
Elections , Newsline

Democrats’ Noncitizen Voting Scam

Posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Voter ID Required sign torn in half in trash can

If you think offering migrants luxury hotel rooms, free meals, laundry service, transportation, health care and immigration lawyers is excessive, just wait until they can vote. Democrats are pushing to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections in New York City, Boston and other municipalities, as well as statewide in Connecticut.

The number of migrants pouring across the southern border hit a record high, according to data released Saturday. Illegal immigrant crossings soared 21% over the previous month. On a yearly basis, the figure hit 2.48 million.

Democrats may feign shock and distress. Don’t be fooled. Dems see these newcomers as their guarantee of a permanent voting majority in local elections. Not years from now, after the newcomers become citizens. Right now.

New York Mayor Eric Adams’ rhetoric is typical. He warns that the overwhelming number of migrants arriving — currently 16,000 to 17,000 a month — “will destroy New York City,” but he’s also leading the legal effort to turn migrants into voters.

Adams and other New York Democrats pushed President Joe Biden to expedite work authorizations for them. They said it’s about making migrants self-sufficient. Maybe, but Dems have another powerful motive.

If you read the fine print of New York City’s “Our City, Our Vote” law, enacted in December 2021, it says that anyone with a work authorization who has been in the city for a mere 30 days can vote, even if they entered the country illegally.

Biden’s recent action fast-tracking work authorizations for Venezuelan border crossers, who make up about 41% of recent arrivals in New York City, will make tens of thousands of them eligible to vote under New York City’s new law, as soon as they obtain their working papers.

That is, if New York City’s voting law is allowed to go into effect. A big “if.” The law is tied up in court.

A group of Republicans led by Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella sued, arguing the state constitution grants the right to vote to “every citizen.” A Staten Island judge bought that argument and struck down the law, but Adams’ law department is appealing that ruling in a higher court, arguing that the state constitution does not specifically prohibit noncitizens from voting.

Adams has a shot at winning. Vermont’s top court ruled in favor of allowing noncitizens to vote in municipal elections, even though the Vermont constitution restricts voting in state elections to U.S. citizens.

California and Maryland also already permit municipalities to enfranchise noncitizens.

The Boston City Council is debating allowing newcomers to vote, including migrants who recently came across the border illegally and have temporary protected status.

In Washington, D.C., Democrats rammed through a local law in November 2022 allowing noncitizens, even foreign embassy employees, to vote, as long as they’ve resided in the city for 30 days.

In Connecticut, Democrats want to amend the state’s constitution to allow noncitizens to vote in state and local elections. Amending the state’s charter is a multiyear complicated process, and it’s facing stiff opposition from the Republican minority in the legislature. House Minority Leader Rep. Vincent Candelora calls noncitizen voting “outrageous.”

For New York City, “suicidal” is more accurate.

Adding some 800,000 noncitizens to the 5 million registered voters in the city will have an impact, even if newcomers don’t always vote as a block.

Nora Moran of the United Neighborhood Houses, a New York nonprofit, predicts noncitizen voting will make political leaders “more responsive” to the needs of newcomers and their neighborhoods.

To the extent “more responsive” means spending more, that will be a disaster.

City spending on migrants already exceeds the budgets of the Fire, Sanitation and Parks Departments combined. “We are past our breaking point,” Adams cautioned two months ago, adding that New Yorkers will be facing cuts in every type of city service to foot the bill.

Letting noncitizens vote will dilute the political power of all other New Yorkers, who are the real victims of Biden’s open borders.

Tell Adams to withdraw his legal appeal and stop pushing for noncitizen voting.

Voting is a privilege reserved for citizens. Once immigrants follow the law, become naturalized and swear loyalty to this nation and its Constitution, they should be entitled to vote. Not before.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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1 year ago

This effort to empower illegals to vote isn’t limited to just New York City or even New York state. It is happening all across the country, in every Democrat dominated area. The importation of several tens of millions of illegals to become the new majority voting base not only the Democrat Party, but the entire country, has been the active plan since 1965 when the Kennedy sponsored immigration reform bill was signed into law by LBJ. The plan is to first enable illegals to vote in local and state elections. Then once their numbers overwhelm the system in the gerrymandered voting districts and the Democrats control both Congress and the White House with sufficient numbers or enough RINOs see the writing on the wall and throw their support into another mass amnesty bill in hopes of keeping their seats, the illegals will all be granted immediate citizenship or quick path to it in 18 to 24 months.

