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The MAGA Majority

Posted on Saturday, November 30, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

This year’s election should have dispelled any and every doubt as to America’s favored (even only) political movement: MAGA. The logic of this, which has been countervailed by legacy news outfits like CNN and the New York Times for years now, wanting the public to believe MAGA is “far right” or “fringe,” should have always been intuitive. Make America Great Again, put simply, is rooted in common sense. No quintessentially American movement would be anything but MAGA. This is because the movement has always represented a revival of American values; of the rule of law; of due process; of impartial and fair justice. It has been oriented around the American Dream – focusing on American business, American industry, and American prosperity. This is not anathema to our principles – it represents a wholehearted embrace of them.

No nation in history, besides one with a suicide pact, would ever prioritize the interests of the foreigner over that of the home-ground citizen. That is such a simple, self-evident truth that it needs no further explanation. Nations are like families. They require careful cultivation and attention over years, even generations, in order to bear plentiful fruits. Caring for one’s own over the foreigner or outsider is not immoral in any sense of the term, it is perfectly natural. This is not simply an American principle, either. A universal law for all nations – indeed, in order to have a nation in any meaningful sense to begin with – requires agreement on a common morality, a sense of national identity, and a healthy and vibrant culture that bonds disparate peoples together under one roof. Political reality necessitates that national identities do not work without strict borders, accompanied by a rigid vetting process to select only those peoples naturally receptive to liberty and self-governance. That is the American tradition.

Modern people far too often take for granted our constitutional birthright of liberty. In the vast scheme of history, liberty is not something that comes natural to most peoples or times. That inexorable fact is what makes America exceptional. We are a liberty-bearing and loving people and have been able to pass that down one generation after the next. We are that partly because it is considered a fundamental value enshrined in our constitutional form of government. Separately, but no less important, is the fact that in previous generations we knew the toils and labors – often firsthand – required to preserve liberty, and how precious and fleeting a republican government that entrusted its people to govern themselves by and large was. In fact, the American project was the first attempt at practicing republican government on a grand scale since ancient Rome. The reasons our Founding Fathers wrote under pen names like “Publius” and “Cincinnatus” was to pay direct homage to that ancient heritage, and to underscore how unique constitutional government was in modern times.

Today’s Americans have largely forgotten their ancient heritage – and crucially how important and rare a small-r republican form of government is. Our clownshow of a Congress, replete with abominable individuals like Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and Jamie Crockett (each one worse than the previous) who our Founding Fathers never would have dreamed occupying the halls of power, in part detracts from our sacred birthright – and disillusions those who might otherwise take interest in and preserve – that venerable heritage from taking meaningful action towards its restoration. This is why as a country we came so close to losing it all – and by the grace of God were given perhaps our last chance ever at revitalizing our constitutional way of life with Donald Trump’s resounding victory a few short weeks ago.

The mandate he received (and make no mistake about it, mandate it was) is encouraging, for it evidences that America’s dynamic spirit has not been totally vanquished. There are still remnants of a will to survive, on a civilizational level, even though we veered unnervingly close to all-out collapse. Now the work begins.

Though we should make good use of the holiday season to rest and reflect on what we have accomplished, hundreds – if not thousands – of J6 demonstrators remain political hostages to a despotic government. Many still languish behind bars, away from their families, having missed seeing their children grow up over their formative years of youth and adolescence, all because the current regime would prefer to scapegoat these people merely to consolidate their power and permanently vanquish political dissent. What has been done to the J6 political prisoners these last four years is a deep and tragically still-abiding evil. It is not enough to simply release or pardon these hostages, who have been persecuted for simply exercising an inalienable right, enshrined and guaranteed under the First Amendment, to peaceably assemble and speak out against injustice committed by a regime deeply in the throes of tyranny. These people deserve to be made whole again. That starts with a formal apology from their government but must continue with so much more. It is not an overstatement to say that the injustices committed against the J6 political hostages amount to the most egregious violation of civil rights exacted by the federal government against any discrete minority group in American history, given the unrelenting concentration of the firepower directed against them, and the outsized obsession among our political elites to punish them.

