
Economy , Newsline

China Fears Trump’s “America First” Agenda

Posted on Saturday, July 6, 2024
by Ben Solis

Outside of Democrat Party operatives, perhaps no one was more disheartened by President Joe Biden’s debate night debacle than the Chinese Communist Party.

While Biden has attempted to mimic Trump’s tough-on-China stance for the past four years, Beijing has not been fooled by the charade, and China once again appears to have the upper hand in the economic relationship between the two countries. But the prospect of Trump’s return to the White House next January has given CCP officials good reason for concern.

The Biden administration did levy some new tariffs on Chinese imports earlier this year, supposedly targeting a range of “strategic sectors.” But in a revealing response following that announcement, Chinese cyber propagandists on social media ridiculed the move, with one suggesting that an appropriate Chinese countermeasure could be Beijing imposing “200 percent tariffs on American buffalo” – implying that Biden’s “targeted” tariffs had entirely missed the mark.

The CCP seems to have recognized that Biden’s tough on China rhetoric has not at all matched up with the actual policies of his administration. Most Chinese businesses who have set up shop in the United States are still thriving, and American companies continue to rely heavily on Chinese imports for things like rare earth minerals and electronics components.

But Dr. Shufen Yóulǎn, a retired Chinese economist, told me in an interview that, amid Trump’s growing polling lead, “The spirit of America First can be sensed by the CCP at their shores, and it is the source of their biggest fears.”

Dr. Yóulǎn also said that Biden’s latest round of tariffs seemed to be more of a campaign move than a wise policy decision – a marked contrast to the effectiveness of the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration.

One of the most effective Trump tariffs (which Biden has kept in place) was a 25 percent tariff on all car imports from China in response to Beijing’s trade abuses. As Trump’s United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer clarifies in his latest book, No Trade Is Free: Changing Course, Taking on China, and Helping America’s Workers, these abuses include arbitrary Chinese tariffs and illegal tax rebates designed to gain an unfair advantage in the American market. Lighthizer also explained that this action “prevented a potential surge in car imports and protected U.S. workers.”

The European Union, which failed to enact such protections, is now reaping the whirlwind of that decision. Chinese car exports to the E.U. have increased more than sixfold in just five years, and multiple European automakers have taken devastating losses.

One confidential source told me that the CCP is so anxious about Trump’s return that, upon No Trade is Free’s publication last year, the CCP Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission instantly obtained copies of the book for its potential insights into the trade policies of a second Trump administration, hoping to pre-empt the former president.

Dr. Yóulǎn also told me that the CCP fears Trump’s America First agenda will undermine their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a massive global infrastructure project meant to propel China ahead of the United States by extending Chinese influence around the world. China has launched BRI projects in dozens of countries, importing Chinese workers to take advantage of local resources in a neo-colonialist scheme to reverse China’s economic malaise at home.

BRI projects, while presented to developing nations as a generous gift from China, allow Beijing to exert control over weaker nations. The program addresses two significant issues for Beijing: the lack of a market for overproduction and the insufficiency of natural resources in mainland China to sustain economic growth.

China also benefits by gaining political leverage over borrower nations, allowing Beijing to control a powerful bloc of votes of member nations in international bodies like the United Nations.

But the CCP’s BRI ambitions – and hence their hopes for staving off economic catastrophe – are dependent on a compliant United States. By holding China accountable for its abuses and preventing Chinese manufacturers from flooding American markets with cheap imports, Trump’s America First agenda threatens to bring the CCP’s plans crashing down. Beijing also fears that Trump may further limit China’s access to international institutions like the World Trade Organization and World Monetary Fund, another crucial part of China’s schemes.

Retired economist Gianluigi Brusasca, an advisor to Italian Foreign Minister Emilio Colombo in the 1980s, told me that he sees in Trump’s America First agenda a strategy akin to the one that brought down the Soviet Union. “Since the fall of the U.S.S.R, America has lacked such a long-term plan, and the CCP views America First as a path to American revival and China’s weakening,” he said.

