
Elections , Newsline

Biden-Harris Incompetence Takes Center Stage

Posted on Thursday, October 24, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

A series of shocking reports and revelations in recent days has shed more light on the gross incompetence and mismanagement that has defined the Biden-Harris administration. From the Secret Service to the military, the last four years have left the government agencies Americans rely on hopelessly inept.

Perhaps no agency has been under fire as much as the Secret Service, which nearly allowed an assassin to take the life of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally earlier this summer.

Following that incident, the Biden White House convened an independent panel which last week released a scathing report detailing “deep flaws in the Secret Service, including some that appear to be systemic or cultural.” Without major reforms, the report warned, incidents like the attempt on Trump’s life “can and will happen again.”

As multiple news outlets reported after the Trump shooting, the Secret Service under Biden has taken a new “woke” direction, including recruiting agents at “pride” events and hosting seminars on correct pronoun usage. Kimberly Cheatle, a longtime friend of First Lady Jill Biden who was selected to lead the agency in 2022, wrote in the Secret Service’s 2023-2027 strategic plan that the agency “must embrace diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA).” Cheatle resigned shortly after the Trump assassination attempt.

“The Secret Service does not perform at the elite levels needed to discharge its critical mission,” the panel wrote in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas presenting its findings. “The Secret Service has become bureaucratic, complacent, and static even though risks have multiplied and technology has evolved.”

Not to be outdone, the Biden FBI has also found itself awash in its own scandal. Last September, the FBI released data for 2022 that showed an overall drop in violent crime of about 2.1 percent for the year. Democrats have relentlessly pointed to the stat as evidence that left-wing soft-on-crime policies are working, and Republican claims about violent crime increasing are bogus. The 2023 numbers, released this fall, showed another 3.5 percent drop in violent crime nationally.

But then news broke last week that the FBI had quietly revised its 2022 numbers. Far from a decrease, violent crime had actually increased by 4.9 percent – a dramatic seven-point swing from the original highly-touted inaccurate data. As The New York Post Editorial Board put it, “The 2022 numbers were 100 percent fake, which means we have no reason to believe the 2023 numbersthe bureau’s put out.”

The two possible explanations for such a discrepancy are that the FBI is either hopelessly incompetent or terrifyingly corrupt – neither of which should sit well with the American people, and both of which reflect poorly on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Biden’s Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has also come under fire for its mismanagement of the response following Hurricane Helene which devastated large parts of the Southeast. As Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance wrote for The Wall Street Journal, while individual FEMA staff have been working hard on the ground, FEMA “has been the victim of misplaced Biden-Harris political priorities” as Biden-Harris FEMA leadership has “funneled millions of dollars to nongovernmental organizations whose stated goal is facilitating mass migration into the U.S.” The agency also still lists its “number one duty” as instilling “Equity as a Foundation of Emergency Management.”

But while issues with the Secret Service, FEMA, and the FBI are indeed worrisome, the decline in the effectiveness and competency of United States military leadership over the past four years is even more alarming.

Biden started his presidency off with the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 American servicemembers dead. His military leaders have relentlessly pushed woke ideology among the ranks, exacerbating drastic recruiting shortfalls in every branch. Last year, a Chinese spy balloon lumbered over sensitive military installations for nearly a week before Biden did anything about it.

Then came the news last week that, in December 2023, a swarm of “mystery drones” were permitted to fly over restricted military sites for weeks. Most shocking, Langley Air Force Base, the site of many top-secret military programs, had a fleet of drones flying overhead for over 17 days.

The Pentagon has no idea what type of drones they are, who is controlling them, or how they were able to fly with impunity for so long. According to Air Force General Mark Kelly, “the unidentified craft appeared to be 20 feet long and were capable of flying over 100 miles per hour at an altitude between 3,000 and 4,000 feet.”

In October of last year, according to The Wall Street Journal, “5 drones flew over a government site used for nuclear weapons experiments.” Regardless of who tasked these drones to recon these locations, this unsettling violation of sovereign U.S. air space will likely continue as the perpetrators have yet to be identified, much less held accountable.

