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Upholding Traditional Values: AMAC’s Fight for Parental Authority in Tennessee Schools

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2024
by AMAC Action

AMAC members have made clear their concern about the infestation of the radical transgender agenda in America’s schools. They want their grandchildren protected from the harmful effects of this dangerous ideology and have voiced their support for parental rights via numerous AMAC Action call-to-action campaigns in states throughout the country.

This is why AMAC Action has been lobbying members of the Tennessee state legislature in support of HB 2936. This bill empowers parental rights and provides much needed clarity for families who experience interference with the parent-child relationship by a teacher or other government employee.

The legislation effectively does four things:

  • Defines the right of parents as fundamental
  • Subjects government action that burdens this right of parents to the toughest level of review in American law
  • Prohibits health care providers from administering care to minors without parental consent
  • Provides a legal remedy to parents when the law is broken


The language for HB 2936 was carefully written and reflects language that has already been tested in court and passed into law in 17 other states. The bill recently passed out of the Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee and AMAC Action will continue with our efforts to convince Tennessee lawmakers to pass this important measure. Updates for HB 2936 will be reported as they become available.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

The phrase “don’t tell your parents…” never ends happily. What is with the left and their obsession with children’s “sexuality”?

11 months ago

Its about time. This should be the law of the land. Or at least adopted in other states. Especially the blue states. Because there is the transition of these elementary kids still going on strong. They are getting away with it because it is done with no oversight of the MSM because they agree with this trans plan of ole Joe. Those of us to be so lucky to live in a blue state the news is geared to what the White House says. You never hear any of the bad things going on at the border. The Afghanistan withdrawal is blamed on Trump while he had been out office for months. That was all Joe’s debacle, like inflation the border problem with the criminals and terroristen coming into America by the plane load. We are paying for our own destruction. And as long as the White House promotes the mutilation of our young children it will continue till a whole generation has been destroyed.

11 months ago

There are no traditional values here. Public schools in Washington must now teach students about the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community and their perspectives. There is not enough time to teach reading, science, and math. We try to vote these legislatures out but mail-in voting decides the outcome of the elections. Can you imagine being a student and being forced to learn this crap? Home school!

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

If the citizen exists for the state not the other way around then the child of that citizen is a property of the state Serfdom is our status now

James Sutherland
James Sutherland
11 months ago

This is the reason they fought to get prayer out of schools… relentless pursuit of satanic values.

11 months ago

This kind of action is like ” Kidnapping” the mind of a child, its Disgusting!!

Greg Snyder
Greg Snyder
11 months ago

End this criminal BS,the left does not represent notmal patriots.

Helen Throckmorton
Helen Throckmorton
11 months ago

At LAST!!! Parents are finally getting back the control over what their children are taught in their schools that they are paying their taxes for their children to attend. By the way, did anyone know that the Department of Education is not a true cabinet post according to the Constitution of the United States of America??? I think it’s about time that every American Citizen of legal to get more than just familiar with the fact that the United States of America HAS a constitution, but it is my humble opinion that if you consider yourself an American Citizen of Legal Status status, it is past time for everyone that can’t even list the first ten amendments and explain each of them to a child, that they get busy and study them and teach them to your children to help them understand why this country is the great country that it is and how blessed they are to be living in this country!!! Yes, I am on the warpath of saving My Country because, like President Trump, I love this country in which I was blessed by the Lord to have been born. The United States of America is and always will be the best country on the Earth ????????.WHY do people want to live here so badly in the first place? DUUUUHHH!!! Not because of the open borders created by the current administration, but this country has always been identified with freedom and the pursuit of happiness, and the freedom of religion.

11 months ago

The adults on the left have perpetually proven their inability to reach full maturity and make responsible decisions… on behalf of themselves AND minors.
The notion of these wayward people, individually or in groups, being role models to minors is as wrong as the proverbial “football bat”.
Flush out your headgear, darlings, and start marching towards adulthood…

11 months ago

Remember “MAGA 2024” or we lose it all. We will be like cuba and slow joe’s favorite, china. God help us.

11 months ago

Must protect all children even post

consent age from predators of who

happen to be legal adults.

All local enforcement authorities must

backup parents on this issue.

R Hill
R Hill
11 months ago

The state only has rights surpassing those of parents in countries that do not have a constutionally controlled government, as we do (regardless of recent attempts to exceed limits as the radical left have underway).

11 months ago

$50,000 dollars for a legal library & there is no mention of parents rights? I don’t believe that to be true. Trust me I won’t look that up & my bet you won’t either.

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