
Education , Newsline

In Virginia, Democrats Continue Woke Crusade in Schools Despite Rebuke from Voters

Posted on Tuesday, March 8, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

School Classroom

Last Thursday, just days before the end of the legislative session, Democrats in the Virginia State Senate succeeded in blocking several Republican-sponsored education bills that would have delivered on Governor Glenn Youngkin’s vision for education reform in the state.

After Youngkin and a Republican majority in the House of Delegates were swept into power last year with a clear mandate from voters to overhaul education policy in Virginia, Senate Democrats’ stubborn refusal to even consider the legislation underscores how battles over parents’ rights and education are far from over, even in places like Virginia that have seen fierce voter backlash to Democrat policies in recent elections.

While the governor’s mansion and control of the House of Delegates were both up for grabs in Virginia last year, control of the state senate was not. After Democrats retained control of the chamber in 2019, they were assured power until at least 2023, the next state senate election. That soon proved to be bad news for Youngkin and House Republicans, as Democrat Louise Lucas, the President Pro Tempore of the senate and a longtime thorn in the side of Republicans, promised that her party would be a “brick wall” and work to obstruct Republicans’ agenda.

In practice, that pledge has translated into Democrats in the senate killing nearly every piece of legislation forwarded by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates, even bills that seemingly should hold bipartisan appeal. On no issue has this strategy been more obvious than education, where Lucas has worked at every turn to stymie Republican reforms.

In just one meeting of the Senate Education and Health Committee last week – chaired by none other than Ms. Lucas – Democrats killed six Republican bills aimed at putting parents and students back in charge of education.

In a press release that attempted to explain why they blocked the legislation, senate Democrats claimed that the bills “attempt to strip away public school funding, endanger the safety of our students, and implement policies that divide our children.” However, that explanation does not appear to square with the actual text of the legislation in question.

For example, one of the bills Democrats blocked Thursday was HB787, one of several Republican bills to ban divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory from classrooms. The legislation would have made it unlawful for “any local school board or employee or contractor” to promote in public schools beliefs like “one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex,” “an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive,” or that “an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of the individual’s race or sex.” Even though the text of the bill explicitly bans concepts that divide students against one another, Democrats allege that it is Republican policies that are divisive.

Another anti-indoctrination bill, HB1093, would have required that school boards seek input from their communities before requiring teachers to undergo so-called “cultural competence training.” Calls for such a bill arose in part after former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam last year signed into law a bill that required teachers to pass a “cultural competence test” in order to renew their license. As some commentators have noted, “cultural competence” has become one of the many code words for forcing teachers to comply with woke political ideologies that have nothing to do with performing their duties as teachers. In the case of the Virginia law, what exactly makes a teacher culturally competent was never defined, and it was left up to the unelected state Board of Education to decide which views were acceptable for teachers to hold and which were not.

But Democrat opposition to Republican reforms didn’t stop with the hot-button topic of Critical Race Theory and political indoctrination in classrooms. In addition, Democrats also killed legislation that would have allowed parents to opt their children out of mandatory vaccines on religious grounds, required parental consent for students to receive counseling in schools, allowed homeschool students to participate in public school athletics, and empowered parents with more control over their children’s education through school choice.

You read that right – Democrats in the Virginia State Senate argued that allowing homeschool kids to play team sports and compete for their community (where their parents still pay taxes to fund public school athletics) amounts to an attempt to “strip away public school funding.” Moreover, they assert that ensuring parents are in-the-know if their children need or are receiving mental health treatment constitutes “endangering the safety of our students.”

With the legislative session coming to an end this week, Republicans have little hope of getting any education bills to Youngkin’s desk before the end of the year. Although Youngkin has signed several executive orders dealing with education, such as one banning divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory, the reality is that Republicans need to pass legislation that codifies his reforms if they hope to create any lasting change in state policy.

That means that next year’s state midterm elections are all the more important for long-suffering Virginia Republicans. With Democrats holding just a two-seat edge in the state senate, a strong showing would give the GOP a good shot of attaining a governing trifecta for the first time since 2013. By opposing Youngkin’s push for parents’ rights, Democrats in the state senate may only be giving a further boost to Republicans’ chances, dooming themselves to long-term electoral failures in service of blocking Republicans’ agenda in the short term.

Conservatives may also find opportunities to install allies to Youngkin’s education agenda in local elections this year. Loudoun County, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach – four of the largest districts in the state – all have school board elections this November, another opportunity for voters to make their voices heard. Out of 36 total seats on those school boards, 18 are up for grabs, with a number of vulnerable incumbents.