Flights over military airspace are illegal and a clear violation of United States sovereignty and national security. The fact that the operators of these craft were able to act so brazenly and that the military base had no countermeasures to deter or eliminate them is deeply concerning.

Government agencies already suffer from a certain level of clumsiness and ineptitude inherent in any bureaucracy. Under Joe Biden, DEI mandates and endless distractions from the core mission of those agencies have made these problems exponentially worse. By every indication, a Harris presidency would be more of the same.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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Emily Watson
Emily Watson
2 days ago

Actually, the Biden-Harris administration has been very competent at all the things that are bad for America.

2 days ago

I just read a story from Patriot Journal about James O’Keefe unveiling a secret program to import unaccompanied children–children!–into the U.S. for cheap labor and who knows what else. Two rounds of government contracts with some shady organization cost us, the taxpayers, over $700 million.

Search for “Whistleblower outs Biden-Kam scheme. They spent $300 million to bus child immigrants” …but spell out Kamala. (Link probably wouldn’t see the light of day.)

Such incompetence in our elected leaders MUST NOT CONTINUE!! From start to finish, there hasn’t been one month of this administration that didn’t bring shame, embarrassment, undemocratic and illegal behaviors, and actions that brought down our country and our fellow citizens. VOTE ‘EM OUT!


anna hubert
anna hubert
2 days ago

Incompetent is not the word for their performance which I think is going according to the plan, else it would not continue in that fashion. They are only the front for whoever it is that directs them.This is a deliberate destruction of the nation. not incompetency.

2 days ago

It’s not Incompetence. That’s a cover up for Intentional TYRANNY.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 days ago

Are these things really incompetence? They might be OR they might be planned by those who hate America as it was founded and want to “tear it down” and rebuild on a socialist/communist base. Could even a senile Biden and cackling Harris really be THAT stupid as to screw up EVERYTHING???

2 days ago

Elections really do have consequences. Trump will get America back on the right track.
Inflation has eaten up a lot of American citizens. The value of our dollar has been decimated by Biden/Harris (with obama pulling the strings).

2 days ago

That is not new concerns, always has demonstrated some twisted mentality. Vote Trump or suffer this miscreant.

2 days ago

They’re not incompetent any more than an intact sewer pipe that allows effluent to freely flow is. Theyve been quite successful once one realizes what success constitutes in the leftist world view. Theyve diminished this country on the world stage such that even trump will find fixing things to be challenging.

2 days ago

Joe has been bought and paid for by multiple foreign governments. Why else would the Biden crime family need dozens of shell companies, unless it was for money laundering.
Is it any wonder drones and spy balloons are allowed unfettered access to survey sensitive government locations?
Is it any wonder that Biden, our Human Trafficker in Chief, has allowed 10-20 million foreign nationals unfettered entry into the US, transported them to key locations (to impact congressional seats and possible flip states to Democrat), and wants them to become instant citizens?
Is it any wonder that Biden, our Drug Kingpin in Chief has kept the border open to allow massive amounts of Fentanyl into the country?
Is it any wonder that Biden, along with Obama, has shipped billions of dollars to our enemies and abandoned Afghanistan leaving Billions of dollars of top level military equipment for our enemy to use?
Is it any wonder that Biden has kept us involved in a Ukraine-Russia war, providing just enough equipment for Ukraine to sustain a deadlock with Russia?
Is it really surprising that Biden’s regime leaks Israeli plans to their enemies.

Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
2 days ago

If President Trump regains the White House, it is my hope that he excludes the Washington Republican establishment from his administration. The incestuous Washington bipartisan establishment is interested in little more than grabbing more power and wealth from the nation. I certainly hope that he allows Elon Musk a wide range of power in order to “drain the swamp”.

2 days ago

It doesn’t matter what Country, State, County, Municipality, or School District you are talking about, “People Get the Government they Deserve”!!!
“Life is hard; it’s even harder when you’re stupid.”

