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Hollywood Goes Hollywoke—And Pays The Price

Posted on Thursday, July 15, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

At a time when parents are waking up to the threat of critical race theory in schools, Hollywood is doubling down on it.

In fact, they’re eating their own. Just read the primary criticism of the latest work of Lin-Manuel Miranda—a man who literally cast black and Hispanic actors as America’s founding fathers in Hamilton: the actors playing Dominican characters aren’t dark enough.

After catering to a smaller and smaller group of coastal elites, La-La Land is finally collapsing into itself under the weight of the political left’s own contradictions.

It’s not enough for the left to set the agenda. They also have to rewrite the past—even some of the finest work Hollywood has ever produced.

Gone with the WindRemoved from streaming services for its depiction of slavery.

Peter PanDumboThe Aristocats, and Swiss Family RobinsonDisney blocked them for users younger than seven years old.

Leftist activists have even asked John Wayne Airport to change its name.

Of course, when an industry caters to a smaller and smaller group of political radicals, they lose most of their customers.

Even before the pandemic, box office revenues were declining. Take away the handful of superhero sequels, remakes, and reboots that studios release and it gets ugly fast.

Hollywood’s premier event, the Academy Awards, used to be a night on which studios, stars, and the rest of us shared a common cultural moment.

But it has morphed into an unwatchable, self-congratulatory, virtual-signaling, leftist rally in which critics and corporations alike fall all over each other to win “Wokest of the Year” awards.

After drawing over 20 million Americans last year, fewer than 10 million Americans watched it this year.

It’s no mystery why. Hollywood has seceded from mainstream America. As John Nolte, Breitbart’s hugely popular culture critic, has pointed out, the recent history of Best Picture winners reveals a sharp downtown in films with any broad public appeal. Consider the last seven movies to win the Academy Award for Best Picture: BirdmanSpotlightMoonlightThe Shape of WaterGreen BookParasite, and Nomadland.

Maybe you’ve heard of a few of them. Did you actually see any of them? One? Maybe two?

Compare that to the winners between 1994 and 2004: Forrest Gump, BraveheartThe English PatientTitanicShakespeare in LoveAmerican Beauty, Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, and Chicago.

Don’t hold your breath for the Golden Globes to seize the mainstream either. The 2022 Golden Globes were cancelled after a former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association called Black Lives Matter a “hate movement.”

Hollywood’s long love affair with the left has gotten so extreme that it now carries water for some of America’s adversaries like China.

While the United States navigated a pandemic born in China, Hollywood studios enforced the Chinese Communist Party’s censorship for them, scrubbing scripts of anything that might offend the Chinese government.

Even Hollywood’s so-called “tough guys” have folded faster than Superman on laundry day.

Actor John Cena, who had the audacity to call Taiwan a country—a big no-no in China’s Orwellian double-speak—issued a video apology. Cena, a former professional wrestler who never wore a shirt he didn’t want to rip off, couldn’t have looked any weaker.

“I must say right now, it’s very, very, very, very, very, very important,” Cena said in Chinese. “I love and respect China and Chinese people. I’m very, very sorry for my mistake.”

And, in the upcoming Top Gun sequel, Tom Cruise—ironically playing a character named “Maverick”—has had the flags of Japan and Taiwan stripped from his flight jacket after they appeared in the 1986 original.

With bottom lines plunging, an American public losing interest in their product, and California seemingly doing everything it can to drive successful people and businesses out of the state, it’s decision time for studios and actors.

For actors, with California’s state income tax, the highest in the country, how much longer will they stay in Hollywood? After all, huge number of professional athletes make their home in Florida for tax purposes. Why can’t actors?

And if big companies like Oracle, Hewlett Packard, and Charles Schwab can move their headquarters out of California, why can’t Universal, Paramount, and Warner Brothers?

But the real question for studios might be: will they go to Texas? Or China?

