
Elections , Newsline

An Appeal to Undecided Christian Conservatives

Posted on Sunday, November 3, 2024
by David P. Deavel

It’s the final stretch. I would advise readers to take a giant lump of salt with the stories and polls that are flying around. As in wartime, it’s hard to tell what’s what in the dense fog. Like Powerline’s Steve Hayward, you might apply to politics screenwriter William Goldman’s assessment of the ability of people in Hollywood to predict what would succeed: “Nobody knows anything.”

Taking this attitude is important because the goal is to do what we need to do. I have talked to too many people on the right who take the attitude that, though they want Trump and the Republicans to win, either a) their state is solidly red, so they really don’t need to vote, or b) their state is solidly blue, so it’s simply pointless to vote. Neither of these approaches is correct. The reality is that you really don’t know what’s going to happen in an election that is close.

The only thing certain is that your failure to vote hurts your side and helps the other.

But there is the reality that some people still aren’t sure what their side is. Some of them are even conservatives. I know some on the right who tell me their consciences won’t let them vote for anybody. Others aren’t sure what their consciences are saying. They’re looking to do the right thing but don’t find it clear. I think in both cases there is the conviction or the worry that Trump is not truly on the same page with them on a number of issues, particularly with regard to how to handle abortion in America. While Kamala Harris and her surrogates have been telling low-information voters that Trump will enact a nationwide abortion ban, those on the conservative side know that he won’t do that. And they are worried that he is bending too far on this topic already. Thus, they are thinking about not voting for anyone.

While this kind of a position is understandable, it is mistaken. Many conservative Christians take seriously that their true citizenship is in heaven, and that their main obligation is to God. There is nothing wrong with that. But what does that citizenship entail?

Well, given that the earth is the Lord’s, as well, it can’t mean writing off this world as simply something that is lost. Given the biblical witness, faithful citizenship seems to entail acting for the good of the earthly city in every way we can—even if the earthly city is not an ideal godly society. In the sixth century B.C., the prophet Jeremiah told those residents of Jerusalem who had been taken captive and brought to Babylon, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7). That they were in the pagan Babylonian Empire did not mean that they could simply check out and only work for their own good. No, they were to pray for their city itself and seek out its good.

Yes, that entails more than voting. (In the case of the Israelites in Babylon, of course, it didn’t include any voting.) But, in the case of Christians here and now, acting for the public good seems at minimum to include voting. If we have the chance to effect good in our time by voting for the better candidate or party, we ought to do that.

Of course, most people will have followed me thus far. It’s that question of a better candidate or party that gets them. That’s usually what they mean when they say they have concerns of conscience: that because Donald Trump isn’t fully with them on abortion or IVF limitations, that there is no way to say that he is better than Kamala Harris.

This thinking is understandable but mistaken. For, if Donald Trump is not the perfect pro-life candidate, he is certainly far superior to Kamala Harris. Pro-life activist Lila Rose has certainly been outspoken about her opposition to Donald Trump’s current abortion policy position. But, as she wrote in a long post on X this week, she has decided to vote for Donald Trump because “Kamala Harris’ policies and record on abortion are objectively worse than Trump’s.”

Indeed, Rose rehearses Harris’s record as Attorney General of California, which included the selective prosecution of a pro-life journalist who had revealed Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby parts and also the use of her power to force crisis pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion.

As for what Harris will do, Rose rehearses Harris’s promise to codify Roe v. Wade in law and thus get rid of any abortion limitations at all. More than that, “Harris opposes conscience exceptions for healthcare professionals, meaning she supports forcing healthcare professionals and hospitals, including those of faith, to commit abortions or lose their ability to practice medicine.” And, this first presidential candidate to visit an abortion clinic as part of her campaign “has made unfettered support for abortion a central tenet of her campaign” and, via her campaign, “spread massive amounts of disinformation about abortion, claiming that miscarriage treatments are banned in pro-life states (they are not) and blaming abortion-related deaths on pro-life laws.” Rose accurately depicts Harris’s “unflinching support for abortion” and summarizes, “If fascism is the alignment of all power to the state, Kamala Harris is a model abortion fascist.”

On the other hand, Rose notes that Trump spent two hours talking to her about her concerns and changed his mind on Florida’s Amendment 4 after being swayed by pro-life objections to it. Pro-lifers may not be completely happy with his positions, but they know he will listen to them and be amenable to reason on this issue.