Donald West
Donald West
2 days ago

A shakeup needs to be established through all the bureaucratic agencies, starting with the top office on down. The government is not trustworthy any longer and the country needs to be cleansed of all the riff raft allowed to fester within our borders.

2 days ago

Everthing that has happened in the Biden/Harris has been intential.This started with Obama.This liberal democrat party hates America and wants it torn down!

Ed Kowasa
Ed Kowasa
2 days ago

We need to start a revolution now !

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
2 days ago

This is my first knowledge of the unknown drones. During my time as Air Traffic Control, in the USAF from 1962 through 1966, we scrambled on every unknown that entered our area, and the standard order was to identify or destroy. The destruction of America is designed and we seem powerless to counteract this plan.

2 days ago

What saddens me the most, is that it has taken 3 1/2 years for so many to figure this out. Can’t imagine living that way. No wonder some families are in crisis. Where have these people been for 3 1/2 years, seriously where have they been?

2 days ago

Incompetence is the price paid for DEI. But it is also an administration that set out to run everything and without competence. Government cannot/should not run everything because competition is killed and competition is the way to find the best. The past administration has failed and continuing their path would make all of our lives worse but they may not know it. The democrats are in trouble and I think there are a few who understand enough to know it.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 days ago

Everything they touch turns to it; Biden/Harris are the King Midas of Ka-ka. Look at her recent “press” interviews: that beeotch can’t even do a townhall when she knows the questions… they should start giving her the ANSWERS as well. Because she doesn’t have any!

2 days ago

Our country is in desperate need of prayer because this is a spiritual battle which will be won or lost in the heavenlies. I pray in the name of Jesus, that He will have mercy on our country and defeat the enemy that is trying to bring the United States of America down. I thank you, now, before crossing the Red Sea for doing so.

2 days ago


2 days ago

So, almost a YEAR later, and right before a pivotol election and NOW someone knows about drones flying over sensitive military bases for WEEKS…yet no one has ever reported this? Come on, truths like this could have already turned the election against the Dems. Get the word out!!!

2 days ago

The most embarrassing Administration Biden-Harris in the history of our great country!

All this changes Nov.6th when Americans take back our country from the Obama-Biden-=Harris Marxists.


2 days ago

Their goal is clear. To bring this nation to its knees so that they can implement their Marxist government. Make no mistake, MARXISM IS THEIR GOAL and they will say anything they need to, no matter how untrue it may be, to reach their goal. BEWARE AMERICA!!!

2 days ago

Only those who are comfortable with puppet masters and deep state continuing to run the show support Harris. It’s horrifying to see how many supporters she has…

2 days ago

Another good article from AMAC, telling the truth about conditions in the USA caused by Democrats and the Leftists that run that party.

2 days ago

I place much blame on DEI (which should DIE), but this incompetence has been going on longer because government is just to big to be managed properly. Too many departments, too many bureaucrats, too much money tossed around. We the people can do very well managing ourselves, well most of us.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
2 days ago

The absolute worst administration in my lifetime and I’m no spring chicken. We cannot afford these people any longer.

2 days ago

In order to lead others, you must know something yourself.
Vote Trump!

2 days ago

Can you trust anything the corrupt crooked joe and kackels partners of stupidity team has done or WILL do?? The ALL worry that Trump will be a problem if he loses BUT what do you think these evil lying demons will do?? I bet slow joe has his doj call the election as corrupt and try to cancel it?? He might have the military surround him and kackels kneepads in the white house?? I am nor worried at all about Trump BUT I have worried now for 4 horrible years about the wicked democraps.

2 days ago

Dumb and dumber !!!!

2 days ago

The problem with organizations being built around DEI goals is the exclusion of competence as a PRIMARY requirement. DEI means that it always comes down to making sure the organizations is built around quotas based upon race, gender or whatever other physical characteristics one builds into what one wants the organization to resemble. You couldn’t build a football team around DEI requirements, and you shouldn’t be forced to build the Secret Service around DEI requirements either.