Despite a number of high-profile victories, the battle for the future of education – in both Virginia and the nation – is far from over. Although voters in liberal and conservative areas alike have made clear that they want woke ideologies and partisan influence out of schools, Democrats appear as determined as ever to preserve classrooms as indoctrination chambers dedicated to creating future generations of progressive activists. For Republicans, fighting against this agenda will remain pivotal – both for their own electoral prospects and for the future of the country.

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2 years ago

Democrats don’t back down. Unlike many politicians in the Republican Party that turn tail and run at the first sign of resistance. Democrats play the long game of if they can’t advance their agenda through executive fiat (the Governorship, which they no longer control) or legislation, they do so by blocking, or at least trying to block, any reforms that Republicans put forth. In this case, the Democrats were successful in maintaining the status quo on their subversive policies via a blocking action. Now it is up the Republican politicians in that state to find a way to enact their policies by a different route. In war you don’t just give up and go away, because you lost one battle. You regroup, come up with an alternative attack plan and come at the enemy in another fashion.

Nothing happening in Virginia should come as a surprise to anyone on our side. Did anyone think the Democrats in Virginia were simply going to tuck their tails between their legs and slink away after the election results? That’s not how Democrats behave. Democrats don’t give a darn about the “will of the voters”. To them, an election loss just means they need to use an alternative approach to get their way. All Democrat politicians care about is money and power. Reshaping the youth of today, is part of the larger strategy to ensure they will have both going forward in perpetuity. They lost at the polls, so they went from a frontal assault strategy to a defensive blocking strategy. Now let’s see what, if anything, the Republicans so to counter the move.

2 years ago

The story in Virginia gives good reason why we need to take control of both the House and Senate in Washington this fall. No matter what the voters say, the Democrats remain resolute in their efforts to block any ideas that don’t come from their side of the fence. The idea of bi-partisanship legislation no longer exists. The Democrats believe that anyone who is not on their side must be ignored or disposed of. There is no such thing as walking across the aisle. The concept of Intelligent debate and compromise does not exist in their playbook. It’s far past time that the Republicans recognize that you cannot debate with idiots. They play hardball, and we need to do the same.

Doug C
Doug C
2 years ago

I don’t believe in complete control by one party or the other. However, I do believe, as Chris Kyle once stated, “Violence Does Solve Problems”. Sometimes a good old ass whoopin’ get’s ones point across. I’m tired of all this mealy- mouthed talkin’!!!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

When is non violent, democratic reform not good enough and actual physical conflict should be considered? The old saying “better dead than red”……should be put into practice by making some of these communist progressive freaks……..otherworldly

Tea Tephi
Tea Tephi
2 years ago

These politicians are despots. They have forgotten that they rule by the consent of the governed. It’s time for a little maintenance.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

They Really want to lose votes Big time

legally present
legally present
2 years ago

I guess it’s time for re-call elections, or let them destroy your schools and children. It’s ON YOU to do the recall!

Gloria Hensley
Gloria Hensley
2 years ago

Why would Louise Lucas not want parental voices heard for the sake of the children? She sounds like she is a Marxist / BLM (Lesbian?) She’ll be there another year Hang on an vote her out.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Democrats have, time and time again, demonstrated tone deafness. They have to know their agenda is very unpopular amongst many, and yet, they persist and double down. I am beginning to think their “tone deafness” is actually confidence in their election cheating tactics.

2 years ago

Yet more proof that the Dems could care less what voters think or believe or feel. Dems have no sense as to what the electorate is all about……good reason NOT to vote for any democrat under any circumstance, for any reason…..they are lost, and want the rest of the nation lost with them. While it is no guarantee that Repubs are any better in some areas, they remain the only option…fulfilling T. Roosevelts mantra….one has to vote for the person who will do the least amount of damage…….rendering this truth….they (polititians) are all bad, just some are more “bad” than others.
It’s the political “pickle” we are in and have been in for the past 50 plus years…….and we ask…”now what?”

David Baklarz
David Baklarz
2 years ago

And the Democrats believe that their party was/is the party of slavery and the Republicans stopped slavery, abolished it .Geez I wish these feckless people would get a clue

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

The Communist never give up and never give in. They are true believers in their cause, and it is the only really important thing to them. It is who they are, and it is life or death They are fanatic radicals and there is nothing more important to them than winning.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

It’s time in the areas where Democrats want to ruin our kids, for an old fashioned trip to the woodshed. Everyone understands a good beating and most would understand what it’s for without saying a word. I use to think that Democrats were stupid and would not be doing the things that are ruining our country, but no they are doing it on purpose if it isn’t stopped in small areas first by ridicule and a real kick in the pants there will be a civil war and that means bloodshed.

