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Battleground-State Voters Sour on Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act

Posted on Tuesday, September 3, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A significant share of battleground-state voters are not convinced the Biden administration’s signature climate legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, is benefiting the U.S. economy, according to a new poll shared exclusively with National Review.

Likely voters in battleground states were surveyed on the state of the economy, the Inflation Reduction Act, and what they believe to be the cause of inflation, a major issue this election cycle. Less than one-third, 30 percent, said the Inflation Reduction Act has been helpful to the economy, compared to 42 percent who said it harmed the economy and 20 percent who do not believe it made any impact.

The survey — conducted by CRC Research on behalf of the 85 Fund, a conservative nonprofit — asked voters how their opinion on the Inflation Reduction Act would change if they were aware of a provision in the legislation that shifts $230 million from Medicare to subsidize electric vehicles. When presented with this question, 73 percent of respondents were either much less or somewhat less likely to support the legislation, and 17 percent were somewhat more likely or much more likely to support it.

“The IRA, as President Biden himself admitted, was never about reducing inflation, which it actually increased, but about funding Democrat pet projects like EV subsidies that disproportionately go to the well off.  To pay for it, they fabricated a price setting scheme for Medicare drugs, but the plan was so thoroughly botched that drug prices have risen, as has the cost of Part D coverage, and now the Biden-Harris team is raiding the Treasury again to cover their mistakes,” said Joe Grogan, a former domestic policy official in the Trump administration.

A slight majority, 54 percent of respondents, somewhat or strongly agreed with the statement that drug prices have gone up since the Inflation Reduction Act was passed in 2022, and 29 percent of those surveyed either somewhat or strongly disagreed with the statement. Prescription drug prices have increased nearly 40 percent over the past decade, a total much greater than the overall rate of inflation.

A whopping 95 percent of the likely voters surveyed said prices are noticeably higher than they were four years ago. Over two-thirds, 68 percent of respondents, said grocery prices were the biggest economic challenge they and their families are dealing with.

“Despite its promise to reduce inflation and lower drug prices, the IRA did the opposite, pouring gas on the inflationary bonfire and creating chaos in the market for seniors’ prescription drug coverage. The question for this November is whether voters will see through the spin and deception and vote to restore sanity to our economic policy,” said former Ohio state treasurer Ken Blackwell.

Critics of the Inflation Reduction Act have singled out the Biden administration for its “premium stabilization” policy to mask a surge in Medicare Part D costs caused by the Inflation Reduction Act’s changes to the program.

“In addition to price-fixing the cost of Medicare prescription drugs, we’re beginning to see the effect the Inflation Reduction Act has on Part D with increases in premiums, fewer plan choices, and higher out-of-pocket expenses. It’s a myth to believe that this bad law reduces inflation because AMAC members are telling us that they’re still struggling to pay for groceries and medications for their chronic conditions,” said Bob Carlstrom, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens Action, the organization’s advocacy arm.

Cost estimates for the Inflation Reduction Act have increased significantly since the law was passed along partisan lines two years ago, because its climate subsidies have shown to cost more than expected. The legislation does not appear to have made any impact on inflation.

Poll respondents attributed inflation to a variety of causes, with 22 percent blaming spending for high prices and 21 percent finding government regulations responsible for the increases. Another 18 percent said the coronavirus pandemic was the cause of inflation and 16 percent cited growing budget deficits. Eight percent of the sample said foreign conflicts were the reason for inflation and six percent blamed tax cuts, with 10 percent being unsure of the cause of inflation.

The online poll was conducted from July 31 to August 5 and featured 2,800 respondents from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The sample was controlled to ensure it accounts for various demographic groups and its margin of error is 1.85 percent plus or minus. Republicans made up 36 percent of the sample and Democrats were 38 percent of the sample, with the rest being independents.

James Lynch is a news writer for National Review. He previously was a reporter for the Daily Caller. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a New York City native.

Reprinted with Permission from The National Review – By James Lynch

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Alan Wood
Alan Wood
6 months ago

I remain amazed that some still do not see the disaster caused by the Biden-Harris destruction act!

