
Economy , Newsline

More Lies – Harris Must Go

Posted on Tuesday, October 22, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

At a time when Biden-Harris have spiked distrust in government (Pew), we learn two more lies were just told, one on the economy, one on crime, both eroding public distrust. Harris must go.

Put aside what even the Supreme Court sees as politically motivated lawsuits, overseen by a bitter Attorney General who conveniently forgot constitutional law (or handed application of due process, equal protection, free speech, rights to protest, safety in homes and papers, parental rights), and statutes on election interference, document storage, and federal bribery laws.

Leave to one side non-application of pivotal federal laws – enforcing the US border, deterring drug and sex trafficking, preserving legal elections, protecting girls, free markets, and employment rights; forget mandates that fired people for not taking an untested MRNA shot now tied to health issues.

Focus on just two issues – data on the economy and data on crime, top issues in this presidential campaign, each tied to White House policies, from overspending to illegal immigration.

Never has the federal government, with approval from the top, reported job data that overstated job creation – or understated job loss – by nearly one million jobs, a gut punch for everyday Americans.

Yet that is what happened six weeks ago when the Harris and Biden crowd were caught having claimed the creation of 813,000 jobs that were never created; turns out, the Bureau of Labor Statistics had to walk back claims of major job creation, a political black eye.

At the time, even CNN admitted this was a problem for Harris, statistically significant – suggesting an economy struggling rather than soaring – and another integrity issue, more problems with the truth.

Then last week we learned what Republicans have been saying for months, and what average Americans have been feeling for years, was true. The FBI crime data was wrong and understated the reality. Rather than a reduction in crime nationwide, Biden-Harris ran it up by more than four percent.

Called a “big jump in violence” and “shocking” revelation by crime experts, this update reveals what many knew: Biden-Harris did not collect crime from major Democrat cities. After being called out and forced to “revise” the national crime data – still incomplete – violence is, in fact, way up.

So, again on a major election issue, the Biden-Harris team appears to have been lying, or misstating facts, or misremembering what matters to average Americans to guard their flank.

As illegal immigrants, viewed as potential Democrat voters, were shipped to every state, drug traffickers radiated violence and overdoses, and crime soared. We felt it. Biden-Harris lied about it.

Is it surprising that, as of late 2024, only 35 percent of Democrats trust the government to “do the right thing” and only 11 percent of Republicans do, according to the Pew Research Center?

It should not be. The Biden-Harris record is one of overt and covert deception, broken promises on everything from spending, inflation, and taxes to public safety and the border, topped off by what most legal scholars would call a culture of half-truths, public corruption. Result? Harris must go.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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3 days ago


Nicely written article outlining why the Biden / Harris administration should have never been allowed to succeed with their soft coup in 2020. Yes, everything you laid out is indeed very bad for the country and shows their utter and complete distain for the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the values of the United States of America, but the bottom line is Biden / Harris and the Democrat Party have their hands wrapped firmly around the critical levers of power in the federal government at this point.

We have most of the attributes of your typical socialist dictatorship already in place or being assembled before us. If you look at how most socialist or Marxist regimes around the world operate on a day-to-day basis, you can’t help but notice how the Biden / Harris administration has been copying the same architecture and policies. After all, the Democrat Party today is nothing but a socialist / Marxist party in all but name. So yes, of course Harris and the Democrats must go, but the question comes down if the will of the people, in terms of a vote for Trump, will be honored or if we will see another long, drawn-out ballot counting fiasco where it takes days of endless counting and re-counting of ballots, with new boxes of ballots for Harris constantly being “discovered” until it is announced that Harris has “won”?

Remember, the hallmark of ALL dictatorial regimes is to count the ballots endlessly or control who counts the ballots until the regime is declared the “winner” no matter how the people actually vote. See elections in Venezuela for the last 20 years, China since the communists took over, The old Soviet Union, Putin since he took over, etc., etc. Every dictatorial regime works essentially the same way. The question is whether there is enough integrity left in the election system to achieve an honest outcome and whether the Democrats will cede power when they are so close to completing their “transformation” process? That’s a coin toss at best.

3 days ago

In all my years, I have never seen so much unethical behavior on the part of Democrats. From plagiarism and misappropriation of funds, weaponizing the DOJ and not doing what we pay them to do, selling political influence and outright lying to the American people… I can’t wait for the coming election to rid our country of this vermin.

