
Elections , Newsline

Biden DOJ Sues Virginia to Keep Noncitizens on Voting Rolls

Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

After Democrats and the corporate media have insisted for months that Republican warnings about noncitizens voting were nothing more than “conspiracy theories,” the Biden Department of Justice is now suing Virginia for enforcing a 2006 law and removing noncitizens from the state’s voter rolls.

The controversy began in August when Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order clarifying certain election security procedures – including one in a 2006 law signed by then-Democrat Governor Tim Kaine which helps election officials remove noncitizens from voter rolls.

Under the provisions of that legislation, when a Virginia resident identifies as a noncitizen on a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles form, the DMV cross-references his or her name with voter rolls. If that self-identified noncitizen is registered to vote, he or she has 14 days to provide proof of citizenship or else face removal from voter rolls.

As The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board has pointed out, “Even if an eligible voter fails to respond to the notice and then gets removed in this way, he could always re-register, since Virginia lets its residents sign up to vote on Election Day.”

Thanks to Youngkin’s August executive order beefing up enforcement of that law, more than 6,300 noncitizens – ineligible voters – were removed from Virginia’s voter rolls. As Democrats have so often repeated in recent months, it is against federal law for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. Youngkin’s proactive approach helped ensure the law was enforced.

But instead of bipartisan applause over this common-sense reform, Democrats at the state and federal level have lobbed accusations of “voter suppression” at Youngkin, culminating in the DOJ’s lawsuit. In other words, Democrats are outraged that Republicans are preventing noncitizens from being registered to vote and casting ballots – exactly what liberals have insisted “isn’t happening.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland claims in that suit that Virginia has violated the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, which mandates that all “systematic” changes to voting rolls be completed at least 90 days before the election. This so-called “quiet period” is intended to protect eligible voters from being “disenfranchised on short notice.”

Yet as the Journal again notes, Virginia’s effort is hardly “systematic” but is instead “individualized” and “based on self-reporting.” As Youngkin has repeatedly pointed out, the law has been in place for 18 years. Only now, when it is actually enforced in any meaningful way, has the Department of Justice taken issue with it.

Moreover, as Fox News recently reported, “The Justice Department once greenlit the very election reform law it is now suing Virginia over.” Following the law’s initial passage in 2006, an official in the agency’s Civil Rights Division wrote that the Attorney General’s office “does not interpose any objections to the specific changes” made by the law to procedures for maintaining voter rolls.

“To be clear, this is not a purge,” Youngkin said about the suit over the weekend. “25 days — last week — before the election, the Justice Department decides they are going to bring suit after this law’s been in effect for 18 years, administered by Democrat and Republican governors. And this is the reason why I believe that Americans and Virginians wonder what the Justice Department is up to.”

Virginia isn’t the only state that has removed large numbers of noncitizens from its voter rolls – indicating that the problem is far more serious than Democrats are letting on. In August, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that the state had removed more than one million noncitizens from its voter rolls since 2021. In Alabama, a federal judge has halted another effort to remove more than 3,000 noncitizens from that state’s voter rolls, citing the same 1993 law the DOJ is now using to target Virginia.

The growing cascade of revelations about just how widespread the issue of noncitizens illegally voting is has fatally undermined liberal claims that the problem is not serious enough to influence the outcome of elections.

Elected Democrats and the corporate media have leaned heavily on the relatively low number of noncitizens actually prosecuted for illegally voting to justify their claims, ignoring the mounting evidence that untold numbers of noncitizens may be casting ballots completely undetected. Some experts believe up to 2.7 million noncitizens could vote in this November’s election.

As AMAC Newsline has previously reported, noncitizens have numerous avenues to illegally gain access to voting booths. 14 states don’t require a photo ID to cast a ballot, while 28 states, including Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, allow voters to use a student ID to vote, which does not distinguish between citizens and non-citizens. At least 19 other states and Washington, D.C., have also passed bills allowing non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses.

