
Elections , Newsline

Biden-Harris – Fake Data on Job Creation

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

There is always a story behind the story. At first blush, the fact just seems odd:  A 30 percent downward revision in job creation for the end of 2023 and early 2024, by the US Labor Department. In other words, based on an internal review, 818,000 jobs Biden-Harris bragged about – never got created.

In fairness, the first, second, and third revisions of data are usually based on how much data is available, which in turn amounts to whether certain sectors report their data and when. On the other hand, just like the underreporting of crime data by Democrat cities, something seems different.

Clearly, this is one stone the Labor Department and White House did not want to be turned before November. It shows that, whatever others say, the economy is not healthy. Beyond high inflation, three times what they inherited, record national debt (fiscal insolvency driven by overspending, clipping the energy sector, and high interest to throttle inflation), near-record interest on personal debt (and the national debt) – with lagged drag on the economy, we now have a major misstatement on jobs.

The real question is not “Why the slow hiring?” that is obvious. Businesses do not hire when the cost of labor, energy, and capital is pushed beyond what the market can bear (wage inflation, energy subsidies, high interest) and consumer confidence is in freefall.

The real question is “Why a near-record revision” – or why the initial reporting was so wrong, effectively covered by poor, inaccurate, and perhaps knowingly incomplete numbers? For that, dive deeper.

Who is presently the Secretary of Labor? The current secretary happens to be a non-confirmed, highly questioned, completely political appointee, actually just an acting secretary, who was – yes, odd – the former Secretary of Labor in California, when questions arose over accuracy and fraud.

The acting labor secretary for Biden-Harris has what you might call a Walz problem, an integrity problem – you know, like “I am not drunk and going 100 mph, I am deaf” or “I used guns in war” only really he never did and actually ducked the war.

Like Walz, this former California Secretary of Labor, now counting US jobs created, seems to have misplaced massive amounts of COVID aid, either bad karma and accounting, or fraud and politics.

Her name is Julie Su. She was – by admission, based on the political groups that forced her on Biden-Harris for her ethnicity – a DEI hire and even the Democrat-controlled Senate balked. Yet, there she is reporting jobs numbers, an unconfirmed political at the helm of the Labor Department.

What else is there to know about her? In detail, she is the embodiment of poor management, if not craven political behavior. She literally lost or allowed fraudsters to take $32 billion in COVID money from Californians … BILLION! No accountability, Biden-Harris gave her a star and brought her in.

She now appears to be using her acting position to “forgive” $29 billion in loans due to the government – all in California – without justification, another reason her behavior is roiling R’s and D’s.

So now we come to this presidential campaign, and this odd report that indicates during the tenure of Ms. Su, the federal government – the Labor Department and White House – accidentally reported (throughout the primary season) job creation that never happened.

The story will be a “one day wonder,” as they say in DC, because mainstream media do not want to dig for the truth, and are disinterested in details when they might embarrass the latest coronated Democrat.

That said, truth still matters, and as Winston Churchill once noted: “Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.”

Simply put, the Pol at Labor, a low-integrity former Pol for Democrat Governor Newsom, never confirmed and will not be, just reported the biggest “not right” numbers in 15 years, fake numbers that favored Biden-Haris, until the stone was turned over. 

Reality: On a monthly basis, for the year through March 2024 – and likely well after – the Biden-Harris team claimed credit for 68,000 more jobs per month than existed, thank you to their loyal crowd turning the gears of government, printing money, getting illegals lined up, spitting out data.

Bottom line, whether you want to believe it is all a big misunderstanding or worse, it sure looks like Biden-Harris gave us a lot of fake data on job creation. But then, what would you expect?

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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5 months ago

Oh well RBC, what is there to comment on? All the above is true — continued no accountability, deception and lies. Hopefully, there will be enough voters who care and will get out to vote rather than stay home and sulk. Those who choose not to vote better not complain about the outcome.

5 months ago


5 months ago

Huh. They lied? Did anyone expect these dirtbags to tell the truth? I certainly did not, do not, nor ever will expect that.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Everything about this administration is fake and there is not even an attempt to hide it. It is surreal ,how things move along with no president really presiding and VP in the shadows. Right now she is tramping around and when was the last time anyone seen the hair of him never mind the hide? Twilight zone in real life.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

“Gee, what did I do with those 818,000 jobs anyways? Golly, the dog must have ate them.” Why is the FED talking about lowering interest rates NOW? Why are gas orices suddenly falling NOW? I’m sure it’s not because its an election year! BTW: Government “creates jobs” like it can “buy back guns” that were never “theirs” to begin with! Any jobs it creates are FEDERAL JOBS.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
5 months ago

It could be said that there really isn’t: any need to be plotting an accurate course if there is no destination in mind. What has been going on with the present administration is like going around in circles — going nowhere and it is all very suspicious . However it can be figured out by people who understand and respect what the truth is . And. recognizing that there are influences of the foreign kind that have been in the picture causing havoc in various ways. The principles that President Ronald Reagan lived by provide a strength ,a sense of purpose . There should be goals for people to look to — goals that are honest . The idea of achievement is a noble thing to have in life. To. defend what is right , to have a No. Surrender outlook when the adversary stands for evil and disrespects the idea of Freedom . Great job pointing out this important information about the dishonest data Robert , much.appreciated What you wrote should help in staying on a course that has a destination — a United States of America that has principles and. believes in the values of Faith, Family and Freedom. That is the right , honorable spirit to have.

