
Elections , Newsline

Colorado Denies Trump Ballot Access

Posted on Wednesday, December 20, 2023
by Matt Kane
President Donald J. Trump gestures with a fist-pump as he disembarks Air Force One at Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport in Avoca, Pa., Thursday, August 20, 2020, and Is greeted by guests and supporters. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

Last night, the Colorado Supreme Court issued a ruling with significant implications: it would disqualify President Trump from appearing on presidential ballots in the state in 2024, citing an insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This marks a historic moment in American history for multiple reasons, with several layers to unpack.

No candidate has ever been denied eligibility for criminal reasons. However, a significant oversight exists in the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling, which will undoubtedly be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court (more on that later). Disqualifying Trump on the basis of insurrection would, in normal times, be laughed out of court because Trump has not been charged with, let alone convicted of, insurrection. In fact, the one instance where questions regarding a Trump insurrection were brought forward was his second impeachment shortly after leaving office in 2021, when he was ACQUITTED by the U.S. Senate.

Since then, the only conviction has come from mainstream media. However, the general public has even evolved on how they view the alleged January 6th insurrection, as polls show Americans becoming increasingly skeptical of the narrative that has been fed to them, due in large part to relatively newly released, unedited evidence from Tucker Carlson earlier in the year, followed by more released by the House GOP this past month which revealed that federal agents were present in the crowd during that day.

Within moments of this landmark announcement, President Trump and his team released a statement announcing that they will be immediately appealing the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. One doesn’t have to be a legal scholar to predict that the court will very likely overturn this ruling. In fact, even the Colorado Supreme Court has signaled skepticism in their expectation of their ruling being upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court by stating:

If review is sought in the Supreme Court before the stay expires, it shall remain in place, and the Secretary will continue to be required to include President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot.”

Their skepticism is the only sensical part of their ruling. A court cannot keep a candidate off the ballot due to insurrection if there never was an insurrection declared by federal law or if the president never invoked the “Insurrection Act,” which President Trump did not as the events were unfolding that day. Furthermore, those currently imprisoned for their role that day have been charged with varying charges, such as seditious conspiracy, assault, and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, but not a single one was charged with insurrection. Mainstream news and leftist-controlled outlets parroting this claim over and over for years may condition one to believe there was an insurrection, but that doesn’t make it true.

So, the most glaring question that remains is this: If they will not be successful in preventing Trump from appearing on the ballot, thereby setting a precedent for other states considering similar attempts, and they are aware of this, then why proceed with it?

By now, it has become obvious that those in support of these measures are fearful of Trump and would prefer voters not have the chance to vote for him, whether it be through indictments, frivolous cases such as these, or other means. Perhaps it is an instance of leaving no stone unturned, one of their many election interference Hail Mary’s they hope will eventually result in a Trump election-prevention avenue succeeding. If you have been paying attention to the verbiage used by many of the regular Trump-hating talking heads, they revealed long ago they do not intend on allowing Trump to be an option.

Joe Biden has stated, “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run,” an odd choice of words for the ”leader” of an allegedly civilized, Democratic country. Liz Cheney has said that she will “Do whatever I have to do to stop Trump,” another vague warning about what stopping Trump might entail beyond legal campaign mechanisms. And former Trump-hating Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan boldly and confidently stated that he does not believe Trump would be the GOP nominee, in spite of Trump’s clear stronghold on the GOP base. Comments such as these by prominent swamp mainstays from both parties that seem to contradict all visible trends regarding the current outlook raise suspicions about whether there are any boundaries powerful Trump-opposers won’t cross to stop him, including law-fare.

There is a clear irony to all of this. Those claiming to be saviors of democracy, while claiming Trump is the existential threat to it are attempting to remove a candidate from consideration before the people have the chance to decide for themselves. In other words, they are taking one of the most significant steps to destroying democracy in the most obvious way possible for the entire world to see. Even foreign leaders such as Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele weighed in, stating, “The United States has lost its ability to lecture any other country about “democracy.” He’s right.

