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AMAC Action Poll Highlights Seniors’ Concerns Over Inflation Reduction Act’s Impact

Posted on Friday, January 3, 2025
by AMAC Action

In a revealing look at senior voters’ opinions, a recent AMAC Action-sponsored poll conducted by ProMark Research underscores widespread concern over the Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on seniors. Surveying 800 registered voters aged 55 and older, the poll captured insights from a diverse group of participants: 46% men and 54% women, with political affiliations spanning 39% Republican, 33% Democrat, and 25% Independent. Despite this broad representation, seniors overwhelmingly aligned on key issues, expressing deep concern over the Act’s impact on Medicare costs, drug access, and green energy subsidies.

Seniors Reject Green Energy Favoritism

One of the most striking findings revolves around taxpayer-funded green energy subsidies. The poll reveals that 83% of respondents are either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about billions of taxpayer dollars benefiting a small, wealthier segment of Americans. Seniors are skeptical of these funds being diverted from critical Medicare programs toward green energy initiatives, such as electric vehicle tax credits.

Seniors voiced frustration over what they perceive as a misallocation of taxpayer funds. Instead of addressing pressing issues such as rising healthcare costs or improving Medicare, these resources are being funneled into green energy programs that primarily benefit higher-income households. This sentiment reflects broader dissatisfaction with policies that seem disconnected from the everyday struggles of average Americans, particularly seniors living on fixed incomes.

The critique becomes sharper when considering how these subsidies are tied to cuts or diversions from programs like Medicare. For seniors, Medicare represents a lifeline, and any policy that weakens its funding is viewed as a direct threat to their well-being.

Inflation Reduction Act’s impact and Green Energy

Medicare Cost Spike: A Major Worry

The IRA’s changes to Medicare Part D have drawn significant ire. 83% expressed concern about rising premiums, some reportedly increasing by over 400% within two years. Furthermore, 78% of respondents opposed ongoing government subsidies to insurance companies under the Act. This alarming trend has left many feeling that the IRA places unnecessary financial strain on those who rely most on Medicare.

For seniors on fixed incomes, even small increases in healthcare costs can be devastating. Respondents frequently cited fears of being priced out of their plans and losing access to critical medications. The narrowing of prescription drug plan options—down 11% in 2024 and projected to drop another 26% in 2025—compounds their concerns.

Adding to their frustration, respondents viewed subsidies to insurance companies as a misuse of taxpayer money, benefitting corporations at seniors’ expense. The poll reflects a growing demand for reforms that stabilize costs and expand choices for seniors.

Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on Medicare

Drug Price Controls: Coercion Over Fairness?

The poll revealed widespread skepticism about the IRA’s drug price negotiation process. 57% of respondents characterized it as “unfair,” “coerced,” or “price-fixing.” Many seniors objected to the heavy penalties imposed on pharmaceutical companies for rejecting government-set prices or opting out of negotiations, which they viewed as overly punitive.

Respondents also expressed alarm over the long-term consequences of the policy, including a 36% decline in new drug trials since the Act’s passage. These changes raise concerns about delayed or lost advancements in life-saving treatments and cures.

Seniors showed broad support for reforming the system to ensure lower drug prices without stifling innovation or limiting access to medications.

Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on Drug Prices

Pharmacies Under Pressure

The IRA’s drug price negotiations may have unintended consequences for independent pharmacies, which make up a third of U.S. retail pharmacies. 86% of seniors agreed that efforts to reduce costs should not hinder access to essential medications.

Many independent pharmacies warn that the IRA’s compensation policies are unsustainable, potentially forcing them to stop covering certain drugs. This is especially concerning for seniors in rural or underserved areas, where these pharmacies are often the only accessible healthcare providers.

Losing access to independent pharmacies would not only create logistical challenges but also a health crisis for seniors who depend on these trusted providers. The poll reflects a clear demand for balanced solutions that reduce costs while maintaining accessibility to local pharmacies.

Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on Pharmacies

Seniors Advocate Returning IRA Funds to Medicare

One of the strongest takeaways from the AMAC Action poll is the overwhelming support for reallocating IRA funds back to Medicare. 85% of respondents agreed that Congress should redirect funds currently used for green energy subsidies and other initiatives to reduce Medicare costs for seniors.