From the relentless gaslighting to demonize them by the media, to the lives destroyed through arbitrary, capricious, and bankrupting litigation, to the countless incarcerations – and complete disregard for their rights along the way – these people have been tortured nonstop by their government over the last four harrowing years. The evils committed are unspeakable and have lifelong consequences for the defendants, their families, and the institutions that persecuted them. Truly, should we ever come to our senses as a country, this age will be seen by future historians as one of the darkest in modern history, and certainly one of the most violative of human rights — and outright evil — observed in any era in American history.

One of the many aspects of our birthright that our people, and that includes most conservatives, must reclaim is a reverence for justice, in its true and original formulation, and specifically how justice ought to be administered by political institutions throughout society. Justice is an aspect of virtue and must be administered in that light. Most lawyers, including, tragically, far too many self-identified conservative attorneys and judges, fail to demonstrate a deep-rooted understanding of justice in their words and practice. This involves an appreciation of civic morality, and from there, the rightful persecution of crimes. At the same time, true justice entails proper administration of judicial procedure. This means how certain acts deemed intolerable by society ought to be prosecuted – efficient and timely (albeit fair), so as to not impugn the legitimacy of the institutions which prosecute them, nor the dignity of man.

That final precept involves a reminder, ultimately, of where man’s essential dignity comes from. That in turn requires us to keep our sights on Biblical morality. All men are made in the image and likeness of God. That is the cornerstone of justice – both its ethical structure and administration. Men are only permitted to administer justice against wrongs because they are distinct from the beasts of nature and made in the light of God’s infinite wisdom and grace. At the same time, men are not gods themselves, and thus must always remember their essential limits, downstream of which implicates the fundamentally limited nature of justice and guides its practical administration. In short, this is a roundabout way of saying that the kernel of justice is humility – and with that humility, sufficient perspective into man’s fundamental duties and inherent limits. The virtuous judge should never fear administering punitive justice when it is required, especially against those who would otherwise lay waste to justice altogether. At the same time, he must be attentive to its guardrails, unlike the judges which have administered the J6 trials, and ensure that the punishment always matches the crime – and that the crime is a legitimate one, not one based on political malice or invective.

Liberty cannot exist without justice – nor can constitutional government, at least in the American form. Donald Trump’s political mandate was a reminder that the majority of American people still cherish these things and want this next administration to save them because they recognize their indispensability to republican government. If America forfeits the administration of justice to tyrants, it will forgo its very identity – and continue down the road to not just serfdom but oblivion. That has been the standard these last four years. Now presents a wakeup call. This is an inflection point in history that requires those who have been given political authority to make good on their countrymen’s plea – so that liberty might be saved, not just for us over these next four years, but for future generations as well.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

WOW! What a beautiful article this is. Thanks to the author for an eye opening article for those in complete denial of the abuses done to our own people by the Democrats, who seem to be devoid of conscience?

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

If this election revealed anything, it’s the demographics. Once again a small faction passing themselves as the majority with the help of advertising and left leaning media tried to buy the mindset of the nation. Ever increasing fear mongering and catering to low information voters was not enough to whitewash the true reveal: the total cost living under democrat rule. Assassination attempts, civil and criminal judicial warfare and the constant barrage of political attacks funded by an almost endless pile of money. Is there any question or doubt that maybe people have begun to ask, what is truly good for our nation? The election results speak for themselves and so did America.

3 months ago

A universal law for all nations – indeed, in order to have a nation in any meaningful sense to begin with – requires agreement on a common morality, a sense of national identity, and a healthy and vibrant culture that bonds disparate peoples together under one roof.”
Small government, conservative principles argue strongly for laws and legal system that are a product of and a reflection of a shared, consensual agreement of national “morality.” The passage of too much completely partisan legislation and the weaponization of government in the pursuit of power undermines that notion. There are cracks in America’s foundation, and the Democratic Party put them there.

3 months ago

Democrats hate Trump because he puts America first. Not Germany, not France, not Brazil or Tanzania – but America.
Democrats despise anyone who loves and supports the nation Democrats hate the most.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

The idea of Making America Great Again is a genuine thought. It implies having honorable, noble qualities that inspire the best in people. Liberty and reverence for truth will promote intelligent thinking, courage , and practicing resourcefulness.Those qualities inspire good citizens of good character to do the best they can with the belief in mind that loyalty and having a sense of purpose are the attributes that help to develop what is great and building upon a foundation that is rooted in this Nation ‘s history.