America is better than this. Republicans, too, have to be careful not to misrepresent themselves. But I think, on the whole, this is what the democrats are becoming known for. How anyone can stay in that party and proudly hold her head up high is missing something.

Vote for Trump/Vance to MAGA!

3 days ago

RBC, agree with you and your article. The biggest problem is that those who have fallen for the gullible antics of the Democrats must wake up before it is too late. It will be a tough road ahead and the adversary will continue fight to retain its ground to the very end. The country is fighting for its existence in a society that has been comprised with evil.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
3 days ago

Well written sir. How in God’s name anyone could vote for these people that are dedicated to destroying this country is beyond comprehension.

3 days ago

Lies are the main “tools” of “democrats”. They involve little manuevering effort, as the “democrats” simply make up new lies to divert the focus from the older ones.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
3 days ago

When truth is absent so are many other qualities that contribute to having a Nation that can uphold principles and function in a way that inspires the citizens to do good and right . Good article RBC , truth and Liberty need to be respected . Any system that depends on proper management, that is ,making good decisions needs to have truthful information in order to plan ,organize, coordinate what is planned and organized, so as to schedule things or services to be in the right place at the right time. Intelligent, clear and truthful information is needed all along the way. Considering that the United States of America has more than 300 million people making up the population there is great incentive to provide incentives for being honest – it helps to have the economic engine run smoothly, and the same applies to law and law enforcement in the battle against crime . Praise for the police who help defend this Country Praise for all good citizens who have a sense of purpose and value the truth.

3 days ago

Absolutely correct! But, if the main stream media won’t cover the “lies” (you’d think at least ONE journalist somewhere would want a Pulitzer?) then the majority of voters won’t hear about it-ever. From the amount of Harris signs that have been put up in my VERY rural area in southern Oregon, the lies form the past 4 years, the incompetence, none of it matters. Only TDS voting matters to these people. I have lost respect for half my neighbors over this!

3 days ago

Yes, Harris must go, but will she? Lies and voter fraud and rioting will pave the way for her, along with general ignorance among the public.

3 days ago

If Harris wins, then Americans are okay with all the lies and deceptions they brainwashed the masses with, and insulting the intelligence of most Americans. The evidence of her failure in performance of her duties are evident with the rapes, murders, attacks & burglaries that these illegals are doing in our country, and yet some voters still want her? Please people, open your mind before she ushers in the Globalists to take over our country without firing a single shot. Our country’s demise is in your hands, pray for wisdom & help from the Holy Spirit.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 days ago

I’ve no doubt Democrats count illegal migrants underage children working as prostitutes as “jobs created” as well!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 days ago

The only way out would be from many one. . Democrats took great pains to assure that will not happen .Lincoln knew that the fragmentation would be deadlier than the war.

3 days ago

What is amazing is that in this women’s entire career, she has accomplished NOTHING ! Even now, she stands in front of people, verbally shoveling you know what while having no policies to improve the US,…. but devoting the last of her running time trashing Trump. Her audience consists of dough brained turkeys apparently with hoops through their noses easily led around.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 days ago

The Democrat party has adopted the usual philosophy of despots and tyrants throughout history. Lie, betray and sow dissension among the populace to maintain power. No Democrat should ever stand anywhere near a copy of the Declaration of Independence, for it describes them to a T. Any of the original 13 states that possess a copy of thar document and are run by the modern Democrat party should return it to Independence Hall as the people of that state have abandoned our founding principles. These states should also return their copy of the U. S. Constitution as they are opposed to that as well.

3 days ago

stupid people like being lied to. stupid males like her flirtatious nature, thinking they will “get some”. yea fat chance of that happening and why would you even think of going there when 1/2 the population has had it..

2 days ago

How can AMAC and others get this through to the “gp” and the Trump totally deranged?

Must be able to show them all absolute undeniable TRUTH!

3 days ago

It is possible to vote in socialism, but virtually impossible to vote it out. That’s scary.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 days ago

I believe the demonicrat party is presided over by The Father of Lies. So what we have here, along with the murder of millions of unborn children, is simply the will of the father.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 days ago

Mad dame kammy should be very careful who she calls a liar.Between “word salad kammy”and”I mispoke timmy the clown”,they have no room to talk about anyone else’s lies,true or not.I feel that the democ rats have the edge on the lie market.

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
3 days ago

robert charles is the liar

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