Seniors viewed the use of Medicare funds for unrelated programs, such as electric vehicle tax credits, as a betrayal of the program’s purpose. Many argued that these funds should be used to lower premiums, reduce out-of-pocket expenses, and expand coverage options—critical priorities for their financial and physical well-being.

This sentiment resonated across political affiliations, with seniors united in calling for the realignment of federal spending priorities to better serve their healthcare needs.

Impact and Medicare Allocation

Call for a Policy Pause

A decisive 70% of respondents supported pausing or suspending the IRA’s implementation to address its flaws or consider a repeal. Seniors expressed deep concern about the law’s long-term effects, including reduced access to medications, higher premiums, and its chilling impact on pharmaceutical innovation.

This broad-based demand for accountability reflects a shared belief that the IRA requires significant revision to better align with the needs of seniors. Pausing its execution would provide an opportunity to gather feedback and implement targeted reforms to mitigate its unintended consequences.

impact and potential repeal

A Unifying Voice for Reform

Across political affiliations, seniors expressed a clear and urgent demand for reform. They seek policies that stabilize Medicare costs, expand access to affordable care, and prioritize their financial well-being over corporate interests. The AMAC Action poll underscores the growing consensus that the current trajectory of Medicare under the Inflation Reduction Act is unsustainable and requires immediate attention.

Andy Mangione, AMAC Action Senior Vice President, shared his perspective on the findings: “We were on record opposing the Inflation Reduction Act from the moment it was introduced, in some cases forecasting the results of this poll. We look forward to working with the Trump Administration to address the concerns AMAC members and seniors across America have with this bad law.”

AMAC Action remains dedicated to standing up for America’s seniors, fighting for commonsense reforms that ensure affordable healthcare, protect access to critical medications, and prioritize the needs of those who rely on Medicare. Through tireless advocacy and action, AMAC continues to be a trusted voice for seniors across the nation.


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2 months ago

The Inflation Reduction Act was nothing more than subsidizing e vehicles sales and other environmental programs. We were mandated to buy e vehicles and in order to do that Biden offered rebates. Which we paid for anyway since the e vehicles companies added that cost to the price of the vehicle. We paid for this rebate. I am glad I didn’t buy an e car. Never will. The govt pollutes and we the people get to be blamed and have to pay for it to clean it up. With all the money going to their buddies in the solar and wind power industry. No benefits to the people. No charging stations, no more electricity created. Just banning fossil fuels and natural gas to make this industry go broke and have the solar and wind industry become all powerful. You can’t do that with turning off one and turning on another. Because we don’t have enough of a power grid to sustain all this solar and wind power. It is not efficient. Why not do more research on the use of cleaner fossil fuel. It is possible. Solar and wind power fluctuates. Not reliable. There are many ways to run efficient fossil fuel cars. Only Biden didn’t have anything with the oil barons. His daddy wasn’t in the business. But he has lots of buddies from the solar panels and wind industry. They tried it once before. And many people are stuck with solar panels on their roofs but not attached to nothing. The companies went broke on the taxpayer dime. But the companies were never charged with a crime. And they are back the last 4 years. And have created through inflation fossil cars just as expensive as an e vehicle, competition eliminated. That was their whole plan. Gasoline is up, gas to heat your home is up and don’t forget electricity goes up every month if it is available due to black out. Like I have said before my extension cord isn’t long enough between charging stations out here in the West. Maybe that would be a good business to start. Just as idiotic as e cars.

2 months ago

Inflation Magnification Act is THE accurate description.

