
Elections , Newsline

AMAC Action Launches Multi-State GOTV Effort

Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
by AMAC Action

With numerous measures, including critical constitutional amendment proposals, on state ballots this election, AMAC Action has launched get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns in key states to provide additional incentives to get AMAC members to the polls. The campaigns are intended to inform AMAC members of specific details regarding the measures to counter the dark money, multi-million-dollar advertising promotions that distort so-called “facts” and distract voters from the true intent of certain proposals.

These important propositions could radically change the way elections are conducted, affect voting rights, upend state Congressional delegations, and seriously impact the rights of the unborn. They range from an amendment that would enshrine unlimited abortion in the Florida state constitution to amendments that would prevent non-citizen voting in the states of Missouri, Kentucky, Wisconsin, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Oklahoma.

Additionally, there are ballot measures that would either support, oppose, or recall ranked-choice voting or versions thereof, in Alaska, Colorado, Missouri, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Montana, and Idaho. AMAC members have long been opposed to ranked-choice voting and its complex, confusing method of voting and vote tabulation.

AMAC members in Ohio received an AMAC Action missive notifying them of the dangers of Issue 1, a proposal that is being sold as an end to gerrymandering but would actually include it in Ohio’s Constitution. Under Issue 1, redistricting would be managed by an unelected, unaccountable commission. Members of the commission may serve with minimum, if any, qualifications and once appointed cannot be removed.

In South Dakota, Arizona, Idaho, and Montana, voters will decide on the future of partisan primaries which are under fire from proposals that would foster one-party-only choices, disenfranchise voters, and produce results that do not mirror the desires of voters. Voters in Connecticut will have the opportunity to vote on whether to allow absentee ballot requests to anyone without a required reason.

AMAC Action’s GOTV initiative launched late last week and will continue through the end of this week. Each of the campaign’s messages includes a reminder for AMAC members to vote early in person if they can, and more states could be added before the general election on November 5.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom is aware of the high level of motivation AMAC members have for this election saying, “After nearly four years of the Biden-Harris administration’s open borders, runaway inflation, skyrocketing increases in violent crime, and weak foreign policy, our members are primed to vote in this election. Our get-out-the-vote initiative is designed to drill down the details of super important ballot measures that are state specific.” Carlstrom continued, “AMAC Action has been involved in these issues since they were first proposed in state legislatures earlier this year, and we were instrumental in getting some of them on the ballot for the November election. All we’re doing is providing even more impetus for AMAC members to get out and vote – hopefully early and in person.”

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4 months ago

Seems like a great idea, but wouldn’t this effort have been better starting way back BEFORE early voting started?

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