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Democrats Try to Pass National Popular Vote in Michigan, AMAC Members Say, “No Way!”

Posted on Monday, November 18, 2024
by AMAC Action

President-elect Trump’s clean sweep of swing states on November 5th included the highly coveted state of Michigan. The Republican winning streak extended to the state level where they  won the majority in the Michigan House and ended the Democrats’ trifecta of control over both legislative chambers and the governor’s mansion in the Wolverine State.

It’s no surprise that Michigan Democrats want to inflict as much damage on the state as they can before losing their majority in January. That’s why they recently placed the controversial National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) on the schedule for a vote in the House.

Ballotpedia describes the NPVIC as “an interstate compact to award member states’ presidential electors to the candidate that receives the most votes nationwide. The NPVIC would go into effect if states representing at least the 270 of 538 electoral votes required to elect a president adopt the legislation.”

Ballotpedia further noted that “as of September 2024, 17 states and Washington, D.C., had adopted legislation to join the NPVIC. Together, they represent 209 Electoral College votes—77% of the 270 votes needed for the agreement to go into effect. Adding Michigan’s 15 electoral votes to this mix would push the percentage needed to nearly 83%.

The problem with the NPVIC is that it erases a state’s voice in presidential elections and aligns the electoral votes with the national popular vote regardless of whom the state’s voters choose. If the compact passes in Michigan, then its voters’ choice would be irrelevant, dictated by large population centers that don’t share the state’s values or priorities.

Fortunately, the grassroots rose quickly and decisively. AMAC Action scrambled AMAC’s Michigan members with a swift call-to-action campaign that resulted in well over 2,300 messages sent to their state representatives demanding opposition to the NPVIC. After this deluge of opposition along with the action of other grassroots groups, the NPVIC bills were pulled from the legislative schedule and the vote was scuttled.

Patrice Johnson, chair of Michigan Fair Elections (MFE) was grateful for the collaboration between her group and AMAC Action saying, “We stopped NPVIC in 2022, and we hope to have it stopped again in this lame duck legislative session. People across the state rose up and told their representatives they would hold them accountable if they demolished our constitutional federation. Organizations like MFE and AMAC Action teamed up to spread the word and none of this would be possible if it weren’t for our amazing supporters. We are deeply grateful.”

Michigan State Representative Ann Bollin (House District 49) said she believes NPVIC is bad for the country and was also grateful for AMAC Action’s support, “Thank you to AMAC Action for their relentless and quick action to help Michigan House Republicans defeat efforts to pass National Popular Vote during the lame duck session. National Popular Vote is bad for our country and bad for Michigan. It would silence the votes in both our urban and rural areas and give the largely populated states and cities a greater say in who runs our great nation. The vote was pulled for a second time during this legislative session – thanks to the great work of AMAC members.”

There are still several days left in the Michigan House’s lame duck session, and we could see the Democrats try to muscle another vote on NPVIC. AMAC Action is monitoring the situation and stands ready to activate the AMAC Army again to unleash the grassroots power necessary to preserve election integrity in Michigan.

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3 months ago

As expected, the Democrats don’t stay down long. They cry and gnash their teeth for a few days as they process the outrage of the People daring to vote against them and their Marxist agenda, and then they dust themselves off and come right back with all sorts of ways to undermine the will of the People going forward. This latest piece of legislation is simply one of the many attempts we will be seeing over the coming weeks, months and years, as the Democrats look for ways to either change the rules in ways they can manipulate a “win” or cancel out the voices of the People in any number of ways.

Remember, we won an election, which gives us a chance to undo some of the most egregious and destructive aspects of the Marxist policies they stand for. However, the threat of the Marxist ideology, that the Democrats are still fully committed to, still exists. We didn’t completely remove the threat but merely threw enough of those espousing it out of power to have a chance at starting to undo the damage and hopefully start repairing the republic. We must all remain vigilant and fully informed against each, and every new threat America’s Socialist Party, the so-called Democrat Party, tries to enact.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

NPVIC is a scam created by democrats to try to abolish the electoral college without having to amend the Constitution .

3 months ago

Imagine if our youth actually had a clue as to what was going on? The dems would become virtually obsolete. Now we need the republicans to actually do everything they say. In some places the dems will block them but anywhere in which the republicans have control, they had better come through big time for the American people. If there are any RINO’s out there, these two years should tell. Then, they should all be voted out, they’re equivalent to spies and should be treated accordingly.