2 years ago

What else would you expect from the democrats? They hate our country. I don’t understand why in the heck these monsters don’t go to another country where they will be happy under communist rule. Instead they keep hanging out here hoping that their communist ideas will prevail. There will be a civil war and believe me, these wimpy, whiny democrats will get their a**es kicked to kingdom come!

2 years ago

Just keep ramming that dam and you will bust up lousy Democrat rules soon, the Communist party will not win.

2 years ago

New Poll: Which is worse, U.S. Dems or Russian invaders?

2 years ago

Throw any and all marxist democrats out of office!
Their arrogance and reluctance to OBEY who they work for deserves immediate removal!!
Who do these LOSERS think they are??

Kevin S
Kevin S
2 years ago

Hmmm they violate state law and aren’t in jail ??
WTF is with their legal system ???

2 years ago

Are these DemonRats nuts? Yes, I’ll answer that.

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Democrats do not care. Every single person in the whole world could tell two democrats they are wrong and those two democrats say everyone else is just stupid.

Every democrat thinks and acts like a 11 year old stupid brat.

Craig Nichols
Craig Nichols
2 years ago

Listening to the CDC is similar to listening to snake oil salesmen. They are the new snake oil salesmen. At least that is how they make me feel after listening to reputable scientists refute their nonsense with stubborn facts. Are they (the elitists) in charge of our country or are we (the people)?

2 years ago

The marxist democrat party either ignored the message that Real Citizens sent or, and most likely, they just don’t care what the people they work for demand!
This once again exposes the disdain,hatred toward Citizens and reinforces that they MUST BE REMOVE, and their anti American traitorous party defeated so overwhelmingly as to be banished from Our Country!

2 years ago

Public education as a mandate and the tax slavery it produces must be excised as the cancer it is. Does anyone actually believe the nea can be reformed? Mandatory public ‘schooling’ is the primary tool the left has used to ruin this nation. Cant afford private schools or too lazy to home school? You shouldn’t have had kids but we’ll build prisons for your offspring. Parents today must choose, while they can, between big houses, vacations and new cars and having their kids minds irreversibly poisoned in public ‘schools’.

2 years ago

Democrats are like the rodents that live in attics, walls, and crawl spaces. They gnaw at the structure, slowly destroying it. They gnaw at the wiring until such short circuits, until the structure burns to the ground…

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

If you didn’t realize what these progressive socialist democrats are by now you are simply blind or ignorant. It’s there way only no matter what. Just look at this administration and the leftist, destructive initiative there implementing every day. With the house and senate controlled by these socialist democrats they’ll obliterate our country.

2 years ago

In Virginia, Democrats Continue Woke Crusade in Schools Despite Rebuke from Voters like the murderer who goes kicking and screaming to the gas chamber.

2 years ago

It is time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to stand up and raise hell !

2 years ago

The Mom’s and Dad’s need to make these changes and get things right for their children. If they allow the democrats to get away with CRT, there is nothing anyone can do.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

Ban and outlaw the Democrat Party….EVERYWHERE!!!!

Okay, maybe a tad too extreme.
So, how about a special recall election of all the clowns pushing/supporting CRT and other deranged Democrat nonsense agendas like sex education for the kindergarten age?

Then again, getting rid of the Party that has been steadily trying to destroy this nation from the inside since it’s beginnings back to 1828 might be something worth actually considering.

2 years ago

The governor should remove the school board members

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
2 years ago

It’s going to take We the PeopleLet’s get to work we have to save our country. Vote vote vote !!!! No ID no vote !!!!

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

This is a perfect example of why democrats (read communists) need to be permanently eliminated and never given a voice in this country again.

2 years ago


2 years ago


Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Well, let’s be reasonable– People pf Virginia, did YOU expect the liberal Dim-Wits to change? If you did, you are certainly short of enough bricks to make a pile!! If the liberals CONTINUE– then the Conservatives need to continue. I am surprised that Conservatives think the WAR has been won, when they have won just ONE battle. Evil will NEVE stop-therefore, step up to the plate an d continue to battle as the ONLY things at stake are the futures of our children and grandchildren and the freedoms as Americans we enjoy. It amazes me at how many people keep saying–We need to and then wait on OTHER people to do what WE should do. Get off your butts, attend school board meetings and monitor the libs attempts to continue their agenda. My daughter teaches in public education and makes sure she monitors what her children are taught. She has NO problem questioning the librarians about “trash” that is placed in the library for students to read. I am proud to be a South Carolinian that will ion June primary OUT Tom Rice and Nancy Mace.. We will also get rid if the “flip-flopping” Graham in a few years. Rome was not built in a day, but it WAS destroyed because of corruption and decay.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

Obviously the will of the people doesn’t matter to these democrat senators. What’s the only important thing is what they want so it doesn’t matter what comes before them, they’ll vote it down. Sounds like a socialist Senate to me. Despicable!

