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Will Speaker, GOP Move To Save Social Security & Medicare?  

Posted on Saturday, August 31, 2024
by Shane Harris

Promises for mass amnesty contained in the 2024 Democrat Party platform and floated by Kamala Harris herself mean that millions of illegal aliens could soon be eligible for these programs which are already facing insolvency, threatening to destroy them virtually overnight. Donald Trump has been talking about this issue for months, but the all-in-for-Harris “news” media, sensing the kind of political damage the issue could do Democrats, won’t give it air time.

But now AMAC President and CEO Rebecca Weber the head of a conservative senior organization that recognizes how mass amnesty would destroy the Social Security and Medicare programs that its members depend on, may have come up with a way to focus national attention on the problem and force every member of Congress to take a stand.

Just as earlier this year the House of Representatives voted to ensure illegal aliens do not obtain access to the ballot box, Weber has urged House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) in a letter this week to pass legislation denying illegal aliens from the Biden-Harris border invasion eligibility for taxpayer-funded Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Weber’s correspondence is part of a broader push among conservatives, most noticeably led by former President Donald Trump but also involving members of Congress such as Rep. Jeff Duncan, to protect Social Security and Medicare as the programs face a looming crisis from the flood of more than 10 million illegal aliens who have entered the country under the Biden-Harris administration.

As Weber points out in her letter, Democrats’ plans for mass amnesty mean that every illegal alien who has entered the country under the Biden-Harris administration could become eligible for Social Security and Medicare. “Such a development would present an existential threat to these programs, which are already facing insolvency,” Weber writes.

“The mass amnesty programs proposed by Vice President Kamala Harris and explicitly outlined in this year’s Democrat Party platform would mean that Social Security and Medicare would suddenly be burdened by millions of new beneficiaries who would be net drains on the system.”

Thus, while the threat to election integrity from noncitizens voting has already become a well-worn topic this election cycle, the prospect of illegal aliens bankrupting Social Security and Medicare could become a serious political dilemma for Democrats. Americans will undoubtedly not take kindly to liberal politicians flooding the country with illegal aliens they can give amnesty to in order to boost Democrat Party voter rolls and increase dependency on the federal government by adding huge new numbers to entitlement programs.

The dilemma now facing Democrats is similar to one they faced in the heat of the 2008 presidential election, when Republican nominee John McCain, at the urging of Newt Gingrich and House Republicans, began a “drill here, drill now” campaign to hammer Barack Obama’s opposition to offshore drilling as a threat to U.S. energy independence. The issue helped thrust McCain into the lead in September before the stock market crash changed the dynamic of the race. Crucially, the political pressure exerted by Republicans forced congressional Democrats to do a complete 180 and vote to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling.

With Election Day now just over two months away, Republicans may have the right political environment to pressure enough Democrats to pass the legislation that Weber outlines. At the very least, every Democrat will have to go on record declaring whether or not they support allowing illegal aliens to receive Social Security and Medicare.

Democrats included as part of their official 2024 platform support for the U.S. Citizenship Act. This radical bill would, among other disastrous provisions, create the new status of “lawful prospective immigrant” which would apply to virtually everyone who enters the country illegally. It’s mass amnesty, plain and simple – and brings with it the promise of voting rights and access to Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Social Security is already projected to become insolvent by 2033, while Medicare Part A is on pace to go bankrupt by 2036. Adding millions of new beneficiaries, most of whom would be a net drain on the program, would, as Weber writes, “dramatically speed up these timelines.” The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that mass amnesty for 10 million illegal aliens would cost the programs $1.3 trillion. A separate study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform has found that, if illegal aliens are granted amnesty and eligibility for Social Security and Medicare, they could expect to receive benefits worth on average as much as 140 percent of what they paid into the programs.

If Kamala Harris wins the White House, the number of illegal aliens on government benefits could soon be exponentially larger than even 10 million. Some immigration experts believe another four years with a Democrat in the White House could result in as many as 20 million more illegal aliens coming across the border. Promises of amnesty, voting rights, and government benefits would only encourage people to make the journey.

