
Elections , Newsline

Democrat Demagoguery – Theater of the Absurd

Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Bernie Sanders

Democrats are losing their grip on reality. They assume the rest of America is on their carousel. We are not. Senators Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), former an avowed socialist, latter fending off a primary challenge from his left, have become demagogues.

A demagogue uses chicanery, fear, prejudice, desire, avarice, and hyperbole to manipulate people. The demagogue disdains dispassionate truth, rational argument, the comeback that says:  Sorry, untrue. At times, irony creeps into the conversation.

We are at that point in America today, when leading senators throw down, shamelessly breaking glass, insulting colleagues because they refuse to smash a 150-year-old tradition – the filibuster, or for standing by the 10th Amendment, or for defending voting integrity and states’ rights.

Senator Sanders last week personalized attacks – about the 20th time he has done so – against two US Senate colleagues, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), claiming they imperiled the Republic by opposing plans to destroy the filibuster, refusing to beat Republicans by burning down the old tradition – for “voting rights.”

Here is part of the irony. You see, the first bill Democrats wanted to ram through without the filibuster, which only ends with a 60-member cloture vote, aimed to eviscerate state laws passed in 2021 insisting on election integrity, voter identification, no ballot harvesting, and no cheats.

Once the first bill federalizing elections was rammed through – on one vote – the old filibuster would breathe no more, dead, no matter what got said. As the Wall Street Journal noted, that was like saying not to worry, as Democrats were only pulling one brick from the Hoover Dam. Death to the filibuster would be swift. 

The irony only gets worse. Beyond killing assurance of deliberation and killing the right of states to conduct elections fairly, the attempted Democrat trick would allow mass power concentration, bills packing the Supreme Court to eroding rights, all on one vote.

Perhaps the most glaring irony was not Sanders’ words but words from the esteemed New York Senator, Mr. Schumer. Intended or not, they sent shivers through many Americans. The filibuster guarantees the upper chamber actions are “deliberative,” not kneejerk. It assures the Constitution’s spirit is honored, even if not a constitutional provision. It is often used.

Said Sanders, after insulting Manchin in his constituency and watching leftists trail Sinema into a bathroom stall: “As the voting rights bill finally comes to the floor … there is only one vote which will really matter … will Manchin and Sinema vote with the GOP and let the bill die?” 

Recall the “voting rights” bill is a voting rights emasculation bill, not something most want. Manchin and Sinema are Senators of character who have explained their views. No matter.

Said Schumer, the same Senator who obliquely threatened the Supreme Court they would “pay” if they reversed Roe: “Make no mistake, the United States Senate will — for the first time this Congress — debate voting rights legislation … an issue as vital to the beating heart of our democracy ….”

The language caught many short. Here was a Senator who does not want to save the life of a child with a beating heart, from a state that legalized killing a child at birth, who cloaks himself in talk of the Republic’s “beating heart,” pretending that is a voting rights bill federalizing and killing states’ rights!

In short, a new age of demagoguery is upon us, return to irony within irony, layers of hyperbole, and fictional narratives sold as truth, tables pounded with mock indignance. One can get frustrated or – better yet – get some popcorn, and settle in for theater of the absurd. 

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Thanks RBC… Senator Sanders of Vermont but NOT from Vermont is a loud mouthed socialist, yet approx. 2/3rds of Vermonters, all democrats, can’t seem to get enough of this oligarch whom btw hails from a Jewish household in the borough of Brooklyn, NY…Sanders with one of his earlier wives actually took his new bride to Moscow, Russia on their honeymoon as that in of itself speaks volumes to me personally…
Bernie boy is now on his 3rd wife, i.e. Jane Sanders, whom single handedly bankrupted Burlington College & then retired with a $430,000.00 annual pension…
When ole Bernie was running for the democrat presidential nomination against HRC back in 2016, the people of Brooklyn, NY voted for Hillary, need I say anymore?
The other 1/3rd in VT are conservative Republicans living in a state run by a democrat majority for DECADES now, hence the situation we find ourselves in at present time…
Effective in 2022 all ballots in Vermont will now be MAIL-IN BALLOTS, imagine that for just a second considering what this nation just went through in the 2020 presidential election…
I will drive over to the town hall & vote IN-PERSON & ask the polling place volunteers the same question I ask each & every year: Would you like to see my I.D.?, oh that is not necessary sir, just give us your name…
Trump won!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

I disagree with you on only one point RBC. That is that the Democrats think the people are all on board with their agenda. On the contrary, the Democrats are NOT that stupid. They fully realize that they do NOT yet have a majority of Americans brainwashed into believing the socialist agenda being put forth by the Democrats is either good for the country or for all Americans as a whole. Which is why they are frantically racing to jam through as much of their agenda as possible ahead of elections, that they may not be able to fully control in all 50 states. Which is why they keep circling back to “election reform” over and over again. If they can federalize elections and thus assure both Sinema and Manchin their re-election bids, you can bet both would quickly flip their votes to fully supporting whatever Democrat leadership wants. Both their voting records speak for themselves, when it comes to overwhelmingly supporting what the Democrat Party wants.

