
Elections , Newsline

An Accurate Fact Check of ABC’s Disgraceful Debate Moderation

Posted on Thursday, September 12, 2024
by Matt Kane

So far, the 2024 election cycle can be summed up by one mantra: expect the unexpected. Indictments, a coup, and even an assassination attempt have made this era of American politics unprecedented. However, one moment unfolded exactly as expected—the bias displayed by ABC News during the debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris.

President Trump frequently lambasted ABC as the least fair network in the lead-up to the debate, having been embroiled in a defamation lawsuit with the network, and specifically with host George Stephanopoulos, since March. Prior to the debate, the network gave Kamala Harris positive coverage an almost unbelievable 100% of the time. Conversely, Trump received negative coverage 93% of the time.

It was no surprise, then, that the so-called fact-checking during the debate was equally imbalanced. ABC moderators scrutinized numerous insignificant statements from President Trump while neglecting to challenge Kamala Harris on any of her many debunked claims. Since ABC evidently has no interest in salvaging its reputation, preferring instead to discard journalistic integrity in favor of propaganda, let this serve as the official fact-check for Kamala Harris and the moderators.


Kamala Claim: “I am the only person on this stage who has a plan on lifting up the middle class and working people of America. His plan is to…provide a tax cut for billionaires and big corporations.”

Fact Check: False

President Trump has pledged to implement “large tax cuts for workers and NO TAX ON TIPS” to bolster the economy by putting more money in the pockets of “average Americans.”


Kamala Claim: “Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression.”

Fact Check: False

At the time of President Trump’s departure from office in January 2021, the unemployment rate was 6.4% and trending downward due to the recovery of jobs lost during COVID. Since the Great Depression, many months have seen unemployment greater than 6.4%, including every single month from October 2008 through March 2014.

Attack on Democracy

Kamala Claim: “Donald Trump left us the worst attack (January 6th) on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Fact Check: False

Since the Civil War, the United States has suffered multiple attacks resulting in far more deaths than the events of January 6th. Notable examples include the attack on Pearl Harbor, which claimed 2,403 lives on December 7th, 1941, and the Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people on April 19th, 1995. However, none were more devastating than the attacks on September 11th, 2001, which claimed nearly 3,000 American lives that day, including 343 members of the FDNY, 37 members of the NYPD, and 23 Port Authority police officers. Ironically, Kamala’s erroneous claim came on the eve of the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

Project 2025

Kamala Claim: “What you’re going to hear tonight is a detailed, and dangerous plan called Project 2025 that the former President plans on implementing if he were elected again.”

Fact Check: False

President Trump has repeatedly stated that he has no involvement with the conservative think tank known as Project 2025.


Kamala Claim: “He sold American chips to China to help them improve and modernize their military.”

Fact Check: False

The Trump administration placed restrictions on selling semiconductor chips to China in May 2019, specifically targeting Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications company.


Kamala Claim: “Pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term suffering from a miscarriage being denied care in an emergency room because health care providers are afraid they might go to jail.”

Fact Check: False

No U.S. state has laws that would deny lifesaving treatment to women suffering from a miscarriage.

Kamala Claim: “If Donald Trump were elected, he would sign a national abortion ban.”

President Trump has repeatedly stated that he would not sign a federal abortion ban, as the issue has been returned to the states following the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Moderator Linsey Davis Claim: “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it is born.”

Fact Check: False

In 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that legalized abortions up to birth. The bill also removed section 4164 of New York’s public health law, which had mandated medical care for any baby born alive during an abortion. Under these new provisions, babies can legally be left to die, or in other words, killed. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, now Kamala Harris’s VP choice, implemented the same provision in the North Star State. In other states, such as Virginia, former Governor Ralph Northam stated that infants who survive an abortion “would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.”

False Trump Quotes

Kamala Claim: “He has openly said he would terminate the Constitution of the United States.”