Even if Congress doesn’t pass the U.S. Citizenship Act, a President Kamala Harris would have plenty of executive authorities at her disposal with which to enact a piecemeal approach to mass amnesty. Joe Biden has already used the president’s parole authority to put more than two million illegal aliens on the path to amnesty in 2022 and 2023 alone. Presidents Obama and Trump, for reference, paroled about 5,600 migrants per year on average.

The Biden-Harris administration also recently announced a “parole in place” program for the illegal alien spouses of U.S. citizens – a policy of dubious legality which could result in more than one million illegal aliens getting green cards. Another potentially illegal extension of Temporary Protected Status has granted millions of illegal aliens access to work permits, Social Security numbers, and driver’s licenses. Within five years, all of these “qualified aliens” can become eligible for every welfare program, including Social Security and Medicare.

While the outcome of the presidential election and battle for control of Congress is uncertain, House Republicans can, as Weber says, act now to “swiftly pass legislation making anyone who has ever crossed our borders illegally permanently ineligible to receive Social Security and Medicare benefits.”

“This new eligibility requirement,” she continues, “will act as a vital safeguard on the hard-earned benefits of American citizens that are now threatened by unchecked mass illegal immigration.”

When House Republicans passed the SAVE Act earlier this summer, they exposed Democrats’ support for allowing noncitizens to vote. Now, they have a prime opportunity to do the same thing when it comes to providing Social Security and Medicare benefits for individuals who willfully broke American immigration law as their first official act in this country.

By going on record and putting the interests of illegal aliens over the needs of American citizens, vulnerable Democrat incumbents will open themselves up to withering attack ads that could make the difference this November.

Now, it is up to House Republicans to act.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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6 months ago

Just another example of what communists do best. Destroy everything that works so that the communists can control everything. Thanks to AMAC and Rebecca Weber for doing what she can to bring this issue to the forefront.

6 months ago

Deporting millions of illegals will save medicare as we will no longer be providing free medicaid services to those people. It will also bring down the cost of housing as it will free up houses and apartments, supply and demand.

6 months ago

If you want to become a slave to the rich & powerful vote for the democrats. I used to be a democrat & come from a long line of democrats…they used to be for the little people, farmers, laborers…All you need to do is look at what is happening…to see the future ( check the facts)
Open borders: Each illegal alien is given $50,000. Do the math, (but my calculator is not able to calculate that high of a number)In benefits that We the People are funding & now they want us to pay out of our Social Security & Medicare programs what will clearly bankrupt them much, much sooner than you might realize. It won’t be there for you when you retire.
Inflation: it’s going to get much, much worse.
They want to make us a Marxist Country!
Change our money to digital, which would allow them to censor what we spend, what we’re allowed to buy…basically making us their slaves…do what we want, or else…a quote from something I read “You’ll own nothing & be happy” from one of the top Foreign Groups that they want to help do this to us. They removed it from public view after I read it years ago. Our government is involved with wanting foreign policy in our once free country! We should want our freedoms back asap!
If Trump, or other True freedom loving patriot doesn’t get into office…we won’t be free anymore!
All of the crazy schemes of the Democrats are orchestrated to crash our economy, hide their true agenda until it’s to late when we finally realize…so we’ll be to hungry & beaten down, or defending our families to make sure they fail, until it’s to late & their true agenda is in place. And we will then be their slaves ( everyone that is not rich, or elite)
Do you want to become a permanent welfare recipient, that has to toe their line to eat, feed your family, get medical attention, have a place to live ( it won’t really be a happy thing- they’ll own you like the South owned people/slaves. Do you really want that???
Trump is actually our best & last hope for Freedom! The American Dream! Having Pride in ownership, or ourselves!!!
I pray for our country, our people, our Freedom. If you don’t usually pray, now would be a good time to start…& don’t stop until Trump is actually officially in office…actually don’t ever stop praying for our freedom & future of all of us & our freedoms!…& do your research, Start with not watching the propaganda news stations. Watch one that has both sides of the story…Fox, u-tube & I actually watched/read BBC when I couldn’t find anything but lies/twisted truth, or no news here.