This is NOT some far off threat that won’t materialize for 15 to 20 years. This is the Democrat goal in the next couple of years. We already have an estimate of at least 45 million illegals in this country per U.S. government agency reports. Many already vote illegally in several Democrat run states as they simply get added to the voter rolls when they get drivers licenses or renew vehicle registrations. They just have to check a box on the form. There are other ways in Democrat run states to have illegals end up on the voter rolls as well. All Eric Adams is doing is trying to streamline the process a bit in his state.

By the time the 2024 election rolls around, we should have a total closer to 48 million illegals at the rate the Biden administration is processing them through our open borders. The monthly numbers the federal government provides support those totals. The Democrats have NO intention of surrendering control of either the White House or the Senate and are already taking various steps to ensure they retain control no matter what the voters say. If you haven’t already noticed, the gloves are off and they aren’t bothering to mask much of their agenda at this point. Things are finally coming to a head, and it is no longer possible to ignore what is going on all around you.

New York Democrats already have a legal suit active in New York state to reverse the voting maps for the state that allowed 5 Republicans to win seats in the House of Representatives. Which means when the Democrat Judge overseeing the case rules in their favor, the House will flip back to Democrat control in 2024 and we’re off to the races on that mass amnesty bill. That’s the plan anyway. Whether the American people just sit still and get checkmated is still an open question, but I’m not holding my breath at this point.

Democrats have been playing chess for decades on this issue, while most Republican politicians have been playing checkers at best. Some not even doing that. Folks like McConnell and his merry band of RINOs in the Senate aren’t even pretending to put up any resistance to what the Democrats are doing. Instead, they are simply lining their pockets as fast as they can before they find themselves back out on the street with the rest of us. The difference of course we be that they will have enough money to weather the “new normal” of our transformed United States.

1 year ago

To allow a non-citizens, illegals people or whatever you choose to call them to vote is unconstitutional and therefore is void! Who ever does this should be stripped of their title and imprisoned!

1 year ago

I feel that the Democrats have been leaving the border open in hopes that there will be millions more Democrat voters who will ensure their place in power for a long time in this country!! However, people who are willing to break the law to enter any country would also be willing to just not vote!!! They might pick up a page from Joe Biden and demand payment for voting for Democrats!!! What’s happening in our country at the hands of Democrats is despicable and will be the very undoing of this country!!

1 year ago

We have a lot of traitors in the DC Swamp and no one to prosecute them!

1 year ago

Just as we conservatives predicted…it’s not about “humanity”, it’s about keeping power however it has to be done even if it means crashing and destroying the United States of America! What the fools overlook is that once the illegals have voting power, they will vote the American elites out and vote their countrymen in! Look what the middle eastern population has done in other parts of the country – from those wonderful people who brought us Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar for Congress.

1 year ago

This is nothing short of illegal. One must earn citizenship to earn the right to vote. Period. This is an attempt to usurp the rights of legal citizens. The democratic party of corruption must be outlawed.

1 year ago

So what can the average US CITIZEN do about it Betsy? We don’t have our heads in the sand, we can see what is going on, we show up and vote. Doesn’t seem to make any difference when the other side cheats via early voting scams, fixed election machines and now non-citizens voting.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

democrats have a long long history of voter fraud. Chicago had democrat voter fraud 100 years ago. Washington state and california both set the process for how to get illegals on voter rolls. It works like this: pass voter/motor laws on the lie that is will get young people registers as soon as they are 18 years old, then pass licensing for illegals on the logic that you need to know who is on the roads, then accidentally on propose put the illegals on the voter registration. Instant illegals voting. All the democrat states do this now.

We need to make voter/motor laws and illegal alien licensing illegal at a federal level.

anyone who tries to claim democrats do not commit voter fraud knows they are lying.

1 year ago

When my parents came here in the 1920’s…they HAD TO BECOME CITIZENS BEFORE THEY COULD VOTE!!! WHY IS IT SO DIFFERENT IN AMERICA TODAY?? My parents HAD to learn enough English to pass the test for citizenship…WHO or WHAT GIVE THE IMMIGRANTS OF TODAY THE RIGHT TO COME HERE & TAKE OVER OUR COUNTRY AS THEY ARE DOING.?

