
Elections , Newsline

CHARLIE KIRK and REBECCA WEBER: Boomers And Gen Z Must Work Together To Save America

Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Two groups of voters will prove decisive in the upcoming 2024 elections in November — Generation Z and older members of the Baby Boomer and Silent Generations. Both of these groups have millions of swing voters, and the party that appeals to them the best will win in 2024.

Exit poll data from the last two general elections points to one obvious conclusion: without improving among both young and old voters, Republicans have an all-but-impossible path to regaining control of government.

From 2016 to 2020, former President Donald Trump gained six points with Millennials and three points with Gen Xers, according to Pew. Meanwhile, he lost one point with Baby Boomers and three points with the Silent Generation. Gen Z, which for the first time made up a sizable portion of the electorate at eight percent in 2020, went for Biden by about 20 points, more than any other generation.

In other words, while Trump improved with middle-aged Millennial and Generation X voters from 2016 to 2020, he lost ground with Boomer and Silent Generation voters and lost big with Gen Z voters – a trend he must reverse to retake the White House in 2024.

In 2024, Boomers will likely still be the largest single generational bloc of voters, with the highest voter registration rate and the highest turnout. But Gen Z represents a surging percentage of the electorate. During the most recent midterm cycle in 2022, Gen-Z for the first time made up the entire cohort of voters aged 18-24. Their overall share of the electorate increased to about 10%, and it will be higher in 2024.

What’s more, early indications suggest that these young voters are more politically active than their parents and grandparents. 28% of 18 to 24-year-olds cast ballots in 2022, compared to the 23% of Millennials who voted in 2006 and 24% of Gen Xers who voted in 1990, when each generation first made up the whole of that age group.

This should be setting off alarm bells in every Republican office around the country given that young voters, in addition to being more politically active, also appear more liberal than prior generations.

However, there are also indications that young voters are open to persuasion in their political development. Just 30% of Gen Z’ers say they align with Democrats, compared to 24% who align with Republicans and 28% who identify as independent, according to a report from the Walton Family Foundation.

Some polls also suggest that President Trump has closed a 20-point gap from 2020 and perhaps even leads Biden among voters under 30 – a stunning turnaround that would amount to a political disaster for Biden if proven to be true. Moreover, 38 percent of voters who have switched from Biden to Trump since 2020 are between the ages of 18 and 34, according to an April 16 Wall Street Journal report.

Although it has historically been the case that many young people initially vote liberal and then become more conservative with age, this shift should not be taken for granted. The conservative movement – and in particular older conservative candidates – must put in the work to appeal to these voters and address their concerns, chief among them the rising cost of living and housing un-affordability.

In order to make that happen, conservatives of every age must work together toward a common goal.

Oftentimes, it can be easy to sink into a generational blame game where older and younger conservatives attack one another instead of their common enemies. We’ve all heard the stereotypes that Boomers are out of touch, while Gen Z’ers are entitled and naïve

But both stereotypes fall short. Older Americans can remember when America was a stronger country. They are America’s reservoir of experience and institutional know-how. They’re the bedrocks of their churches, clubs and civic organizations that are the starting point for concerted political action.

Young Americans, meanwhile, have energy, talent and ambition. They have new ideas and have the most intuitive understanding of a changing world. They are the foot soldiers of any viable national reawakening.

If we’re going to save America from the Left’s agenda of open borders, race hatred, crime and American decline, we can’t simply fall back on generational warfare. We must recognize that Americans of all ages understand the country is in crisis, and that Americans of all ages can be won over to saving it.

We lead the two most prominent organizations in the country dedicated to serving these two cohorts of conservatives. The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) is the leading conservative alternative to AARP for Americans over the age of 50. Turning Point USA, meanwhile, is the leading conservative organization giving a voice to high school and college conservatives.

It is in service of creating cross-generational engagement that AMAC and Turning Point are working in tandem to bring Americans of all ages and backgrounds together at The People’s Convention in Detroit this June 14-16. This event, hosted by Turning Point Action and sponsored by AMAC, will serve as the focal point of the conservative movement ahead of the Republican National Convention and will equip Americans of every generation with the tools, knowledge and collaborators necessary to make this November a historic conservative victory.

There are some voices in our political discourse today – even on the right – who would suggest that our country’s shifting generational composition has already doomed the conservative movement. But we believe that with the right outreach and relentless effort, American conservatism could be poised for a new golden age. We’re committed to achieving this ambitious goal, and we invite other conservative grassroots organizations to join our efforts in the critical months ahead.

Charlie Kirk is the Founder and CEO of Turning Point USA. Rebecca Weber is the CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens.

This Op-Ed first appeared in The Daily Caller.