Mr. Rivers
Mr. Rivers
2 months ago

Adam, I’ve been around long enough to see how these things play out, and the Inflation Reduction Act is no exception. They claimed it would “save” $260 billion through prescription drug funding reforms, but what it really did was push insurance companies to raise premiums to cover their losses. Then, they turned around and handed those same companies a $20 billion to temporarily suppress premiums—timed perfectly to run out just as we approach another election. It’s like a bad magic trick, and we’re the ones left holding the bag.
Now, I’ll admit I could be wrong, but I haven’t seen anything in the IRA about funding for the military or congressional salaries. What I do see is a healthcare system burdened by bloated insurance costs. For example, when an insurance carrier negotiates the price of a drug with a drug manufacturer, they both want the price to be higher. Who loses in that case? We do. We both know the answer here is transparent pricing and real competition, not more of these convoluted schemes. That’s exactly what Executive Order 13877 aimed to fix—shedding light on costs so we can make informed decisions. Instead, we’re stuck with skyrocketing bills and no accountability, and now more directly related to the IRA.
And don’t even get me started on ‘green projects’ and government mismanagement. In 2021, they set aside $7.5 billion for EV charging stations and have barely managed to finish 200. Meanwhile, private companies are turning on over a thousand stations a day. It’s embarrassing. Why do we keep handing the government more control when they’ve proven, time and again, that they create short-term, half-baked solutions that usually backfire? All the while, they’re telling us everything is being fixed. I don’t buy it—and neither should you. It’s time we demand better.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
2 months ago

Medicare Funds and Social Security Funds are used by Democrats to buy votes by dipping into it to pay WELFARE RECIPIENTS & now illegals too, who never contributed to the funds according to one savvy senior who is getting less money than a welfare recipient. That is not fair, but leave it to Democrats to buy votes, as they steal tax payers blind.

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
2 months ago

Haven’t seen any reduction in inflation. Prices still rising. I definitely agree with the comment below by dba on Inflation Magnification Act is the accurate description.

Mr. Rivers
Mr. Rivers
2 months ago

It’s hard to watch programs like Medicare and Social Security, which so many of us have paid into for decades, being stretched thin or even misused. These funds were supposed to be safeguarded for hardworking Americans, not redirected for political gain or to fund programs for people who haven’t contributed.
What makes it worse is that seniors are often left feeling like an afterthought. The benefits we earned are shrinking in real value, while some welfare recipients—who didn’t contribute a dime—seem to get more. And now, we’re hearing about benefits potentially being extended to illegal immigrants, further straining the system. It’s outrageous.
Medicare and Social Security aren’t political tools—they’re lifelines for seniors who built this country. It’s time to demand accountability and ensure these funds are used for the people who earned them, not as a slush fund for political agendas.

2 months ago

One of the first things the Senate and Congress should do is repeal the Inflation Reduction Act. The money could be saved, not spent. This could help bring inflation down.

2 months ago

This was another part of Bidens Build Back Better!
This program was a complete farce!

Lady J
Lady J
2 months ago

One idea thar has not been put forth is to place both SS and Medicare in the Lockbox as it was in the beginning of the program. How about that for an idea. The payments were never to used to pay for anything other than SS payments to seniors 65 years of age. That was in the 1930’s it was passed by FDR’s Congress. Check it out as it is part of history that is no longer being taught

2 months ago

I was prescribed orgovix as part of my cancer treatment. A six month supply cost around eighteen thousand dollars. It was not covered by medicare.
Canadians and europeans pay a fraction of what americans pay for their prescription drugs.

And then we have big pharma making billions of dollars on a so called covid vaccine which is ineffective, not an actual vaccine and has
undesirable and unknown long term sideffects.

Now we have big pharma engaging in extortion by threatening to cut their research and develop.
There’s definitely something wrong with this picture and it needs to be fixed.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

It was Obamcare for the Economy.

2 months ago

What this poll shows, and some ‘comments’ as well, is the EXTREME DIFFERENCE between the ‘morals’ of the 3 ‘parties’ in the USA!!! Did YOU see that?! Basically, Repubs, and Conservatives CARE ABOUT our ELDERS, while Dems and Liberals DON’T, and don’t want to be bothered with THEM! And Indeps. are split on everything but bend toward Dems! (just like we KNEW.) The Diff. between ‘Men’ and ‘Women’ is almost nil, except when it involves $$$ – women don’t seem to care – either way; men do. Interesting!
So this is a good ‘picture’ of where the Party ‘Divide’ IS GREAT in the US, even among AMAC members. And it’s not pretty. God help us! Very sad that too many living today don’t realize that one day THEY will be one of the ‘elderly’ needing consideration – and who will be left to look out for THEM if they were not taught to have respect for THEIR elders? But maybe the World will come to its end before that happens… the way we’re headed…

2 months ago

The Inflation Reduction Act did me huge favors…..NOT !!! My Aetna part “D” went from $120 a year to $550 a year….Friggin outrageous!! Thank you Joe and Co.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
2 months ago

Just like most Democrat “acts” that come out of congress the reality is the opposite of what the act is called. The reality is the Inflation Increasing Act.