Rose is making a rational choice that should be evident to anyone with a conscience. No, Donald Trump is not a savior. No, we don’t believe in him in the way we believe in God. But we know that he will be much better on this issue than Kamala Harris will be. And we know that on many other issues, he will also be much better. On men in women’s sports and locker rooms, on kids receiving medical interventions that would mutilate their genitals or stop their natural development, on religious liberty in general: Trump’s record in his first term and his positions now stand for themselves. They are better by far than what Kamala Harris has done or what she proposes to do.

And this doesn’t even get to issues such as his foreign policy record, which yielded peace in surprising places such as Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Vladimir Putin didn’t invade any territory during Trump’s term as he did during the terms of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden-Kamala Harris. And Israel was at peace, too.

What too many people troubled in conscience seem to think is that voting for a candidate is something like a seal of approval on all aspects of the person, his or her record, and his or her policy positions. The difficulty with this approach is that, if actually followed, one could vote for only a tiny number of candidates.

No, an election is about electing—choosing—from among a certain number of candidates. In our system, only two candidates have a chance. We might not like either candidate. We might prefer that other people had won the nominations. But that’s how all of life is. We face constrained choices that we would sometimes rather not make. But make them we must. And, in the case of political offices, especially the highest political offices, such decisions are momentous.

The differences between what Donald Trump and Kamala Harris promise are stark ones. They will affect the lives of Christians and everyone else in the earthly city in which we dwell. How do we seek the earthly city’s welfare? Certainly by prayer and doing what we can to build families, businesses, and communities. But also by voting for the candidates who will best protect and develop the welfare of this land. Kamala Harris promises to crush religious liberty when it comes to abortion and other issues. Donald Trump does not. Even on that basis alone, we can see what the difference means.  

When we are in Heaven, our citizenship will not entail any voting at all. There is no need to vote for the Savior. Nor do we need to vote for a savior here on earth. But our citizenship does entail making the best choice possible among potential leaders so that we and our fellow earthly citizens can live in peace, prosperity, and the freedom to do what God has asked us. The case for Donald Trump is not based on his bringing our salvation. It is based in his being the best candidate to protect religious and civil liberties, keep peace in the foreign countries with which we have influence, and ensure the ability of Americans to thrive economically.   

In an imperfect world, a good citizen can and should vote for the best candidate.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.

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2 months ago

I grew up in a third world country. You don’t appreciate your freedoms until you’ve lost them. Not voting is surrendering your freedom to someone else. It’s an imperfect world. Vote for the candidate who fights for our freedoms. The difference is crystal clear.

Ross Spallone
Ross Spallone
2 months ago

Greetings, my fellow Americans,
It’s imperative that we all get out and vote. We are not just voting for ourselves, but the reality is we’ve had our time in the sun. We are now voting for future generations for our children and grandchildren we need Donald Trump as our 47th president along with a Republican house and Senate. Not all of these candidates are the best but they’re not Democrat. I encourage you to get out and perform your patriotic duty and vote.
Lord bless y’all

2 months ago

Children deciding if they want to get a Sex Change?
Millions of Illegals allowed to enter America?
Men in Women’s Sports?
Unlawful Presidential Lawfare prosecutions In DC?
Unlawful Prison and Delayed Trials for hundreds of J6 American Citizens?
Trump’s a Nazi and MAGA is Garbage?

2 months ago

God willing President Trump wins this election with a Republican majority in House

2 months ago

This election is not about choosing the most likable person. We are voting between two vastly different ideologies.
I’m not just voting for the person. I’m voting for the future of our country. I’m voting for:
The First Amendment and freedom of speech.
Secure borders and LEGAL immigration.
Election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)
The Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
The police to be respected once again.
Law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)
Personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)
Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
Continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Keeping our jobs in America and not be outsourced all over the world to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.
Eliminating freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of American citizens.
The military & the veterans who fought for this country.
Keeping men out of women’s bathrooms and sports.
Peace in the Middle East.
Eliminating human/child and drug trafficking.
Freedom of Religion.
The return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.
The return of morals, values, loyalty, appreciation, and respect.
I’m voting against:
Deliberate indoctrination of children as early as kindergarten into the LGBTQ movement in public schools.
Dark and demonic content marketed to children and teens by TV productions, streaming platforms, and social media
Undermining parental rights in healthcare decisions in the name of “affirming gender identity”.
Encouraging abortion up to the point of birth for young teen girls—without parental consent.
Open borders.
Crowded Emergency Rooms.
Sanctuary cities and states.