1 year ago

DEPORT ALL liberals, illegals AND THE ONCE HONORABLES, fbi, doj, cia, secret service TO THE NEW AUSCHWITZ FOR ROAS….., STAT, TO MAGA

1 year ago

those darn republicans are sleeping on the job again! Why did they not fight against the voting law before it was passed? We need republicans who fight against such legislation instead of whine about it afterwards…..

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

With all these ppl coming here & leaving their own countries behind, it’s probably easier if we all moved to Costa Rica, Guatemala, and other Latin American countries and start a “New US”. Bet the dollar goes farther there too!

Joseph Pelle
Joseph Pelle
1 year ago

Eric Adams is just another whack job Dem trying desperately to legitimize illegal aliens so they can vote. We all know it. Why are the republicans sitting on their hands?
Is there no way to light a fire under our party? Our current leadership seems to like just sitting back and letting the dems rule. I am ashamed of rino republican party.
I think it is time for a 3rd party.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

This is a no-brainer. The Constitution requires foreign aliens to apply for citizenship. This means going to classes to learn about the Constitution and our country and pass a test to become a citizen of this country and then be allowed to register to vote. Illegal aliens do not meet this criteria and should not be given access to vote in our elections. You just can’t import voters!

1 year ago

Meanwhile, the only political party that ‘could’ do something about this sits on its collecive ass and manages their millions. The American taxpayer no longer matters to them. . .either. Plan accordingly.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
1 year ago

Dems LOVE illegals!! they boost the census count! More citizens in certain states- means more REPRESENTATION( ergo Congressman) for that state- AND one LESS representative in another less populated state- The House in Congress is limited to 435 members. Just another Democrat Way to stack the deck at election time.

1 year ago

Another plan to dismiss the millions of legal US citizens and muzzle their voices to vote their fate. Only the migrants vote will count and the governing will be done accordingly.
First they take our money by taxing us to death to pay for the wars. Second through high food and gas prices and mandates to buy expensive e cars and e appliances. The next thing will be more taxes and the digital money system. Chips injected into our bodies unless we have them already via de COVID vaccine. We will be controlled more and more. By 2030 you will own nothing but you WILL be happy. Don’t forget that last part. Orders are orders. Ja mein Fuhrer.

Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith
1 year ago

My vote as a legal citizen is negated by allowing a non-citizen the same right to vote as me. I am being robbed of my totally legal rights by my countries leadership. The leadership individuals that are promoting this is a cancer within our great country that must be removed for us to survive.

1 year ago

Only citizens should be allowed to vote

1 year ago

Voting and local elections is the immediate problem. Once these illegal aliens are included in the census, it will allow more representatives for those states to be elected to Congress, which, presumably will be Democrat liberal representatives. Once that happens, we’ve lost the country.

1 year ago

Talk about entitlement and a free ride. Democrats want to drown America and true Americans. They can’t win by honesty so they are willing to win by lies and deceit. Nothing new on that front. Wait until the immigrants get smart enough to see through the deceitful guise.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Allowing illegals to vote is “Representation WITHOUT taxation” which is just as bad as its opposite! DJT needs to throw them all out and if their anchor babies don’t want to go with them, allow them to be adopted by AMERICANS!

1 year ago

Remember “Excape From New York” build a wall around it, and seal it up. Fund only security to keep everyone in. Then it will truly be a sanctuary for illegals. While your at it build one around the pathetic political hacks of Washington DC.

1 year ago

Allowing illegals to vote simply makes a mockery of our laws and the law-abiding immigrants who come to the U.S. legally. Only citizens have the right to vote. Let’s bring common sense back to government. The illegal immigrant problem is a huge burden to our institutions and taxpayers. Congress needs to fix this now.

1 year ago

Everything the demorats have done for the last few years, especially since comrade ” Obama” crept into the Whitehouse, is to destroy this nation…once upon a time this would have been called and prosecuted as High Treason! I believe High Treason was the death penalty. This started in earnest with Barack Hussein Obama…now pretty much known as the “president” behind Biden, his once vice president. He threatened to “fundamentally change America” and the sheep applauded…then there’s “congress” also a name for a gathering of baboons, getting fat off the backs of Americans. Our nation has been breached unlike any time in its history. To say it’s vulnerable and in grave danger is attributed to a self serving “government” and drastically understated. We have, in effect, lost our Republic…as Ben Franklin stated so succinctly so long ago when asked “what is the best form of government?” His answer” “A Republic…if you can keep it”. In our beginning there were the Federalists and the anti-Federalists. Unfortunately the “federalists” won out basically dis-establishing states rights…Lest we forget the almost bleeding from the eyes panic to destroy our 2nd. Amendment. Our “public’ schools are barely above indoctrination centers. Colleges with precious few exceptions are breeding grounds for the destruction of everything this nation once held dear…including our true beginnings.
Bottom line: everything being DONE TO this nation is to undermine it in all areas. First disarm…dictators can’t abide an armed citizenry. Second: destroy its borders…as Ronald Reagan said so rightfully: “A nation without borders is not a nation.” Enlarge the government at every opportunity. ‘Bloat” is “go” to the New World Order “elite”…as George Bush Sr. opined in his presidential acceptance speech; “We must usher in the New World Order.” Put all that’s being done in this nation (and world wide) into a large picture…it should mirror the pits of hell on earth.