6 months ago


The Forgotten Man
The Forgotten Man
6 months ago

Commie Harris is the latest democrat in line to try to ruin America. Thank you AMAC for your much needed informative reporting. The plain truth is: Commie Harris is Hitler.

6 months ago

Publish the names of all these democrats and republicans who want to give illegal aliens Social Security and Medicare that we working Americans paid for. Every one of these politicians who want to do this should be executed for TREASON!

6 months ago

I don’t understand why even AMAC lumps Social Security/Medicare in with entitlement/welfare. It is a program we seniors paid into (and our employers) paid into for years – over 50/years each for my husband and me. WE paid for these benefits and those before us. The problem lies in ineligibility or fraud in claims. WE now pay taxes on the benefits we paid for. Let’s use this argument. You aren’t eligible if you haven’t paid. If a person enters this country and actually works and pays into the system, they deserve something. It is the free loaders, including citizens, that should not benefit.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
6 months ago

Rebecca Weber has the right outlook , the right ideas , the right spirit about this issue concerning illegal aliens and social security and Medicare.

6 months ago

Let’s call the Democrat Party what it truly is, The Socialist Communist Party!!

C.D. "Tony" Hylton III
C.D. "Tony" Hylton III
6 months ago

Democrats along with their support organization AARP are stepping the alarm that Trump and Republicans are going to destroy Social Security. I suggest that the Republicans could take all the air out the Dems with one simple proposal – a 1/2 of one percentage increase in the Social Security tax on employees and employers. Do it as soon as Congress comes back from August recess. BEFORE ELECTION> Now it might not get adopted but it’s a proposal. For more years than I can remember, the Social Security Acurial Board has been razing the alarm that Social Security is running out of money.
NOBODY HAS DONE A DAMNED thing. At least this would be a concrete proposal.

6 months ago

I don’t know but I worked and paid for my Social Security and Medicare my whole working life. What I recieve I have already given $ THE money to. NOW kackels and the liberals, as a vote getting decision, will give ILLEGALS my money and stop me from getting ANY OF IT??? “The mass amnesty programs proposed by Vice President Kamala Harris and explicitly outlined in this year’s Democrat Party platform would mean that Social Security and Medicare would suddenly be burdened by millions of new beneficiaries who would be net drains on the system.” Say NO and vote them and their anti-American plans AWAY. MAGA 2024. If the name has a ‘D’ then its not for ME!!

6 months ago

Another installment of the Cloward and Piven strategy to overwhelm the system in order to cause collapse and create the “need” for government intervention. Wake up, people!

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

She proposes to hand out goodies but does not say how it will be achieved, does she and her cohorts propose to cut their salaries in half and share with the newcomers, for whom she rolled out the carpet? I have difficulty seeing that. If this treachery does not stop everyone from voting for her, nothing will.

6 months ago

It will never pass. The dems in congress have been ordered to do what they are told by the hierarchy. And Kameltoe with O and P and S are pro invaders to help them live the American dream. We citizens are non existent in the eyes of these people. We are being replaced. They are going to take away all our money, our rights, and our liberties. Their plan is to reduce the American population by 200 million people in 2025. How are they going to do that? Booster vaccine shot? Mass poisoning? There are sinister plots afoot be aware of the deep state. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE IN 2024 if you want to live.

Pat R
Pat R
6 months ago

And if Congressional GOP doesn’t do this, they too should be voted out. We NEED New patriotic Republicans in Congress to aid/assist the conservative caucus to do what is better for THE PEOPLE, not corporations and certainly not for themselves.

6 months ago

These Illegals deserve NOTHING NADA ZILCH!!!!!

Alfred Smith
Alfred Smith
6 months ago

I am so sick and tired of all politics that is going on in D.C. When will the true patriot’s stand up for what made America great work and hard labor created a people that had a never give up attitude. Now all I hear is Communism being spewed by those are governing this great nation of great people. It seems that the only thing that will heal our land is that a great awakening of repentance. God can heal our great nation, only if we repent and seek God’s face. I am a firm believer that this nation is about to turn to the far, far left only for all those who believe in the precious freedom need to saddle up, seek God before it is to late. What this nation needs is for all True Blooded Christians to repent from their wicked ways and then we might hear from Heaven, and America can be saved. I wasn’t born to live a life that would be controlled by ungodly Naziism. I am going to make it a point to not keep my mouth shut, but will do everything possible to once again bring sanity to this great nation. All right I have had my say, how about everyone get on the God side to help heal our wonderful nation the USA.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
6 months ago

AWWWWW ,c0me on folks. We will be on easy street. Dead ends on both ends with no way out. These people are crazy. Civil war is in the future if that happens. nNo North and South, juss the sane against the numnuts. Kyle L.