Fact Check: False

President Trump has not stated that he would terminate the U.S. Constitution if reelected.

Kamala Claim: “He would weaponize his Department of Justice against his political enemies.”

Fact Check: False

President Trump has never indicated that he intends to weaponize his DOJ against political enemies. However, it is worth noting the numerous ties between the Biden-Harris administration and those prosecuting President Trump.

Kamala Claim: “He has expressed disdain for members of our military.”

Fact Check: False

The “suckers and losers” hoax was debunked long ago, even by Trump foe, John Bolton.

Kamala Claim: “Let’s remember Charlottesville, where the President at the time said there were fine people on both sides (regarding White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis).”

Fact Check: False

Even the left-wing fact checking website snopes has debunked the “Very fine people” hoax.

Kamala Claim: “Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath if the outcome of this election is not in his liking.”

Fact Check: False

Trump’s words regarding a “bloodbath” were taken out of context. He was metaphorically referring to the economic state of the United States if Kamala wins, not a literal bloodbath among the people, as Kamala portrays. Once again, Snopes clarified this.

Kamala Claim: “He wants to be a dictator on day one according to himself.”

Fact Check: False

The “dictator on day one” comment refers to a sarcastic remark made by President Trump during a town hall, where he was emphasizing how unwavering and adamant he is about closing the southern border and increasing domestic oil production.


Kamala Claim: “I made it very clear back in 2020, I will not ban fracking.”

Fact Check: False

During a 2019 town hall with CNN, Kamala Harris stated, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

Kamala Claim: “We (the Biden Administration) have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history.

Fact Check: False

President Trump’s administration inherited 8.9 million barrels of oil produced per day and increased it to a high of 13 million barrels per day. The Biden-Harris administration took office with 11 million barrels being produced per day and has only increased the amount to 12 million barrels.

January 6th

Kamala Claim: “Trump incited a violent mob to attack our nation’s capitol.”

Fact Check: False

President Trump told his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard” in regard to their protest of the 2020 election.


Moderator David Muir Claim: “60 cases in front of many judges, many of them republican said there was no widespread fraud.”

Fact Check: False

None of Trump’s election disputes were ever allowed to be fully presented in court. Instead, as President Trump mentioned during the debate, most were dismissed on the grounds of standing, meaning his claims of election fraud were never litigated, let alone disproven.

Kamala Claim: “He attempts to upend the will of the voters in a free and fair election.”

Fact Check: False

President Trump did not attempt to upend the will of the voters. Instead, he voiced the concerns shared by millions of Americans about the integrity of the election and pursued all legal and constitutional avenues to dispute the questionable results.


Kamala Claim: “Donald Trump is weak and wrong on national security and foreign policy.”

Fact Check: False

During his first term in office, President Trump brokered numerous peace deals, most notably the historic Abraham Accords, and successfully pushed other NATO countries to start paying their fair share in defense spending.

Kamala Claim: “Dictators and autocrats are rooting for Trump to be president again.”

Fact Check: False

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin endorsed Kamala Harris for president.

Matt Kane graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in political science. His work has been posted by President Trump and published by Real Clear Politics, The Gateway Pundit, Human Events, American Thinker, and AMAC. Follow on X/Twitter: @MattKaneUSA, Truth Social: @MattKane

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Terry B McCann
Terry B McCann
5 months ago

It is a travesty that ABC and their ilk can claim they are unbiased when this takes place for all the world to see. Unfortunately many people fall for it but I truly believe that most Americans see the hypocrisy. These two social justice warriors that claim to be journalist need to be scolded by us. However, because of their “performance” for the leftist Soros supported regime, they now have lifetime tenure with ABC News and perhaps will get a raise.
Trump could have done better at the debate. He allowed himself to get trapped a few times. Trump was debating not one but 3 individuals that want to see him look like a baffoon. Although he probably should not have mentioned the Springfield, Ohio story about the Haitians eating dogs and cats, the city of Springfield is in shambles and some of the Haitians are wreaking havoc. Some of them are cutting off the heads of ducks at city parks and eating them – FACT.
Donald Trump does have a plan that will MAGA!

