AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

With the United States and Western Europe already mired in an immigration crisis – both legal and illegal – the regional fallout from Hamas’s attack on Israel has raised fears of a fresh wave of migrants fleeing the conflict. But liberal Western governments have no one but themselves to blame for encouraging a massive influx of border crossers due to welfare programs that are a disservice to both the migrants themselves and the citizens of Western countries.
In Germany, taxpayers have paid out an estimated €132 billion since 2010 to foreign-born immigrants living in the country. Throughout Europe, similar welfare systems have meant that millions of people are more incentivized than ever to make the dangerous journey to Western Europe by whatever means necessary.
Father Waldemar Cislo, Ph.D., President of the Polish chapter of Church in Need, a Catholic organization that supports persecuted Christians, said recently that smugglers deceive and tempt young men in their 20s with promises of an easy life in the West. Immigrants have to pay the price of a luxury airline ticket to travel in leaky boats or shipping containers on journeys of a thousand miles or more to Western nations.
Father Cislo shared one story about a man who lost his wife on the journey to Europe after the boat they were on was overloaded with an extra 45 passengers and sank in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the perilous conditions, however, he still wanted to go to Europe or America.
“I asked him why he didn’t want to go to Arab countries like Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates,” said Father Cislo. “He replied: not there. Because these countries do not offer social programs.”
Often times, Father Cislo added, smugglers transport migrants on the condition that they fork over a percentage of their welfare check once they arrive in Europe or the United States. Smuggling rings offer prospective immigrants a detailed catalog describing the welfare programs in various countries and how much money they can receive.
Father Cislo recommended that Western countries, instead of promising migrants free money and housing if they come, should focus more on helping organizations like Church in Need that help people in their home countries. Father Cislo suggested that such assistance raises the morale of local populations, encourages them that they can overcome difficulties, and discourages migration.
One of the most egregious aspects of the border crisis under Joe Biden in the United States has been the immense sum of public dollars handed out to illegal border crossers. As of last month, New York City alone had spent $5.2 billion to feed and house migrants, including putting many up in luxury hotels.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement now estimates that there are some 5.7 million migrants in the United States – 2.4 million more than before Biden took office. The White House has declared that it intends to provide “medical services and housing” to all of them – at the taxpayer’s expense.
The situation has become so untenable that even former Democrat President Bill Clinton has spoken out about the problem.
In an interview with a New York radio station earlier this month, Clinton admitted that the immigration system is “broken.”
“They [migrants] ought to work,” Clinton said. “They need to begin working, paying taxes, and paying their way. Most of these people have no interest in being on welfare.”
Clinton also emphasized that the U.S. immigration system is designed to handle about 400,000 immigrants annually – not the more than two million who crossed the border last year under Biden.
However, while Clinton correctly assessed the gravity of the problem, his solution was more of the same failed strategies that created it in the first place.
Clinton advocated for building houses near the border for the migrants until they could be fully vetted. “Keep people there, and let them in as quickly as possible if they are going some place where we know they can get a job and they will be welcome.”
This idea is dangerously reminiscent of a similar concept of “free housing” implemented by the United Nations (UN) in an attempt to solve the migrant crisis created by the Israel-Palestinian conflict that cost many lives and stole the future of tens of thousands of families.
For six decades, the UN operated camps on the borders of Israel and Lebanon that housed Palestinians unwanted by other Arab countries. Terrorist groups regularly used the camps as a source of new recruits and a launching pad for attacks against Israel.
Dr. Amjad Younis, a lawyer who currently lives in France and fled from an area controlled by the Palestinian Authority in the 1990s, told this author that the camps were “a playing field for narcotics, the weapons trade, and human trafficking gangs, politically benefitting those interested in prolonging the conflict.”
Younis warned that America’s enemies are undoubtedly already trying to recreate this scenario in the migrant camps that have popped up along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Immigrants are undoubtedly a vital part of the American identity – but the United States also has a vested interest in attracting people who want to work hard and contribute to the economy to achieve their American Dream. The America First Policy Institute, a think tank that has championed former President Donald Trump’s policies, has argued that America’s immigration system “should have a deliberate design that matches America’s needs with the aspirations, skills, and qualities of those who lawfully seek to enter our shores.”
As long as Western governments continue to offer the promise of “free lunch” to anyone who arrives, they will continue to face the consequences of an unrelenting wave of immigration, both legal and illegal – including backlash from voters who are increasingly fed up with the crisis.
Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.
