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Communist Echoes? Harris’s Price Control Plan Faces Severe Criticism

Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, has not only been running a basement campaign, but one completely void of details regarding the serious issues Americans are facing.

Realizing that something has to be said about the crushing inflation foisted upon Americans by Harris, Biden, and their pals, Harris is unveiling an economic plan at a rally in North Carolina on Friday that would make the old Soviet communists blush. Indeed, finally we will hear an idea from Kamala and its communism. As an answer to the crippling inflation, her answer is a favorite of failed communist regimes worldwide: price controls.

Her argument is that it’s evil capitalism, bad corporations, and horrible businesspeople who are price gouging the American people creating the unaffordability crisis. The fact that it is government spending, regulations, and horrible federal policies driving the crisis is something she would prefer you not to think about. This is what is known as guilt transference: as part of the executive team in charge of this country, she and the policies her administration has pushed directly caused the economic catastrophe that has been unraveling the economic security of all Americans.

Even beyond inflation, a new report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute reveals, “Federal regulatory burdens cost the average household more than $15,000 per year – more than food, clothing, education, or any other household expense except housing.” Gee, it looks like it might be the federal government that is price gouging all of us.

As the worldwide left has always done, the crises Harris and her comrades create become the excuse to blame and condemn capitalism. They hope the American people are like crows, that if you’re shown a shiny object you’ll be immediately distracted and look away from the real issue allowing the bureaucrats to continue to burn down our house.

The absurd and dangerous irony here is that her plan not only won’t bring down inflation it will make the economic situation worse. Here’s why: Inflation is a very basic monetary issue. The Biden administration flooded the economy with money which is chasing fewer goods. Hence, inflation. Add that to the Green New Deal’s war on energy and fossil fuels, and you have our untenable situation.

Even the Biden/Harris stenographers at the Washington Post recognized the absurdity of her proposal with a headline stating, “When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls?”

Well, maybe you do if you are that far-left and that unconcerned with the devastation your old and failed plan will cause the American people.

Center Street reported, “Harris’ campaign this week touted the ‘federal ban on corporate price-gouging’ to help Americans with high grocery prices and prevent ‘excessive’ profits.” Not mentioned is the fact that price gouging is already illegal. They also conveniently do not share how price gouging will be determined and who will decide what is an “excessive profit.”

Consider this: The profit margin for grocery stores is on average about 1.5%. The price for any product has to incorporate the actual wholesale cost of the item, which includes the production and transportation cost of that item. Price controls have always failed. If you are any kind of retail entity and are limited to selling your goods at a government-controlled price but the price to acquire the goods continues to increase, you will not provide those products. It is unsustainable for any business to sell at a loss. It is the profit that allows you to continue to provide goods, keep your store operating, and pay your employees.

This is why price controls kill businesses, create empty shelves, and in the case of food will cause food deserts throughout the country. We already know grocery stores have closed because of the unrelenting looting that has become commonplace in the defund the police era and legislation in many states essentially decriminalizing looting up to $1000. Loss of product through looting means your profit margin of 1.5 percent collapses. This lawlessness is something Kamala Harris excitedly encouraged and supported during those riots, most famously on the Stephen Colbert show.

Combine this with the Democrats’ hostility toward fossil fuels as their obsession with “transitioning” to “green” energy leads to bans and regulations on fossil fuels increasing its cost. Add in unrest in the Middle East caused by feckless and obvious weakness of the Biden administration, oil prices have surged causing the cost of the 6000 products made with petroleum to increase as well. We see the price of a barrel of oil reflected most immediately in gas prices, but petroleum is an element in products that span all sectors of our lives. Products like adhesive, makeup, bandages, balloons, artificial limbs, dog collars, detergent, hair coloring, hearing aids, heart valves, floor wax, iPhones, kayaks, nylon rope, parachutes, and on and on. When the price of oil goes up the prices of these products and thousands more also go up.

Kamala Harris’s refusal to sit down for a serious interview to answer questions about the serious issues facing the American Public reveals that she knows honesty and transparency will condemn her candidacy. After all, what would you think if a person that wants to marry your son or daughter refuses to answer your questions about who they are and what they’re going to do? That alone is the biggest confession, that even they know their plans are unacceptable.