While America First is, as the name suggests, first and foremost about the American people, it is also of vital importance to the rest of the world, particularly America’s democratic allies. When the United States is strong and confident, it keeps bad actors like China at bay, and less powerful nations that might otherwise fall under Beijing’s malign influence benefit as a result.

In this sense, the entire free world has good reason to root for Donald Trump’s re-election this fall.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Good article Ben , Those of us who are thinking. clearly, thinking intelligently, thinking responsibly will appreciate what you wrote. Building a strong foundation here in the United States , that takes into consideration the principles of. Reagan Conservativism would be time well spent. Defending things that make sense, things that are vital to having a Nation based on respect for Truth and Liberty and respect for the will of God, can take a stand for what is good and right . In the spirit of Faith. Family and Freedom. ( Three of the principles of Reagan Conservativism ) let the spirit of the Declaration of Independence guide the Nation on the right course. Knowledge of history will help, and thinking about ways to make improvements in the public health system ,so that public health policies are based on values like Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Courage and Loyalty will contribute to a defense against what domestic enemies of freedom could try to do by distorting facts and. using fear — in order to control a large part of the population. Victory is definitely possible as long as the thought of victory is strong in the minds of right thinking people. I find that the 1941 song ” We did it before and we can do it again “. is a great spirit lifter.

8 months ago

Why can’t we understand that the Chinese are communists? When did we accept supporting the communist doctrine? We won’t be able to wean ourselves off of the cheaper Chinese products until we start manufacturing those products ourselves. For those who say that will never happen, you might want to declare your Chinese communist allegiance now. MAGA!

Michael F Burke Sr.
Michael F Burke Sr.
8 months ago

In Truth it has always been my contention that both Obama and Biden are nothing more than CCP puppets. The plan after Obama’s two terms was supposed to be two terms for Hillary (Another CCP puppet), but they underestimated Trump. The Covid 19 pandemic was plan “B”. Use fear, the most powerful and persuasive weapon to divide Americans and create a scenario where voting in person was not desirable and massive mail in ballots could deflect the MAGA movement wave thus giving the opportunity to install another CCP puppet in Biden, an opportunistic moron who would sell out America’s sovereignty just to be President.
At first glance this reads like a John Clancy novel but 16 years in it all makes sense.

8 months ago

I would be concerned about Chinese election interference…

8 months ago

“Biden the Inept” and the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrades have failed to institute 1 policy that has been good for the “American People”.They have given billions to illegal immigrants, Terrorist – Iran, Hamas, etc., Dead beat student loans and crushed whole industries with there stupid green agenda. Etc……Trump and his policies are our only hope to save American and infact all of humanity…

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
8 months ago

This elction is easy !!!
Just vote {Trump)).
If you want to do more-
Vote {R’s”) all !!!

Cameron Helfrich
Cameron Helfrich
8 months ago

Ofcourse they are worried! Trump will destroy all their plans of dominating the world market and monopolizing America’s economy specifically! This is not rocket science, Biden and his progressives are anti-American to their very core. Neo-Marxist socialists who are happy to sell off American strength and prosperity to China(our #1 adversary economically and militarily)! China sends Fentanyl n meth via Mexico to US in bulk to weaken us further! People need to know the TRUTH! They want to ruin us by ANY means!

8 months ago

Super article! What a less personal view of Donald Trump now for many after reading your article put personality aside if you don’t like Donald trump! But support him and making America first and the finest once again!

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
8 months ago

of course they fear trumps america first agenda. they are use to bidens america last agenda.