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Time for New Blood:

Go Digital
Revive the Classics anew
Tom Cruise deep fake model seen this year or last
Scrap Legacy studio system:Rebrand, remarket or scrap
Dont have a Hollywood zip code for address
Produce movies, TV away from Hollywood.
Hire New blood
Think outside Box
& reuse Cinerama dome for other events

edgar fletcher
edgar fletcher
3 years ago

It’s quite sad. I used to enjoy the movies. I don’t go anymore because of the garbage they put out. And it seems every day some actor is saying something ridiculous to support the far left.

Lover of America!
Lover of America!
3 years ago

definitely won’t be welcome in Texas! BTW, I’m still trying to understand WOKE – here’s what I’ve written about what I understayn and what I don’t….”Being 76, I grew up in a Wonderful Nation – the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!, so, knowing this, I had a hard time understanding what ‘woke’ was, and what it was all about. I believe I now sorta understand it.

I believe this ‘woke culture“ started quite awhile ago, quietly, but in a way that seeped into our minds quietly – on TV sitcoms and in movies. Some of my favorite sitcoms quietly added men and women who didn’t know ‘who’ they were – male or female. i.e., men wanting to be women and women wanting to be men…. some of us kept watching these favorite sitcoms, and just ignored the parings of men and women actors. Then some businesses added ‘partner’s and their children to the employee’s insurance. THEN, marriages between 2 men or 2 women was allowed by the Federal Government and some churches.

But, My opinion is “WOKE” means there are no longer male and female – take out the words ‘He’ and “She’. Mother and father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle – have you noticed on surveys online they still include “Male, female, but have also added “homosexual,
transgender and gender non-binary, etc…

Ok, if I’m a ‘birthing parent, what are my children, and their children? And when they become parents what are they called?
What is a ‘father’ known as? – “sperm donor” – and what are his children known as? Anyway to tell if they were boys or girls?

Now, I’m really confused! Can you help?

3 years ago

Did anyone proofread this article??

3 years ago

Hollywood studios genuflecting to China is admittedly disgusting. But it’s all about money. The studio conglomerates aren’t thinking in millions anymore; they’re thinking in billions. If a movie can’t generate a multi-billion dollar franchise, they don’t want to hear about it. And the best way to make that massive revenue possible is to ensure the movie doesn’t get banned in China. Even if that means making ridiculous compromises and concessions about the content of the film.

This is late-stage capitalism at its finest.

3 years ago

Let Hollywood flounder and sink in their own stupidity. No need to look elsewhere to set up shop and flaunt their anti-American crap.

Proud American
Proud American
3 years ago

Apparently the only demographic that will be left watching TV, movies or buying things from commercials is the black population. That’s all you see, and apparently is the medias target. That means around 12.7% of the US will be engaged with the “Hollywood Elites.” And believe it or not, but some of them are (oh my god) conservatives. So the participants will be even fewer in number.

Calvin Click
Calvin Click
3 years ago


Enola G Crayton
Enola G Crayton
3 years ago

I am too WOKE! WOKE to not watch these overpaid and weak, attention-seeking cry babies. We have started watching foreign channels.

3 years ago

The difference between the US market for cruddy films & the Chinese market for them is huge. Films no one here will watch will be watched in China by far more people.

Plus, the majority of them are in fact far left Communists, who simply don’t care what Americans think, in fact they believe we think wrong! We are horrible people, who deserve to be looked down on, and be attacked as bad people.

They live in a small, tight, self reinforced community so they actually believe they are so right! We are wrong, stupid, & bad people who need to be ‘enlightened like them.

I haven’t been to a movie in about ten years. And since what they are producing is garbage; full of filth, pornography & anti-american diatribes I can’t see me bother to see any soon.

3 years ago

The real irony is that very shortly, with the advance of AI, they won’t need human actors at all! Need a leading man? Just put in the characters strong points an the AI will make one to order and you don’t have to pay him!

3 years ago

How about Georgia??? There are only “54” production companies there. Most HQ’d in Atlanta.
Very productive group. Many tax incentives. Who needs Hollywood???