In general, the liberal leaders of the West have not only facilitated mass illegal immigration into their respective countries, but they have also provided the magnet to encourage it through social welfare programs like welfare, free housing (Section 8 housing here in America), taxpayer funded “free” schools, medical care, food and other things over the decades. All to create a voter base that will ensure the same leaders and other party members remain in power forever. After all, that is the intent in every country I have ever traveled to where the government is controlled by those pushing socialist ideals. The United States is by far the worse of the lot, because at least most of the European socialist democracies either have strict time limits or lack much of the “all you can eat buffet” that we hand out here. The “benefits” are far more meager than what we lavish on illegals here.
Why would an illiterate or poorly educated person in some other country want to spend his or her life toiling for pennies a day, when they can just reach out to any of the many NGOs that are also financed by our tax dollars and be transported to Mexico and then enter the United States, after a relatively short walk, and be supported for life by the U.S. taxpayer? To them, it is like winning the lottery, but in this case the taxpayer money to support them never runs out. At least until our economy finally collapses from the unsustainable debt and runaway spending binge we’re on. Then the United States will simply and quickly devolve into a carbon copy of Argentina or Venezuela. Then all the folks that claim “It can’t happen here” will finally realize no country is immune from the laws of economics, if you violate those laws long enough.
Time for all the free rides to end! Work or get out. That goes for the home grown welfare lifers too!! Everyone works or your cut off!! The nonsense has to stop!!
Close our borders now and start rounding up illegals and deport them! That includes the squad member from Somalia!
The left thinks America has an endless supply of money and these are nothing more than bought voters.
The Socialist Democrats should be charged with treason for allowing open borders! They are enemies of America and cannot be trusted!
Very important article Ben Solis, Well Done ! The information from the lawyer Dr. Amjad Younis , regarding the use of migrant camps on the Israel – Lebanon border, operated by the United Nations – being used by ” the bad guys ” — with political aims connected to the the illegal drug trade, human trafficking and the weapons trade — that wanted to prolong the conflicts in the area for six decades is vital to know about. Especially when in his opinion similar situations along the U.S. — Mexico border are the plan for America’s enemies. Let’s all put mind and spirit together , those of us who care about the defense of Liberty here in the United States of America , And figure out ways to promote the love of the ideals of Faith, Family and Freedom — and learn from the history of World War Two how to deal with enemies in ways that will keep America ahead of any enemy strategy ,not too late in realizing that those enemies are planning to attack us. And developing genuine alliances with countries we can truly think of as ” friends ” those who share the same values , have the same respect for good character , and desire to make the world a better place by exercising the qualities of good character and promoting intelligence , promoting moral values that are uplifting for all , promoting what is fair and respects the will of God , and respects Truth above all. This article is something that should be appreciated by people who value the principles that help to build Countries with strength, courage and wisdom at the foundation. With respect for Truth and Liberty.
Until the immigration mess is straightened out, America’s borders should be closed for all except commerce and returning citizens. Immigration reform should be THE top priority for the Congress. After immigration law has been enacted, the Executive must be held accountable to enforce the law. There are too many government welfare programs as it is…illegals should get nothing until they become citizens.
The federal government seems to think it is a business. It is not! We must shut down the federal grant system and get rid of outside contractors. Only citizens that pay into the social security program should receive an income. Welfare should be available only to those that agree to work for it, such as building infrastructure or other basic needs the government requires. There should be a monetary limit on what politicians can receive and spend on their run for elections.I could go on and on but I think you get my gist.
I am so sick and tired of the “welfare state” of America. Get a job or don’t but we shouldn’t be housing, feeding or medically treating them on our dime. So sick of it. There was NO, repeat no welfare program before the great depression 100 years ago. Everyone worked, WORKED!!!!
And what also pisses me off is the liberats/demorats saying that Soc. Sec. is a welfare program. NO!!! Indeed it is not if the government is taking our money from our paychecks for future use. Soc. Sec. and Medicare is a right for anybody who works and pays into the government. That’s where our tax dollars should be going to, Americans that work and their families and also to our Vets….they have busted their asses on foreign soil to save our lives and our freedoms, and I’m so sick of the government not giving them their due. The Washington Swamp is so diluted and disgusting and taking and taking and taking from tax-paying citizens, they are also despicable, greedy, non-caring m#^#@&&&**.
It may sound silly, but why not implement report cards for all elected officials open to all voters beginning with a clean lie detector test on every member. Have we forgotten the time when every kid in school was graded not only on IQ but Deportment. I can just imagine the number of failure marks would be handed out starting at the top of our current load of dishonest employables there are in our current system in our current system of government. Too damn many have gotten away with sloth while the average Americans keep paying the price. What was it Hillary said (?), something to the effect of what difference does it make now?
