AMAC Exclusive – By Tom Doniphon

With the Biden administration’s July 19 announcement of an additional $1.3 billion in aid to Ukraine, some sources estimate that the United States has now sent roughly $115 billion to Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in February 2022.
This $115 billion—sent with barely any debate whatsoever in Congress—draws a sharp contrast with some other congressional funding debates in recent years, particularly when it comes to funding to secure our own borders.
It was only a few years ago that we witnessed the longest government shutdown in U.S. history—35 days in total—after President Donald Trump demanded a mere $5.7 billion to build a border wall and fully secure our Southern border in 2018-2019.
In hindsight, that investment would’ve been a small one in comparison to the price of illegal immigration, in both dollars and lives, since Joe Biden took office. The total cost of illegal immigration to the American taxpayer is an estimated $150 billion per year at the federal, state, and local levels, and there are even more downstream effects that can’t be quantified.
In addition, more than 7 million illegal immigrants have surged across the border under Biden, creating an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in border states. Fentanyl overdoses have hit record highs, and drug cartels have expanded their operations throughout northern Mexico as they continue to operate an industry estimated to bring in tens of billions of dollars per year.
Human trafficking has also risen to an estimated $13 billion per year industry, and at least 290,000 children have been trafficked across the southern border since the Biden administration began.
This Biden border crisis could end virtually overnight, if only America’s political leaders cared to stop it and Biden was willing to provide a small portion of what he has sent to Ukraine. Data from the Department of Homeland Security shows that constructing a border wall can decrease illegal immigration by as much as 87 percent, reduce Customs and Border Protection manhours, and decrease drug smuggling and human trafficking.
Fully securing our southern border would offer real, tangible results that benefit the lives of millions of Americans across the country, from stopping the flow of drugs into the country to relieving strains on the American taxpayer, and everything in between—all for a fraction of what we have sent overseas to Ukraine alone.
In light of this glaring inversion of spending priorities, it is also increasingly hard to ignore the Bidens’ own relationship with Ukraine.
Recent whistleblower testimony alleges that Hunter Biden and other family members received more than $7 million from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings Limited as part of an “influence peddling scheme” to enrich the Biden family.
Furthermore, recently unclassified FBI documents suggest that the Biden family coerced Burisma executives to pay them millions to get a Ukrainian special prosecutor fired—something President Trump was impeached for merely suggesting that the government should look into.
Even if there are no ulterior motives behind the massive outflow of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, the American public has a right to question the motives behind this funding, how their money is being used, and whose interests it is serving.
Prior to the invasion, Ukraine—which is not a NATO ally state and is a nation that the United States has no obligation to defend, through treaty or otherwise—was frequently listed as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. The actions of Ukrainian leadership over the past year and a half have done little to combat this narrative: Ukraine has banned opposition parties, restricted the freedom of the press, and restricted religious organizations. Ukrainian intelligence agencies even worked with the FBI to censor the voices of American citizens online.
In such times, it can be helpful to turn back to simple principles. Our Founding Fathers designed the United States government to secure the rights of the American people. Our Constitution constructed a federal government that was limited in scope, with a focus on national defense.
Never-ending tranches of billions of dollars sent abroad—with no defined objectives and no end in sight—undermines the very purpose of constitutional government, squanders taxpayer dollars, and raises ethics issues regarding influence peddling. Congress should prioritize funding with tangible benefits to the American people.
Tom Doniphon is the pen name of a former Trump Administration official.
Author posits: “(T)he American public has a right to question the motives behind this funding, how their money is being used, and whose interests it is serving”. Since when did the biden administration or, for that matter, ANY politician from either side TRULY care about either the wishes/needs of their “constituents” or the good of the country? Congress holds the power of the purse. It’s long past time that American citizens hold their elected representatives accountable and answerable for their actions/votes/legislation.
Expecting fiscal accountability from dems is like expecting termites to stop eating wood.
As soon as the Ukraine quits sending money to the Biden family crime syndicate the foreign aid will stop.
Unless and until America can protect our own borders, we should not spend one dollar, nor one life defending the border of any other nation. The only reason Bidumb sends unlimited amounts of America’s money to Ukraine “For as long as it takes” is the amount of money he gets as a kickback to the “Big Guy” thru Hunter!
