
Elections , Newsline

Democrats’ Achilles Heel: Urban Insurrections

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2024
by Barry Casselman


Summary of statewide results of the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 presidential elections by state Won by the Republicans in all four elections Won by the Republicans in three of the four elections Won by each party twice in the four elections Won by the Democrats in three of the four elections Won by the Democrats in all four elections
Summary of statewide results of the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 presidential elections by state. Red - Won by the Republicans in all four elections. Pink - Won by the Republicans in three of the four elections. Purple - Won by each party twice in the four elections. Light Blue - Won by the Democrats in three of the four elections. Dark Blue - Won by the Democrats in all four elections.

Looking at a political map of the U.S., the land mass is mostly red (Republican) with isolated islands of blue (Democrats) in urban centers, and a few blue blotches on the West Coast and the Northeast.

But there are heavy populations in the urban centers that match or exceed the numbers of voters in the rural areas and small towns, and this has helped Democrats to win the overall popular vote in every election since 2004, and win the Electoral College every cycle since then with the exception of 2016.

More than three years of the Biden presidency, and even more years of local “progressive” Democrat control, seem in 2024 to be provoking urban insurrections in many large cities which threaten to depress the Democrats’ usual heavy urban area turnout.

The New Deal era of U.S. politics (1933-81) created a government-subsidized public welfare culture that extended beyond the Depression era of the 1930s and World War II. Until the conservative Reagan era (1981-2013) began to reverse New Deal policies, both parties largely adhered to New Deal-style politics.

A more “progressive” post-New Deal program was revived after 2013 and continued at the local level even with Trump’s election in 2016. By the arrival of Joe Biden to the White House in 2021, social and economic policies had veered sharply to the left in cities as well as among Democrat lawmakers in Washington, D.C. But the inefficiency and failure of this political ideology was backfiring among those urban groups Democrats had targeted all those years, namely the urban poor and minority groups.

Much has recently been written by both Republican and Democrat strategists contending that the Democrats’ base of urban working class, black, and Hispanic voters is shrinking, and cite polls to support this. Primary voting so far also seems to reinforce this notion.

Virtually all key swing states in 2024 have at least one very large urban center with concentrations of black and Hispanic voters, and working-class voters in their adjacent suburbs.

Even only a relatively small percentage of this base shifting from voting for Democrats to voting for Republicans or third party candidates — or not voting at all — would be electorally disastrous for the Democrats in 2024.

What exactly is provoking the movement of the Democrats’ base of urban voters away from the progressive party?

It is a combination of the Biden administration’s federal energy, regulatory, and environmental policies creating potential shortages, higher fuel costs, and increased consumer prices, along with local anti-police policies, reduced law enforcement and security protection, and higher local taxes and fees.

Democrat officials like to use “tax the rich” rhetoric, but their policies mostly hurt low-income citizens and urban minorities. When these policies begin to affect more affluent voters, they move out of the cities or high-tax states, as has been happening for decades in virtually all large cities and those states with punitive tax policies such as California, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania and New York.

For many years, the social welfare programs of the Scandinavian nations were held up as an ideal and wave of the future. But those policies have proved to be failures, and have now been largely abandoned in those countries. More plainly socialist states in Europe, South and Central America, and Asia have also failed.

The ongoing implosion of urban public school education, and the very recent chaos on the campuses of so many prestigious colleges and universities, is also unsettling voters of all economic classes in urban and suburban locales. Parents, regardless of their financial resources, want their children to have a good education, but the breakdown of K-12 urban public schools and the reputational decline of so many colleges and universities, most of which are administered under progressive ideology, has caused many parents of all backgrounds to seek more secure and dependable alternatives.

All of these unfolding circumstances in the urban American environment pose an immediate problem for Democrats in 2024 in local, state, and national elections. While the establishment news media focuses on controversy, personalities, and sensational scandals —and polling which changes week to week — other forces are at work which will lead to the actual outcome less than six months from now.

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4 months ago

Democrats reliance on voter fraud cheating and lying is coming to an end. They perform so poorly they can’t buy votes. Our country is a dumpster fire and we are the laughing stock of the world. Nobody with half a brain would vote for four more years of this. Note I said half a brain, because I think collectively Democrats do not even have half a brain between all of them

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
4 months ago

I hope you are right. The Democrat platform is so flawed and their past performance is so dismal that I can never understand why they win so much. They sure are good at manipulating information and creating artificial voters however.
God help us!

4 months ago

“Even only a relatively small percentage of this base shifting from voting for Democrats to voting for Republicans or third party candidates would be electorally disastrous for the Democrats in 2024.”

That is, if we have honest elections. Despite what Nick thinks (see below) about voter fraud, you can bet on the demon-communist-cRATS will be upping their fraud game so high that it will be obvious to even the casual observer. Republicans will only win if they post themselves at every county counting facility and challenge every count.

4 months ago

I am thinking that the author is drawing attention to the large numbers, and strategic areas of the current Dem party! This supports my theory that the Dumbocrats are quite interested in becoming the one and only political party! EWWW!

4 months ago

Great article….So true”! Thank God for the Common Sense Republican voters.

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
4 months ago

As far as I’m concerned I think the last election was stolen. They cheated. I hope this election will be fair but I am very concerned it won’t happen again. I hope it gets watched closer then the last election.

John A Bird
John A Bird
4 months ago

The George Bush, the Clinton’s, Obummer, and Biden have all been traitors, and treasonous to this nation and their oaths of office. Washington DC has become the laughing stock of the world. My question is why haven’t the military stepped in and removed these clowns for their treasonous acts? They too must take an oath of office to defend this nation from from terrorists both foreign and domestic. Our nation does have checks and balances all of which have failed America/Americans.