3 years ago

Our family purchases old films (of good quality entertaining), tv shows (worth watching), documentaries (something meaningful and does not degrade America), historical films (depicting REAL life events, not changed to suit a particular race), and anything of real value to learn from. We play all these on a DVD player and hence avoid crowds, high prices at the theater and propaganda. The beauty of home entertainment with a popcorn machine to boot.

Cindy Saunders Robinson
Cindy Saunders Robinson
3 years ago

To China Please!!!!!

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

In 36 years, I have been to the “box office” theatres 2 times. I do NOT have HBO ( Bill ‘the nose’ Maher ) obviously. Same for leftist / nazi NetFlks. Retro TV shows and local news FOX is about it. Holyweed would be dead by now if they depended on my $ $ $ . I’m done here.

3 years ago

Acting and character are absent from Gollywood’s Wokeshow; CGI, FX, cartoon character scripts, Chinese censorship, and woke soundbites have replaced what actors once delivered. The “actor” crowd, when that term is applied loosely, that gathers today annually for the commie wokeness awards couldn’t hold a candle to the acting you could get hiring homeless to do your landscaping. Watching their movies, or tv shows these days is more painful than being forced to watch a Chinese propaganda Culture Revolution opera, and slightly less entertaining than having a root canal.
In other words there isn’t enough platinum, or gold on hand, or bitcoin able to be generated to pay me to watch any of it anymore.

3 years ago

Please don’t send Hollywood to TX or FL they won’t fit in. They deed to waller in their own swamp. If they have to leave California then China, or Chicago

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

Not black enough???? They have no problems finding people dumb enough, seem to have a surplus of those…

3 years ago

I vote for Hollywood to go to China or to hell in a handbasket as the grannies used to say. That’s what they support so that’s where they should go to work and live. Leave America to the Patriots!

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
3 years ago

Lover of America! I completely understand your dilemma. Had the same problem years ago, but for one thing, I quit watching those ‘favorite sitcoms’ all together. It’s really pretty amazing the things you once thought important but find you can easily do without. I haven’t watched/followed major league sports, and now beginning to wean myself from college athletics as well, since they decided to go political. Another thing, I quit supporting the advertisers of such filth. With all the new time I have on my hands I’ve been able to find some product distributors that are only in business to sell product, not try to change my understanding of life. I am still married to the same WOMAN after 47 years, We had 3 BOYS. They married 3 WOMEN, who gave us GRANDCHILDREN (4 GIRLS and 2 BOYS). Everyone I know/associate with understands the definitions. We all know how to tell the difference. Life goes on. Ignore them as much as you can and they’ll just go away after a while. They can do you no harm if you ignore them. Oh, we still watch movies/shows – that’s about the only benefit to all this social media – we can watch all those shows from the early years when movie stars were actually veterans themselves and understood the value of our country to the rest of the world. Maybe the actors will ‘WOKE’ up and realize that their jobs can be replaced by special effects easily. Then what ’causes’ will they feel need worshiping?

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Finally backlash. Americans are finally waking up to the scum and not spending their money to support them!!

3 years ago

Stopped watching anything Hollywood movies 12 years ago. No talent or imagination in story in a long time. To political and offensive and very divisive.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

My wife and I don’t attend movies, drink Coke products, fly American Airlines, don’t watch MLB, NBA or NFL. The cancel culture movement, the “woke statements”, the horrible leadership of all of those organizations, and the general hatred toward anyone who disagrees with them are among the reasons we don’t spend money or time on these organizations. The choices we have to other things with our time and financial resources are endless, and absolutely do not buy into their Marxist antics. We give a lot of credit to organizations who support conservative values. Those organizations who offer up stupid ideas and who betray this country don’t deserve anything to enhance their profits.

3 years ago

I notice that while licking the boots of the commies and marxists, the unHolywood elites don’t want to go live in those countries or live in neighborhoods where their beloved antifa and black lives matter more than yours people live and burn and kill. What a bunch of hypocrites and cowards and pandering fools. And, yes, I deliberately did not capitalize the names of these degenerate groups. They don’t deserve proper noun status.
Stand up, America, and refuse to play along.