Terry McCann
Proud God-loving, American, black, Conservative, Republican that is voting Trump for the 3rd time!

5 months ago

The only thing I got from this debate is the fact that Kamala is good at only one thing — LYING! LYING!

John Palmer
John Palmer
5 months ago

Great re-cap of Kamalla’s lies and distortions!

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
5 months ago

Very important that you wrote this article Matt It will surely be of historic value — especially for those of us who value Truth. As for the present it should be appreciated by everyone interested in honest government and honest news media.

5 months ago

Well, she has shown the American people what a liar and false understanding of what runs this country! She is an anchor baby and was raised by her radical parents-more so her mother.

5 months ago

All I want to say is, “GET OUT and VOTE FOR TRUMP”

5 months ago

I pray that people don’t fall for the lies of Kamala Harris and the media. There are still people out there who believe everything they hear which worries me.

American Farmer
American Farmer
5 months ago

Thank you Matt Kane! I knew it was all BS at the debate. When the moderator said that there are NO STATES killing babies at birth or aborted alive, after President Trump said there were states killing live babies, I knew that was completely false, I just couldn’t remember which states they were. Then kamala lied through her teeth and the moderators said nothing. I went to bed! That was all I needed to hear.
TRUMP 2024!!!

5 months ago

FINALLY an accurate and “fair” release of FACTS!!!!

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
5 months ago

ABC proved that they are one sided . Trump had to debate the moderators and Camel face.

Edmund Doyle
Edmund Doyle
5 months ago

She is good at lying just ask Willy Brown.

5 months ago

I would trust my sister telling me the electric fence is off go ahead and touch it before I would believe anything the media says.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

One sided, rigged & Bias
Such waste
& everyone loses out
Next Debate:
Indie moderators
No earpiece earring for Harris
= Fact Checking

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
5 months ago

The ABC debate moderators behaved disgracefully against Donald Trump? Let me show you my surprised face ……. (:o !!!

5 months ago

This whole debate was nothing but a three on one anklebiter tag team smear fest, with them indulging their Trump Derangement Syndrome to their lying tongues’ fully attempted content. I say tongues because these “moderators” and Kamala are a whole new species, they are Marxists who have neither a heart, nor brain, they lack a spine, and are gutless, with a wide yellow streak up their back, and they’ve bartered their souls for a bowl of communist gruel. ABC is disgusting to stage this “debate” that had clearly been rehearsed with Kamala, not only did she know the questions but she must have been assured that any impactful statement regarding left wing policies made by President Trump would be assaulted by her chihuahuas with fake “fact checks”, while her abundance of lies, and spin would not once receive an honest “fact check”, the producer of this farce could have been the Father of Lies himself.

William Hodge
William Hodge
5 months ago

Democrats lie! That’s what they are, liars. Oharris is very good at being a consistent liar. She has nothing to offer but lies. She’s been practicing for many years. We don’t need a liar for president as there are plenty of other politicians to do the lying.

5 months ago

Did anyone honestly expect anything else from ABC?

5 months ago

If I were the head of ABC, I would be ashamed of what these moderators did to ABC’s reputation. They would be fired immediately.
But then again, I have morals, standards, and an expectation of honesty.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

This is the chosen one . Any 12 year old would be a better choice. Less humiliating .The world was watching .What it must’ve thought. .She is not fit to run a local food bank.

5 months ago

Kamala was wearing a earpiece (earrings). She LIED about every issue asked. ABC only fact checked Trump. So obvious this debate was bias.
With the Border wide open, the idea of Americans having to support people who don’t belong here living in high-end hotels, treated better than our own people it’s so discouraging, very disappointing that this administration can sleep at night KNOWING they are doing their own Nation WRONG. And those who support the democrats are blind, deaf and just plain dumb to believe them. Who are the deplorables? Not smart at all !