The DOJ’s lawsuit against Virginia has once again thrust the issue of noncitizens voting back into the mainstream. For Democrats, it has become increasingly difficult to spin the issue as one of “voter suppression” rather than what is really at stake – mass numbers of noncitizens violating the sanctity of American democracy.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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4 months ago

this is treason its also against the oath of office they took to defend the constitution these people should be lined up and shot but we will need alot of bullets for all of them.

Ron Boge
Ron Boge
4 months ago

HMMMMMM Letting ILLEGAL INVDERS get onto/stay on election rolls–what a GREAT dem/lib/commie/socialist agenda plan for SCREWING WITH THE ELECTION!!!!

4 months ago

“Biden DOJ Sues to Violate the Constitution of the United States.”
The treason committed by the Biden/Harris administration on a daily basis X10 cannot be any more blatant. America has become that numb and indifferent to this conduct because it is now so rampant in the Marxist left. There’s a provision in the Bill of Rights to address this evil.

Suzy Winson
Suzy Winson
4 months ago

Treason treason treason. So disgusting…..and this is our leader(s)?????

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

We go from “are you better off today than four years ago?” to “who would want illegal aliens to vote?”. The answer is clear America: VOTE REPUBLICAN. Democrats have gone from a party of loonies to a party of law-breaking unconstitutional treasonous antisemitic criminals.

4 months ago

NO That’s not how America works. you must be a citizen. anyone who supports biden or the lunacy of the left on unlawful acts is just as bad as the left. they are corrupt and so are you voters. wake up dumos

4 months ago

This is another version of 2020 stolen elections.
Of course non-citizens cannot vote. No OTHER country in the world allows this.
We are USA and citizens only vote.
So weary of this administration corruption.
No more money on “#Lawfare.

4 months ago

Only American citizens vote in American elections! No others!

4 months ago

Unbelievable!!! When will stupidity stop with these people?

4 months ago

All I can say is thank god Garland never made it onto the Supreme Court. While he has done a lot of damage as AG, at least he can be removed and then held accountable.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
4 months ago

Like many laws which have been on the books for decades, no one makes a full unless enforcing the law effects Democrat re-election chances. Since this issue violates the constitution, all democrats in congress should be removed from office and charged with sedition. Sedition falls under treason and conviction not only results in incarceration but prohibits those convicted from ever being able to serve in government again. It would be a win win for our country and the demise of the Democrat party which is no longer the party that it once was. It is the party of self aggrandizing and Socialism. If I wanted to live in Cuba or Venezuela, I’d move there not try to replicate it here. Nice try comrades Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer, all puppets of the Nazi Soros Machine.

4 months ago

If ever an administration needed to be removed from office, the Biden administration would be it.

4 months ago

In a sane world all fifty states in unison would now bring a reverse law suit against the DOJ, and our nation would convene an article V Convention of States to eliminate the DOJ and its weaponized left wing biased “law enforcement” once and for all, together with all the other socialist created departments of this no longer recognizable, oversized government on steroids that with around $35 Trillion in the hole we can no longer afford. Alas in the bizarro world we live in we have a government not to represent us but to destroy our supply chain, destroy our food and energy supplies, drive cost up by hyper inflation, abort our babies, mutilate, and spay and neuter our children, and indoctrinate them into Marxism, keep our borders open for criminals to eventually replace us and replenish the “democrat” voter base, and distribute our taxpayer money to them, the World Economic Forum, UN, and our enemies around the globe, and to generally turn us into the laughingstock of this planet. Which in the alternate universe Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, and Schumer live in makes perfect sense, just not in reality and this universe we the American people reside in. Vote Trump/Vance 2024, and watch the left wing cheaters like a hawk, report any, and all cheating to your local county sheriff immediately, and if they don’t react to the reports, make sure they understand they will be primaried!