3 months ago

Democrats are liars and enemies to America! They need to answer for taken tax payers money and allowing foreigners to invade our country!

3 months ago

The “popular vote” seems directed at changing status of United States from Constitutional Republic, which we are according to our Constitution….to that of a Democracy where popular vote rule…literally meaning mob rule!
We have NEVER been a “democracy” as Dems keep referring to!
And purpose of Electoral College is to maintain our status as Republic!
So simple question regarding using popular vote vs Electoral College is HUGE factor!
Think we need to go back to teaching “Civics” and “Government ” in our schools again! And ALL of our politicians who talk about losing our democracy need to be called out on their knowledge level, and misleading everyone about the type of government in US!!!

Timothy Richardt
Timothy Richardt
3 months ago

Good on AMAC… Good on all of us AMAC members! We need to remain vigilant through these closing months of Democrat Party’s control of state and federal government offices and seats. They are never to be trusted; will do anything they can to hold onto or to return to power by whatever devises and schemes they can conceive and conspire. A disgraceful lot, they are indeed.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Just another example of DIMMS hatred of our “federal” system by negating a state power and shifting it to the national level. DIMMs always accrue power to the central government which violates the 10th Amendment. Sounds kind of “fascist” to me!

3 months ago

The Electoral College is part of our Constitution, any member of the federal, or state governments, elected, hired, or appointed who advocates for the abolition of the Electoral College should be removed from office immediately, and charged with perjury when they took their oath of office that states that they will uphold, and defend the Constitution of the United States os America. Maybe it should be clarified for them though, and the word “OBEY” added to that.

3 months ago

One reason and one reason only they want this. To steal. They can steal the popular vote but can’t steal the electorate. Democrats, dirty filthy scum, the lot of them.

TX Conservative
TX Conservative
3 months ago

The Dems want to make it so that they can get away with cheating again. We now watch the “swing” States too closely for them to cheat. NPVIC would allow them to cheat in NY and CA where no one is watching and where large batches of “surprise” ballots wouldn’t be as obvious (and if caught, friendly judges would look the other way).
The thing for me is that Presidents not only represent “the people” of the US, they also need to represent the various communities* in the US. That is, they are to be elected by the vote of communities as much as they are to be elected by the votes of individuals (if not more so.) To put it another way, the community of CA has no right to tell the community of WY what to do just because they have more voters. To claim otherwise is akin to claiming Germany has the right to tell Denmark what to do simply because Germany has a larger army.
Straight democracy is just a version of “might makes right”. It only differs in that you count heads (votes) instead of swords/guns. It’s still a large population (community) bullying the smaller populations (communities) around it.
*Unfortunately, right now, the lowest level of community that comes into play in Presidential elections is the State level. I’d like to see that change, i.e. the Maine/Nebraska system should be applied nationwide. Do that and all of a sudden Republicans will be campaigning in CA and NY and Dems will seriously campaign in TX and FL — as it should be. The Presidential candidates should get to hear from and talk to people from all parts of the country. We want candidates fighting over swing districts more so than swing States.

Robert Davidson
Robert Davidson
3 months ago

Ironically, this wouldn’t have helped them this year, either, since Trump got the majority of the popular vote. And doesn’t this violate Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution? States are forbidden to make such agreements without the Consent of Congress.

3 months ago

“They want to inflict as much damage on the state as they can…” Perhaps the democrat party should be renamed “The Al Capone Memorial Thugs”. Dirty doesn’t even begin to describe how treasonous they are. On the flip side I pray that the Donald will kick some Republican butt and straighten them out. They’ve played patty cake so long and have come across like namby pamby’s so much it’s humiliating. We finally have a real President back in office and he’s plowed through more stock yard “refuse” than any other president I can remember, and come out swinging.
I firmly believe the split second turn of Trump’s head with that first attempt on his life was God’s hand . I also believe that happened with the second attempt. He is supposed to be in office. And for those who know deep down a Holy and All Seeing God is involved in our daily lives also know that exact split second he turned wasn’t a “coincidence” nor the second attempt. I don’t believe much in “coincidences”. But he’s going to have a fight on his hands with demorats and rinos’ and hopefully both will be honest and truthful actual representatives who’s first priority is the safety and sovereignty of this nation.
We won, we can’t let it slip away. Write and call representatives who aren’t living up to their pledge. Visit their offices and “politely” drill them with questions. They’re NOT sacrosanct! They’ve gotten away with “murder” and rarely get held accountable by those they claim to represent. To many Americans cast their ballots and then walk away. That’s got to stop. Write, e-mail, visit in person, make an appointment. They’ve by and large forgotten they’re not here to serve themselves! Sadly there are to damned many filthy rich politicians. We have the RIGHT to not just talk to them, but to question how they’re doing their jobs, relating to We The People, holding other politicians accountable and the list goes on. Form groups to “visit” with your local politicians and ask the hard questions. Conduct sit in’s if you need to…yeah we’ve done it. It works. We have a fighter, one who’s been harassed continually from his first presidency…well…you gotta wonder how much fear is really motivating the left to do to him what literally no other president or presidential candidate has been subjected to. We have the edge, we have The Man and we expect much from him…but we also need to give.