2 months ago

I have no crisis of conscience.
You’re preaching to the choir.
I vote all “R”.
My state is approximately 2/3, at least, “R”.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

After nearly 4 years of Biden and Harris and their trying to end most of our freedoms and to trash the Constitution, anyone who loves our country should have no trouble choosing the team that will end this madness. Their stance on abortion alone is enough to make me vote for Republicans. This is a choice between Good and Evil and anyone who chooses Evil is as Evil as the Communists in DC!!

Deborah Martin
Deborah Martin
2 months ago

My vote is about ISSUES not personalities. There is not a single candidate that expresses how I feel about every issue that I value. Since I am entitled to my opinion and my one vote, I chose the one that will make choices that will accomplish what I expect from my country and in the best manner possible.

2 months ago

I am shocked that there are so many indifferent, conservative Christians out there. Why don’t they care enough about our republic to get out and vote. It’s just wrong

2 months ago

Just remember folks that VP Harris and Walz may put on their smiles and say nice things but they will do what they want and we are stuck with their policies for 4 years.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Whatever your reason, O Pious Ones, for not voting (or worse, voting for Harris), think about this: The Harris economy will mean less food on my plate so that means less money in the churches. I’m on a fixed income; I donated $20/month to the Shriners for the last 12 years but I’ve had to stop that. If I can say no to children I can say no to the hungry, the poor, and especially to the church collection plate!

2 months ago

I voted early in my state of Florida. I voted Trump/Vance and “no” on Amendments 3 & 4. I 100% believe that God is not finished with America.
This is God’s country and God will ensure Trump’s victory. Of course, I’m not naive enough to think they’ll just quietly leave office, so I am prepared for the chaos that might follow Trump’s landslide victory.

Thomas D Booth
Thomas D Booth
2 months ago

Why would a Christian be undecided?

2 months ago

For the people in or we will be under Communism with Harris/Walz.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
2 months ago

Good article David, When thinking about voting in the same way survival skills are thought about then there should be no hesitation, no doubt regarding the matter. For example, in a wilderness survival situation if a river needs to be crossed ( emphasis on the word needs ) building a bridge would probably. be the first thing to not consider,due to time, materials,number of people needed . Building a raft would be more realistic in most circumstances — when there is a time element involved, then the reasonable plan would be to start building the raft . To do nothing is not an option. .So, that is the idea about motivation to vote — which is not all that complicated really , considering that this is an imperfect world, but whenever progress is made to improve things it becomes less imperfect , in other words it is all a matter of a responsibility to do the best we can with what we have. That is the spirit that motivated the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and it is what makes civilization possible.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

VOTE NOW Your Nation needs U NOW

2 months ago

We are the instrument of God to do good in the world. For the privilege of living in a free country, it’s the duty of every American citizen to vote. The dems hope that a lot of voters on the right stay home and don’t vote. In order to preserve our freedoms granted to us in the constitution it is your duty, your responsibility to vote. When an overwhelming majority wins they have to accept it that the people have spoken. That is why 2020 was such a manufactured election. This definitely will be the last election. Please people don’t play the dems card. GO OUT AND VOTE. Be an educated voter. Make up your own mind. Don’t listen to the rhetoric. God gave you a mind use it. The constitution gave you the right to vote, don’t waste it. VOTE!!!! Don’t allow the billionaires to buy a president. VOTE.

2 months ago

Brothers and Sisters THIS election is the MOST important election of most of our lives.Simply,it is Spritual Warfare. Faith without Actions is useless. Just as Jesus had finally had enough of the money changers and people who did not offer their BEST animals for the,at that period Sacrifices,Jesus took actions himself to RUN THEM OUT of the Temple. Jesus showed US that sometimes, ACTIONS are necessary. Christians must defeat the enemy,who publicly made it glaringly clear that they despise OUR Christian Values. We do that today by actually casting a VOTE. Do not sit this election out. That is the same thing as voting FOR the Enemy. It has been researched that some 32 MILLION Christians do not even Vote. So VOTE FOR YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES. If not, we will lose ALL of them.

2 months ago

I suspect that the voters being addressed in this article also stayed out of voting in the 2020 election and look where that got us! I don’t care HOW conservative or how liberal you are personally, one MUST participate in the voting so that our republic can stay strong and be FOR the people, instead of for the people in power. It is the ONLY way to get rid of those power mongers at the top when they are NOT representing the people. Pick the one best candidate and do your civic duty, or shut up.