Even with coordinated irregularities occurring on election night and the days that follow, it is clear those in power are now fearful that allowing Trump as an option will spell the end for their reign. Whether they are right or wrong remains to be seen, but that decision should be left to the people. And it will be.

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Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

once again we see the rot in american democrats caused by soros buying judges.
These are the same judges that allowed a law outlawing election audits to stand.
What we need is a law that says if the supreme court overturns a lower court all judges and prosecutors in the lower court are fired and lose their law licences. that woudl end this crap.
What soros has taught the dmeocrats is that there are no consequences for lying, cheating and corruption.

1 year ago

So far, the Democrats have been copying the election rigging strategies of other dictatorial authoritarian regimes like China, Russia, Turkey, Venezuela and elsewhere almost to a T. Step-by-step standard Marxist playbook. No points for either originality or even any real attempt to mask what they’re doing. The MSM of course is doing its standard part in this carefully orchestrated dance to attempt to air a veneer of legitimacy to the whole thing.

Yet all through this whole process to date, the half of the American public that still wants some semblance of our constitutional republic to survive in some form continues to be either largely shocked or utterly baffled by what is going on right in front of them. Lack of understanding of how other authoritarian style regimes have operated around the world for decades is apparent by most Americans being unable to see the numerous similarities now playing out in our own country. Whether it be simple ignorance of relatively recent global history or just sheer apathy, it really doesn’t matter at this point. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled at what we have become as citizens of these United States. Half the country is cheering on our march towards embracing Marxism, while the other half seems somewhat content to simply sit back and watch it all happen.

It is unfortunately only a matter of time until the Democrats pivot to the final option that all dictatorial regimes rely on to eliminate their political opposition from the chess board. Rule of Law is effectively dead in the United States, and it has been replaced by whatever is expedient for the ruling regime in power to use to ensure they retain that power. The whole world is watching what we have allowed our country to descend into.

1 year ago

If you are a citizen of Colorado and a Trump supporter, you should sue the corrupt gov’t of Colorado and their corrupt judicial system by taking away your right to vote and your freedom of choice.

1 year ago

Dangerous. This is taking away my right to vote for who I want to. Dangerous.

1 year ago

When you’re afraid of getting caught rigging the vote just remove your opponent from the ballot. And they claim there’s no voter fraud. IMO

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

As the article (Matt Kane) clearly mentioned, the entire world can now see what a tyrannical police state the IU.S. has become. It’s painfully obvious who the real “deplorables” and insurrectionists truly are. What a catastrophic disgrace; the remnants of what Abraham Lincoln called “The last, best hope.”

Charles Williams
Charles Williams
1 year ago

This is obviously politically motivated and I suspect won’t stand the test of time. President Trump has not been convicted of any crime. This courts ruling will not withstand the test of Constitutionality.

Obie Kinney
Obie Kinney
1 year ago

Before he resigned, Nixon was about to be impeached. In retaliation, republicans impeached Clinton. In retaliation for that, democrats impeached Trump. And we’ve heard occasional republican rumblings about impeaching Biden.

It’s now beginning to look like the next blow-counter blow cycle will be repeated attempts to keep the other party’s candidate off the ballot. What’s the matter with these politicians? Are their jobs so overly compensated that they’ll tear down this country in their reckless attempts to save their jobs?
Perhaps we should neglect trying for term limits and, instead make efforts to reduce legislators’ compensations.

1 year ago

The Supreme Court of COLLORADO has criminally engaged in Lawfare . Lawfare is that act in which officers of the law misrepresent their intentions and use the color of law to carry out their own transgression against democracy . I hope and pray that someone in lawful authority in Colorado acts to remove those phony Justices of the Supreme Court of Colorado from the bench . I also hope the Bar Association(s) of or in Colorado move to disbar those members of the Court who obviously took sides in a political battle and used Lawfare to deny the citizens of Colorado THEIR RIGHT to vote for the candidate of THEIR choice . I also hope that those Justices also be impeached . I hope there are real men and real women with backbone in Colorado who will stand up and fight to save our democracy from the DEMOCRATS . .