2 days ago


2 days ago

The Biden Harris administration had the following policies. Destroy Trump at all cost. Veto all of Trumps accomplishments and blame all their failures on Trump. They will and never have owned up to any failure or mistake. They don’t obey Supreme Court Rulings nor the Constitution. They worked on the agenda of the elites globalists who want to rule the world. Till today they keep on destroying America. After all they raised a billion dollars everyone got rich these past four years. The only thing they didn’t calculate on was that Americans are not zombies that followed them blindly. They should have fixed the inflation they might have succeeded. But they just didn’t have the brains to do that. They surrounded themselves with DEI hires. And now we see the effect of that. VOTE TRUMP VANCE. They will bring America back to prosperity.

2 days ago

The incompetence being rampant in our federal government is just like the resident and vice resident who control them.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
2 days ago

Sub title for the Biden/Harris photo in this report:
Joe: “Quick, show me the way to the restroom!”
Harris: “OK, but after November 5th get another escort to hold you steady on these trips.”

1 day ago

Forgive me if I’m repeating myself. I believe this story must be told again and again.
30 years ago my life changed forever. Up until then I was in la la land, oblivious, living life on a great 350 ranch in southwest Colorado as a care taker. Had my horse and cats, weekends cutting dead pines for firewood…my Irish setter, a rescue, was in dog heaven as she would bring over branches to add to our wood pile. Other week ends riding with a good friend up in the mountains all day. Then I watched something that so devastated me that my life would never be the same again. Waco, Texas. Americans trashed, bad mouthed by the “press” and ultimately all but about 5 were burned to death. CS gas was shot into the basement of the building where moms and children were hiding in mind numbing terror as the military rammed tanks into the side of the building where they crouched. Helicopters shooting tracers into the roof, ATF jack booted thugs climbed up on the 2nd. story roof and crawled in through a window, shooting as they went. A jeep fit with a loud speaker played sounds of rabbits being skinned alive circling the compound ceaselessly…if you’ve ever heard it you’ll never forget it. 51 days of pure hell as these people were harassed, shot at, attacked from the air by military helicopters and on and on.
American citizens harassed, shot at, CS gassed and ultimately burned to death by law enforcement, military, ATF. The last thing I saw was the building caving in, in flames on all but about 5 who managed to get out, some with severe burns. One man, desperate to get into his wife and children was shot and left hanging on the fence after he’d been shot, for the remainder of the 51 days of slaughter. All this presided over by William Jefferson Clinton! Americans slaughtered under a sitting president! He was never charged, oh wait, he was “impeached” for messing with an intern in the oval office, not mass murder of Americans. Indeed there are more details surrounding this monstrosity. One woman, Carol Moore was sick of the “news” and went to Waco herself. She interviewed neighbors, business owners, and the Texas Rangers who were told to “stand down.” Her book the Davidian Massacre is 100% different than the “mainstream media” and those who continued to trash those murdered. In fact a film was made to apparently “reinforce” how horrible those people were. Fact: American citizens were slaughtered under a sitting president. Fact: he got away with mass murder and I have no doubt his “wife” Hillary was deeply involved as well. Think about this as we close in on the election, if one even happens. Our nation has never been in the peril it is now except for when the English, determined to stop this fledgling nation from being a separate entity, was shooting cannon into the newly established east coast towns. Now? The left is intent on disarming this nation first and foremost. Our 2nd. Amendment is second only to free speech. And both are literally under attack daily.
Once a nation is lost, it’s lost forever. Cuba, our closest neighbor was once a free and prosperous little nation. Folks crossed back and forth into Florida. Then Castro came in like a “lamb”. And we know what happened not much later. Whether you care for Trump’s attitude or not, he is an American. Under his presidency we had 4 good years, a border wall started, low gas and grocery prices and relative security. Once upon a time this was a God fearing nation. It prospered and grew in wealth and health. That’s no longer true. A Founder I admire most is Patrick Henry. His truth hits home. “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” As stated before, my life will never be what it was. The Pollyanna days are gone for good. If you’re a praying person who believes in the Sovereignty of a Holy God we must be on our knees in prayer and petition along with being ready, if this nation might survive, and willing to defend it. I’m now 79 but damned well ready to do what I can.
Again, please forgive me if I’ve said this all before. I’m not sure how many folks truly understand the untenable position our once Constitutional Republic is in. Comment sections are great. But if it comes to life or death how many are ready to commit? Those who amassed militia’s all over the country when Clinton destroyed citizens are all a lot older now. Many have passed. How many of the younger generation believes this nation is worth bleeding and dying for?
God bless America…and quickly!