3 months ago

The dems want to rule as a tyrant and they try everything in their arsenal to achieve that. Even the whole country has spoken out against their policies in the election. The people saw them for what they are. Dictators, tyrants, communists. Who want to rule America forever. I heard a talking head on morning Joe say we went to have a meeting with Trump and people ask why? I say why not? Like they have a say over the country and the people you are not that important morning Joe or Joy Reid or Ms Rachel nobody ever voted for you. You are a news channel your opinion isn’t important in the scheme of things. Report both sides not pick a side. That is what is wrong in America we have become opponents. With families, with friends, with co workers. Biden Harris succeeded what O wanted but never achieved. His third term as puppet master he achieved it. He had the MSM on his side. It is so far, people are killing their own family because Trump won. Shave their heads. Thanks to the dems lying manipulation of the people. The dems communist agenda and the Pravda news outlets should all move to Russia. Putin would love them

Jack Palmer
Jack Palmer
3 months ago

Thanks for alerting me I was glad to contact my representative to keep voting integrity.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

To Rerun 2020

3 months ago

Thank you AMAC … informing us of what our evil and corruted politicians is doing. Thank you for informing the states up north lol and the hard work not to pass in their state.

Michael Adams
Michael Adams
3 months ago

Everything they do is designed to usher in the globalist agenda and a one world order and ruling class. Trying to add Puerto Rico, other Caribbean territories and Washington D.C as new states is all designed to increase the available electoral votes during elections. They’ll take big swings and sling a bunch crap hoping something sticks.
Stay vigilant United States defend the Constitution, we’re moving in the wrong direction.

Mike B
Mike B
3 months ago

Great job obtaining the signatures AMAC. The only way they can win is if they cheat and more than half the country figured this out. What a great time to be alive and to witness the changes that are about to take place not only for America, but around the globe. God bless America.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Thank you Members of AMAC in Michigan. You have done a Great service to our country and communities by keeping democrats from rigging of elections.

Uncle Bruce
Uncle Bruce
3 months ago

Thank you AMAC for being on top of this.

3 months ago

I’m surprised this isn’t unconstitutional. It disenfranchises voters.

3 months ago

Cali-rado voted in the popular vote measure years ago, so since Trump won the popular vote, CO electoral votes MUST be awarded to Trump! I hope these liberals gnash their teeth over how their election-tampering agenda just snuck up and bit them in the #SS!

3 months ago

The cheating attempts are getting old. I can no longer imagine an election that is not subject to cheating by “democrats”. It “just feels right” to them.

Poppa John
Poppa John
3 months ago

Democrats trying to cheat as usual

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
3 months ago

That would eliminate the people of Michigan’s voice.

3 months ago

Did they not just see that Trump won the National Popular vote?
I say go for it since the country is fed up with the Left and the popular vote should be in the Republicans favor for the next 20 years (providing the GOP doesn’t screw it up). How nice it would be to see CA, NY, IL all have to send their GOP delegates to DC early January!

B R Raghuraman
B R Raghuraman
3 months ago

We republicans want to introduce want to introduce by the area coverage by Sq.miles,will it happen.

3 months ago

I do find it ironic that this motley “democrat” crew is pushing for a national popular vote… given how completely UNpopular they are, for having been so dishonest, self-serving and unpatriotic for so many years… Hope nobody ever mistakes them all for a pain in the a55…

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 months ago

I once lived in Michigan, even in Lansing, when Miit’s father was governor. I wrote a college newspaper editorial comparing George’s return from Nam, claiming brainwashing, to the Tigers’ losing the last game of the season and missing the World Series. It was headlined, “Tigers Lose and Romney Returns.”
How the hell do they think they can do that without amending the U.S. Constitution? The 12th Amendment does not change the way the people vote. It allows the states to change the way ELECTORS are selected. Democrats are still swinish.