2 months ago

Good Morning!
We need a leader that loves AMERICA.
WE need a better economy and stop foolishness on Gender Changes, Open Borders, Law and Order, BRING our businesses back to USA. Drill oil on our soil.
WE need a #Leader, not a global puppet with Mandates or FBI knocking doors in to get a pet squirrel. Enough insanity. Woman will not be fooled. They like to
eat too.
VOTE for prosperity! Vote Trump/Vance

2 months ago

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17
Based on this scripture, if you realize K Harris is evil or demonically possessed and vote for her or don’t vote you are in sin. Because you as a Christian are to resist evil

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 months ago

For Christian voters there is only one thing to think about. Which party do you believe will protect the Bill of Rights better? Recent history shows which party that is, and it is not the socialist Democrats!

2 months ago

When I hear someone say they will vote for Kamala, I immediately wonder if they are ignorant, evil, or simply stupid. But the second thing that bugs me is Christians who do not vote. I see them as Christians in name only because they have no hunger for God’s laws. They should put their money where their mouth is and vote for the candidate closest to advocating God’s laws.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

We are not voting for a pastor; we are voting for a president! Just because DJT is not perfect is NOT a reason to sit this election out! We ALL know what Kackler will do if she wins–Satan’s entire list of evil!

2 months ago

I completely don’t understand supposed Christian voters. Sure, they might not like a certain candidates ‘mouth’ or ‘ego’ or whatever, but I will vote for ‘bully’ who can protect the nation enemies, foreign and domestic, I want that!!!! Simply growing up in NYC gives most of them a personality that the fly-over country doesn’t care for, but being tough right now is very important to our country. We have lost everything to China in the manufacturing world and must get it back…from goods to pharmaceuticals to medical supplies; they are in total control. We can’t vote for a candidate who is in the pocket of China nor can we vote for candidate who murders live unborn children and promotes social trends which are totally against the scriptures and GOD. We can NOT continue fo have an invasion of millions of people without accountability into our country. Wake up people…

2 months ago

Liberal socialists and communists do not like religion or God to stand in their way. They want TOTAL control over the people. The evil and lies in this election has made me outraged. HOW can they get away with the lies about Trump?? While Kamala Harris and her surrogates have been telling low-information voters that Trump will enact a nationwide abortion ban, those on the conservative side know that he won’t do that. Don’t vote for EVIL, Vote for America VOTE TRUMP!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 months ago

2 MILLION Christians did NOT vote in the 2020 election. Are they the blame-NO, but the majority of our problems are on their shoulders!

2 months ago

Undecided Christians it’s a no-brainer just think about 300,000 children that are missing and no one’s doing anything about it and this is Biden and Harris that did this.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

How can anyone,Christian or not see the difference between the two parties involved in this election,you either believe that the AMERICA that has worked for over a couple of hundred years,or you think that it sucks and needs to be destroyed and rebuilt in the democrats(soros)image which is about one click away from marxism,which is a polite name for communism.

Pat R
Pat R
2 months ago

I read a comprehensive study today on past democracies and the biggest historical fact was that every one of past democracies had eventually wound up tyrannical – under a tyrant.
It would appear that we are at the door. I am a Christian and a conservative and I chose to vote early. Beliebve me, every vote counts, especially NOW in 2024.

Karen P.
Karen P.
2 months ago

What Republicans have done to Christianity is a crime. You bunch of hypocrites have pushed me more and more towards atheism. I read this and the delusion is overwhelming. Get your heads out of your ass because you have no idea what you have done by electing dementia Don. Some of the things coming may impact me personally. Much of it is certainly going to impact a LOT of the people who voted for him because they are low information voters. The boohooing has started already. I have no compassion or empathy left for any of you – you reap what you sow.

2 months ago

My adage is, If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. And if you do complain then do something about it (the issue-person or whatever)
Look for a logical-helpful solution. We should help not hurt the situation.
1 Corinthians 15:33ff…..”Do not be misled;Bad company corrupts good character. Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant if God….”
Exodus 14:13ff. “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the
Lord will bring you today. ….The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still “