John A Bird
John A Bird
8 months ago

I would like to see free trade agreements where each nation will prosper. I’d like to see us use our resources in a more responsible manner. I’d like to see the swamp cleaned once and forall. I’d like to see no more welfare of any type for illegals. I’d like to see the federal government pay back the social security money they stole from the citizenry and stabilize this program. I’d like to see the “private federal reserve” shut down and return the trillions of tax dollars returned to the citizenry of this nation. I’d like to see less war and all nations act in a more responsible manner. I’d like to see indictments for all of the democratic party, all rinos, fbi, cia, atf, doj, epa, and many other alphabet soup whose policies are treasonous to this nations well being. This is but a short list but you get the idea.

8 months ago

Hope and Pray that a Conservative gets in office..the Biden Administration is corrupt and bringing us closer to Communism. Focus prayer on getting the Voting cleared from being rigged again.

8 months ago

The ones that don’t understand America First program of president Trump is Obiden and his minions. They think his Bidenomics is working. Today I bought groceries and had two bags not quite full for 53 dollars. One package of meat. I couldn’t afford any more. Not so much not be able to afford than not wanting to spend 10 dollars on one package of boneless and skinless chicken breast, which came to 2 small breasts that once cooked I would need my glasses to find back on my plate. But ole Joe with his 16 economists don’t mention that. Ole Joe says we old people have enough money. Plus no new taxes for those under 400,000 a year income. Ole Joe we seniors don’t have that kind of income but with higher prices we pay twice the sales tax. If I add up all the extra tax I and others have paid since your inflation started 3 years ago it is a hefty sum. Can we get that rebated on our taxes this year? Just asking. Our car and home insurance has risen by hundreds of dollars. You order us to buy electric cars and appliances and to heat our homes. Blackouts are happening on hot and cold days. Where is the electricity Joe? We seniors have gotten a tax increase and we are making less than 25,000 a year in social security. And I haven’t even mentioned the inflation that keeps going day after day week after week. Suggestion Joe do the shopping for your family the coming few weeks. And see for yourself, Bidenomics isn’t working.

8 months ago

And Biden has been pandering to the CCP for 40 years. This is why Biden won’t step down, he will be out of favor with the communists – his bread wagon will be stopped and spouse abuser, Jill, the “First Lady” lol, will lose her uppity station in the White House and end up the “last lady” if we can use the term ‘lady’. So now Biden is being stubborn, another trait of one of the stages of dementia patients.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
8 months ago

China is, and always has been, all about China. China wants to control the world as much as Islamic factions want to control the world. The two are the extreme opposites on the ideological scale with China being extremely to the Left and Islam being to the extreme Right, both being fascist minded.
China is supporting the Biden administration in an effort to turn the U.S. into a Socialist State of a new One World Order in which China expects to govern over. Trump’s presidency put a stop to these plans. This is why we need Trump, or someone like Trump in the presidency.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

The truth is that the chinese want to keep selling us their cheap”junk”products.I owned my auto repair facility from 1972 until recently.The last ten years have gotten far worse with”cheap”but expensive parts.Everyone takes a much bigger markup,the biggest “screwjob”has been far worse since”hiden biden”was shoehorned into the job.Joey might be the biggest loser if china rejects this entity.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Key word: FEARS. The only one fearing Biden is his Visiting Angel fearing working overtime if Joe craps his pants again.

8 months ago

The CCP, Iran, the WEF, the DNC and their Deep State, Soros, the Rockefellers, Gates, Bezos, etc., hate rightful President Trump, because he can’t be bought, blackmailed, or intimidated into betraying US citizens, and he exposes their crimes, treachery, treason. Period.

8 months ago

I’m old enough to remember when most everything was made here, from clothing, towels and linens, bicycles, you name it. China produced just cheap stuff. It’s horrendous how we got to this where we have little manufacturing of everyday goods, and what is manufactured in the USA is often unaffordable. Such a shame. I do my best to not by Chinese, but it’s pretty tough not too.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

Why do you think the CUP release their C-19 virus. It was done to unseat the sitting President of the United States. The DNC used it to disrupt President Trump’s policies and to usher in Mail-in balloting nation wide to steal the presidency for Biden.