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5 months ago

I am part of the silent generation and I am urging all my fellow silencers to vote Republican. It is the only way to save America where so many of our fathers lost their lives in WW II, Korean and Vietnam wars. They did not die for the America we have today under Joe Bama. Wake up, I thought my generation was smarter than the Satanists and pedophiles who are in charge now. Taking everything from us and give it to those entering the country illegally. And who are now the boss. Hamas has infiltrated this country by the thousands if not millions. And it is only getting worse with the propaganda the MSM spreads and indoctrinates our children with. Drag Queens teaching our elementary school kids to yell freedom for Palestine in our schools. Where are the parents and other adults to stop this. If we live under Hamas rule after the election don’t come and cry to me. You let it happen. Wake up, because, like the song says, if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.

5 months ago

All the Republicans have to do to win and control Congress again is to repudiate the “myth” that all conservative voters believe in the same things. They don’t. I am now registered as an Unaffiliated voter because the Republican party is in chaos and has too narrow of a focus on pro-life, pro Christian religion and DJ Trump. There are plenty of pro-choice conservative women out there. People have to understand that the issue isn’t killing babies, its about choice! There is NO legislation for men’s body parts, so why are we fighting over women’s body parts? Face it, Trump won because Clinton was not an option. The Deep State and media kept him from accomplishing most of his agenda. The never actually let him BE President! Obama is running Biden’s government. If Trump wins in 2024, and I’m pretty sure the Dems will find some way some how to keep that from happening, the same Deep State will make sure he can’t actually get anything done. I’m a firm believer in State’s rights. The Tenth Amendment is there for a reason. NO BIG FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! All you have to do to convince Gen X/Y/Z to vote NOT Democrat is to fix their perception and educate them on how they are being misled. Then, channel that anger to the conservative side with provable facts. If they want to make their lives better, they need to not be the lemmings of the Democratic party. Clearly the mainstream media will fight that tooth and nail. I hope they wake up in time or America is done, over. It may already be too late.

5 months ago

If we DON’T stop this political and cultural brain-death from false ideals of the left, we’ll not only lose our country, but our lives as we know them… and our children will follow.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
5 months ago

Praise for Charlie Kirk and Rebecca Weber for this important article – it is appreciated. The matters concerning attention given by conservatives to the cost of living and the affordable housing (that should be inaffordable or unaffordable ) just on the moon costs -these are of great importance as what someone needs to do first is to size up what is going on with what they can see and touch , something that is fact ,truth, something for sure. This article helps to put much in perspective , Well done ! In the spirit of Faith ,Family Freedom .

5 months ago

Kids, there are 2 key aspects of our political troubles relating to democrats that you should always remember:
Abject stupidity is not a political platform.
Nothing says you’re stupid like a Biden yard sign.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

America can only be saved if every citizen puts a shoulder to the wheel We have those who have no idea what it means and those who live in the past and think democrats are for the people with the people and don’t know they became a basket of deplorables

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
5 months ago

Major roadblock having our candidate (Trump) tied up purposely in court rather than campaigning to get the message out. What is GOP doing to take up that slack? Aside from formal protests on the misuse to government resources in these trials, GOP could have surrogates out stumping for Trump and the GOP ticket. The LEFT tell their story at every turn with the main stream media help. More reason to get out there and work on the independents.

5 months ago

Nothing is filthier than a message-censoring democrat who feels compelled to deceive.

5 months ago

I think that we should unite as one regardless of racial, ethnical, religious difference in Saving America. Not only by voting but sending our money towards USA Made Small Businesses

3 months ago

As Gen X, I’m glad you left us out of this turd that the Boomers and Gen Z have created. We’re just over here living our lives the best we can. Good luck to you two, maybe some of the Boomers will finally drop out of the positions of power and something will change. There is a reason nothing ever changes – the same generation has been in charge since the 1970’s and will not retire.

4 months ago

im a republican and i can’t stand to see idiots like trump, charlie kirk, mtg, boebert, gaetz, seth keshel, tricia cotham and others on the far right whose only goal is to hate democrats and not do anything for the us

4 months ago

charlie kirk is a lying pig who does not represent the gop at all

5 months ago

Being 80 years senior, and military veteran, I don’t know what group I’m in, but I’m for Trump. We gotta get him elected! We will have to learn Chinese if Joe gets back in!!

5 months ago

God has always been and will always be our sovereign authority. Government once allowed Him full reign, but evil set in and began to undermine His laws and commandments. The greed and the evil must be overcome in order to bring back God’s blessings on our country. If God’s Word says it, it’s the Truth whether one believes it or not. There will be a Pay Day some day for each of us. It’s up to us to make the right choices and stand up for what is right or we will fall for anything; we will either be rewarded or suffer irreversible and dreadful consequences. GOD is STILL in control and unless The White House comes under God’s authority, they will pay a hefty price — their back pockets cannot and will not bail them out of their disastrous ending.