Correct premise. President Kennedy, a democrat, believed in a balanced budget. President Johnson, his successor and the most complex president in history, created the “Great Society” designed to give everything to everybody. That’s when the nation went to hell and has stayed there. Now, the fed beauracy believes our job as taxpayers is to take care of everyone’s problems and to take care of every nations problems. When Israel destroys Gaza , as they should, the world will expect the US to rebuild it. We are total suckers. Gaza should become an agricultural area. Farms only
Innocent inhabitants of Gaza are just like the men of Afganistan who are unwilling to fight. These people are cowards and will forever be brutalized.
Hate to say it but its too late to “solve” the migrant crisis. The ticks are on the dog and the government has outlawed anti tick spray so to speak.
They are here and brother your property taxes are going to go higher than your blood pressure to fund schools trying to teach wetback kids who are illiterate in their native language much less English. Oh and now we have free breakfast AND lunch programs. Soon Im sure the morons in DC will mandate free dinners as well………..for the whole family of invading idiots.
We are done, flush.
2 million? More like 7 to 25, according to CBP. Where the hell are you getting your numbers?
I have nothing against migrants that come here legally. Not those that come here looking to get rich and live on a government handout.
We need to go back to the visa system. Where legal status is given in their home country. Where they have been vetted and cleared as being healthy. Once here the first 5 years they will not be able to get any government assistance.
Ole Joe said come on in everybody. But had no plan what to do with them once here. He left that up to the border states. These states should have seceded from the union and put up a border wall with soldiers patrolling. Ole Joe never ever mentions the border only in context of blaming Trump. He is too busy sending money to the Ukraine to protect their borders.
He is draining the American citizens bank accounts. See what we are supporting, millions on the Ukraine, millions on migrants and millions on climate change. Does he think our tax dollars is elastic and can cover all that?? Many of us barely can buy groceries at these inflated prices. Let stand ole Joe’s mandate for e vehicles and e appliances. We are broke Joe. Stop throwing money at everything. You cannot buy allies.
Joe you gotta go.
It used to be you had to have someone sponsor you when you came to America. The Sponsor housed, feed you, and took care of you until you could take care of your self ! It’s what we used to call COMMON SENSE .
This is common sense. Anyone that didn’t know this has had their head in the sand. If you lived in a poor situation and there was place that offered freedom and a bunch of free stuff, who wouldn’t go when you found out that the nation was no longer enforcing its immigration laws, especially if you were not from Europe? The cherry on top is that we are gaining people that have become generational welfare recipients. I personally have worked with people that have been on welfare for 3 generations. In most cases there was nothing wrong with the people, they just were born into welfare and decided they didn’t want to work. It’s funny to see people on welfare with the newest phones, nice jewelry and expensive sneakers, etc.. Why work? The libs have stated that everyone should have a cell phone, well that’s great but most people have to pay for theirs and the service costs up to $200 dollars and more for a family. BTW, many of these people are strong, healthy and…….. lazy. We, the taxpayers and those that work and employ others are the ones paying for all of this. Add on millions of people from other countries, that don’t speak the language and have no real skills to offer America, and it’s easy to see where we are headed. Also, many of these people receive benefits AND work off the books AND send a large portion of their money out of the US. Yep, we as Americans are losing in every way imaginable, unless you’re a liberal politicians, then you have just bought yourself millions of future votes. That’s the whole idea.
Add that Dictator Beijing biden has now quietly FORCED a new policy on Health and Human Services employees to use Fascist preferred pronouns by violating HHS employees 1st amendment rights.
Satisfies 2 of the many goal of the progressive movement: Bankrupt America and rid the world of borders. One World Communist UN-World
No one , including children, should be admitted to the US without appropriate documentation including official identification from another nation, an interview, and a physical exam. Then they should be detained as they are reviewed. We can only handle a few at a time. If millions are left waiting in Mexico then so be it. We also need an annual and monthly limit. All of my comments are just common sense.
And since I retired in 2010 I have sent hundreds of emails, and made calls to my Senate and House “Representatives” and it hasn’t done one DAMN bit of good! I paid in way more money to “Social Security” than I will ever get back, and yet the swamp dwellers are talking about cutting or eliminating my benefits all the while providing free health care, housing, ETC, ETC. for illegal aliens (PEOPLE HERE IULLEGALLY) AND giving their children born on US soil American CITIZENSHIP. As a fifth generation American citizen (that I know for sure) I am wondering more every day why I bother to vote! The Democrat/Socialist/Communist party are LIARS & BABY KILLERS and the Republicans are RINO’S (D/S/C in disguise) or gutless or more concerned about retiring at 85 with a $175,000 pension a year than doing the best for the American people and the country.
The United States is the freest country thanks to Christopher Columbus who gave us that freedom and we must keep it that way. Some of these that want to come over are bad bad people like BLM/Antifa/Hamas and they must be kept away.