2 years ago

Democrats don’t back down. Unlike many politicians in the Republican Party that turn tail and run at the first sign of resistance. Democrats play the long game of if they can’t advance their agenda through executive fiat (the Governorship, which they no longer control) or legislation, they do so by blocking, or at least trying to block, any reforms that Republicans put forth. In this case, the Democrats were successful in maintaining the status quo on their subversive policies via a blocking action. Now it is up the Republican politicians in that state to find a way to enact their policies by a different route. In war you don’t just give up and go away, because you lost one battle. You regroup, come up with an alternative attack plan and come at the enemy in another fashion.

Nothing happening in Virginia should come as a surprise to anyone on our side. Did anyone think the Democrats in Virginia were simply going to tuck their tails between their legs and slink away after the election results? That’s not how Democrats behave. Democrats don’t give a darn about the “will of the voters”. To them, an election loss just means they need to use an alternative approach to get their way. All Democrat politicians care about is money and power. Reshaping the youth of today, is part of the larger strategy to ensure they will have both going forward in perpetuity. They lost at the polls, so they went from a frontal assault strategy to a defensive blocking strategy. Now let’s see what, if anything, the Republicans so to counter the move.

2 years ago

The story in Virginia gives good reason why we need to take control of both the House and Senate in Washington this fall. No matter what the voters say, the Democrats remain resolute in their efforts to block any ideas that don’t come from their side of the fence. The idea of bi-partisanship legislation no longer exists. The Democrats believe that anyone who is not on their side must be ignored or disposed of. There is no such thing as walking across the aisle. The concept of Intelligent debate and compromise does not exist in their playbook. It’s far past time that the Republicans recognize that you cannot debate with idiots. They play hardball, and we need to do the same.

Doug C
Doug C
2 years ago

I don’t believe in complete control by one party or the other. However, I do believe, as Chris Kyle once stated, “Violence Does Solve Problems”. Sometimes a good old ass whoopin’ get’s ones point across. I’m tired of all this mealy- mouthed talkin’!!!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

When is non violent, democratic reform not good enough and actual physical conflict should be considered? The old saying “better dead than red”……should be put into practice by making some of these communist progressive freaks……..otherworldly

Tea Tephi
Tea Tephi
2 years ago

These politicians are despots. They have forgotten that they rule by the consent of the governed. It’s time for a little maintenance.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

They Really want to lose votes Big time

legally present
legally present
2 years ago

I guess it’s time for re-call elections, or let them destroy your schools and children. It’s ON YOU to do the recall!

Gloria Hensley
Gloria Hensley
2 years ago

Why would Louise Lucas not want parental voices heard for the sake of the children? She sounds like she is a Marxist / BLM (Lesbian?) She’ll be there another year Hang on an vote her out.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Democrats have, time and time again, demonstrated tone deafness. They have to know their agenda is very unpopular amongst many, and yet, they persist and double down. I am beginning to think their “tone deafness” is actually confidence in their election cheating tactics.

2 years ago

Yet more proof that the Dems could care less what voters think or believe or feel. Dems have no sense as to what the electorate is all about……good reason NOT to vote for any democrat under any circumstance, for any reason…..they are lost, and want the rest of the nation lost with them. While it is no guarantee that Repubs are any better in some areas, they remain the only option…fulfilling T. Roosevelts mantra….one has to vote for the person who will do the least amount of damage…….rendering this truth….they (polititians) are all bad, just some are more “bad” than others.
It’s the political “pickle” we are in and have been in for the past 50 plus years…….and we ask…”now what?”

David Baklarz
David Baklarz
2 years ago

And the Democrats believe that their party was/is the party of slavery and the Republicans stopped slavery, abolished it .Geez I wish these feckless people would get a clue

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

The Communist never give up and never give in. They are true believers in their cause, and it is the only really important thing to them. It is who they are, and it is life or death They are fanatic radicals and there is nothing more important to them than winning.

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