6 months ago

The details of what the IRA bill contained was readily available to read and understand at least a month ahead of the final vote. The whole bill was largely a mini green new deal bill, with some additional pork spending added on top to get some more votes in the Senate to ensure passage. The information was all out there. The American people just had to have a little initiative and drive to inform themselves.

That neither the Democrat politicians nor their propaganda machine, the MSM, will spell it out to you doesn’t absolve the public of their responsibility to be as informed as possible. Ignorance is NOT bliss. It is far from it. Willful ignorance ends up being both painful and very expensive, in that you have to pay ever higher amounts of money to the government for things you neither want nor need.

At some point the American public has to want to end the cycle of apathy by doing nothing to ensure you are as well informed as possible. Otherwise, bills just like the IRA will continue to passed in the future and you won’t understand what’s in them until months or years later. By which time it is far too late to do anything about it.

6 months ago

Further evidence, Biden Inc. wants to take care of his donor class. The hell with middle and lower income voters. Please remember, Kamala voted for this!

6 months ago

inflation reduction is an oxymoron

6 months ago

The Biden/Harris administration is not catered to the middle class but to the elites. They give incentives to those buying expensive e vehicles and take money away from Medicare for seniors to pay for it. They got a diabetic drug lowered in price but all others are going up. Our duty to die of course. Get rid of these seniors who don’t want to obey them. The children are already taken care off by mutilating them now and destroy them when they are adults. This while the Inflation Reduction Act has nothing to do with inflation. Just distributing the money from the poor and middle class to the elite. People educate yourself. What is going on in this country is a change to communism. To save our Republic and our Constitution vote TRUMP/VANCE in 2024. Your life depends on it.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
6 months ago

The day has finally come! The Democrats have mastered the art of passing a law called Inflation Reduction Act, an Act that has the unintended consequence of doing exactly the opposite, i.e. increasing inflation.
Well, that’s not entirely true. The Democrats actually understood that their pet bill would increase inflation, even after promising that it would ease the cost of living for the people.
Wait, ……. If the Democrats understood what this act would really bring about, why would they impose it on the American people? Answer, increasing inflation is just one of the ways that the Democrats work to cripple the American economy. Everything that the Democrat Party does to “help” the people is formulated to harm the economy. The neat part? When things go wrong, the Democrats put the blame on the Republicans for impeding, and dragging their feet, instead of working in a bipartisan manner to make socialism work.
OK, this is the thing about the Democrat Party’s salient goal. The plan is to debase the American dollar to the point that the people can no longer afford to pay for basic food, shelter and clothing. At some point the Democrats will promise to “save” the people if they are just given immutable political power in Washington, D.C. ……….. Sound familiar? It should because that is exactly what the socialist leader in Germany promised in 1933. The NAZI Party, (National Socialist Party), became all powerful when the desperate German people voted for a leader that would alleviate the misery cause by the worthless German Mark.
The Democrats won’t admit any of this, of course, but nothing else would explain that party’s never ending efforts to transform an exceptional society into a basket case country akin to those countries that fell into Marxist rule. Am I mixing up political theories by using the descriptions Marxist, socialist, NAZI, etc.? Nope, Liberalism, progressivism, Marxism, NAZIsm and communism are all peas in the same socialist pod. Every one of these political theories takes money from those who willingly work, and gives to those who would not. When the workers realize that the laggards are receiving the same compensation as they do, they also become slackers. That’s why socialism always fails as a theory for governance. No one has an incentive to work hard, so the workers work just hard enough to avoid the attention of the commissars. The result? A general malaise, and a failing economy, where all exist in common misery. …………. Well almost all, the elite in the government are ” more equal” than the general population concerning living conditions.
The Republicans are not saints, they are just as prone to corruption as the Democrats. However, some Republicans might steal taxpayer money, while the Democrats do the same but they also work to steal our inherent rights as human beings. There isn’t one of the ten tenets of Marxism that the Democrats don’t like, they simply won’t admit that they idealize the concepts found in “The Communist Manifesto”.

6 months ago

Reminds me of their slight of hand removing $550 billion+/- from the coffers of Medicare to support the phony “Affordable” Care Act which has fulfilled none of the objectives they used to justify this abomination.

