
Economy , Newsline

What? Biden Sold America’s Oil Reserve to China

Posted on Tuesday, August 8, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
biden energy secretary, oil prices

One month after Trump became president, February 2017, crude oil stood at $67.62 a barrel. By July 2020, after ramped up production and COVID, oil was $24.21 a barrel. By April 2022, oil hit $110.45 a barrel. Why? We thought we knew. Now we really know.

The going-in theory was that Biden – preoccupied by climate change, sure renewables will replace oil and gas, and oblivious to China’s pollution – dramatically cut US fossil fuels, radically raising US prices.

This was true. On and after January 20, 2021, Biden has issued punitive, increasingly restrictive executive orders, regulations, and expensive legislation – passed by single-party government – intended to shut down big parts of the US fossil fuel industry.

Not satisfied to shut down supply, the federal government has – with and without legislation – methodically perverted the demand side of the curve, too. After making gas and heating oil prohibitively expensive, they penalized makers of automobiles and countless gas-powered household appliances.

Specifically, they have punished makers of gas powered engines, cars, trucks, boats, lawnmowers, hammered the energy, construction, transportation, and farm sectors, then turned to appliances, aiming to outlaw everything from gas and wood stoves to refrigerators and water heaters.

The Democrat idea, fueled by activists, is to mandate everything by fiat. The Soviets dealt this way, Chinese still do. Biden’s “make it all electric” mandate sees wind turbines and solar panels covering the Earth, powering the grid, now 80 percent fossil and nuclear.  By magic, wind and sun will run it all.

Never mind that the fragile, aging electric power grid cannot absorb more demand, is on last legs. Forget the fossil fuel reserves and a century and a half of reliance and infrastructure; la-la energy will do it.

Lest we worry about gird vulnerability – once locked in – China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran will not notice that one hack shuts us down.  They will be working on their own “vulnerability advantage” and energy virtue, electric tanks, solar-powered missile launchers, and rickshaw-toted, ethanol rockets – not.

This approach – intentionally disincentivizing and gradually shutting down the US fossil fuel sector and advantage – is almost suicidal, since no US adversary and no other nation is doing anything like this.

But the latest revelation should put a fork in this whole idea, and here it is. While many thought Biden was just about doing good, turns out he was happy to hurt Americans, to keep China happy.

What? Yes, turns out that – as Biden clamped down on US oil production, sending gas prices through the roof – he was secretly talking with the China about selling oil directly from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which ironically was intended to protect us from adversaries, like China.

In revelations emerging last week, Biden’s Energy Secretary apparently had secret meetings with China to assure the Communist Party that the price of US oil and gas would not rise. They were allowed to buy it cheap from our SPR, to build their own strategic petroleum reserve (presumably to use in a war, for example with us).

Biden secretly promised China cheap oil from our SPR, then gave it to them as part of the 180 million barrels released in November 2021, and again late 2022. And China – created a record SPR from it.

If this is hard to believe, it should be. Why would any US President – with Americans reeling from double oil and gas prices (especially older Americans), ironically from his own policies – raise prices higher?

But Biden did. Although he released SPR oil just before election day 2022, dropping the price from $110.45 to $88.25 a barrel (a craven political act in itself), his pro-China policies – selling SPR oil cheap for their SPR – kept US consumer prices abnormally high, well above 2020’s $24.21 and 2017’s $67.62. 

Selling our SPR to China? Who would do this?  No one in their right mind, so far as a sensible reader can understand. Don’t all presidents put Americans first? It is over, but Biden’s judgment is “bottom of the barrel,” his integrity absent, and motives – especially on China – plainly mixed.

Bottom line: Trying to understand the web of Biden’s unfolding lies, untold stories, and acts of misdirection – is a fulltime job – especially on China.  Just keep your tank full, and eyes open.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

Please have the author name sources of this information. If our President is secretly dealing with China to deplete our SPR that is treason.

1 year ago

Grounds for TREASON I’d say! Don’t WE EXECUTE TRAITORS?

1 year ago

I believe that selling strategic resouces to an enemy is tantamount to treason.
Treason is punishable by death.

1 year ago

TRUMP 2024 ! I don’t give a Rats Ass what they think he may or may not have done. He made America #1 . They fear him, that alone will give him my vote. He represents everything I believe in.

USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

Wake up America. Biden is a puppet for Communist China. The DOJ, IRS, FBI (etc) are the conglomerate of goverment control and power. The Democrats and Rino Republicans are only interested in personal power. Network news spews out propganda to support this communist movement, and China’s stranglehold on our country. Uninformed and brain washed Americans blindly listen to this propoganda as they are led to the demise of this country’s freedoms. Ironicaly, when the final take over happens by the Communists, all these people thinking they are in control will find themselves either locked up in detention camps and/or lined up against the wall and shot. At that point there wil be no middle class, only the Communist (Chinese) led goverment in control, and all of us pheasants forced to live in poverty. Don’t think it can happen? Think again. Look at history and recent events . . . Then brush up on your Mandarin, you’ll soon need to speak it.