1 year ago

nothing and i mean nothing surprises me to the lengths these dumos will go to win. they prove it when they do get into the white house, they ran on nothing and they do nothing and know nothing

Michael G. Venaccio
Michael G. Venaccio
1 year ago

Again, what are some suggestions to deal with this?? Everyone has an opinion, we all see what is being done, so maybe start massive lawsuits a la democrats. Have suggested that the best way is make sure you vote for candidates at the local state legislature level who will enforce voting laws, make sure that voting laws are only enacted by the legislatures and to hols state officials, including judges, that make arbitrary changes are held accountable or voted out. Problem is that too few good people want to run for office and get seduced by the dark side.

1 year ago

I did not see in this article, except one instance, where this issue is being taken to higher courts, even to the Supreme Court. This is a travesty that should not be allowed to stand! Every one of these municipalities should be sued to the hilt. Where are the wealthy Republicans who could be bankrolling these suits?

1 year ago

Unless the Republicans take majority and the presidency we are doomed. The only glimmer of hope that I hold is that the immigrants will vote based on christian morals…..a very slight glimmer.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Dems Plan
Kill the homeless with drugs & bring in the Illegals

Michael Gamble
Michael Gamble
1 year ago

Vote EVERY Democrat out of office that favors that plan. Mark Levin is correct. Democrats ARE Anti-American, Anti-US Citizen. Democrats are the Pro-Nazi/ Pro- Communist’s party’s in America. Who ever thought that both of these vomitous ; primate parties would OCCUPY our Nation. NO voting rights EVER for these invading Enemies.

1 year ago

If the commie/democrats have their way, there won’t be elections, as in communist countries. They want to destroy the constitution and the bill of rights to fit their Obama agenda.

1 year ago

Why should illegals or undocumented be allowed to vote in this country?? They have already broken our laws by how they got here!! Even if they came through an actual port of entry, they still aren’t citizens and probably don’t even want to be!! Voting is a privilege and a responsibility to our country and our Constitution!!! These illegals and newbies have no stake in the game except for all of the free stuff they are getting from the feds!!!!! That is being done because the Democrats think that there will be so much gratitude from all of these illegals that they will vote Democrat BUT I’m not sure how welcomed these illegals feel when they are being shipped around the countryside with no job, no house, no food, no transportation, no clothing except what they brought with them, – by the way, who is paying for the cell phones that they all seem to have if they don’t have jobs??? NYC is trying to streamline a way to citizenship – what should happen is a streamline way to ship them back to where they came from??? Why are we keeping them here at all????

Patricia King
Patricia King
1 year ago

Letting non-citizens vote is an atrocity! “In order to form a more perfect union” This movement can and will bring America down! ????????

1 year ago

These are not “non-citizens” nor is there anything migratory about the invasion. Call it what it is, an illegal invasion by illegal aliens, most of which are America hating military aged fighting men. Nothing oppressed or migratory about that or the amount of drugs illegals and cartel bring here.

1 year ago

They should be deported back to their countries unless they came because of political persecution. They should not ever be allowed to vote unless they came here legally… Of course, this is never going to happen and if things continue as they are going, we’ll have a uniparty ruling our banana republic/police state…

1 year ago

Immigration needs to be legal and merit based. What is going on is an attempt to “change America.” I hope this very wrong course can be corrected.

1 year ago

You would have to be a democrat not to know that massive cheating is not happening. I am not a dumb/clueless democrat. I am not a democrat at all. I know what is right and what is wrong for this country, and the democratic way is certainly not the right way for our country. It is so so obvious that massive cheating has been going on in our elections recently, and I guess there is lots more to come. And you wonder why I hate democrats and their dumb ways? I don’t want to get along with democrats and never will unless they come back from that far left edge that they have gone to, which of course probably will never happen. So ————– screw you dems ———— you people are ruining a lot of good lives that we all had up until the Obama years, and now through the Biden years.