The Democrats fully understand that whatever they can get passed and signed into law becomes virtually impossible to ever repeal. Not with any Democrat sitting in the White House and if they can get “election reform” through before 2024, that will no longer be an issue they need to concern themselves with. So in the meantime, they are relentless by jamming as much as they can into each bill and trying to ram it through in pure party line votes. If they can kill the filibuster, as well as get their “election reform” through, then the floodgates would be wide open to all the bills awaiting Senate approval and this nation would be fully transformed within a few months.

As for Bernie, well he is at least mostly honest about what he is and what he wants to do to this country. That a majority of voters in Vermont keep re-electing him says a lot of things about the voters of Vermont and not in a good way. The same can be said for the people that voted for AOC and the rest of “the Squad”, as well as most Democrat voters in 2022. It is what it is.

2 years ago

More and more Democrats are embracing Communism. JFK Democrats don’t exist anymore. Manchin and Sinema come close. Democrats must be defeated in 2022 and 2024.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

It’s not their criminality that is astonishing but the blindness to it of the people who keep them in

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

Hopefully God will be calling him to account for his pathetic Socialistic actions!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Communist Demagoguery is replacing: Our History with ‘Cancel Culture’ & ‘Wokeism’, replacing Our Constitution with Monarchical Dictates, replacing Our First Amendment with Censorship & Fear, Replacing ‘Patients’ Rights’ with no freedom of choice, replacing fair elections with skullduggery, replacing Pride In Our Patriot Fathers with the removal of statues, portraits, and writings, replacing Our Pride & Love of God & Country with The Dark Deep Abyss of Marxism! Remember the Immortal Words of President Thomas Jefferson: “In a republican nation whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance.”

Spade David
Spade David
2 years ago

“Fictional narratives” are the only things that keep the deluded Marxist Democrats going. They cannot stand behind truth…. only lies. Not many, if any, traditional Democrats exist today. A great thumping at the 2022 mid-term elections will be the way to weed out these un-American hateful people. Some of these Marxists will not realize the errors of their ways until conservatives rule congress, and subsequent hearings expose their lies to Americans. I gleefully await the return to normalcy and the demise of the Democrat party as we know it today.

Anna Law
Anna Law
2 years ago


2 years ago

All. Sadly. True!

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
2 years ago

They hate the country and see their time slipping away. The problem is the state they are in are under the thumb of the democratic parties and know republican has the time, money or staff know how to beat or even challenge them. We need help in these states to overturn their monopoly in these northeastern states. Even though Vt has a Reb governor he acts like a RINO and placates to the Libs and the LGBT community

Robert White
Robert White
2 years ago

The Dems should be known as the party that HATES AMERICA. No words can express the stupidity of their actions. And they hate you if bring up the history of the Socialist System!!

2 years ago

This jerk is 80 years old. He’s got to kick off one of these days!

2 years ago

What is really sad at this time is that we have to put up with Chuck for yet another year. He is a disappointment for New Yorkers..thank God for Senators Manchin And Sinema!

2 years ago

What’s so pathetic is that it’s so obvious that democrat politicians are repugnant, delusional, American hating communist !
But worse than that; ignorant, American hating socialist(s) people keep voting them into office ……

2 years ago

Schumer and Pelosi are poison in the water! The longer they are voted in the more corrupt and evil they become. They need to get the heck out! They have no concept of reality as we God fearing Americans do. No matter what they try to deceitfully do GOD IS THE ONE IN CONTROL AND GOD WILL PREVAIL!!!!! Two year terms would definitely end some of the blatant evil and corruption. Get the old sour blood out!

John Koss
John Koss
2 years ago

When you look at individuals who have never really had “working man” occupations, this is the end result. Can you really put down on paper what a Senator actually does? Oh sure promote legislaaaation, make speeeches, sit on their lard! These two are such phonies. And the people that vote for them? Total buffoons!

2 years ago

Ole Chukie and Sanders should go hand in hand onto the plane that’s headed one way straight to Russia…the only way the two will ever be happy!!! Today would be a good day to go!!!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Thanks RBC… Senator Sanders of Vermont but NOT from Vermont is a loud mouthed socialist, yet approx. 2/3rds of Vermonters, all democrats, can’t seem to get enough of this oligarch whom btw hails from a Jewish household in the borough of Brooklyn, NY…Sanders with one of his earlier wives actually took his new bride to Moscow, Russia on their honeymoon as that in of itself speaks volumes to me personally…
Bernie boy is now on his 3rd wife, i.e. Jane Sanders, whom single handedly bankrupted Burlington College & then retired with a $430,000.00 annual pension…
When ole Bernie was running for the democrat presidential nomination against HRC back in 2016, the people of Brooklyn, NY voted for Hillary, need I say anymore?
The other 1/3rd in VT are conservative Republicans living in a state run by a democrat majority for DECADES now, hence the situation we find ourselves in at present time…
Effective in 2022 all ballots in Vermont will now be MAIL-IN BALLOTS, imagine that for just a second considering what this nation just went through in the 2020 presidential election…
I will drive over to the town hall & vote IN-PERSON & ask the polling place volunteers the same question I ask each & every year: Would you like to see my I.D.?, oh that is not necessary sir, just give us your name…
Trump won!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

