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Nancy Pelosi Personifies Democrat Hypocrisy

Posted on Thursday, September 3, 2020
by AMAC, Andrew Mangione

pelosiHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi was caught on tape getting her hair styled at a San Francisco salon last Monday afternoon while not wearing a mask and while salons were currently closed by local orders. Pelosi claims to have been set up by the salon’s owner, something even uber liberal CNN host Don Lemon wasn’t buying. The optics for Pelosi as one of the faces of the Democrat party were horrible and deserved to be shared far and wide.

But she is not alone. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney was photographed at a Maryland restaurant while dining establishments in his town remain shuttered because of the coronavirus. Now, the Mayor wasn’t breaking any law as diners in Maryland are reported to be allowed to serve guests in a limited capacity, but he has also been a vocal proponent of social distancing and mask wearing, actions he clearly wasn’t practicing in the photograph. The photograph went viral, forcing the Mayor to tweet a half-hearted apology.

Speaking of social gatherings, some Democrats have gone to the extreme in their efforts to control them. Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell has gone so far as to ban all social gatherings inside and outside, including in private homes! But that doesn’t seem to stop his Democrat brethren like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from being repeatedly spotted not wearing a mask while demanding that New Yorkers wear them.   Or how about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s trips to the gym? His flimsy excuse for doing so? He stated that he needed “to exercise to be able to stay healthy and make decisions.” But to hell with the health of the rest of New Yorkers, right, Mr. de Blasio? Oh, and your decisions need a lot of work, too.

It appears preening Democrat leaders just cannot help themselves from keeping their hair well-coiffed. Remember literally watching your own and your neighbor’s hair grow during the early months of the shutdown? Or how about the various facial hair styles sported by your colleagues on Zoom calls? You could not find an open barber shop or hair salon and those stylists who dared to make house calls were rounded up and punished in some cities.

That did not stop Chicago’s Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot from getting her hair styled in early April. You see, in the Mayor’s estimation, instead of commiserating with her suffering constituents, it was more important that she, in her opinion as the “public face” of Chicago, look good for the cameras and social media outlets. Tell that to the first responders who pulled 24-hour shifts in the early stages of the pandemic, Madam Mayor.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s wife, M.K. Muenster-Pritzker, left Illinois for the family farm in Florida to avoid her husband’s stay-at-home order, while the rest of Illinoisians had to shelter in place. Life is certainly good when you can escape to your $12.1 million equestrian estate in South Florida, isn’t it, Ms. Muenster-Pritzker?

Democrats talk a good game regarding the seriousness of the pandemic, but their actions tell another story: one set of rules for them as the ruling class and another quite different set for the rest of us. Take a close look at their behavior, because there is no reason to believe that it will change should they acquire power this November.

Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President for AMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action. He leads AMAC’s grassroots efforts, represents AMAC’s membership in Washington, D.C., and helps chart the association’s policy course. He also serves as a national spokesperson.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

The funny thing is that most politicians seem oblivious to the laws that apply to everyone else. They get mad when they get called out or as is often the case in Illinois, are surprised when they get sent to jail.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

The dictionary definition of hypocrisy is a picture of Pelosi.

4 years ago

The fact that she threw a small business person under the bus is disgusting. Only an idiot would believe her BS about being for the little guy.

Dennis Pinkman
Dennis Pinkman
4 years ago

Impeachment is the best to do to her

4 years ago

Democrats make rules for other people to follow. They don’t have to follow the rules themselves, but you just make darn sure YOU follow them.

4 years ago

I would only hope that Americans remember these things come Election Day but sadly the media will never mention it unless they are forced to and will do whatever they can to help these very abusers to stay in power.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Excellent article! It exposes the dishonesty of the liberal Democrats!

4 years ago

It’s universal. They don’t have to live with the health care or social security policies that they’ve passed for the rest of us either. It’s one set of rules for us, and no rules at all for them.

Brian Richard Allen
Brian Richard Allen
4 years ago

…. Nazi Pelosi’s is but one of the legions of the criminally-arrogant faces of the vast, RICO-racketeering, organized-criminal, fascist-Marxist hordes that trade as the “democratic” party. The images are horrible and it’s well deserved they’re being shared far and wide ….

For all to see the contempt, for We The Sovereign American People, of such imbecilic corruptocrats as she — and as deign to rule us.

4 years ago

These examples paint a very clear picture of exactly how “democratic socialism” will work.