4 months ago

Harris and Biden have been screaming we need to overhaul the immigration laws. The laws we have on the books Biden nor Harris follow it. Youngkin was following the law but the politicized DOJ says nope we are suing you on a technicality. They want to keep the illegals on the voting rolls, 2 million plus they estimate. With 20 million invaders in the past 4 years I would estimate at least double that amount. Especially in battleground states. They sue Virginia to take the publicity away from those states with millions of illegal voters. These are law breakers. But Biden Harris don’t care and Harris Walz won’t address it at all. Trans surgery for these invaders. Money taken from victims of disasters. Trump will win by a landslide. Harris held a townhall. When someone asked can we ask questions. They were told no the questions have been pre-arranged. Maybe there will be a question that you have in mind. Only don’t count on it. I like to see them use these tactics when Harris is meeting with Putin or Xi. Please me Putin or Xi send us the questions so Harris can learn the answers. It’s the saddest thing I have heard and seen. And to top it off Biden said yesterday Trump needs to be locked up and added vote for Harris. I think that is what he mumbled. They tried 4 years to destroy Trump and yet he is still standing and leading in the polls. They don’t understand how come. Because their policies are not working. The hatred they display every day for Trump and his supporters is nothing more to hide their disaster of governing. Trump has done what they would love to have done only they don’t know how. Trump working at McDonald’s was a great success. And what does the MSM do tear it down. If it wasn’t for Trump these MSM talking heads wouldn’t even have a job. They are the puppets of elites and Biden Harris administration. And are on the way out, MSM and Biden Harris. VOTE TRUMP VANCE in 2024 to save America and its people.

4 months ago


4 months ago

Thats why they open the border for illegals to come and allowed by crooked Biden administration to vote, what a mess.they must think we are ignorant of there schemes.

Katherine Murray Leisure
Katherine Murray Leisure
4 months ago

Grounds for impeachment x 3: Afghanistan withdrawal, Hunter Biden and Ukraine Burisma & interference with state (Virginia) elections with illegal procedures. Impeach VP Harris for failure to protect SW US border, criminal invasions. With both Pretender Prez and pretender VP out of office, certification of the 2024 Elections would fall to the Speaker of the House (Johnson), yes? If Xi OBiden is not impeached, this evil Administration will start a civil war here at home. They’ ve already allowed wars abroad in Gaza and Ukraine. Congress, stop this insanity.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Is this admitting that without the illegal vote there is no win? How can anyone be charged with the crime if Justice department itself breaks the law and gets away with it.

4 months ago

Since when does the DOJ sue for non citizens to vote? Preposterous!!!

4 months ago

The real question is why did Virginia wat so long to remove these illegal voters from the rolls? If they had done so prior to the 90-day cutoff, would the DOJ STILL be suing them?

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
4 months ago

INFURIATING!! They get power and then jigger the system so you can’t get them out of power! That’s what makes people go to violence. Peaceful elections can only work if there is election integrity!!

Katherine Murray Leisure
Katherine Murray Leisure
4 months ago

Treachery against Virginia trying to clean up its voting lists!! Biden wants to legalize ELECTION FRAUDS, as Crooked J bragged to Obama in 2019. Biden is deeply evil even with his senility.

4 months ago

ILLEGALS should absolutely NOT be voting in American elections! ILLEGALS should not even be here, never mind have the right to vote and have a say in who makes and upholds our laws and constitution!! Ship them back where they came from — get them back across the border and let them find their way back to their country!! I love Governor Youngkin for bringing Virginia back to a better place. TRUMP 2024 to Make America Great Again!!

4 months ago

Noncitizens have no right to vote!!!!

4 months ago

Nothing to see here, folks – just another example of “democrats” killing democracy, wherever it stands between them and any of their countless, illegal conquests.

4 months ago

This is utterly ridiculous. If you are not a member of the country club, church, lodge, union or what have you, you are not allowed to vote in their election, so why should non-citizens be allowed to vote in our elections? We aren’t allowed to vote in other countries elections, are we?