5 months ago

when socialism comes these and thousands of news readers will be put to work in the mines and field, replaced by the government owned news outlet. remember pravda, the russian news source?

5 months ago

A MUST read. The wicked witch of the west CANNOT tell the TRUTH. Prior to the debate, the network gave Kamala Harris positive coverage an almost unbelievable 100% of the time. Conversely, Trump received negative coverage 93% of the time. It was no surprise? We MUST vote them and their evil ways OUT. Save the childen please?

5 months ago

The dems have lied about Trump since he questioned O’s birth. Which took years for O to come forward with a birth certificate. Kameltoe talked about going forward instead she hauled past lies, which all had been debunked years ago, in the spotlight again. He never said when he was elected he would create a bloodbath, he talked about the car industry. He never called the white supremacist good people. In effect he pointed out that he abhorred their stance. But the left keep saying it over and over again. Illegals get drivers license without having to take a test. We citizens can’t do that. The country is overrun by these invaders and the US citizens are forgotten. They have a Real ID stamp on their papers so they can fly. They can vote no ID needed. But you US citizen come may 2025 won’t be able to fly if you don’t have a Real ID stamp on your drivers license or ID. Kameltoe doesn’t tell you that. This whole debate was a lie after lie. She has no substance just think what she might do when she has to talk to Putin. He won’t let her get away what she did to Trump. Trump was too much of a gentleman to beat her down. Luckily the voters saw her for what she is. An empty vessel.

The Chaplain
The Chaplain
5 months ago

Frankly, I think President Trump made a serious error in agreeing to debate Harris the Liar on what is obviously a VERY GREATLY biased network, ABC. He should have demanded that any debate be moderated by a network such as Newsmax. It might be considered to be ‘a clue’, when ABC covers Harris at 100% positive while their coverage of Trump is more than 90% negative. President Trump’s team needs to do a better job of getting his viewpoints and platform publicized.

Steve Wilkerson
Steve Wilkerson
5 months ago

Thank you so much for taking the time and showing the truth that son of us know!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
5 months ago

Of course, Trump should win hands-down. He has already proved what he can do to restore our country to economic sanity and keep us safe. I know most foreign countries want to retain the horrific current regime and they have already shown that they will try to influence the outcome. And then there are the lying, cheating Democrats in this country who are now signing up illegals to vote and many states are refusing to update their voting roles. I fear they are going to “install” the same Communists in November that have been successful in harming our country in many ways. By now most everyone admits that Biden did NOT win in 2020. There was rampant cheating especially in the “swing” states. Wish I didn’t feel this way and I am praying daily that God moves in a way that will change our future back to GREAT!!

5 months ago

A great read and well-written and concise. Not only does it capture the lies but it also points out 2 fundamental truths: whatever the Left accuses you for, they are doing themselves; and if their lips are moving they are lying!

Sharon K Danks
Sharon K Danks
5 months ago

The drive by media is Americas biggest threat!

5 months ago

Hitler also used the media to institute his agendas. History repeating itself?

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
5 months ago

ABC – “Always Been Communists”

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
5 months ago

MSNBC is bad Because Of Lester Holt and Kristen Welker and their ridiculous morning shows show and there biased commentators, who couldn’t tell the truth if their lives depended on it.And ABC news has been biased against republicans since and possibly before World War 2. And I’ve never seen as lying News Commentators as there are on all three network NBC, CBS, ABC, and their is absolutely nothing fair and unbiased about any of the News programs of today !!!!!!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
5 months ago

To be expected out of a left wing news station. Kyle L.

heil biden
heil biden
5 months ago


5 months ago

It’s a crying shame and National embarrassment that the current administration lied, cheated and stole the last election now they continue their disgrace to the democratic, cooruptocratic, party by the latest embarrassing, lying performance at the so-called debate. Go home Harris….