5 months ago

The alphabet soup of generational identity shouldn’t be as complicated as it is. But, humans make it that way, don’t they? Why is that? It is because there are those who fail to acknowledge, that there is a power greater than themselves, which is the cause of everything askew in this world. No brag, just fact. A study of history from the beginning of time bears it out. Human existence, as it currently exists, is nearing its end. Too many demigods vying for power! The question has to be asked, where will humanity find itself, when one of these demigods pushes the button, and our world is reduced to ashes? There is still hope for those who believe, in a power greater than themselves!

Roll call
Roll call
3 months ago

Let’s see an obvious alcoholic that girl that got fired by ben Shapiro and got her wish of Less diversity in the workforce the guy who looks like likes nick Fuentes gay brother a silver spoon felon with liver problems a token Indian call center background guy some girl who ate has not been kind to and a pedophile named Matt from Florida who looks exactly like what one imagines one would. Lol

Capn Bob
Capn Bob
4 months ago

Biden s Attorney General used in a speech the other day a very telling phrase , he said, ” It’s our job to protect this (white) house and the people in it.” This is the overall deep state authoritarian attitude which immulates the CCP and the Kremlin belief. ‘ we must keep the masses in check and continuing to fund our opulent lifestyle. America has had enough and the steal will be nearly impossible to protect the house of cards this November.

4 months ago

I don’t know where you’re getting your information but I think you’re about as far wrong as can pee!! Trump is ahead in every Pole that I have seen everyone so better go back and redraw your board for the Z generation

4 months ago

I dislike labels like conservative or liberal. I am neither. When the pollster calls your telephone number please decide not to participate in their survey. Surveys provide organizations information on how many votes are needed to win an election. Information is then used to do ballot harvesting.

4 months ago

I believe the focus needs to be reevaluated. The topics are focused on what politics wants to implement and not what is wanted. We are reactive to what we don’t want instead of what is needed. We focus on taking away freedoms instead of painting a picture of what happens. The consequences we create when elimination of choice takes place and the cost to all. If we paint a reality of outcomes this younger or silent group can visualize the result of emotion then their actions become different. It is the divide created in nonsolutions on both sides. Paint a positive outcome on any topic so then the goods sold become the foundation to grow within.

4 months ago

A pithy and concise article!
That said, If American’s get it wrong in November, the greatest country, bar- none, in the history of the world will fall, and be ruled by despots, not unlike those in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran respectively! No, that isn’t a hyperbolized statement! Just look at the Deep State intrenched at all levels of American government today, for proof thereof! American universities have been hijacked by radical, left wing progressive professors, who are salivating at the prospect of a New World Oder established through their indoctrination. Those who cherish what the Founding Fathers established can not allow that to happen! As Ronald Reagan once said, “if you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” Vote to keep the Republic free!????????

So you say
So you say
5 months ago

Every time I look at these two it reminds me why conservatives are ok with marrying their sister lol

5 months ago

one Thing I hate about boomers is besides never shutting up about what things were like when they were kids and got a model T is that think gen z is too soft.
i would like to remind all of you that the thing you did right was leaving Saigon lol

4 months ago

My hat’s off to Charlie and Rebecca. I think Turning Point certainly has a noble mission and my wife and I have contributed to it, but in lieu of these absurd riots, it appears to have been a colossal failure or a hopeless, unrealistic venture. Or do we need a new strategy? We are in the midst of a propaganda war where our country is at stake and ignorance ir rampant. We can do a seminar with clever, articulate speakers, but how to attack the problem? This smacks vaguely of Hitler’s Youth of the 30’s.

5 months ago

I am a member of the silent generation or pre-boomers. If Boomers and my generation are still voting for Biden then I can only say that my mom may have been wrong when she said, “just because you get old doesn’t mean you have to get stupid”. Biden and his retinue certainly are stupid!

5 months ago

The genz voters are not gonna get free college, have to compete with illegals for jobs, and are well aware now that they had a brighter future with the Republicans/ Christians than the family of pedophiles .The Bidens have been caught on film sexualizing teenagers. She was even his babysitter before his wife died. The older folks took a hit on health and vitality, but the folks I know who voted for Biden are sitting out this election. Biden nor any of the rumoured standins are acceptable to them.

You ok
You ok
5 months ago

Out of touch?
ok boomer

5 months ago

Is Convention of States participating?

5 months ago

Nothing is filthier than a message-censoring democrat who feels compelled to deceive.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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