3 months ago

The Democrat party is the epitome of evil. They’re only goal is a total Destruction of this country. They will burn this nation to the ground just so they can rule over the ashes. They are pathological Liars. I don’t know anyone can identify as a Democrat and look at themselves in the mirror

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago


3 months ago

In my opinion, this is our last best chance to reverse the damage the so-called elites and their minions in the administrative state have done to our republic, by peaceful means(civil war). This is it! I dont think, they on the left, realize this. However, there is this air of genuine optimism and energy, after this election that I havn’t seen or felt before. There is real hope and not the manufactured and phony Obama “hope”. One thing I havn’t seen talked about much, is the ever shrinking moderate and reasonable democrat wing of the party, which make up about 1/3, seem willing to separate themselves from the rest. This is something I havn’t seen after past elections and I find it refreshing. I hope this isn’t just wishful thinking. Considering the alternative way to fixing this and all its ugliness, the Dems should really tread lightly.

3 months ago

God Bless Paul Ingrassia, a great American Patriot who cherishes Free Speech.

3 months ago

The dems don’t understand common sense. They don’t understand that Trump will follow through on his campaign policies. They don’t understand why they lost the election. The New York Times is still delving into reason like it was the fault of the young male voters who feel alone, abandoned. Which lowers the birth rate etc etc. No dems it was your lies and weaponizing every department against your opposition. Which led to division and mistrust among people. Families and friends were hating one another with your rhetoric, lies and more lies. You placing fault always by Trump or other MAGA supporter. Even with Biden pardoning his son Hunter he makes politics at fault. Hunter admitted to all his crimes and was found guilty in a court of law. There was no set up from the other side. Only from Obama Pelosi and Schumer who kicked you to the curb. Since your VP didn’t have the guts to call you out about your failings and most of all your dementia. She should have enacted the 25th amendment years ago. But like with everything she was avoiding any and all responsibility she had taken on. She never went to the border, she had never been to Europe either. What kind of an answer and mind set is that. I have never been to Hawaii. If I have never been to Fiji either? They don’t care about America. Not for keeping our culture. They bring in millions and millions of invaders and pay for them being here. While people coming here legally are not getting any help. And let’s not forget the citizens who are starving and dying from disease because their government doesn’t help them to get the health care they need. They are living in tents and make shanties in our inner cities. And don’t get even a mention in the past four years. They give them drug paraphernalia for free to make sure they don’t ask for any help from the government. All the money goes to the Ukraine. And lawyers to help foreigners stay in this country. But you complain to a schoolboard about the curriculum or any trans treatment you are branded as a domestic terrorist and are listed on an FBI list as a subservient. Gang members of Central or South America are welcomed and they can do what they want. Polis, governor of Colorado, dismissed these gangs as we saw a mirage. Nothing was what we saw. It was staged. Maybe the New York Times should do an expose on these gangs members in America. Include all the victims that have been killed or hurt by these so called migrants. They are not here to MAGA they are here to vote for the progressives in this country. We are fortunate the election went as it went. The other way America would have been lost as a Republic. A free nation with a constitution that is no where in the world. I hope all the people that said they would leave America if Trump won, have left. Talk is cheap and nobody changed their vote because of that statement. Why would anyone listen to a movie star, or for that matter any artist. They all fall down sooner or later with their behavior. Even Oprah is in trouble. I never have watched her show. I am not a follower of music stars. I might like one’s music over another but I don’t follow them. Nobody is worth 25 million dollars a year. Nobody. Even Rachel Maddow or Joyce Reid or Whoopy Goldberg. Their opinion says me nothing. It’s the people that are important and this past election showed that. They rejected the left policies and decided for the good of the country they voted for common sense. Check that out New York Times. It’s not that deep. It’s easy. The dems lost.

3 months ago

Just finished reading Paul Ingrassia’s essay. Marie Saqueton’s comment below was exactly what I thought when I read it. Her comment: “WOW! What a beautiful article this is”. Thank you Paul for your great perspective. And thank you Marie.

3 months ago

This could be the inauguration speech. Nicely reasoned and presented.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

With viewership down by 36%, someone should tell CNN because everything I read above is the exact opposite of what those yoo-hoos still talk about.

3 months ago

“..agreement on a common morality, a sense of national identity, and a healthy and vibrant culture that bonds disparate peoples together under one roof.”
The Greeks, who invented it, called it “demos”. Without demos demokracy is not possible. When Rome outgrew (outconquered) its demos Republic ceased.
It’s really that simple.