2 months ago

Go find that CT scan or MRI at a stand alone, drive however far, pay out of pocket if they’ll let you since you are locked into Medicare, then find out Medicare still wants one resulted from their contracted provider.

2 months ago

How about the Public benefits??? I got charged $55.72 for this.

Patrick Gloska
Patrick Gloska
2 months ago

Many of us at 60+, when we started out, there was no 401k, no IRA’s. Due to job limitations our savings are limited. I personally have less than 10k in a 401k. I spent 20 years at bs jobs, then another 20 digging out of the hole I was in. I am on SSI, my wife is on disability but still manages a part time job. Currently our combined income is $300 over the limit for ANY assistance.
This is what needs to change, for so many of us. My wife’s Medicare plus outside insurance is over $250 a month.
We are only one example, how many thousands of us are out there. Praying this new administration can fix some of these issues. Time will tell.

2 months ago

Electric cars, Wind Generators, and Solar panels are a fraud perpetrated by very smart people with NO COMMON SENSE! OR an Agenda that “we the people” are not going to like in the long run. Electric cars were around in 1900, if they had been the best we would have been driving them since then. Same with Wind Generators and Solar Panels which are two of the MOST inefficient ways on the planet to create electricity. IF the people promoting the “Green New Deal” were not ATHEISTS they would know from reading the Bible that God will decide when this world ends not the people he created! The coal fired power plants that are maligned by these “Smart People” had Scrubbers added to the stacks in the 90’S as required by the EPA so they would not spew particulates and smoke into our air making them cleaner than most cars. Studies have been done that prove the mining of materials needed for lithium batteries for Electric cars and the materials needed for wind generators and solar panels actually create more waste products than if we didn’t have them at all. Wind generators require 380 gallons of oil to keep them going and require a change every two years, When you look at the fields of these “Green Energy Producers” count them and multiply that number times 380 gallons of oil and tell me how that is getting us away from carbon products! Same with Solar panels, They are not made from trees!

2 months ago

For the millions of us seniors trying to recoup the taxes and expenses heaped on seniors by eliminating the $20,000 casual sales tax on Uber driving, eBay sales and other items, this needs to be reverted back before filing time. This is far more important than eliminating taxes on tips! We now have to not only pay taxes but pay for record keeping and tax preparers ! Seniors can not afford this!

Doug Whitaker
Doug Whitaker
2 months ago

Everyone needs to quit robbing a vital senior resource they agreed to pay into, that should’ve been in a U.S C. Tile code as a severe crime no ifs ands or buts! What a con. We need to restore decency and liberty, teaching the next generation financial responsibility. Margaret Thacher had it right when she said: liberals and socialist are just fine using someone else’s money, until it runs out; then they will introduce draconian policy’s due to their greediness!

Cathy Fronck
Cathy Fronck
1 month ago

Is there a petition I can sign about pausing the robbery of my Medicare?

Adam Smith
Adam Smith
2 months ago

I sure hope people aren’t so easily manipulated by this article. It is full of unconnected costs (like linking green energy funding to medicare reductions). Might as well connect military funding to medicare reductions, or the salaries of congressmen to medicare reductions. Truth is, the medical community has been overcharging forever. If you buy the same product or service from a local provider, like a CT scan, the price is 1/3 the cost of the insurance funded companies (eg UnitedHealthCare,Kaiser, Blue Cross). And, the green funding, especially for homes, is financially sound. We pay nothing for electricity (solar), and nothing for gas (using an electric car powered by solar). How would that not be beneficial for every American?

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