1 year ago

Just part and parcel of the “Biden Business Model”, and maximum Return On Investment (ROI) for the CCP. As Joe Biden said: “The Bidens are not for sale!” – because Xi Jinping and the CCP own them, lock stock and barrel! They never registered as Foreign Agents, because they know darn well that a President is not allowed to do so

1 year ago

Why in the world are we sitting back and doing nothing. RISE UP GRAB ARMS AND TAKE BACK THE WHITE HOUSE, KICK OUT BIDEN AND OBAMA AND ALL HIS TRAITOROUS BACKERS IN THE GOVERNMENT, I’m sick of reports like this and we do nothing, nothing, nothing. Let’s just be slaves of the Chinese, and these demoncrats. Unbelieveable

Allen B
Allen B
1 year ago

If this is true, President Biden is discounting the US Strategic Reserves for sale to China while causing Americans to pay triple what the real cost is, he needs to be tried for Treason and put in jail. Impeachment alone isn’t an option.

1 year ago

Spotlight on this matter needs to be emphasized constantly. When our military is straining for fuels because Biden sold SPR to our adversaries, that is treason in the most blatant, gross form. Nothing to do with “saving the planet.” What hypocracy. Why is this clown show administration still in office? Too many RINOs, for one. They’ll talk about how they’re thinking about impeachment proceedings for the next however long it takes to complete the destruction of our nation.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago


lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

Can anyone seriously argue that this was not an overt act of treason?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

What oil reserve would that be since we depend on Arabia and are switching to electric vehicles He is killing this nation

1 year ago

Well, it’s pretty clear that Biden and Biden, Incorporated…that crime family has sold us out for a few million pieces of silver. If this doesn’t prove it nothing will. Now, how do we get the other 50%of the nation to know about this since the equally criminal free press will not write about all of the Biden misdeeds and missteps? They still don’t know about the Hunter Biden scandal since they only watch MSNBC, ABC, CBS and CNN! Better still, how do we get the Democrats in Congress some integrity?

Joseph Crary
Joseph Crary
1 year ago

And 10% for the Big guy!!

1 year ago

By election day 2024, Biden will likely have drained the SPR to yet another record low, with higher gasoline prices and more inflation the payoff. All while ranting Joe and chackling Harris keep telling us that we have to abandon stable and reliable oil and natural gas for the “green Utopia” his aids keep giving him notes to read. Joe Biden is the best investment that the CCP has ever made. He has literally handed China trillions of dollars in future dependency of the United States on China and crippled us around the world. Not bad for the paltry millions they paid to own this clown.

1 year ago

Now we know what China bought with their $10 million Biden payoff.

1 year ago

Biden has committed treason!! Biden and Democrats are evil, selfish, arrogant people!! The government has gotten so big that we, the people, have no idea what our elected representatives are doing or to who’s benefit!!! If you can sell to China while your own people are suffering then you have no conscience, no morals, no ethics, no standards, 9no values, no principles, no scruples!!! You should never have been elected President because you are an evil, despicable, offensive, insulting, oppressive (if you get your way), arrogant, horrible, pompous, repulsive man who is using his power for evil!!! I am so disappointed in you and I am embarrassed to call you my President!!! I hope you don’t run again and I hope that whoever the Republican is in the next election beats the pants off of Democrats!!!!!!!
What was your cut of this deal, Joe??? I’m always going to think of you as the 10% guy!! So any deal that you make, I assume you get a cut off the top and that makes you a truly despicable human being!!

1 year ago

This sounds like treason………………..

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Dictator Beijing biden recently abandoned plan to put 6 million barrels of oil back into the National Strategic Oil Reserves thus leaving it still basically empty from selling oil to Communist China (Act of Espionage and Treason) and playing politics by emptying it to lower gasoline prices which it is not designed for using but National Emergency use only for WAR.

1 year ago

Maybe he should move to China. His loyalties are there and not with Americans. He is not our president.

1 year ago

Selling oil to China, buying it from Russia and depleting our SPR while China and Russia are teaming up against the United States of America. This isn’t what U.S. Presidents are elected to do. President Trump knew how to put Americans and our Country first because he did the most important job of an American President: Protect our Country and its citizens. Biden is not protecting our Country. His policies are destroying it. An impeachment inquiry is coming. Soon I hope.

Carl Reed
Carl Reed
1 year ago

Simple. It’s called treason, and the Deep State, Democrat and RINO, single party system is getting away with it because they control the justice system with their fake law.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

STOP calling it FOSSIL fuel, which makes it sound like it is a finite resource only available from prehistoric times!