5 months ago

I don’t believe anything reported by any media outlet when the data came from this administration. Hard to even call it an administration since that implies actually working for a living. We know Biden hasn’t been running the country, and not Harris either, so the only administration the past 3.5 years has been the Deep State unelected government Obama plants. And the nameless faceless donors to the DNC machine. Our country is circling the drain and the voters are mostly clueless, don’t think its this bad, or don’t seem to care. How anyone can consider voting for Harris is simply beyond my comprehension.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
5 months ago

The democratic party as a whole, and particularly as related to the Biden-Harris administration, are all thieves, cheaters, and liars and fraudsters! They are not progressive. They are the party of “Destructionism”!! Kamala Harris destroys (check out her record) and Walz let Minniapolis burn! We better get this election cycle done right by voting for Trump-Vance or this country is done as we have known it to be. For pete sake, Harris-Walz will have Putin in for dinner!!!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
5 months ago

I never believe anything this regime says. They have proven many times that all they can do is lie. If everyone knew the truth, there would be a REAL insurrection in DC by the citizens who are seeking the truth!! Number one enemy of the state is our complicit media! They uphold the lies and even invent more of them to cover up their evil deeds to change our country into a Communist hell hole!!

5 months ago

Most of the jobs created during the obiden administration (if indeed there were any) were second or third jobs people were forced to take in order to survive.. Thanks to the robust economy.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
5 months ago

This illegitimate, corrupt, criminal, treasonous, and incompetent administration has been lying to us all from Day One, aided and abetted by the media whores they control. Quite literally, nothing they have told us is true.

5 months ago

Why is everybody surprised by this information. Should pay more attention all wanted help! that goes on for months!

5 months ago

Another DEI hire. DEI = Didn’t Earn It And don’t forget that many American workers are getting the axe so companies like Tyson Foods can replace them with ILLEGAL ALIENS who will work for less pay.

5 months ago

The “Democrats” have made very bold claims of job creation and budget successes that have been pure fabrication. Their foolishly compliant media has been the prime enabler, which has been aided by a tragically uninformed “Democrat” constituency.
I, personally, don’t see any sound reason for most of the “Democrats” to stay loyal to the party that deceives them, overtaxes them, and invokes policies that slow the economy and the job market. Other than the dishonest media (and politicians), family influences and habit seem to be keeping some in the “Democrat” cult.
That’s a shame for all of us. Imagine where we’d be if everyone voted for the party that helps people live a better life.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Democrats are as fake as Beyonces performance at their convention.

5 months ago

I work at a business that is always hiring. They get you in and promise you more hours. I have heard that for over a year. I am getting 4-15 hours a week. I know I live in a tourist town, but this is ridiculous. High taxes, food, gas, prices and lots of homelessness. People can’t make it!
I told one of the manager the other day that the turnover rate at this job is the worst I have ever seen. I asked her, since she has been with the company 10 years, if it was always like this or only since covid? She said always. I thought they. might be hiring all those people just to get kickbacks from the government and pad the books to make it look like they are hiring lots, but not say how many actually stay very long. I think there is one person who has been there as long as me and the four managers.

5 months ago

All this administration does is lie. They have NOTHING to offer the working class Americans. I will never understand how so many can’t understand this.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

They have been lying since day one on their Job reports by adding Part Time Jobs into their reports with most of them from their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion taking Jobs away from Americans. More jobs have been lost and sent overseas just like during obama’s administration. Biden/harris have given more American jobs to foreigners than to Americans with their policies. Just look at all the foreigners brought in and flown in at taxpayers expense to replace American workers. Companies have laid off Americans by the hundreds if not thousands to be replaced by Illegal Aliens. Companies even admitted it. Same as biden/harris who have flown in over a Million of Illegal Alien Terrorist at taxpayer expense at the cost of our Sovereignty and National Security just so they can get votes illegally and unconstitutionally to stay in power and control. Their lies continue on everything and the Fake news continues to support their lies.
You can watch how biden/harris are always flip-flopping on everything they say and do or copying what President Trump says or has done with his policies that worked.
Biden/harris have done nothing but destroy our country with their policies which continue to FAIL putting Americans last.
President Trumps policies worked because they were for Americans FIRST.
There were more jobs under President Trump than people to fill them. FACT and ALL Documented.

Peter Pochkowski
Peter Pochkowski
5 months ago

I’ve been unemployed for almost 11 months, there are no real jobs out there, just part-time, seasonal, temporary jobs with minimal hours, low pay and no benefits, I’m a white straight conservative man who refuses to use pronouns, I’m against all liberal causes, and I believe in this country but NOT our government and certainly NOT liberal socialist losers who fudge employment and inflation numbers to make themselves look good.I’ve always maintain democrats would lie, cheat, steal and manipulate their way to gain money, control and power. That’s why we need a major overhaul on election day, the conservative way, the American way

5 months ago

I expect we will find that half-billion$ in Harris’ coffers is nearly all laundered taxpayer dollars.

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Empty polling station with white voting booths and American flag. Elections in the United States. Empty polling station with row of white voting booths decorated with American flag at vote center. Presidential American elections in the United States. Democracy and election day concept.

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