4 months ago

So in other words Biden and Harris are suing states for upholding the law and stopping people from breaking the law. This sounds like what they’re doing to Police Officers or Law Enforcement when people break the law they stand up for the criminals and put the Police Officers on administrative leave, fire them, or put them in prison. Who in their right mind would vote for Criminals like them?

4 months ago

Wrong to do, selfish, and hated to the public.

4 months ago


4 months ago

Republicans are at least trying, compared to the last election!!
There is hope this time around!

4 months ago

When did the states given the rights to make their own election laws? There should be certain laws that all states have to follow in National Elections & one should be that they must be able to show a picture ID and prove they are a US citizen to vote.

4 months ago

According to law ..NON Citizens CAN NOT vote in Federal elections…Only state and local elections which make no sense..Why local and state……BRILLANT !!!!

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
4 months ago

The Biden Administration need to brought up on Treason Charges. Presidential Voting is for American Citizen…American Citizens.

4 months ago

Why did it take Virginia so long to clear their voting rolls of non eligible voters thereby violating Federal Laws??? I have more of a problem with Arizona Supreme court intentionally allowing non eligible voters to remain on the list of voters.

4 months ago

Great reporting and we print it to distribute to the uninformed of what is truly going on in our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

To rerun 2020, 2022

4 months ago

This is against everything the Constitution of the United States and what this country stands for and is!

4 months ago

The Demorats KNOW that they cant win without the illegals.

4 months ago

The DOJ should be renamed DOSJ for Department of Selective Justice; or maybe the DDOJ for Democrat Department of Justice.

Susan Hogge
Susan Hogge
4 months ago

That law passed in 2006 with an unanimous vote (all Republicans and Democrats in both the House and Senate voted “Yes” to pass the bill).

4 months ago

The organized crime running our government must be stopped and this is our only chance. Ahole Newscum in my state passed a law that anyone asking for ID would go to jail. These criminals have nothing left to fight with so now they are breaking the law in as open a way as possible. Trump must get in and these turds must be flushed or our country is screwed.

4 months ago

First of all, they are criminals by even being here the way they came!! Second, they didn’t come here because they love America, they came because either they have been fooled into thinking things are better here or because they are actually terrorists who just want to kill as many of us as possible! The Constitution doesn’t allow anyone to vote in any of our elections who is not a citizen – there is no wiggle room there for Democrats to push thru several million additional votes by allowing the border to be open for 4 years!!

4 months ago

Some DOJ huh! This was part of the Dems plans all along. Illegal aliens voting in our important elections. Really! I like many others are tired of this current administration They are violating our Constitution and putting legal American citizens under the bus. They need to go to prison. We have no representation.

4 months ago

That is the only way the demonrats can win….illegally!

4 months ago

Why do we have corrupt people running this country? Where are couragous leaders that are for taking a stand against the unlawful deeds here in America?

4 months ago

Operation “Election Steal” is in full throttle

Judy Bradley
Judy Bradley
4 months ago

Why would anyone able to think even consider allowing non citizens to vote! Seriously, it makes no sense at all.

4 months ago

They Like cnn, mslsd, You know, The Usual, Keeps Touting It Does NOT Give Illegals A Chance to Vote…As “USUAL” They’re LYING…Of Course. As they’re Doing in Many Other States, Cheating As THEY GO…To STEAL ANOTHER ONE.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
4 months ago

This our Dem run government wanting people who are not citizens to vote more then likely for Harris that is why they want non citizens to vote The DOJ helping them to let non citizens vote for Harris they know it what has this country come to and all you hear Harris is her hate for Trump she has nothing else to say because she has no plan maybe Obama or Clinton will help her find a way they stick up for her figures.

3 months ago

Definitely definitely should have to show legal ID when voting. These US citizens??? in congress, the senate and white house should be thrown out immediately and never allowed to serve again. They are NOT for the USA.

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