3 months ago

Wonderful article. Truth and the American way. All J6’rs need to be pardoned and receive recompense for what was done to them. My heart is with each and every one of them. And yes, I thank God for His mercy and grace in Trump winning the Presidency. We must continue and not slack to support MAGA … and NOT become complacent. I love my Country. Let’s join hands, every creed and color as an American citizen, to Make America Great Again. Do not ever let the new communist/Demoncrat party, who support America’s enemies, destroy us, rip us apart, and break us down from within again. Hugs and love to all my brothers and sisters who stand for this great Country.

3 months ago

The silent majority became the loud majority!

3 months ago

Well done and thank God that common sense prevailed over this election. What is scary is that 71M Americans endorsed the insanity of these past 4 years. Pardon and release J6 political prisoners and release all the documents relating to it as well, including any and all involvement by the FBI

3 months ago

Perfect and necessary way to start a new year…a year of promises kept! Re: J6 “prisoners”… every single person involved in this draconian and despicable lie to keep these American citizens in horrific conditions, UNCHARGED!!…described by the few who’ve been able to talk to them as worse than Chinese prisons! Filth unimaginable, starving, in darkness, losing hair, eyesight, weight, literally wasting away in filth and degradation…when President Trump attains our Whitehouse I pray that every despicable “person” who’s participated in this evil is prosecuted to the max and those most responsible divested of every penny they have, to the loss of their homes, cars, bank accounts etc. should be prosecuted as enemies of this nation and put in Federal prison for life. This evil against citizens must be amended. Also, if what I read in conservative publications of those behind this, who perpetrated this evil must be charge with everything in the book and outside the book…Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton to start and work on down the line and charge every demorat and/or rino who participated in this treason. That these prisoners get the best medical help in the nation, those who can help them overcome that which we as citizens can no doubt even understand the mental and physical harm…and every single penny of their care and restoration be paid for by confiscating these demorats and rinos bank accounts!!
And may those on the left who even encouraged this evil suffer the consequences for their actions. Period. Playing softball ain’t gonna cut it!

3 months ago

Great article, thanks for putting in the time to provide this detailed and insightful historical summary:)

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Need to ID MAGA Republicans alone from DC Swamp Never Trumpers Can Help
City, state, federal, county seats

3 months ago

BRAVO! Thank you for your wise words. I will be sharing the sentiment with my friends.

3 months ago

Great article. The work is still ahead. This injustice (really evil) must be investigated and those who did wrong on either side must be prosecuted.

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
3 months ago

Well written and informative. Clearly states what the election of President Trump was for. What his mandate is to be used for. God will help him to do what needs to be done for this country, but we all must be willing to help him accomplish this cleaning up process.

3 months ago

Well, I suppose it could be a motivator for young people; however, it’s nowhere near as important or exciting as other issues mentioned.

Dennis Math
Dennis Math
3 months ago

I hope everyone realizes the demons that call themselves Democrats have set up President Trump for disaster. The economy has been lied about with the American people almost solely concentrated on that aspect they see when grocery shopping or while looking for a vehicle they cannot afford. The people from what I see are unaware of unprecidented events such as our slave state, Japan being so financially destroyed by the actions of the US Treasury Department that they are dumping our Treasury bills because there is no way around the fact they are as worthless as twice wiped toilet paper. They have dared to fight back against the evil actions of the US using the dollar as a weapon to a degree they fear that soon they too will have their funds stolen by America just as have many other nations that have dared to refuse to follow zombie like the woke culture forced upon them by the dying empire called America.When that two legged cat excrement called Kier Starmer in the UK gets run out of office the UK will follow Japans lead and essentially grow a pair and tell the US to kiss off. The vast majority of the planet despises the evil actions of the US and yet in a knee jerk reaction I hear that Trump is bloviating by saying ignorance in the form of threatening countries for not acting like good slaves by continuing to pump up the dying US Dollar.HOPEFULLY when Trumps team that have financial acumen tells him the truth of the state of our nations economy he might decide to fix the reasons the planet despises us and not double down on stupid.
But I doubt it. Depends on what our real masters in Israel tell us to do.

Joe Cogan
Joe Cogan
3 months ago

Less than 50% of the Popular vote can hardly be described as a mandate. Pull the other one.

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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