Colin Kobel
Colin Kobel
1 year ago

This is all part of the overall plan to bring us to a One World Government! There is a concerted effort to completely bankrupt this country by all means possible. There is complete corruption in our government and only one way to stop it! If we cannot insure a fair election than we are doomed to their corrupt policies. Trump is our only hope!

1 year ago

Obviously my original comment was very misunderstood. JB is selling our oil reserves, our land, anything that will make him a buck.

1 year ago


Marilyn Perez
Marilyn Perez
1 year ago

Treason! Nothing else needs to be said.

1 year ago

it is sad that many Americans pay so little attention to real news. No you will not see/hear it on CNN (Communist News Network) or other MSM that are controlled by Bidumb and his propagandists, but there are real news sources. (1440, Newsmax, Epoch Times etc.) There are also those who hear but won’t accept truth if it doesn’t match what they want to believe. That’s sometimes hard but necessary. It may be difficult to believe that someone “we like or trust” would do what they were said to actually be doing, but we just didn’t know “the real person” well enough. Believe this: Today we are living in America’s most dangerous times, ever! With a demented fool as President.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

We already know China has Joey by the short hairs…so what else is new? I mean, why else would the big guy or any president do such a thing especially when it comes to China? Unless they were in bed with the Chicoms, so to speak.
It’s Treason no matter how you try and spin it. Yet we the people continue to sit on our collective hands and do absolutely squat. Our representatives either don’t care, or are complicit…you decide.
God save the USA.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
1 year ago

Look at Mr. Charles’ credentials. He is an impeccible resource and 100% pro-American. Biden IS a traitor. Should be hung by one of his…. hmmm… earlobes, in our opinion.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

Everything this administration has done makes no sense. This act is not only insane, it is treasonous! These people must be stopped!

1 year ago

Everything is gonna be fine just look at the wind turbine in the picture above behind Biden.
Last winter in Texas the turbines froze up in a winter storm and now this summer in the Midwest the turbines are having trouble keeping up with demand as they are aging and beginning to falter already.
Better get a generator, before they start taxing them! The dem’s are running backwards as fast as they can to destroy all that is AMERICA.

1 year ago

It should be clear to everyone now that Biden is compromised by China and others. His criminal past is being held over his head as they dictate to him how to weaken and destroy America.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Biden didn’t release the oil reserves to American oil companies at a fair market price. He sold it on the open market.
Hillary sold our uranium fights to Russia. MALA is their moto ( Make America Last Again). It started with Obama’s world apology four after he was elected. Joey continues to carry the touch.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
1 year ago

I have no doubt that the pay off was funneled thru Hunter Biden to a shell corporation to the Biden crime family.

1 year ago

I agree that this act is treason, but as we are seeing daily, if your name is Biden, Clinton, or Obama you will not be questioned. The selling of America. We must stand together to save our nation.

1 year ago

They don’t call him Traitor Joe for nothing.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Anyone doubt the Biden Crime Syndicate profits by this? They’re already bird egg-nuts deep in EV minerals…

Dennis Mills, Sr
Dennis Mills, Sr
1 year ago

Branden has proven that China comes first in his administration which should prove to anyone with a brain the size of a peanut that he should be tried for treason!!

1 year ago

Why does any of this surprise you??? The corruption is deep and wide. ????????

1 year ago

Executive Treason by our puppet President. Export him to China with next oil shipment and revoke his citizenship along with his cronies. Or set them adrift in mothballed ship. Men without a country!

James Felicetti
James Felicetti
1 year ago

Biden has lied since day one in office.Why in the hell hasn’t he been brought up on treason, racketeering, extortion and not defending the border. What the hell are the Republicans doing nothing? Mitch McConnell said recently don’t rush to impeach Biden. A typical RINO he and several others should be out of office. I read that Social Security will be less than 3% for inflation is down. Where is that gas is up and groceries as well. The news Media doesn’t say anything. 77charges against Trump the federal government is try to bankrupt him intentionally. America is headed to hell Wake Up People!!

1 year ago

Bozo and the rest of the left leaders Should Be tried for treason and executed!

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

“the federal government has – with and without legislation – methodically perverted the demand side of the curve”
Biden nominee who failed Senate confirmation still leading admin’s crackdown on gas cars
From″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow ugc”
Why does the legislative branch let Biden and his cronies get away with this? Seems the border between the branches is also down.

1 year ago

Typical marxist democrat party politician, the anti america,corrupt scum of the earth!

1 year ago

JUstg one more thing proving McSniffer is a traitor to his own people. Is anyone surprised? I didn’t think so.

1 year ago

Welcome to the autocracy, courtesy of King Biden and his minions.

Nellie Cake
Nellie Cake
1 year ago

I gave up owning a vehicle and driving. I’m too poor to afford repairs, high gas prices and high vehicle cost. It’s cheaper and better for me to bum rdes from my insurance company, buses, lyft and uber.

Nellie Cake
Nellie Cake
1 year ago

Who will be in charge of prosecuting Biden for Treason?

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