
Advocacy , Newsline

AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: Texas Gold & Silver

Posted on Friday, October 20, 2023
by AMAC Action
AAWU amac action update

Legislative and Policy Support

H.R. 4566 – Providing Radiation Exposed Servicemembers Undisputed Medical Eligibility (PRESUME) Act

This bill prohibits the requirement to have evidence of a certain dose of radiation in an Atomic Veteran’s service history to qualify for benefits related to radiation exposure; thus, ensuring the presumptive element of their illnesses is represented, and respected, in their application for needed health benefits. Click here to see AMAC Action’s letter of support.


Ohio Issue 1 Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign

A series of get-out-the-vote campaigns are scheduled for Ohio’s November election. The first email blast launched on October 10 ahead of the first day of early voting on October 11. The campaign centers on Issue 1 which is a constitutional amendment that would enshrine abortion “rights” into the state’s constitution. This vaguely worded amendment could result in limitless, on-demand abortion in Ohio. Subsequent sends are scheduled for October 19, 30, and November 6. Election Day is November 7.

Chapter Meetings

In OH-01, AMAC members received an update on federal legislation and discussed November ballot issues. Members in CO-07 heard Colorado State Senator (District 4) speak about Colorado ballot issues and legislative happenings. KS-04 AMAC members met candidates for the Wichita Unified School District 259 board. Alaska’s at-large Chapter met in Anchorage and learned about the State of Alaska’s Public Offices Commission and APOC Service to Citizens.

Meet & Greets

AMAC members in LA-06 had the opportunity to meet Congressman Garret Graves.

Here are the most recently published advocacy update pieces:

Why Corporate Advocacy Matters (

Victories for Election Integrity and Parental Right (

Quote of the Week

“Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.”

–   Joseph Warren, Founding Father, physician 1775

Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Advocate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected].

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