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AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: North Carolina

Posted on Friday, October 13, 2023
by AMAC Action
Navy Blue AMAC Action Weekly Update

Advocacy Victories

North Carolina Election Integrity

After AMAC members applied pressure to key members of the NC House by making over 22,000 contacts, provisions that were previously deleted from a strong election integrity bill by squishy Senate Republicans were put back and it was passed and sent to Governor Roy Cooper for his signature. The Democrat Governor promptly vetoed the bill, but the legislature recently rose (October 10) and overrode his veto. This means that the bill which contains such provisions as new poll observer protections, stipulating that mail-in ballots must be received by the end of voting on election day, and making it illegal to ballot harvest using privately generated postal bar codes on ballot request forms, is now the law of the land.

California Parental Rights

California  AMAC members contacted their state assembly representative to oppose a bill, SB 596, that could arbitrarily criminalize parents and grandparents, who speak out against the immoral and unethical leftist and liberal indoctrination forced upon the school children of California. The bill’s premise was to “protect” school officials from “threatening” and “uncivil” behavior even though California already has enacted laws for this very purpose.

Our call-to-action campaign messaging focused on how this measure violates the freedom of speech rights for parents and grandparents by punishing them for speaking out in public forums. Our messages emphasized how First Amendment rights need to be protected and respected. Over 2,500 of these messages were sent by AMAC members to all 80 members of the California state assembly, which ultimately passed the bill that was sent to the Governor to be signed into law.

Governor Gavin Newsom unexpectedly vetoed the bill on October 8 specifically citing the need for “more grace, more respectful conversations, and more protection of constitutional rights for all people, especially for those with whom we disagree.” It’s not a stretch to consider that our campaign’s messaging, after touching all assembly representatives, made its way from the state assembly chamber to Governor Newsom and potentially influenced the language he used in his veto statement.

You may read more about these victories here.

Corporate Advocacy Matters

Read AMAC Action’s follow-up to the JP Morgan Chase campaign.


Ohio Issue 1 Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign

AMAC Action launched a series of get-out-the-vote campaigns for Ohio’s November election. The first email blast launched on October 10 ahead of the first day of early voting on October 11. The campaign centers on Issue 1 which is a constitutional amendment that would enshrine abortion “rights” into the state’s constitution. This vaguely worded amendment could result in limitless, on-demand abortion in Ohio. Learn about Ohio Issue 1 here.

Chapter Meetings

AMAC members in WI-05 received a Wisconsin legislative update from Representative Nik Rettinger (Assembly District 83). In GA-05 and -06, members discussed silo politics in Washington, D.C. that prevent our government from working as it should.

All-State Meetings

On Tuesday, Ohio had its second All-State Chapter Meeting was a virtual meeting! OH-08 Chapter Leader Mark Maltbie hosted the event. Bill Schuck from the Coalition to Protect Ohio Workers and Families discussed Ohio Issue 2. Dale Maris of Convention of States Action spoke about Article V and Convention of States.

Quote of the Week

“Your love of liberty – your respect for the laws – your habits of industry – and your practice of the moral and religious obligations, are the strongest claims to national and individual happiness.”

–   George Washington in a letter to the residents of Boston, 1789

Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Advocate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected].

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Allen A
Allen A
11 months ago

Everyone needs to start recall petitions on every Democrat and RINO in town, city, state and Congress. If a recall campaign fails, start a new one. Fighting recall will drain the Democrat Party’s resources and every successful recall will make the Democrat Party weaker. If we get a bunch of them out right now, winning ’24 will be much easier.

fred f
fred f
1 year ago

tricia cotham is a lying traitor to the whole us

1 year ago

Sorry, but at this advanced age I don’t expect to do much traveling though if I do, it’ll certainly be within the USA. Though since moving to California in late 1991, I’ve had NO DESIRE to leave! Great weather, but certainly lousy politics! . . . Needless to say, I stay for the weather!

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