1 year ago

Biden is a sick communist and will one day be tried for treason.

Herb F.
Herb F.
1 year ago

A sovereign country has 3 basic characteristics, borders, language, & a common shared culture. Without them we have no melting pot formerly known as the USA. As far as the illegals obtaining driver licenses advise them they will be deported without a properly vetted background check. They should be compelled to provide fingerprints, DNA testing, and testing for communicable diseases. If caught driving without proper and legal ID and insurance they will be immediately DEPORTED ! If then they tried to reenter the country we would have their info on a federal database and reject their entry.

1 year ago

The Democrat party has proven they do not belong in our United States of AMERICA political establishment any longer. They no longer work for We the People and have repeatedly proven it. They have turned many of their own constituents away from everyone and mostly the opposite party. DIVIDED WE FALL and that is exactly what it is causing. We need to stand together. With what is ahead of all of us…….we are all going to need each other. Bad times are coming with 8 million illegal immigrants in our country, who are mainly military-age men. What else could their purpose for that be? It sure isn’t going to be to fight FOR America. We even have a contractor selling land to illegal immigrants on the south end of Texas to illegal immigrants who should NOT be here. Google it or some kind of search and read it. IT IS REAL. ALL because of the Democrats have had this going for decades. Obama got the ball rolling and then Trump stopped it for a bit and believe me, no way did Joe win the election. Look at the numbers, they don’t lie. But hey, I am just a Conservative who was raised by a mother and father who were Democrats. That was when they could be more trusted. It really is time to wake up. Or you may not once the sh!t hits the fan. It is coming. We need a remake of all our Federal entities. BADLY!!!

1 year ago

IF Republicans tried this crap, they’d be labeled everything on the book and Dems would be up in arms!Dems do it/try it and there’s not much push back (not that it would be expected from RINO’S). However, where are the true conservatives voices and actions? The few good (useful) Republicans need to cause a dust-up and absolutely not allow this to happen!If Trump were president right now, the Dem cheaters would have to go back to their old tricks, cause this wouldn’t fly. Trump was/is for America first–that means our gov helps the homeless, hungry, unemployed, uninsured, etc FIRST, then helps others (as long as they’re law abiding citizens of USA). Biden and his ilk have it backwards, as with most things, only pushing for their own enrichment and power. I grieve for our country, watching it be dismantled, rotting from within.

1 year ago

We have no country left.

1 year ago

Who believes there is any such thing as Free Elections in this country. Elections Ended when Barry Hussein Soetoro Traitor in Chief did his 8-year Apology tour to Fundamentally Change and Divide the United States. Dumbo Ear Illegal Alien Moo slum obama started this and white pasty Commie China Biden with the help of Traitor Barry will destroy U.S.
enough of LONG WINDED Explanations on what is going on. It really is very simple. the only thing that has any truth about any of this b.s. is, now you know how many sheep lemming uneducated voters there really are in this country. Never thought there could be so many, now everyone should know. that There is.

Soylent Green !!!!

1 year ago

As a former Lt Gov of NY, Ms McCaughey should have seen this coming years ago. Oh, wait, she did and has been reporting on it ever since to NO avail. What makes her believe the people will do anything about it now?
I beleive there will be a civil war in which conservatives feel enough is too much. At that time if it turns kinetic this nation will be doomed as there are plenty of bad actor nations ready to take advantage of the turmoil. We are losing the battle and may well lose the war if we do not stop it NOW!

1 year ago

Thank you, Betsy! Your last comments hit the nail on the head and reiterate the reason our founding fathers penned things the way they did. Excellent!
As for those in power today in our major cities, they want enough change to literally destroy our country and constitution. Just a short matter of time . . . remembering Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, etc. taken over by the Nazi regime.

1 year ago

Betsy, the fact they came in to the country illegally should forever ban them from ever becoming a citizen, therefore no voting for them ever.

1 year ago

If “non-citizens” are allowed to vote, just let any “non-citizen” run for any office that they want. That should destroy America much faster. After all, this is clearly what the liberal communist democrats have wanted all along. What bothers me is that too many “Americans” pay good money to get college degrees that turns them into enemies of the state. The Blind leading the blind, and I don’t mean the visually impaired.

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