1 year ago

The dems and the state Supreme Court have just declared Trump an insurrectionist. I am ashamed to be a resident of this state. Trump has not been charged, tried or convicted with insurrection and the Colorado Supreme Court just followed the orders of ole Joe and the Deep State. My hope is that the Supreme Court brings back sanity and equal justice under the law. This was a Kangaroo court decision.

1 year ago

Anyone who believes that they are ‘represented’ anywhere anymore is a fool. That, and anybody who believes that their vote accounts for anything is a bigger fool. Politicians are the same as criminals now. They will do anything. . .ANYTHING. . .to get ‘elected’ and to KEEP their office. News media personalities are a close second to these corrupt creatures. There’s no truth here. There’s only blind ambition for power and money. Representation is a delusional thing now. The American taxpayer is no more represented than a Chiness hog farmer in China. Plan accordingly. And, don’t spend time or energy hating them. They’re not worth it.

1 year ago

The always lying Democrats tell you that President Trump will Destroy Democracy, and everything they accuse others of they are doing themselves, this is so un-American Its impossible to understand. If you live in Colorado, you are now a disenfranchised voter, 4 Lowlife political hacks just took away your right to choose, how can 4 slime-bags decide what’s good for you and America, they are not gods, the state of Colorado has gone from a great state to one of the very worst even worse than California or Oregon, freedom is gone in the state, all have been reduced to second class citizen, at every turn rights in Colorado are being destroyed, 20% of the land area is controlled by people who only occupy 20% of the land area.
The people who live in Colorado that can afford to move should leave the state, there still exist places in America that let people have 100% of their Constitutional Freedoms.
Colorado is a failed state!
Pray for America, Pray for Colorado!

1 year ago

I lived in C Springs and love it. It’s conservative. But since when is any entity allowed to tell people who they can or cannot vote for? Not going to happen.

1 year ago

Socialist Democrats want to control us! True Americans are patriots, Democrats are socialists and terrorist!

1 year ago

Colorado went communist when all the trash from California moved there!

1 year ago

Justice is dead in the United States. Trump has classified documents in a closet and the FBI raids his home and he is charged. Biden has classified documents in his garage, in his office at U Penn and other places, and there is no crime. Investigation into Hunter Biden’s many crimes are slow walked by the Justice Department and he is only charged after the Department’s attempt to give him a free pass is thwarted by a judge. A man praying in front of an abortion clinic is arrested in his home in front of his family by gun toting thugs identifying as FBI agents. Social media companies and much of the press are in bed with the Federal Government to block any dissemination of information that government decides is mis- or dis-information. Parents going to school board meetings and “traditional Catholics” are labeled domestic terrorists by the Justice Department. And now we have this deplorable action by the Colorado Supreme Court. We the people are losing our freedoms and our country.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Joe Biden has stated, “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run,”
So Biden is saying he will do whatever he can to stop his opponent from even running let alone being elected, but it also means that if Trump runs and wins, Biden I,E, the deep state will then prevent Trump from taking office / power. Words mean thing, and we had better heed what Biden has stated. If not there certainly will be an insurrection.

1 year ago

This move should wake up Americans everywhere – be careful, be very careful as they are trying to take all your rights away. Pray, America, and do something about this before it’s too late.

1 year ago

This to will backfire in those demonrats faces, because our Father has his hand on President Trump. 7 7 47 2024!

1 year ago

constitutionl laws, border laws,are being broken eyery this administration. NO ONE IS DOING A THING ABOUT IT.Welcome to our BANANA REPUBLIC!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

I don’t think in my long lifetime I’ve ever seen a public figure of such great importance persecuted as President Trump is being. Nor have I seen anyone with the strength, stamina and guts to fight like he for US. We the people are who ‘they’ want to suppress and deny our rights to everything the Constitution ever gave us. I pray for President Trump and those representing him every day, because his instincts are spot on and have been proven to be right for years. God Bless Him and may we thank God for blessing America in the past even though we forgot to thank Him.

Lynn J
Lynn J
1 year ago

Just think of all the things the Democrats have done since Biden got in that are against the law. They have broken the laws for so many years and gotten away with it that they believe they still can.I pray to God the tables are turning !!