6 months ago

The surreptitious behavior of staff in covering up who is handling the normal Presidential duties is being deliberately concealed from the US citizenry. Is the media also colluding in this matter? My instincts tell me “YES”, and this whole business smells of skullduggery of the lowest order. Free press should not be colluding with staff to hide the treuth from the American public.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

MUST Act to save

6 months ago

Hope is all we have and need to pray for our rights.

6 months ago

Mess with SS and EVERY working American and 100% of retired Americans will rise up…probably not a smart move.

Dr. C
Dr. C
6 months ago

The fact is that the democrats are very dynamic in their aggressive, destructive schemes. They have been active since the ending of the second world war in this plan (Read, None Dare Call It Treason, by John stormier) They are termites eating the foundation while destroying the nation. They will cause the real Americans into an armed insurrection because these devil socialists have taken away everything they earned through countless generations and gave it away to useless vagabond invaders.

Mary Mcdermott
Mary Mcdermott
6 months ago

need easier ways to foreward to friends,
Thank you

6 months ago

Finish the wall and deport all the illegals that are here. And DO NOT GIVE THEM SOCIAL SECURITY or FREE MEDICAL of any kind. I paid into it of years and don’t believe it should go to lawbreakers.

6 months ago


6 months ago

While in the waiting room,for the ER, there was a person from south of the border in front of me that was bringing his child to the ER to have stitches removed. STITCHES! That way he doesn’t have to pay a doctor to do it. We pay. And we have to wait in line, with real emergencies, while they take care of him.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
6 months ago

Conceivably, illegal aliens might qualify for Medicaid and for welfare assistance and possibly for SSI, depending on local jurisdictions. But unless they work in covered jobs, they will never be eligible for Social Security or Medicare. And isn’t it somewhat ironic that we conservatives are now concerned with the preservation of such programs? FDR had Congress enact the Social Security law to ensure his reelection, and it was tilted to favor those who were old enough to vote for him in the first place. It has never been completely solvent. Conservatives ought to argue for the privatization of Social Security, and we ought to agitate for the reform of other programs covered by the Social Security Act, such as Workers’ Compensation, which seems like a pretty crooked setup to me, at least as friends and I have experienced it here in California.

6 months ago

I have a niece who is a single parent with two children, one who is sick, who just had her two children kicked off Medicare. Her job does not provide medical for dependents. She’s barely surviving as it is. Yet illegals get free medical and free rides to the docs. Free everything. And k wants to tax us 70% to 80% of our paychecks. My niece already lives in a small, old, single wide. How can she survive? And what about her child who is sick? Now with no medical?

6 months ago

This plain and simple (nothing but the facts in the bill-no pork!) needs to be put forth BEFORE THE ELECTION so that when Democrats argue against it, it SHOULD cost them the election. I know how slow Congress is, so chances are this won’t happen, but it needs to be up front and center-maybe the MSM will actually cover it!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 months ago

DIMMs always demagogue SS. Republicans (e.g. Reagan) always SAVE SS. If people haven’t caught on to this by now, there is no hope!!

6 months ago

I was under the impression that we had to have a certain number of years worked to draw social security and medicare. They have not worked long enough to get either and she has no right to give away our hard earned money to people who do not deserve it. She must be stopped or many of us Americans will go without because of her.

6 months ago

Someone explain to me how these illegal immigrants will be an immediate threat to Social Security. It is my understanding that you have to work and pay into the Social Security system for 40 quarters before you are able to draw one penny from the system. I think these illegals should be rounded up and sent back to where they came from but I don’t see this threat to Social Security.