The problem in its entirety is solved when ALL marxist democrat party politicians, rinos and anti American bureaucrats are THROWN OUT!
WE have laws, these traitors ignore them to profit from the chaos.
They care only about power and money for theor greedy selves !
We must rid Our Country of this disease!
This administration would pay for wars, refugees and social programs for unlimited immigrants. And Fool knows we must have
a budget. I’m certain this is part of a plan to harm America as we knew it, in exchange
for friendship with the wrong countries.
Americans are expected to appreciate what Joe has done for us. Our retirement, medical,
law and order never the same.
Then you wonder why there are so many help wanted signs and most don’t want to work. I’ve always said if there is a problem and the government gets involved it always gets worse.
Our social system cannot handle this many immigrants. The crash is coming and it will be catastrophic.
Stop the “free lunch programs”, and require being Identified, especially those with no documentation at the entry point, through a physical exam, a photograph taken during the entry process, and if possible biometrics ( minimum fingerprints). Passed on to program agencies thoroughly vetted with a proven background of performance in helping, and placing newly entering migrants into the path of obtaining citizenship (not green card status without citizenship), getting the correct paperwork to obtain working papers, driver’s licenses, etc, without needing to be bribed by scammers. Use the agency being currently used by NYC to place their incoming immigrants outside NYC and in high-priced hotel rooms, as a prime example of what not to do. As the article had a suggestion, the agencies that should be doing this to encourage people to do this legally and not through the smuggler programs which are making a profit and passing the cost on to us, taxpayers. We do not have streets paved with gold here, we do not have unlimited jobs for everyone, and we do not all earn high incomes. Why trade one third-world state of life for another third-world state of life of poverty here?
The United States should only admit immigrants who want to keep America the way Christoper Colombia made it, free. A gang member from Mexico or South America or a Hamas member should not be admitted. A Cuban escaping their awful government who loves America or a freedom loving Israeli should be allowed in if everything checks out.
There are millions of jobs in this country in many cases people can work and get off of these free programs that are offered by the government our government needs to rethink many of these programs nothing is free someone has to pay for these programs it is not Biden and his team it is taxpayers who foot the bill for all of these programs.
of course they are. every honest person in american knows that. that of course leave out every single leftism religion personas they are still trying to peddle the 1950’s: “we need to be pick cotton” story.
The illegal aliens (they are not immigrates) are here for free housing,.free food, free clothes, free school., free college, free phones, and free transportation. non of them are goign to pick fruit or nuts or corn of cotton. we have machines that farmers pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for. Why do the farmers pay for the machines instead of hiring people? well, because before the (democrats) government started handing the free stuff directly to the illegal aliens they tried to force the farmers too.
the (democrats) government made rules about housing, food, clothes, work hours, school asset, and training. it quickly became cheaper to buy a $500000 harvesting machine then comply with the (democrats) governments required treatment of illegals.
So the next time you here some moron leftism religion person claim we need them to work on farms you simply say sorry but we have machines that do that work. As with every other part of the leftism religion the beliefs about illegal aliens is from the 1940’s
Welfare will break the economy. It should be required that those on it do some kind of service. Watch other children so others can go to work, oh my you mean pay some taxes. If more able bodies worked instead of relying on hand outs we may not have so much debt. Sorry they should be required to clean up and maintain the free shelters they live in.
Hard enough to pay my own bills. Where’s my free stuff? We don’t have it so we can’t give it!
If this foolish, irresponsible, and clandestine movement by democrats and Biden – we will be forced to react in mass numbers.
The country IS broke, we are close behind, and the ass-hat keeps going and going off the cliff. CANNOT SOMEONE STOP THIS? What are THE FOOLS (REPUBLICANS [ NOT ] DOING TO STOP THIS INSANITY.
I seems many I see commenting are still under the illusion we can still afford legal immigration let along the influx of illegals unlawfully allowed to enter our country. This is not the case. Our government know this but continues to replace American citizens at a rate that is unsustainable, legally and now illegally. The numbers speak for themselves and are meant to inform without prejudice.
When one of these “undocumenteds” turn out to be a terrorist, a mass murderer, or simply a drunk that causes a DUI death, I hope Joe Biden takes a bow for letting them in.
So, honey attracts bees, instead of flowers?
What’s just as bad to me is the fact that if you are an American citizen born and bred but have fallen on hard times perhaps because of an injury where you are unable to work or because of Bidenomics you just have trouble making ends meet even after cutting back as much as possible, and you are not a minority I might add, it’s hard to find help at all.
Biden is so clueless that he would put up a billboard at the border that said “Free Money” and then brag that people showed up.
As long as Blue cities make out
As for camps,use abandoned military bases. Kyle L.