1 year ago

The DEMOCRAT PARTY act of removing Trump from Colorado’s ballot is a prime example of just how much the DEMOCRATs know Trump will win , including in Colorado . The DEMOCRAT Party leaders KNOW Trump will win the election and are so desperate that they are willing to take illegal risks !

1 year ago

They can’t do that. It will not stand.

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
1 year ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Vlad the Impaler had the answer to people like our present-day phony “Democrats.”

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

Someone needs to tell Biden, Cheney and the democrat party’s activist judges who threw Trump off the ballot that it;s NOT UP TO THEM whether Trump is elected president again. It;s up to the VOTERS. What are the Secretaries of State in the states that throw Trump off the ballot going to do if Trump voters vote for him via write-in? Are they going to disenfranchise those voters by refusing to count those ballots? That would also be election interference as well.

1 year ago

Wake up, America – they’re trying to take all your rights away. Pray like you’ve never prayed before for our country – and then do something about this before it’s too late.

David Nelson
David Nelson
1 year ago

This is yet another very sad Democrat ploy.

1 year ago

If those justices represent the people of Colorado, the people should be up in arms! The vote was 4/3 so we all know now there are 4 idiot socialists wanting a dictatorship. When this vote is overturned they should step down in shame and embarrassment of their woke stupidity!!

1 year ago

Trumps numbers went up overnight. Once again the democrats plans have backfired, Trump be like ber rabbit, please don’t throw me in the briar patch………

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Only tyrants have state or local courts that declare someone guilty of a federal crime they have not been formally accused of, much less convicted. And state law can’t trump federal law. No pun intended.

1 year ago

My thought exactly!
Dam the Libratards, write in Trump and tell them to read between the lines.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Will more Blue States do this??
Better act Fast USSC

zoe frost
zoe frost
1 year ago

Exactly, write in Trump…but hopefully it won’t come to this since this was an unconstitutional play by the dark side traitors to get rid of the one man who has the ability to stop their totalitarian hell takeover of our (declining due to THEM) country.

zoe frost
zoe frost
1 year ago

Yep, all true!!! This latest move by a (Soros funded?) Commie/Globalist/Demoncrat TRAITOR judge to interfere with the 2024 election and deny voters the ability to vote for their choice, tells me something… the expletive traitors greatly fear they will not be able to cheat (again!) enough to stop their nemesis, God-loving, Constitution-protecting, America First patriot, anti-Commie, anti-Globalist (the money-grab liars/hoaxer traitors,) Donald J. Trump.

1 year ago

Trump was not charged with insurrection nor was he convicted of insurrection. Yet a judge determined that he was guilty without any due process — no trial, no opportunity to give his side, etc. If they could do it to him, they could do it to you or me. Since when can a judge make such a decision without hearing both sides? The US Supreme Court will take a dim view of this giant over reach….

Steven Coughiin
Steven Coughiin
1 year ago

Ignoring the fact that Trump has not been convicted , I find it strange but predictable that the Left would celebrate this ruling of seven unelected officials , yet freak out when the nine-member Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. The Left ( and certain RINOS) will stop at nothing to prevent an outsider like Trump from raining on their parade of grift and corruption.

1 year ago

Isn’t this illegal in all 50 states? Is this Russia, China, US??????? What?

1 year ago

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion. Article 4, Section 4 of The Constitution Of The United States.
I think Biden should be removed from the ballots of all the states, even though he has not been charged with not fulfilling his oath of office, just as Trump hasn’t been charged with insurrection! To hell with what the voters say! You think the supreme court of Colorado is political?

1 year ago

I dislike the politicians deciding who will be on the ballot. The people need to select who is to represent them rather than the politicians. Our political and legal systems are so corrupt. With all the political chicanery, it is becoming more obvious that the 2020 election was corrupt. And with this, we can see that the 2024 election will also be corrupt.

1 year ago

Lt. Beale
First Thank you for your service!
The Low Life Scum-Sucken Judges in their Decision wrote a Provision, to the Colorado Secretary of State for Colorado, instructing her not to count writing votes, the Weasel Ba—ards!