Dr. Verita
Dr. Verita
3 months ago

Democrats are vipers, they will do anything to subvert the Constitution to get power, their day of reckoning is due.

3 months ago

Why do ya think they’re called “Democ-RATS?

A Segal
A Segal
3 months ago

No Way! They are trying a way around the Electoral College. It is there for a reason, without it, states without many people would have no say in who they want elected.

3 months ago

Evil crooks! I can’t believe that there are any democrats left in any government. That party should not be in existence

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

I live in the once”good”state of Illimois,not great,where chitcago democrats elected democrats.Most of downstate Illinois was smarter and voted red,but the rest of the state has no chance with what goes on in the windy city.

Jo Ann Kurtz
Jo Ann Kurtz
3 months ago

Democrats have cheated for so long that they have completely forgotten the Rule of Law and The Constitution. We ought to make the liberal parents attend government/history classes WITH their children so they can learn it all over again.

3 months ago

Nancy started Impeachment proceedings before DT’s inauguration They are in a continuous hate mode and never stop plotting his failure. So be it. They’ll be happier trying to divide the country or make us all believers…won’t help or work.

3 months ago

We must always stop the “democrats” “big cheat”… both in elections, and in everyday life. No more repeats of 2020… boy, they sure owe us for that one…

Lupe Ramirez
Lupe Ramirez
3 months ago

Looks like a scam posted on your website (post from Kimberly)?? I thought only members could comment?
2 minutes ago

M L Standifer
M L Standifer
3 months ago

So glad that MI voters rejected this effort!
Another insidious effort is what happened here in Idaho in this election: a proposition to shift ID voting to a “ranked choice” vote and holding an “open” primary, where voters can vote for either party. It was resoundingly rejected, as well, by a nearly 70% vote against it. Both Alaska and CA have this system, and it is causing the minority party to be diluted by votes from outside party members, as well as a situation where a primarily 4th choice candidate can come up first for the win. Outlandish!
And we also passed a ballot initiative to add to our State Constitution a phrase which states that ONLY citizens can vote, not requiring voters to be citizens – a measure passed by nearly 65%.
Keeping the light of our Republic alive, here and learning to anticipate the moves of the LEFT to dilute and suppress the power of each vote to maintain it.

3 months ago

Just an unconstitutional run around to the electoral collage law. This stuff should’ve stopped.

3 months ago

If that “interstate compact” had been in place, Trump would have won 512 Electoral Votes….. and I can see Democrats suing to overturn it.

3 months ago

Utterly astounding. The marxist demorats proclaim to be for democracy. Yet they circumvent our Constitution in a totalitarian dictatorial way by coming up with such UNCONSTITUTIONAL insane ideas, to begin with They take an OATH to uphold our Constitution but yet DISOBEY it, continually! The problem is NOT with the Constitution. The problem is with us! If you are not going to follow and OBEY our Constitution, then you should NOT be in office.

3 months ago

Conservatives need to be vigilant and vocal! In PA election officials are brazenly breaking the law it to count votes that their Supreme Court has ruled ineligible. They are openly bragging about it, and have said in the press that court orders need not be obeyed! In WI 31,000 ballots in Milwaukee had to be hand counted by non-election officials at the last minute due to “improperly locked containers.” 58 counties voted for the Republican challenger, only 14 for the democrat incumbent. Mr. Hovde, the Republican, had even received congratulatory phone calls on his impending victory. “Miraculously” it was announced in the wee hours that the incumbent had “won” by- wait for it- about 30,000 votes!

3 months ago

If the compact passes in Michigan, then its voters’ choice would be irrelevant, dictated by large population centers that don’t share the state’s values or priorities.

On the contrary: if the NPVIC takes effect, every Michigander’s vote will count directly toward his or her chosen candidate’s total, same as when you vote for mayor, governor, senator, and every other elected post.
As for your second point, you might want to check your math: there simply aren’t enough people in large cities to dictate the outcome of a presidential election, not by a long shot. Any candidate who wants to win the presidency will have to reach out to voters everywhere: cities, rural areas, plains, mountains, poor areas and rich. This is in contrast to the current system, where candidates really only reach out to voters in swing states.

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President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
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