For a brief period, Harris being propped up by the media will work. In this shortened cycle by her avoiding the primary season, they believe they can pull one over on the American people. They know what they’ve done has caused significant damage to this country and American families. They not only don’t care, but they also have such contempt for us that they want to keep doing it. We are the firewall against this kind of malignancy. Harris, her cronies, and the media are working double time to make you feel everything is hopeless. No one wants what they’re selling which is why they’re not speaking and pouring all their energy into gaslighting you. The only thing they have is to depress your enthusiasm and optimism. Our job is to not allow that to happen. Stay steady and refuse to comply with their cynical and malignant agenda.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

This country flirted with price controls in the late 1960’s through the mid 1970’s with the expected dismal results. One would have hoped that people would have learned to steer clear of this particular brand of snake oil. However, since real history hasn’t been taught in our schools in quite some time, it seems we may be dumb enough, as a country anyway, to give the premise another shot at inflicting needless pain and suffering on the American public.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

They’re democrats. If it means getting or keeping power, they will either (A) continue to make the same mistakes and hope the American people have short memories Or (B) make new mistakes and hope the people will fall for their scams and either vote to reelect them and/or vote for more of them.

6 months ago

Harris, biden and all the rest of them can’t see where the blame rests, even though it’s right in front of their eyes. Their overspending and overregulating are the problems. But they refuse to admit accountability for their failures. Instead, they blame “corporate greed” for the situation that they themselves set in motion.

Both Obama and biden have said, when it comes to high prices, that companies should simply “lower their prices”. Yeah, that’ll fix the problem! This childlike response completely dismisses any recognition of how we set our prices or which market forces affect business policy and pricing. That’s easy to see, since they’ve never run a business or worked in the private sector.

I’ve listened to Harris and Walz a few times and am astonished by the number of times they sound like Trump: lower taxes, no tax on tips, securing the border, and securing the American dream for every family. But the way they want to help those who have been priced out of the housing market, for example, is horrifying to those of us who pride ourselves on working for what we attain. We work harder or longer hours or learn new skills to increase our income so we can buy that house in the suburbs. Sensible citizens don’t expect the federal government to hand over $25,000 to first-time homeowners, while passing that cost on to the taxpayers. Home sellers will just increase their asking price by $25K. So stupid.

6 months ago

Why would this Marxist idea surprise anyone? Donald Harris,Kamala’s father, is a Marxist economist. She was raised on Marxist ideology! Her daddy must be proud!

James DeBona
James DeBona
6 months ago

It’s really simple; call it “price gouging”, then inflation is not our fault!

6 months ago

The Chameleon Cackler just exposed her communist economic policy. She envisions long lines at the government-run food bank where Americans will pay $10 for a loaf of stale bread shipped in from Russia or China.

6 months ago

Kamala is a committed Marxist /Communist. Inherited from her parents and demonstrated by her political associations with Communist sympathizers and romantic affiliations Witnessed by myself over a period of 13 years in California. She is the antithesis of credulity and a gadfly of politics-says one thing and does another—on the model of her supporters Biden and Obama. She can be counted on to support all left wing causes , no matter how impractical and subversive for the USA

Tod Lane
Tod Lane
6 months ago

Watch the video where she says that she will seize all patents. Harris is outright following 1970’s style Soviet communism.

6 months ago

And the idiots keep voting for them.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Kamala is a Communist, as were her parents.

6 months ago

Want to live under the suffocating wing of communism? Well, the Kamala Harris is your man, er woman. Venezuela and Cuba are just 2 recent examples of failed price controls that communism represents. I have been to Cuba a few years back and the people there are disillusioned and discouraged. It is not a happy place. It is astounding to me how well tour country was doing just 4 years ago. Please vote on the issues, not the lies.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Just amazing that Kamala runs on solving all these problems but ONLY after she’s elected.. not to mention how it was her & her grandpapa who helped create them… and no one questions this! And WE’RE the cultists? Pathetic.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

Writing was on the wall for quite some time. Voter chose to ignore the fact that only the atmosphere conducive to business can create the conditions favorable to working class. It is the working class that is susceptible to the BS of all the Kamalas believing there is something for nothing.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
6 months ago

Along with rationing ,they had price controls in W W 2. Look it up. Kyle4 L.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
6 months ago

So, these greedy corporations have devised a brilliant plot to gouge consumers by raising prices to unaffordable levels. It’s ingenious!

6 months ago

Boy, oh boy—-big business better have something to say for taking the blame—-no deal.

6 months ago

Kamala is touting the failed policies of Richard Nixon to fic the economy she destroyed.

Dr. Sam Adams
Dr. Sam Adams
6 months ago

The American people need to enact “Dummy Control” by removing obtuse characters like this fool Harris and the Democratic nitwits. This nonsense was tried in the Nixon administration with bad results.

6 months ago

Needs to be repeated often: curb government $$ !! Or repeat history: government spends YOUR $$ means your buying power is reduced = government is illegally spending your money = price gouging!! It’s always government is illegally gouging you! Nothing else but greedy government!!

Elmer Fuddy
Elmer Fuddy
6 months ago

How much Propaganda for the Dems did you have to write in order to make that much?

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