Just Me
Just Me
4 years ago

This is typical Demoncratic action, demand one thing form those they are supposed to serve and thinking they have the privilege to do as they please. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot couldn’t look good with a bag over her head and has to be the absolute ugliest politician in the country.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

She gets more “air time” than a lot of other dims. Virtually every one of them is a raving hypocrite. It’s their unofficial credo. If they ever told the truth, sans the socialist/communist bernie-bro crowd, they’d never get elected to anything. The dnc/china propagandizing msm runs cover for them and the low-info crowd remains in the dark to their true agenda.

Tina L
Tina L
4 years ago

Always do as I say not as I do.

Tina L
Tina L
4 years ago

They are all hypocrites…condemning others for doing what they are doing and supporting.

4 years ago

Oh their behavior will change should they win, only it will become even worse. After all, they are privileged and they are continuously re-elected.

4 years ago

There is a hypothesis that democrats use lock down as a pressure to keep people oppressed and that in that mood the democrat votes will increase. The rage mobs also pressure voters. This will be more obvious as we continue through September and October. However obvious the strategy may be if every person who doesn’t go along and will not be pressured votes, the USA will be OK.

4 years ago

This is the Democrats’ Motto – DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO!

4 years ago

The only thing Ms. Pelosi cares about is POWER!!! HER power. She doesn’t care about the America work at all…

4 years ago

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

Do as I say, not as I do

4 years ago

Let’s not forget the “knuckle head” (his favorite expression) Gov. Phil Murphy in NJ. He claims there is no money in the budget for NJ taxpayers to receive their 2nd half of our Taxpayer Property Tax Rebate, that was due to be paid out in April 2020, and our Senior Property Tax Freeze is being put on “hold” or will not be paid out at all. Yet the state has money to hire and train “Contact Tracers” for $25.00 per hour and they only requirement for this job is a high school education. He seems to forget that he and others decided to shut down the states and bankrupt businesses. And back in April when he was doing his daily Covid 19 television updates he gave a “shout out” to his best friend “Nancy Pelosi, Happy Birthday Nancy honey, love you”! Oh and don’t forget their favorite line, it applies to them “They are all in this together”!!!

4 years ago

It is just beyond my comprehension how any reasonable, thinking person would even CONSIDER voting for the Demonrats who have hijacked the Democrat Party. All I can do is shake my head, and keep repeating, “I am glad I am old.”

Carol L. Baril
Carol L. Baril
4 years ago

These leftist Democrats have made Animal Farm a reality!

4 years ago

The woman is conceited trash. She is a self appointed “Superior” above all and inferior to none.

4 years ago

Pelosi and the rest of the liberal mayors in liberal states are the worst hypocrits of all time// These liberal cronies should be thrown out of office and never show up again// open up the salons/restaurants/and all public places so the economy can thrive again/Believe in TRUMP because the USA is about to be better economically than it was 8 months ago//Get rid of the liberals and hopefully the women in CALIFORNIA who are getting the Pelosi screwing wake up and become conservative and your state will be 100% better off///////////////

4 years ago

Take a look at the video the Republican college guys took of her district that was in the news yesterday. Homeless tents boarded up homes and businesses. Even a guy “shooting up” in public. That’s something she needs to address and apologize for big time.

4 years ago

When Don Lemon calls out Nazi Piglousy for her elitism you know for sure that the dems are all communists. Piglousy is showing us exactly how communists act.

USA Defender
USA Defender
4 years ago

Comrade Pelosi needs to retire from office. She is a perfect example of why term limits must be imposed on all members of Congress. These career politicians live high on the hog with no regard for us taxpayers who voted them into office. Remember this when their terms run out and they try for re-election. It’s time for new and honorable candidates to be in office and replace the worn out old Communist minded criminals in the current Democratic Party. President Trump will lead us back to where we were before the pandemic hit us, and he will do it again. Imagine where we could be today if only the Communist Democrats cooperated and looked out for the citizens of this great country instead of their own personal agendas.

Lorraine Perez
Lorraine Perez
4 years ago

Because the phoneydemic is a ploy by democrats to destroy America’s economy and bring our President down. If this wasn’t an election year it would be Corona what?

4 years ago

“Take a close look at their behavior, because there is no reason to believe that it will change should they acquire power this November.”