1 year ago

No respect for Politicians who don’t do their jobs and don’t stand up and fight for the people’s rights as they should. A bunch of slackers and getting something for nothing must be their only goal. Sickening.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
1 year ago

Here is another excellent example of activist leftist judges having no problem suspending their ethics in order to advance an agenda.

1 year ago

If I lived in Colorado, I would be screaming that the state government is impeding my ability to vote for my chosen candidate! Democrats think that they can decide everything for all Americans and that’s not how things work here!!! Trump has not been convicted of any crime so to intentionally leave him off of the ballot is childish, petulant, irresponsible, foolish and cranky!!! It also shows fear that Trump might win and they don’t even want to give him a chance!! I doubt that this will pass the smell test when it gets to the Supreme Court but good try, Colorado!!!
Democrats are constantly accusing Republicans of making it hard for certain people to vote for such ridiculous things as requiring a photo ID to be able to vote!! But to disallow a candidate the opportunity because you don’t like his politics or his demeanor or his attitude – well, there are a ton of you Democrats that I don’t like your politics, demeanor or attitude and yet, you are still there!!! Trump has not been convicted of any crime so you look really foolish by trying to keep him off of the ballot!!! You aren’t doing your party any favors by doing this either because you can bet that NO Trump voter will vote for any Democrat – ever!!! You are pushing anarchy here saying that the Democrat Party has such power without any conviction and it isn’t going to bode well for you as a party!!! You should be sued by every single Republican voter in the state for removing their ability to vote for their chosen candidate!!!

1 year ago

Trump needs to watch his back. The Trump fearing Dems are running out of options and he might just end up with a real target on his back. What is America becoming under this administration?

1 year ago

We as Americans have the right to choose who we want as President.No judge anywhere has the right to block our choice.

Frank Arnold
Frank Arnold
1 year ago

Seems to me that anyone in Colorado who wants to vote for Mr. Trump need only to put his name in the write in space provided on the ballot, or have they made write ins illegal too? I think that Mr. Trump would have a resounding victory in the state under those conditions. And when he wins, are they going throw away ballots for a mandate, or will the leftist regime we currently serve throw yet another insurrection with the same hired players? Nothing is below them I’m sure.

1 year ago

Not only were there coordinated irregularities on election night, the irregularities are continuous and becoming worse and worse. Early in the 46th presidency, people saw what democrats will do. But every day it gets worse.

Irv C
Irv C
1 year ago

This is a joke. The democrats have shown the world that America is full of crap and can no longer be considered a leader in democracy.i live in Southern Oregon and although Oregon is considered a blue state 99% of southern Oregon is Red. It’s Portland that’s blue with the high population. What I’m getting to is I am a Trump supporter and even “if” his name was removed I will write it in. If this is allowed to stand it will be the end of America as the constitution was written. It will be time to leave my home.
obiden and his gang of usurpers need to go. He is trying to destroy our country and it started with that idiot obama, hence I say obiden.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

According to the democrat controlled Colorado State Supreme Court funded by Soros is stating that President Trump had no 1st Amendment rights of Free Speech before or on January 6, 2021, as President.
We ALL know that is BS and that the case should have NEVER gone before the Colorado State Supreme Court who does NOT have the authority to remove President Trumps name from the ballot. They are saying automatically that President Trump is guilty of the false charges of insurrection which he NEVER did without a jury trial violating his U.S. Constitutional rights from day one of their Witch Hunts. But they never charged H. Clinton or Obama for doing exactly what they accuse President Trump of.
In short, it is pure election interference against the #1 political opponent that is beating Dictator Beijing biden across the board and they are scared of losing their power and control over YOU.
EVERYBODY can see the injustice that is being done to President Trump.
If the Fascist liberal regime is willing to commit election interference and to violate the law and U.S. Constitution to falsely charge a former President so they can rig and cheat every way possible for a presidential election so they can maintain power and control. Imagine what they would do to YOU. Don’t think it would not happen. Just look at how they give their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion more rights than YOU.

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