AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

As America’s national debt spirals out of control and inflation remains persistently above the Fed’s target rate of two percent, elected Democrats and liberal economists are continuing to push for record spending under the assumption that the U.S. government can print an unlimited amount of money without ever reaping disastrous consequences – a flawed economic approach known as “Modern Monetary Theory.”
From January 2021 when Biden took office to July 2023, the national debt ballooned from 27.8 trillion to 32.6 trillion – an increase of more than 17 percent in just over two years. Put another way, in just 30 months Biden managed to rack up 17 percent of the entire debt the country had accumulated over the other 244 years of its existence.
By 2026, the National Debt Clock projects a $41 trillion hole for the country. America now spends more on the interest on its debt than it does on national defense or Medicare and programs for children. Overall, the federal government spent $659 billion on interest payments in FY2023, more than $200 billion more than expected.
Meanwhile, inflation has remained persistently high, clocking in at 3.1 percent for the 12-month period ending in November – more than 50 percent higher than the Fed’s target rate. While inflation has cooled significantly from the 40-year highs seen last year, Americans are still struggling to get by as the cost of goods continues to increase.
High interest rates have also hampered economic growth and made the country’s debt situation especially precarious. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, “the new interest rate environment could accelerate the timeline for reaching a ‘tipping point’ where GDP growth is persistently and adversely affected or a default on the debt (a scenario in which the government would not be able to fully pay lenders) becomes imminent.”
But to hear many liberal economists and Democrat politicians tell it, all of these warning signs are no problem at all – because according to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) the government can simply print more money whenever it needs.
MMT asserts that legislators should stop worrying about balanced budgets or ballooning deficits and instead emphasize price stability and full employment – a goal MMT advocates say can be achieved through a “job guarantee” program that uses the government as an employer of last resort. The sole constraint on government spending, according to MMT, is inflation, which can be controlled through taxation.
The theory’s matriarch and most prominent leader, Stephanie Kelton, was treated as a media darling during the early months of the pandemic. Her 2020 work, The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy was lauded by far-left Democrats, including Rep. Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez. Kelton has spent much of the last year on an international tour touting the benefits of her theory.
While lawmakers from both parties recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic was a once-in-a-generation crisis that necessitated once-in-a-generation deficit spending, Biden and many Democrats have sought to make unrestrained government spending the new normal.
As an article in Roll Call noted earlier this year, “If Biden had returned to the 2019 pre-COVID spending levels… he could have come much closer to a balanced budget for 2022.” But instead, the government ran a $1.3 trillion deficit in FY2022 and a $1.7 trillion deficit in FY2023, even though the pandemic had subsided.
Liberals’ enthusiastic embrace of MMT is in large part a product of the astronomical costs of their far-left environmental and social agenda. As a white paper printed in Ecological Economics earlier this month asserted, “Degrowth and Modern Monetary Theory form a strategic symbiosis for addressing social and ecological crises.”
The paper went on to argue that a fiscal policy based on MMT could fund government programs indefinitely and pay for “a job guarantee, credit regulation, price controls, tax reforms, and universal public services” while also permanently eliminating all fossil fuel production and use in the United States.
In September, several new academic papers also suggested how modern monetary theory “can fund radical ecological and social policies without GDP growth.” In October, MMT apologists released a documentary titled Finding the Money, a hagiographic celebration of MMT which the filmmaker describes as, “An alternative story of money that will revolutionize our conception of what we as a society believe we can afford and can achieve.”
For Democrats, the appeal of MMT is that it provides a quasi-scientific and entirely theoretical economic framework to argue for the feasibility of programs like the “Green New Deal,” which some experts say could cost up to $93 trillion. Rather than adjusting their policy goals to fit economic reality, they insist that their fantasy about limitless money is reality.
MMT is gaining traction in the halls of Congress and already has a stranglehold over the Biden administration. Voters have a chance to check its advances at the ballot box next fall. If they don’t, Americans may soon find themselves yearning for the days when inflation was only nine percent.
Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.
Bottom Line: The Left is doing to the USA what Germany did to itself after WW1 — HYPER INFLATION. Printing more money with no backing will continue to make inflation accelerate and We the people will be unable to support our way of life. As long as the ignorant continue to listen to the leaders of the current administration and the media, everything will continue to get worse.
Any policy THIS STUPID, done by ANY administration, democrat or Republican, would have to be done with nefarious goals. This administration is fully on board with WEF and UN Great Reset. What is happening is PURPOSEFUL and serves to hasten the collapse of the US Dollar in order to bring about the success of the globalists and their plan. Wake up, Patriots.
Blessed is the Nation who’s God is the LORD. We are no longer following the LORD, and Fools Rule.
As usual, liberals ignore history. Printing more money always results in inflation. The more you print the higher and faster the inflation rate. This continues until the economy collapses.
HYPER INFLATION will be the result of MMT. Hard to believe that our country is at the brink this very day… Biden is treasonous in so many areas of his time in power.Another year of this nonsense…Praying for an actual legitimate election.
A version MMT was followed by the Roman emperors, creating high inflation, eventually the collapse of the economy, and the collapse of the empire.
This house of cards is going to come tumbling down one day. Stand by for heavy rolls.
I’ve watched the Debt Clock balloon its way up and up and no one has done anything to stop the flood anymore than the flood illegally crossing the border. Trump can (and will?) be able to do only so much; Congress needs to help! Question is WILL THEY?
This is crazy… How can well-educated people be this insane?
My opinion, if the middle & lower class are wiped out then this great nation is doomed , because that is what made America great!
Both parties are to blame, the debt went up $Trillion per year during the Trump & Obama terms. Some people may recognize bankruptcy , but I cannot wrap my head around how a great country can ignore debt & think someone will bail us out?
Weimar Republic all over again. Insanity is running rampant in our political class and WILL destroy this country.
I admit I don’t understand this economy. What I do understand is , If I spend more than I bring home every week, I am going to get behind in payments and have nothing saved for disaster. If I can understand this premise why can’t the Government? My Economic plan is to NOT SPEND more than I can pay off. It seems to be a simple and effective plan that works.
Responsible government money system would identify real need and not increase spending for political power.
The ‘central bank digital dollar’ is fiat currency on steroids and would be a macro-facilitator of the modern monetary theory scam.
Good question is what are the feds gonna doi about it. Answer is NOTHING. Or one of their great answers is we cut some program that was costing a million and a half a year. With that statement you can feel your pockets immediatly fill up with money. This country cant stand anotyher Bideh Era., Kyle L.
To state the obvious, the COVID shutdown and deficit spending were foolish. Republicans now control the House and can force fiscal responsibility – let’s hope they do so. Where are the economists who have studied the history and outcomes of foolish ideas like MMT – why do they not speak out?
Shirley you gest…
Everything old is new again:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (German: Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen) is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Programme.[1][2] The principle refers to free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services.[3] In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist system will be capable to produce; the idea is that, with the full developmen
Possibly the only way MMT might work is if the vast majority or world-wide nations followed the same policy. That way, all or most nations of the world would be printing funny money as needed and therefore all relative values remain the same excluding, of course, collusion between nations, which would never occur, right?
Not like it was any better under Trump. In the same period (January 20, 2017 to July 31, 2019) Trump increased the National Debt by 10%. And that was with mostly a Republican House and Senate.
Your article does not seem to dispute MMT or point out problems or flaws in their logic. Does that mean that MMT is wrong just because the author says it is? If you can’t do better than this maybe it would be better not to have articles?