I disagree with you on only one point RBC. That is that the Democrats think the people are all on board with their agenda. On the contrary, the Democrats are NOT that stupid. They fully realize that they do NOT yet have a majority of Americans brainwashed into believing the socialist agenda being put forth by the Democrats is either good for the country or for all Americans as a whole. Which is why they are frantically racing to jam through as much of their agenda as possible ahead of elections, that they may not be able to fully control in all 50 states. Which is why they keep circling back to “election reform” over and over again. If they can federalize elections and thus assure both Sinema and Manchin their re-election bids, you can bet both would quickly flip their votes to fully supporting whatever Democrat leadership wants. Both their voting records speak for themselves, when it comes to overwhelmingly supporting what the Democrat Party wants.

The Democrats fully understand that whatever they can get passed and signed into law becomes virtually impossible to ever repeal. Not with any Democrat sitting in the White House and if they can get “election reform” through before 2024, that will no longer be an issue they need to concern themselves with. So in the meantime, they are relentless by jamming as much as they can into each bill and trying to ram it through in pure party line votes. If they can kill the filibuster, as well as get their “election reform” through, then the floodgates would be wide open to all the bills awaiting Senate approval and this nation would be fully transformed within a few months.

As for Bernie, well he is at least mostly honest about what he is and what he wants to do to this country. That a majority of voters in Vermont keep re-electing him says a lot of things about the voters of Vermont and not in a good way. The same can be said for the people that voted for AOC and the rest of “the Squad”, as well as most Democrat voters in 2022. It is what it is.

2 years ago

More and more Democrats are embracing Communism. JFK Democrats don’t exist anymore. Manchin and Sinema come close. Democrats must be defeated in 2022 and 2024.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

It’s not their criminality that is astonishing but the blindness to it of the people who keep them in

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

Hopefully God will be calling him to account for his pathetic Socialistic actions!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Communist Demagoguery is replacing: Our History with ‘Cancel Culture’ & ‘Wokeism’, replacing Our Constitution with Monarchical Dictates, replacing Our First Amendment with Censorship & Fear, Replacing ‘Patients’ Rights’ with no freedom of choice, replacing fair elections with skullduggery, replacing Pride In Our Patriot Fathers with the removal of statues, portraits, and writings, replacing Our Pride & Love of God & Country with The Dark Deep Abyss of Marxism! Remember the Immortal Words of President Thomas Jefferson: “In a republican nation whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance.”

Spade David
Spade David
2 years ago

“Fictional narratives” are the only things that keep the deluded Marxist Democrats going. They cannot stand behind truth…. only lies. Not many, if any, traditional Democrats exist today. A great thumping at the 2022 mid-term elections will be the way to weed out these un-American hateful people. Some of these Marxists will not realize the errors of their ways until conservatives rule congress, and subsequent hearings expose their lies to Americans. I gleefully await the return to normalcy and the demise of the Democrat party as we know it today.

Anna Law
Anna Law
2 years ago


2 years ago

All. Sadly. True!

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
2 years ago

They hate the country and see their time slipping away. The problem is the state they are in are under the thumb of the democratic parties and know republican has the time, money or staff know how to beat or even challenge them. We need help in these states to overturn their monopoly in these northeastern states. Even though Vt has a Reb governor he acts like a RINO and placates to the Libs and the LGBT community

Robert White
Robert White
2 years ago

The Dems should be known as the party that HATES AMERICA. No words can express the stupidity of their actions. And they hate you if bring up the history of the Socialist System!!

2 years ago

This jerk is 80 years old. He’s got to kick off one of these days!

2 years ago

What is really sad at this time is that we have to put up with Chuck for yet another year. He is a disappointment for New Yorkers..thank God for Senators Manchin And Sinema!

2 years ago

What’s so pathetic is that it’s so obvious that democrat politicians are repugnant, delusional, American hating communist !
But worse than that; ignorant, American hating socialist(s) people keep voting them into office ……

2 years ago

Schumer and Pelosi are poison in the water! The longer they are voted in the more corrupt and evil they become. They need to get the heck out! They have no concept of reality as we God fearing Americans do. No matter what they try to deceitfully do GOD IS THE ONE IN CONTROL AND GOD WILL PREVAIL!!!!! Two year terms would definitely end some of the blatant evil and corruption. Get the old sour blood out!

John Koss
John Koss
2 years ago

When you look at individuals who have never really had “working man” occupations, this is the end result. Can you really put down on paper what a Senator actually does? Oh sure promote legislaaaation, make speeeches, sit on their lard! These two are such phonies. And the people that vote for them? Total buffoons!

2 years ago

Ole Chukie and Sanders should go hand in hand onto the plane that’s headed one way straight to Russia…the only way the two will ever be happy!!! Today would be a good day to go!!!

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