Thomas D Booth
Thomas D Booth
2 days ago

I think it is deliberate more than incompetence.

carol exposito
carol exposito
2 days ago

Starting with Obama, the deterioration of integrity in our elected officials, as well as the corruption of the Justice Department to discriminate against opposing views has become reminiscent of Tin Hat dictatorships. The Obamas have never hidden their contempt for White America and are certainly NOT grateful to a country that has offered them the best of everything, including an election to the highest office in the land.

2 days ago

Biden-Harris: America last
Harris-Walz: America never

richard johnson
richard johnson
2 days ago

With the two attempts on President Trump’s life (two more deep state failures), it’s becoming more and more evident the whole of the Democrat party/deep state is an organized crime outfit masquerading as a political party, masquerading as public servants. As to the white house internal investigation into USSS (failures) is like The Gambino family investigating the assassination of Paul Castellano.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 day ago

The reason why Biden and Harris are doing so bad is because the Dems in Washington do not care what happens in this country as long as they stay in power and that goes for those that vote for them they have done nothing for this country and it will be the same with Harris the only platform that Harris runs on her hate for President Trump she has him in everything she talks about and how she is the savior of this country from him.

2 days ago

Yet Myorkas is still head of the Secret Service which is under his Homeland Security. And the “woke” generals at the Pentagon seem to care more about transgenderism, pronouns and DEI than about national security and military effectiveness. Milley resigned, thank Goodness, but not without a nasty mouth on him condemning things that had worked because what he advocated did not. Should Donald Trump win the WH, a first order of business would be to redirect the military, clean house at the Pentagon and put in real Generals. Same for the FBI and Homeland Security.

2 days ago

A nice Phalanx system or something like that should have taken care of these drones. Where were the USAF jets to just shoot them down?

2 days ago

Both are evil and dumb.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 day ago

I really don’t understand why the democ rats do what they do.We have so many problems in our country so why are they so intent on importing more.They can’t wait to increase taxes so they can ship billions across the pond.If they make a decision,it’s the law,good or bad and almost all are the wrong decisions for AMERICA.The only thing worse is the people that vote these same people in year after year,screwup after screwup.The only thing that I agree with is lowering fuel prices to buy votes.They didn’t buy mine,I am a never ever democ RAT.

1 day ago

So, why can’t Democrat voters see this incompetency?? Are they blind, naive or plain stupid??

Pat R
Pat R
2 days ago

My first guess as to ‘where these drones are coming from’, is perhaps the southern border illegals, especially from China. Chinese nationals snuck in illegally (or otherwise as well) and bought or built the drones. Info gathered during lengthy flyovers is sent back to CCP.

Don J
Don J
2 days ago

I saw this coming a mile away. Biden, and his “whole of government” approach, guaranteed that agencies would be pulled away from their core mission and forced to spend time and money on things they were not good at. Meanwhile, the things that they used to be good at have suffered.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 minutes ago

Jill Bidens friend. ??? That explaines it. Kyle L.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
30 minutes ago

Biden and Harris are not the ones who have been running things. There is a group of O’Bama and his likes plus Soros who have been running this country and IF Kamala and Walz get installed, they will not be running it either. The ones running everything so far have been very competent in destroying this country. The people who vote for any Democrat is either brain-dead or they hate America as much as O’Bama, Soros and their Comrades. That party is nothing but a bunch of Communists.

FBI Seal With Text On A White Background. The seal of the Federal Bureau of Information over a white background With FBI text; crime errors
Puberty Blockers Word Cloud on Blue Background
Kamala Harris
virginia flag, non-citizens voting

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