6 months ago

Repubs only have a slim majority in the House, and Democrats control the Senate, Smitty.

6 months ago

Thanks for bringing this to light.This cannot be allowed to happen. Every american needs to be made aware of this before the November election.

6 months ago

I would like to see the Congressional Retirement System and the Retired Presidents retirement tied to Social Security so Congress will make Social Security last as long as it needs to. There is no reason for their retirement to be more money than they are making right now. Police officers get 50% of their last 3-5 years so should Congress and the retired president. Most of them have stolen more money than they need.

6 months ago

The result of democrats in office:
Double to triple gasoline prices
Double to triple egg prices
Grocery prices through the roof
Sky high rent increases
Sky high building costs
Sky high heating

6 months ago

We are looking at dark days. Hopefully that darkness will be the catalyst to throw those who wish to give away what we’ve worked for out of our body politik and out of our futures.

6 months ago

Kick all the evil out of this country!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

I haven’t filed yet although I’m eligible so don’t worry everyone: when I do, THAT will be the day SS goes insolvent! That’s my luck.

6 months ago

When I saw the headlines I thought the author was talking about raising taxes or cutting benefits to save SS and Medicare.
I should’ve known…

4 months ago

If immigrants become American citizens & have a job & pay FICA payroll taxes, then they should fall under the same parameters as all citizens do now. For you info, FICA paid now by emplyer & Employees is about 12.8% of wages and that is $12.80 per $100 of wages and that goes to Social Security Trust Fund.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
4 months ago

When Kamala Harris and other Democrats say they voted to expand Medicare, they are only telling a half truth. Progressive Democrats voted to expand Medicare for illegal aliens, doing nothing but harm to the American citizens depending on and paying for Medicare. The half truths of Democrats are more than half lies.

6 months ago

The Trump campaign better start making this very clear to the voters on both sides that this is a real strong possibility this will drain the SS system. 10 Million Illegals ??? What is wrong with these people ?? Deport them all !! If the working class would hear their hard earned benefits would be drastically reduced or eliminated because of this influx of Illegals,they would be outraged. This is too close to call in this election for comfort. Everyone, If you want Socialism, vote for Harris. If you want Democracy, Vote for Trump. It is that simple. Thank You AMAC and Rebecca Weber. Keep up the good work.Get a message to The Trump Campaign ASAP.

6 months ago

Remember Congress stole millions from Social Security and never aid it back. They took outonry for their programs look it up but records are destroyed???

6 months ago

Deport all Illegals!
Trump/Vance 2024!
The Republicans have to clean up the mess from the Democratic(Communist) Party!

6 months ago

This article needed proofreading before it was published. Sloppy writing makes the AMAC look sloppy. You need either a senior or Chat GPT involved… I would prefer a senior – we usually know how to craft a sentence.

6 months ago

I am not sure how the illegal aliens could get Social Security. In order to get Social Security you have to have enough work credits, which if I am not mistaken, equal about ten years of full time employment. Since they would not meet this criteria, how could they get Social Security? I can see them getting Medicare, as it does not have this criteria, but not SS. Am I missing something?
Also I am glad to see an author use the true term “illegal aliens” instead of “migrants” or “immigrants”.

6 months ago

The illegal aliens paid nothing to social security. They do not deserve to draw social security which we, the American workers and our employers paid into the fund. The freeloaders are driving up our national debt and a grabbing every free handout the democrats/communists are throwing at them.
It is about time the democrats/communists cut them off and send some of the “free” money to the destitute Americans and the American veterans. These real American Citizens not only need help, but they also deserve it.

Rick M.
Rick M.
6 months ago

I have absolutely NO problem with these “ILLEGALS” getting Social Security and Medicare … as long as they FIRST become LEGAL citizens, the LEGAL way (FIRST, go back to where you came from), THEN you come back the LEGAL way (in accordance with OUR Constitutional laws). Then, by our Constitutional processes, you can become a “Naturalized” American citizen. And you work a provable job and get 40 quarters of provable work history (like I had to do), THEN you can have Social Security and upon age 67 (for) Medicare… See? Problem SOLVED!

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