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
5 months ago

They need to hide there faces in shame but they will not they just are all one sided out to get President Trump and that includes Harris and her people who was feeding Harris her direct attacks on Trump she was to dumb to do it by herself. She has no plan for the future just what she will do she had many years with the failed Biden era now she says in her goofy ads that we should forget what went on with Biden and her we need to trust her in the future and she has all the mega money pack people backing her up it is plain to see they care nothing about this country just lie vote her into office. A lot of her claims she said Trump was responsible for were false yet here in Wisconsin they were still going on TV and telling everyone things that were not true about Trump Harris is the last person that should lead this country she will never do it if she got elected others will run this country we need President Trump back in office President Trump needs to pick better people to have with him and not trust everyone in Washington a lot will stab him in the back.

5 months ago

Harris and those who support her candidacy are not “Democrats”. They are in favor of policies aimed at eliminating our affluent middle class, and, therefore, eliminating the core of their political opposition. The networks, of course, are actors in that same plot.

5 months ago

The folks that willfully, and joyfully embrace this BS will NEVER live it down. Not If I can help it. Even my family members who chose to be idiot, hateful, jerks, are feeling it, and I don’t care. I will rub this into their faces until I die, or vice versa. You are part of ruining my country, brace yourself.

5 months ago

I have spoken to many people of different political beliefs, and no one believes that this debate was conducted fairly. Unfortunately, Trump wasn’t prepared to respond with facts and examples to give the Amercian public information to verify what he was stating. Republicans need to get smarter and prepare as the Democratic machine does. I am not sure why this can’t be figured out. I hope they will hurry up and figure it out.

Dan Danser
Dan Danser
5 months ago

Why hasn’t anyone asked Chameleon Kamala WHAT her CORE VALES are? She said they have not changed. Which of her “stances” are HER core values??

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

U turned off the debate after watching approximately half an hour of it because I got disgusted with how the blatantly biased moderators conducted themselves.

5 months ago

I have only one question to this litany of lies, “Did she tell us her true name ?”

M.B. Jackson
M.B. Jackson
5 months ago

You left out her claim that Trump rallies were boring and people were walking out.

Louise R
Louise R
5 months ago

This was perfect. Thank you!

Old as Dirt
Old as Dirt
5 months ago

best article ive read pointing out the bias of the moderators & i have read many

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
5 months ago

I believe she had the questions and had answers written for her. She had days to remember them. She actually didn’t answer a single question. The moderators (if that’s want you want to call the two Bozos). Did not ask a single follow-up question. Because they knew she’d go off track and answer with a word salad.

Robert Salinas
Robert Salinas
5 months ago

The only thing factual is that Harris is a liar, that will change her story to fit the hour at hand. She does not have a real plan at all. She is just doing and saying what her election team (professionals) are telling what she needs to say or do. On top of that a democrat is only going to believe what the party says no matter what. They could be slapped in the face with the truth, and they will still reject it.

5 months ago
  • I used to watch ABC evening news with David Muir, but never again. I was so disappointed in his ever so obvious bias. Whether you are a Harris fan or Trump fan ,or fan of neither ,it was a disgrace and so obvious that there was no substance or information gathered about where either one stood as they were only there to upset Trump and deflect the public attention from the answers or lack there of the issues at hand. Shame on you David Muir. Shame on you. Walter Cronkite it crying at today’s so called journalist. He is embarrassed for you
5 months ago

The only thing these moderators did was Attack Trump and they know nothing about the economy. Dems lie and make things up!

5 months ago

THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! We appreciate that very much!!! JUST AS WE ALL THOUGHT, but we didn’t have all those FACTS handy!!!

5 months ago

Should have had fact checkers for the moderators! Wait Disney must be spinning in his grave over the subversive and anti moralistic stances Eiger and his cronies at Disney et al have foisted on the American people.

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