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

Mr. Solis seems able to telepathically read what the entirety of the members of the Communist Party of China emotionally feels. As Mr. (a guess in these weird times), Solis scribbles, the entire Communist Party of China are all forever “disheartened”, by President Mumbles performance in his debate with President Trump. Amazing. Mr. Solis should have a live television show where he can read the minds of audience members or, perhaps become more successful playing the stock market than Nancy Pelosi.
The idea that the Chinese State fears anything that happens in this dying, failed, evil tyrannical empire is laughable. Trump is going to place sanctions on everything made in China? HAHAHAHAHAHAA………that includes almost everything other than air and water.
The poor nation of China is still reeling from the actions of the Trump Administration just 3.5 years ago that they have to seek solace in being the most powerful financial engine that has ever existed. Boo hoo, I guess.
I like President Trump and his first term in office would have been great if the man had even an inkling of how to pick and choose members of his own administration. My God, look at his most major pick to join his Presidency, Mike Pence. That man has been in full backstab mode against President Trump since he smelled blood in the water that Pelosi and company poured into the Capital Circus Tent on January Sixth, 2021. If even thinking of Pence makes you ill, think of such sterling professionals Trump chose like the “walrus”, John Bolton. I could mention Mike “fat ass” Pompeo and dozens of others but my time is short.
This nation is a good 30 years past having the ability to strike financial or industrial or military fear into the hearts of any nation larger than say……..Lichtenstein and our “leaders” know it which is why they have to fund proxies like Ukraine to kill innocent civilians in their ongoing fight to promote Nazism in the country Vickie Nuland bought with help from Obama, Trump and last but not least, President Mumbles.

8 months ago

Why would China fear an America First policy? Every nation should support their nation first and is the policy every American leader should support. Why would any American support a China First policy, unless they were being paid to, like the Biden family is?? Every politician whose wealth increases more than is possible with the salary paid, should be investigated! Pelosi should be investigated after Bidumb and there are many more, both R and D! The only leader who left office with less wealth than when he entered office, is President Trump! That’s what Patriotism is!

8 months ago

We are waiting with baited breath for Jan. 20, 2025.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
8 months ago

Great article. Thank you for writing the truth. It is really sad, heartbreaking what the Biden Administration and Democrats have done to this country. Another 4 years and they will completely destroy this country. We need a leader like President Trump to salvage what has not been destroyed, get this country back on track and growing again. It is so hard to believe that Joe Biden spent all those years as a Senator and plotting to run for the presidency only to destroy this country. That became evident on his first day on the job. Democrats like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, and the Squad all need to go. There are others also. I really wish there was a way to fire them. China is a problem without question. Russia is a problem. Iran is a problem. Joe Biden and his Democratic cronies are a problem. Instead of pacifying these enemies and taking their money for personal gain, we need President Trump who can and will put them in their rightful places within world order! Pray for our nation and for God’s protection around President Trump and his family, as well as those he will be choosing to serve with him.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
8 months ago


Fredric Ducolon
Fredric Ducolon
8 months ago

Didn’t the USA save China in WW2

Fredric Ducolon
Fredric Ducolon
8 months ago

Didn’t the the

8 months ago

As they should be and I hope it becomes so!

8 months ago

Why? Does it head off their deviousness at the pass?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Rerun 1st term +

Old Silk
Old Silk
8 months ago

China’s not afraid of jack. They have the hammer and scorecard which we just saw put to use in the UK and France.

8 months ago


anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

I fear China has not much to fear unless the fix we are in is fixable

Ronald H
Ronald H
8 months ago

We can all see that Biden is incapable of the job of president. What I don’t understand is Trump is only a few years younger and you all are covering for all of his gaffes and he’s going to be just as old as Biden by 2028. There were many good younger options the GOP had but they were all thrown under the bus by the only Trump crowd so now we are stuck with only Trump. I expect Trump will win because Biden is so weak but what if the dems replace Biden? Can we really afford another leftist democrat?

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