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You and the Future of America

Posted on Monday, June 10, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Katie Gorka (L) with Lara Trump (R) at the Republican National Committee

For years I told my wife: “You should run for office.”

I said that because people love Katie. And her demeanor is much better that mine.

I have high blood pressure, find most humans overrated, speak my mind, and I don’t “suffer fools gladly.”

Katie is kind, gracious, and patient. And she loves America and is therefore exactly the type of person we need in the “Swamp.” As opposed to all the RINOs and two-faced career politicians who would horrify the Founders Fathers.

What was her response to my suggestion? For years, when I pestered her, she gave the same reply: “Are you crazy? Politics is disgusting!” And then something happened.

One day, after coming home from my radio show, Katie simply announced that she was running for the board of the local community center. My surprised response? “What do you mean? You hate politics.” And with a wry smile I added: “You’ve read St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, right? You mean you’re asking your husband’s permission, surely!” Katie’s reply? “No, I got all the signatures, I’m running, and I just wanted to tell you.”

So what happened?

Our community center may only be a local facility, but thanks to the extra property tax levied to fund it, it has an annual budget of more than $7 million dollars and was using it for divisive and un-American activities, including a one-hour lecture by Nikole Hannah-Jones, for which the “America is inherently racist” author was paid $35,350. You read that right. One hour, $34K.

But that wasn’t the singular motivation for Katie. What tipped her over the edge was the Children’s Drag-Queen Story Hour. In other words, an event for innocent young children with a man dressed as a sexually provocative parody of a “woman.” That was not going to happen 3 miles from our home, funded by our money. Thus started Katie’s political career.

My muse campaigned hard, but it was during the midst of COVID, and in an election usually sealed by 400 votes, she lost by more than 1,200 ballots, mostly mailed in ballots. Sound familiar?

At that point, I thought: Okay, that’s it, she’s got it out of her system and Katie will get back to life as normal, including writing her latest book on the Marxism inside America. How wrong I was.

For the next board election the following year, she recruited two other Conservative Christian women and all three won! And in the latest election, last month, another slate of Conservatives won, which means the Community Board now has a majority of patriots who aren’t into perverse shows for children and funding anti-American propagandists.

But that’s just a fraction of Katie’s story.

Starting even before her official political career began, Katie was worried about the safety and integrity of our elections. As a result, she volunteered for our elections, starting as a polling day volunteer then a poll watcher, and now she is the Chief Election Officer for our district. All this from someone who “hated” politics. But we’re not finished.

Thanks to an amazing patriot who has worked tirelessly to engage and mobilize Virginians to do their part (Rosie, you know who you are!), Katie was convinced to run for the position of GOP chair for the biggest county in the Commonwealth. In a primary during which I had no idea whether she would win, she crushed it, beating her nearest rival by more than 40%! Needless to say, I have not seen much of my wife since then, and she travels the county almost daily to get her fellow Republicans excited and engaged to take back our nation. She is most definitely doing her part.

So here’s the point of “our” story. Support your wife, husband, son, or daughter. Understand it’s not just up to President Trump. It’s up to all of us. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

Get politically involved. Otherwise you might as well be working for the Democrats.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Great spirit in this story, this is the sort of enthusiasm for this Constitutional Republic that will make the improvements needed and set the Nation on the right course – a course that will lead to Principles and reverence for God. Something reminiscent of the Declaration of Independence , something that encourages the participation in local groups and the political matters that are not distant, but right in the neighborhood. It is important to know about this positive, optimistic story, with respect for Katie and Sebastian Gorka , your good work is appreciated. In the spirit of Integrity, Truth, Courage and Liberty.

3 months ago

Katie vs. the Karens…bring it on!

3 months ago

Good article. Everyone must and should be involved at all levels of government and start taking back the freedoms that the Elite and Left have been eroding away for years (moving toward a Socialist/communist state). As the last line implies, if one sits on their laurels, all will be lost.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
3 months ago

Dan Bongino nails it when he says, WE are the leaders we are looking for!”.

3 months ago

Be proud of youe wife, I am !

3 months ago

It has to start somewhere why not with me. You go Katie if I was younger I would have done the same thing. Now I only can support people like you in the hope of saving our country. Wonderful article not many democrats can duplicate that. There is hatred in their heart.

3 months ago

Wish I were younger than my 89 years. My hat is off to Katie and may God Bless her.

Daniel de Sousa Salgado
Daniel de Sousa Salgado
3 months ago

A great article, Mr Gorka is a brilliant journalist.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago


Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
3 months ago

Oh, wish I wasn’t so old and ‘crippled’, both mind and body

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

I thought about running for a local office in Washoe County, NV., until I found out you have to pay $10,000 to file.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
3 months ago

BRAVO KATY GORKA! “YOU GO GIRL!” Jeannie Huppert, Massillon OH

3 months ago

God bless Katie and her wonderful family! This is the example we need all over our country!!!

3 months ago

I like her husband as he is the spitting reflection of my additude.
My wife recently retired after the government organization ( Sandia National Labs) went totally woke and basically used Totalitarian Communist Democrat Racist lies to force her out, along with many others.
BTW she happily retired now that she doesn’t have to work in the woke communist environment anymore.
Unfortunately there are thousands of workers who aren’t so lucky.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

“Future of America”? Look around, open your eyes, try to remember even say around the hyped up “millenium crisis” of 2000. Think about how America was even that late and compare it to today. Though we, as a nation really started seriously going into decline about half way through Nixons Presidency, the changes up until the 90s were slow, our government “betters” were giving us the frog in a pot treatment. During that last decade of the previous century the water in our frog pot began to boil and as such we as a nation have been in a form of hospice care if such care consisted of regular abuse socially and financially but perhaps most important, morally.
There is no future of America other than its bleak demise.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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