Richard Naples
Richard Naples
3 years ago

I am just glad to hear that people are finally steeping up to not supporting them. They are trying to destroy America and its freedoms that we have. They live in a fantasia and does not have to be ours.

Martha Clark
Martha Clark
3 years ago

These as s h oes need to stay out of Texas. We have enough Leftie Californians moving here as it is! We sure don’t need Hollywokes here, too.

Marsha Trpcevski
Marsha Trpcevski
3 years ago

I say let those woke actors and studios go to China!!! May GOD protect Florida,Texas and other Red States from those communist democrats.

Edward B. Irvin
Edward B. Irvin
3 years ago

China is the world’s worst enemy. Anyone supporting China is suicidal at best. Kill the enemy don’t support it.

3 years ago

In the past 25 (maybe longer) years I have not set foot in a theater, viewed a single academy awards show, or viewed any TV awards shows. Over the past 15 years I have watched very little of CBS, NBC, or ABC. I have never watched a second of CNN since I read and watch some fiction and do not need more from news channels. I have no respect for most actors or athletes. I don’t plan on watching any movies in the future.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Please God, give me back the America, I grow up in, the left is making America a living HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

Today’s actors for the most part are so out of touch with reality thinking that their small world they live in is actually real. I for one watch more black and white movies that are starred with the likes of real men who in time of need joined the military in WWII to fight for freedom and liberty. They were hero’s men like Lee Marvin, Clark Gable, Tyrone Power all their movies were winners and didn’t need to have sex, drugs or rock n roll in them. I much prefer their movies to today’s leftist hate America themed turds they call movies. The Academy Awards and all the slap a liberal on the back presentations have not been watched over the last few years, they represent the worst type of narsasistic individuals who think we normal Americans are dumb and lack their sophistication. Looks to me like they will go down with the Titanic because they themselves live in a bubble which blinds them of reality.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Quite frankly, I don’t go to the movies unless a Christian movie is playing. Hollywood has lost me for good because of the leftist ideas and there are no more actors like John Wayne, Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Henry Fonda or leading ladies like Maureen O’Hara, Rita Hayworth, Barbara Stanwyck, Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner, etc. What they are calling movies now is utter trash. They deserve to lose money.

3 years ago

Hollywood hates America. Do not support Hollywood. Send a message with your pocketbook.
Stop paying for this garbage. Give up your stupid garbage movies (most people can’t).

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Could not have said it better; and you did it without all the foul language and swearing I would have used.
Great command of the English language.
Thank you.

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
3 years ago

Who gives a crap about actors or movies we got to get out there and save our country. Woke Coke what a JOKE!. how about c r t my grand kids are starting school. You going to have these communist Rejects teaching your kids.

Eddie Mack
Eddie Mack
3 years ago

Texas or China?! They can go somewhere much hotter.

Kathryn Dahlstrom
Kathryn Dahlstrom
3 years ago

Thank you for this great article! This is my second comment because this topic means so much to me, a Conservative filmmaker who is fighting with others like me to produce uplifting, meaningful films, and I’ll also add, Christian films. One of my favorite movies is Oscar-nominated “Hidden Figures,” about black mathematician Katherine Johnson, employed by NASA in the 60’s during the space race between America and Russia. She saved astronaut John Glenn’s life with a math formula calculating his earth re-entry angle. It’s a look at her struggles against ’60s discrimination, how her white boss at NASA showed America growing out of ugliness, all with reverence, marriage being honored, and a warm sense of humor. It’s an example of Conservatives in Hollywood still putting out excellent stuff. Yes, we movie watchers have to pick and choose what we watch with care, but please know that there are still excellent, uplifting movies being made.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

You can do without going to movies or sporting events where these pampered, overpaid idiots perform. If they lose enough money they might (maybe not) wise up and keep their big mouths shut and just DO THEIR JOBS.
If you know of some patriots in these fields, patronize them!

