost. They will never stop until they destroy the country.https: //

6 months ago

If Ginsberg had retired during O’Bumbler’s term instead of holding on for the first woman President (Hitlery), he could’ve added a 3rd loser. Kagan wrote part of Obamacare and should have recused herself from that decision Sotomayor, the “Wise Latina”, not so much. Jackson doesn’t know if (s)he is a woman ? Garland is a hack as AG and would have been even more of a disaster on SCOTUS, Roberts could retire so TRUMP can solidify a conservative majority for along time.

John Riley
John Riley
6 months ago

The Supreme Court does not take political sides. It rules on what the Constitution of The United States says is the law of the land. If you disagree amend the law and quit running your mouth. You are showing your stupidity or your hatred that is so deep you would destroy the foundation of our liberties.

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Add that the democrats are pushing a Bill (H.R. 14 Reintroduced by Schumer) to give the DOJ, Full Veto Power over State Elections where they can decide what votes they like. Other words, ONLY democrats win.
Contact your Senators and tell them this can’t be allowed.
There’s that taking away your Rights and Freedom of Speech with Freedom of Choice by democrats as usual and they always want more of your Rights and continue taking them away until you have NONE.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
6 months ago

I am surprised that anyone is surprised by this decision. I guess they feel that it is okay to arbitrarily decide someone that they dislike can be banned from ballots.This is an embarrassment for the dems and talking heads. Trump has not been convicted of insurrection! There is no due process.

6 months ago

And voters should not vote Democrat if they can read…

6 months ago

And Trump is THE threat to Democracy?!!????? Smh. #Trump2024NowMoreThanEver

Ron St. Martin
Ron St. Martin
6 months ago

The one thing that stands out most in this, is Pelosi is Right for once! NO ONE is ABOVE the LAW! DemoRats!

Bill Butler
Bill Butler
6 months ago

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy reading the articles with red and blue circles with little thingies in them in three key areas and a great back and white flag splashed on the right side. These thingies leave two complete lines to read before adjusting the print. Can they be put somewhere else? In a tray? Or even consigned to the Menu?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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