Actually there is good reason to believe it will change — for the worse, a lot worse. If they can do that kind of stuff now and are not punished by losing the election they will feel all the more invulnerable and entitled!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago


Fed Up
Fed Up
4 years ago

First of all How could Pelosi be set up if salons are suppose to be closed did she get kidnapped and dragged there? Next if COVID is so terrible how come all the Democratic politicians who are getting paid through all this do as they please and go where they want and the rest of us aren’t suppose to, it seems to me they don’t believe it’s a pandemic. And now a personal observation; even the regular people that totally believe in the covid doom and gloom do exactly as they please but if they don’t want to do something or go somewhere then they say they can’t because of covid.Another observation the amount of people that test positive for covid doesn’t mean a thing because most of those have no symptoms.So we shut down everything for political reasons which is way worse than what would happen if we didn’t. And yes I have covid antibodies and have had no symptoms. Shame on the Democrats for using this flu to try to get rid of Trump. Vote all conservatives this election and get this country back on track!

4 years ago

Another do as I say not what I do.

4 years ago

It seems that most politicians believe that the laws they make apply to everyone but themselves. It must be nice to be above the law

4 years ago

Asked parents, was there nothing Americans could do to help fight Hitler and communism? Told, initially disbelief, couldn’t believe such atrocities committed against humans. Hitler learned to turn citizens against each other. We can learn from history and not fall for media’s current lies and the Dem party- we are better than this and love our country.

4 years ago

defund members of congress!!!!!

4 years ago

This is liberal Democrat hypocrisy at its finest! Here are some more examples….

“We must live in a sustainable LEEDs compliant home to do our part in controlling global climate change….except for my mansion”
“Walls are immoral….except the wall round my house”
“Guns must be banned….except the guns carried by my bodyguards”
“We must phase out cars powered by fossil fuels and transition to electric vehicles….except my SUV”
“Airplanes are to be banned as major CO2 polluters….except my private jet”
“Affordable housing must be built on a national scale….but not in my neighborhood”
“We must raise taxes on the wealthy and pay their fair share….except for my $Millions”

Without hypocrisy, the liberal left would have to start speaking truthfully….and we can’t have that!!

Christian Hamelman
Christian Hamelman
4 years ago

We mustn’t forget that when millions of Americans lost their jobs due to the shutdowns, Congress gave themselves a raise.

Sam Why can't we just all be Americans?
Sam Why can't we just all be Americans?
4 years ago

Is the best that the democraps can do? Biden, Pelosi, OAC. Schumer, Schiff.

4 years ago

This is there playbook and always will be. The irony of it all is we have fallen for there continuous lies and do nothing. Talk is cheap. We all need to fight for our freedoms in our communities in a peaceful way with leaders and clear guidance’s on what we can do to effect positive changes within our states. The CDC has already debunked this whole lock down nonsense. Let us stop complaining and take a stand and put solutions into place to get our lives and economy back. We need to stand behind our President and freedoms. We must stop them and their lies by standing up in our states like the salon owner with voices loud and clear or we all are apart of the problem also.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

As OBOZO would say–Don’t do as I DO–but as I SAY!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

I’m still not sure this was None-Cee– She was supposed to melt like in the Wizard Of Oz!!

4 years ago

Your observations of the Communist Democratic Party are spot on. They are “elitist, egotistical souls. They are the victimizers
seeking willing victims, otherwise known as “useful idiots”

JAMES alas j.b.
JAMES alas j.b.
4 years ago

Even Hitler Wanted to get rid of Socialist and commie partys. To bad he didnt suceed before the free countrys won the war.

4 years ago

It was unveiled on the news last night (Tucker Carlson) when you follow the money the Democrats also funding the riots in their own cities.

All for power and money.

I am a “walk away”…
The Democratic party is no longer recognizable.

Glen Mckinney
Glen Mckinney
4 years ago

these politicians do not want to serve they want to RULE!

4 years ago

So do you think the HAIR DRESSER called and sit up the appointment or DID NANCY sit it up???????

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

This whole unfortunate dilemma could be summed up with a Pelosi paraphrase: “A girls gotta do what she does!”

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Politicians ARE ALL CIVIL SERVANTS, emphasis on the word SERVANT, “THEY SERVE US not the other way around, “WE THE PEOPLE” need to let these morons know who is REALLY in charge on November 3, and REMOVE EVERY DEMONRAT at every level of government and make sure we continue to replace every SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE who fails to do thier job, that is how “WE THE PEOPLE” TAKE OUR NATION BACK, get out and vote TRUMP 2020 and give him the help he needs to MAGA!

4 years ago

National Debt: This on 700-Club yesterday….The debt will meet/exceed GDP this year & the last time this happened was 1946 after WWII. Debt went up 16% in 2nd quarter. I pray that our government will jointly face this problem for sake of our future generations.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris takes the Oath of Office, being sworn in
Donald Trump vector portrait president of the united states
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump pray at the altar in the Redemptor Hominis Church Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

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