6 months ago

The country has a lot more to be sour about with the Biden mis-administration. The inflation explosion act is a trojan horse for the demonrats obsession with socialism, communism, nationwide hegemony and a permanent hold on power. People that say they see no difference must be extremely wealthy ditto for the ones that said the economy is better. The wealthy whites and celebrities are the darlings of the demonrat politicians elite; Herr fũrer Barak Obummer (coup mastermind), Nazi Pelosi (coup henchman), the Clinton’s (fellow backstabbers) and now the joyful warrior herself Kommie Kameleon. Now that they’ve relegated Traitor Joe to the dustbin, the are attempting to hide what she truly is. 10 weeks ago the evil party elites wanted her off the ticket as she was a “drag to Traitor Joe’s bid, but now that the lie they have been spreading for 3.5 years about him being of sound mind has been exposed. Suddenly word salad is the darling of the evil party. Anyone paying attention knows that she is an unhinged communist. The fact that she is also a genuine moron makes her the most dangerous of the lot. She’s got Hillary’s savagery and Nancy’s lack of morals.and Barry’s gift for lying (they all share that same traits). All in all she is the perfect demonrat for 2024.

6 months ago

The liberals are excellent at sugarcoating dog-crap bills with “America-first” titles. The republicans are just as much to blame for bending over for the liberals to avoid having their political careers ruined. And did anyone see chameleon Commie-la change her accent to ghetto when talking down to union members? Hillary did the same thing at a black church. I guess that’s another thing liberals are excellent at doing.

6 months ago

Another monetary theft of the seniors and hard working Americans in exchange for global ‘brownie points’ for those who have more money ???? and power than 2 yrs ago.
Vote No to reduction in Social Security.
you can live in your home. You cannot live in your electric car.
biden/harris you are bring us down in care and wealth. #closetheborder and Stop giving #bordermen phones, medicare or housing.
We need leadership in Washington, no high rollers spending.

6 months ago

Sour is such a gentle word.

6 months ago

Just imagine how different this country might be right now if we had a press that actually did their job and called out all the massive Democrat crimes, corruption, deceit, and lies over the past 20 years.

Mike B
Mike B
6 months ago

They caused inflation ! The Inflation reduction act is B.S ! When are Americans going to wake up and realize we’re being lied to everyday? It’s frustrating and I’m sick of it.

Kathryn S Davis
Kathryn S Davis
6 months ago

I don’t get it. Plug in cars should never be mentioned in the same room as Medicare. Workers paid into Medicare and Social Security. It is not a benefit but an investment and should be paying returns to investors, not funding cars with dangerous batteries, etc. How dumb can you get??? Really folks, wake up. Do you really want your kids and grandkids to inherit all of this nonsense. I have no kids but my heart bleeds for your kids.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Apply nationwide

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

Voters are seeing the results of his policies. Is he expected to do a U turn?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Great googily-oogily! I thought its the Evil Egg, Beef, Pork, Fish, Dairy, and Vegetable Juntas that conspired with the Evil Petroleum and Evil Rental and Evil Mortgage Corporations that are causing it all!

4 months ago

Every aspect of that (I decline to speak the disgracefully misleading name of it) “act” was easily recognizable from Day One. Just another chapter of “Democrats” lying to their own constituents and the rest of us – but THEY never learn.

John Pacey
John Pacey
6 months ago

The inflation reduction act is biggest farce perpetrated on this country. It hasn’t done anything to reduce inflation in fact it’s gotten worse. Now they’re talking about wage and price controls not to mention coming after our savings, retirement and 401k’s
Wage and price are not new they were tried 50 years ago. If we’re really serious about reducing inflation then it’s to cut spending and stop printing money. Let’s clear folks inflation is nothing more than another tax on us which is why everything costs more

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
6 months ago

That’s the way it is here New Mexico no one see’s what Martin Heinrich did when he voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. we are a poor state and can’t afford to live the middle class we’re use too. And now the middle class of New Mexico have to live like they are upper class because we can’t afford Rent, Groceries, Healthcare, Fuel for our cars and homeland are utilities are real expensive.and tat includes making it rough on Senior Citizens and Veterans etc… So Thank You Martin Heinrich for making it hard for people to live in New Mexico…..

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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