4 months ago

The Dems have been cheating in every urban area that they control for ages, think Tammany Hall and all the “Boss” run cities of the 19th and 20th Centuries. They count the votes and investigate any election problems and so the cheating and corruption continued and they could add enough votes to even carry the entire state. If the Dems had any morals at all, they wouldn’t be Dems.

4 months ago

Urbanites are finding out there is nobody to help them living in crime filled cities. Inflation, high rent and now high interest mortgages. Schools becoming brainwashing institution for kids to be mutilated to curb the population. Education in the inner cities is dismal if not downright non existing, only for the illegal kids. Merit doesn’t count in Obiden’s world. He said the other day let us hope the reps will nominate a judge to the Supreme Court with a brain. Oops didn’t Obiden do that already with their latest nominee that could not define what is a woman? You know the brightest of the bright. She fit the criteria not the merit. A woman and black. Then again ole Joe should talk he is president of the United States of America without a brain. How did he get installed? Oh yes by fraud. Inner cities are being vacated every day more and more, people are leaving. And taking their vote with them. We only have to look how reps are being treated if you follow this latest Trump trial. The judge controls everything in favor of the prosecution and the defendants witnesses are being dismissed by telling them keep your mouth shut I am the judge I am in charge. But when the porn star was testifying she could talk and talk and say anything she wanted. After all she was testifying for Obiden. Will she appear in Obiden’s documentary? Of course. Our moral code has been abandoned and it is do what you want. Telling the truth the judge will decide when it is the truth. What you say doesn’t matter. The lies are truth and truths are lies in Obiden’s world. And judges have been paid well to adhere to that Soros law.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
4 months ago

There is a given amount of people that hate Trump so deeply, they do not care how badly biden is governing. They will vote for him or anyone else with a D behind their name.

4 months ago

Back around 1970 Merle Haggard came out with a song titled”Jesus Take A Hold”. That song is more appropriate today than when recorded. Look it up and give it a listen.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

If the Dems do have an Achilles heel, all they have to do is pull out their protective gaiters called “massive fraud”, and that will eliminate any such weakness.
Think it won’t happen again? HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!…….WATCH AND SEE!

4 months ago

We all know the last election was stolen and right before our eyes. They even told us it was
going to and yet it happened. Of course it was many generations that have been dead for 40 years that did it but how do you stop that and make sure Soro does not do it again? Just make sure you vote every one you know does also. We can not stand another 4 years of this crap!

4 months ago

I hope this is the case but at the same time it seems too optimistic. Make no mistake. Communist policies such as those embraced in larger urban areas hurt everyone, especially those that they claim are to help: lower-income, minorities, the elderly and women. However, it’s way too early to tell if people will migrate away from the Communists and vote for the GOP. Additionally, the illegals that have been allowed to come here can make up for any of other lost votes, which is what the Communists planned and want. Finally, who has 100% faith in the integrity of our elections anymore? Again, I hope Im wrong but I don’t count on it.

4 months ago

What the minorities need to learn is the history of the Democratic Party. The democrats are the ones who promoted slavery and as Joe Biden aptly “ Put you’all in chains.” It was not Republicans, but the democrats! And what has Joe and the dems done for you in the last 3-1/2 years. Remember that when you go to the polls.

4 months ago

The amount of Illegals, counted on the census, is going to heavily sway the house and senate amounts in Dems favors and the Electoral College as well

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
4 months ago

Democrats are 100% dependent on voter fraud. Washington state is a great example.

democrats passed the vote by mail bill and now they print the real ballots followed by printing pre-filled ballots, then as the ballots come in they replace the real ballots with pre-filled ballots. when they do not replace enough to win they do recounts and “find” ballots until they win.
democrats passed the motor voter law and followed that by giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. and they just happen to forget to not allow the illegals to sign up to vote.
you can vote in person in Washington but they are soros dominion voting machines.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

You know Democrats are really desperate when they start decriminalizing crack.

Armed Patriot
Armed Patriot
4 months ago


4 months ago

Being a Republican in Illinois I can say that by land mass most of this state is also more Republican than Democrat. It is the big cities like Chicago and St. Luis that tip the scales to the Democrats. I pray for people to be better informed and not be deceived by the mainstream media.

4 months ago

Psst! The DN☭ election fraud apparatus is still intact!

4 months ago

Nice article and very true to some degree and should work nicely.
But with another record breaking summer right around the corner and the impending black outs, brown outs, crime, social unrest, forest fires, etc…
The big urban centers will get the brunt of it and the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrade’s will rush in to save everyone from evilness that THEY created.

Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
4 months ago

Everything Biden’s Mentors have done are unconstitutional and must be reversed!!! The majority of American citizens don’t want another 4 years of this. Non-citizens can’t vote! Those who want to promote this are TRAITORS! There is a payment for being traitors…and many would like to see them pay!

4 months ago

“Democrats” always want to “grab the mantle” in a visible way whenever a “drama” seems ready to unfold.
I had a boss like that a couple of years ago, but, fortunately, he was marched to the door. I didn’t witness it, but I was told it was a very stylish dismissal.

4 months ago

Living in the bluestate of Sillynois we are being taxed to death because of Biden and his lap dog Pritzger. When will it ever end???

4 months ago

Why is Florida and Iowa shown as purple? Chicago is blue, Illinois not so much.

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