Elizabeth Hartley
Elizabeth Hartley
2 months ago

In Germany, in the 1930s, the church was divided into three groups. The confessing church was about 20%, those who supported Hitler made up another 20% of the church. It was the 60% of the church that was silent, or ambivalent, or simply too involved in the world to be any heavenly good until it was far too late for the Jewish population and for the church. We must remember that we are ALL sinners, saved by grace. None of us is perfect. As a Christian, I believe the decision is clear. On one side, you have Donald Trump who wants to secure the border, support Israel, put these United States first, among many other objectives. On the other side, the Kamala Harris side, you have open borders, abortion on demand to and through birth, taxation that will cripple our economy, and a foreign policy that would likely lead to WWIII.
I’ve thought often during this election cycle of the 320,000 unaccompanied minors who have been lost in these United States. They are in the largest slavery this country has ever known…and it is sex slavery. Children and young adults, in sex slavery. I think about the convicted murders and rapists who have been allowed to enter our country. I also think about the over 400,000 known terrorists who have entered these United States over the last 3+ years. I think about how this administration has said they stand with Israel, but their actions prove otherwise. In all these things, I believe there are Biblical principles, principles of national accountability, that come into play. I know too many people that say they will not vote for Donald J Trump, because of the man they believe him to be. Again, we are all sinners saved by grace. Look at Mr. Trump’s record. He fought terrorism. He took care of our military. He has been the one to visit the families of those who have been murdered by illegal aliens who came across our borders. The Biden/Harris administration couldn’t even be bothered, until it became an image issue in the campaign. Trump was there from the beginning, bringing words of condolence and practical support for these families…and he is not the current sitting president.
Will your conscience allow you to sit out or to vote for Harris when it is clear that sex slavery, freedom for murderers, rapists, terrorists and more is the plan of the day?
Will your conscience allow you to sit out or vote for Harris when Israel is fighting an existential war for its very existence and Harris has vowed is to pressure Israel and withhold weapons needed to win this war? By the way, weapons that have the precision to avoid more civilian casualties. In Israel, all lives matter. Even in Gaza and Lebanon, all lives matter to the Israelis. Israel does everything it can to prevent civilian casualties, Hamas, Hebfollah and others use their own people as human shields?
Abortion is a scourge on our land. Will your conscience allow you to vote for Harris/Walz who want no restrictions whatsoever?
I urge you, American church, now is not the time to be silent. If you want to be salt and light in the world and in this country, and you have not yet voted, go vote today! And if you think you won’t be culpable for the outcome because you didn’t vote, think again. Not voting only leads down the broad road to destruction. Go vote the Bible. Vote for the ticket that looks to bring Judeo-Christian values back to this country, while respecting freedom of religion for all, freedom of speech for all. Do not let this day pass without voting to protect your families and the right to worship freely. Go vote and vote the Bible. We are to be salt and light in this world. Are you salt and light today or will you walk the path of the 60% of the German church that walked silently through the 1930s until it was too late for 6 million Jews, for 6 million others deemed sub-human, and for the 60 million who died in WWII as a result.
Wake up American Church. Go vote!

2 months ago

I see this election as a lose/lose situation. A nation with some of the greatest minds and leaders in the world came up with these two, this is the best we could do – Trump and Harris. Neither of these two should even be on the ballot and you’re saying to be a true American I have to vote for one of them. As a true American who served 30 years in the military, deployed in support of 3 wars with combat experience and 20 years of federal civilian service – yal, that’s 50 years- I will not vote for somebody I can not support. This isn’t about the lesser of two evils, neither of these candidates deserve my vote. Plus, I’m not from a “swing state” so neither of these candidates care about my vote anyway.

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
2 months ago

…The Lord was moved by prayer for the land…” 2 Samuel 24:25
Malcolm X WARNING re democrats liberals and their race bait game…
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everyone how stupid he is.

Catherine Loeb
Catherine Loeb
2 months ago

So, how do you respond to Trump’s crudeness and open racism which fly in the face of all religious faiths including Christianity? Examples: his simulating oral sex with his microphone, the comedian at his campaign calling Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage, his referring to African nations as sh*tholes, his conviction for raping a woman, his secretive talks with Putin or his stealing classified documents and hoarding them at his Mar-a-Lago home? To say this is far, far from what Jesus was all about is a huge understatement. I’m voting for Kamala and for doctors and women making their own decisions.

Rome prevailed
Rome prevailed
2 months ago

I got a message too. If that all loving god is supporting what you are? Man we did make the right choice with the hammer and nails lol

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NEW YORK, USA - Sep 21, 2017: Meeting of the President of the United States Donald Trump with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in New York
china DeepSeek AI
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: President Donald Trump signs executive orders in the Oval Office on January 20, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump takes office for his second term as the 47th president of the United States. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

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