Yes. Secure US boarder first.
Good Article. Bottom Line says it all: “Congress should prioritize funding with tangible benefits to the American people.” The American public can readily see the deterioration of public transportation in this country. From the airlines, traffic controllers, airline management, the increase and frequency of railroad accidents/incidents, the need for increased maintenance of roads, bridges and overpasses. There is so much being overlooked by an disorganized administration; that does not know how to triage its priorities. The lack of ‘horse sense’ gets more apparent with each passing day. Presidents Washington and Jefferson would be appalled by this disorganized mismanagement. God Help Us To Acquire A Compass Of Real Leadership! And, May God Bless This United States of America!
When you go into business with the most corrupt country in Europe what can you expect. When you are paid bribes you are then beholden to the most corrupt country in the world, you are forever beholden to that country. 17 million has bought the Ukraine 115 billion. Not bad of an investment. No more needs to be said.
When next you hear Biden and Democrats crowing about the incredibly low unemployment rate remember this-
According to the Bureau of Labor statistics in November 2019 the peak number of people employed in the US occurred at: 153.095 million,
Today the total number employed is:
135.86 million.
The difference:
17.23 million people who have still not returned to the workforce.
What are they doing for income?
Is this huge number caused by government handouts?
The unemployment rate does not take this statistic into account and therefore is total BS!
Biden has screwed up the economy so bad it is likely it will never come back.
Democrats always mess up the economy but Biden has taking it to a whole new level of stupid.
We deserve all of this for electing two faced Biden and the democrats into office. It’ll take years to straighten this mess out, and pay off all of the debt. Good luck, America.
Impeach Biden and the cackling VP along with him. Both are incompetent to be in the White House. He never even knows where he’s at let alone what he’s doing and she hasn’t a clue about anything.
There’s nothing upside down about Joey’s administration spending when you consider how much of that money is laundered and sent back to the politicians in Washington D.C.
It’s upside down for the American taxpayers. Not the politicians that get the kick backs.
As long as there is no accountability money will flow None into the pockets of those meant to receive it Never happened yet I wonder if there ever was a poke into it and what happened to the poker
Biden, awful human being!
No if’s and’s or but’s as a response.
We can’t possibly apply any more blame on the democrats.
How can the Republican “leadership” continue to look elsewhere while wearing blinders. They’re also to blame for preaching without substance.
We really do need leadership more than ever.
The problem we have there are to many ignorant people voting this crap into office.and there are a lot of ignorant people in this country.
Vladimir Putin has made clear, in the past, that he would like to re-establish the Soviet Union, with Putin as boss, of course. Though we do not have any legal obligation to aid Ukraine in the effort to thwart the aggression unleashed upon it by Russia, the world should have learned, some 80-plus years ago, that imperialists should be stopped early in their expansion process, if millions of lives are ultimately to be saved. However, that truely urgent need to stop Putin can be served, and the borders of the United States can be secured at the same time. The reckless spending of the Buyden Administration, aided by the full Democrap Party and Mitch McConnell, can be curtailed, and the borders secured, while still benefiting the American taxpayer.
The author guesses at the price tag and most of the money has been appropriated with agreement of the need by both Dem’s and Republicans. The border is a separate issue and a failure by the Biden Administration. Helping Ukraine put Putin on his back foot is great. The dip thought he would take over all of Ukraine in a few days and it has cost him greatly while China is seeing that the story he told them was a complete lie and failure.
Why is the title:”Biden’s upside-down spending priorities”? Biden and his handlers know exactly what they are doing. Fiscal responsibility isn’t even in their vocabulary as well as so many other words that previously defined America. The globalists love O’biden.
President Biden’s upside-down everything. Awful president, awful presidential cabinet, awful administration. Gross incompetence!
It still all comes back to what Obama told everyone of us on television those many years ago…
It was all preconceived before he even told us and has been implemented in every way possible.
The country has been divided against itself exactly as they needed it to be to succeed.
In 2.5 years Biden’s renegade administration has thrust the Liberal dagger into the heart of our beloved America. A spineless Congress, evil FBI, CIA and corrupt media are all onboard the train named “Socialism Express”! God Bless is all
Get rid of dumb Joe and the invisible VP get Muslims out of our political offices ????????????