3 years ago

I haven’t been to a movie theatre in years. The films are either blood and guts flying all over the place, or sex scenes. No good plot line, no good actors. No good comedies with funny stuff that is actually funny. I really missed the popcorn, so now I just go in ( you don’t have to buy a ticket) and buy a bag of popcorn and go home and watch vintage movies on Turner Classics. Win/win

3 years ago

To answer your questions, the fault lies with the vast majority of the public that has been apathetic and chosen to be willfully ignorant on the important issues for DECADES. The public seems content to sit idly by and allow obviously incompetent or outright corrupt politicians to systematically undermind the country and rip off the American taxpayers. All while deciding to just re-elect 90 percent of the politicians over and over again, instead to forcing positive change. Even now, it seems most people think sitting on their hands until 2022 or 2024 elections, without mandating changes to ensure the election process is more secure nation-wide, is a viable strategy. It is not of course, as allowing the Democrats to run unobstructed for another 18 months will result in a permanently altered country.

3 years ago

This is why I check to see who was involved w/the making of every show before I will pay to see it. I am a Republican !!!!! I don’t need Hollywood if it thinks so little of its viewers to help socialism !!!!!! Look at Cuba !! That’s us, if the Dems get their way !!!!

3 years ago

Haven’t seen a new movie worth a shit in years! Still like some of the old classics.

3 years ago

Wow! I saw all of the movies that won the Academy Award best picture awards from 1994 to 2004 and none of the last 7 winners. I hadn’t thought about that. I haven’t watched any award show for a couple decades. I’m glad I have my own copy of Gone with the Wind. It was a great movie that depicted the realities of southern life in the Civil War. It wasn’t pretty, but we need to be aware of our past if we are to manage our future. No one can be proud of slavery. We should all know how it came about, how evil it was and how a great nation can end slavery, denounce it and move on. Moving on cannot mean tearing down the nation and rebuilding a socialist system that creates a new set of political masters and top down rules for living.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

I havn’t been to a movie in years. Last time I went it was several commercials in a row. I got that at home. And popcorn and cola at rip off prices. Candy only 5 dollars a pound. My tickit was 10 bucks. Probely more now. I can find plenty of movies on my comp with the search box. Why should i support the H/wood eleties ??

3 years ago

Hollywood hasn’t made a decent film in 20 years. Most of what they churn out is filled with profanity, car crashes, tasteless sexuality and gun violence. And these are the idiots that want tougher gun laws? I never will forget Madonna talking about wanting to blow up the White House. “Hanoi Jane Fonda” on an antiaircraft gun used against U.S. Servicemen in Viet Nam. No, we elephants NEVER FORGET. There are a few good ones left like Clint Eastwood but they are few and far between. Hollywood can kiss my rosy red. I will just keep on watching old movies.

3 years ago

Hollywood is in self-destruct mode. It’s just a matter of time until some smaller studios move to Nashville and start putting out some great movies with great (but as yet unknown) actors.

California has been destroyed by leftist politics. We need to find a way to prevent this from happening elsewhere.

Perhaps if we had education . . . . .

Kathryn Dahlstrom
Kathryn Dahlstrom
3 years ago

There is a Conservative and Christian sector of the film industry making high quality, worthwhile movies. Why do I know this? Because I’m one of those filmmakers! We need your support and prayers, fellow Conservatives. We are working to counter their dark culture with films like “I Can Only Imagine,” “I am Patrick” (the story of Saint Patrick of Ireland, played by John Rhys-Davies), and family comedies like “Magic Max.” Look up Pureflix, 24Flix, and Fishflix.

Craig Mellor
Craig Mellor
3 years ago

These left-wing entertainers need to pack up and go and live in China or Cuba or Venezuela or Russia or Iran, etc. Why don’t they? They spew hatred for America and our Flag and our Constitutional Republic. What they don’t seem to understand is that they could never have attained what they do have in any other Country in the World, NONE!

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

Hope they go jump in a lake (being polite)! Celebrities just like pro and college ball players are useless thugs and punks. These groups of (to be polite) I will call them people are not a good example for our children to watch or take after. I haven’t watched a new movie in at least 20 years and quit watching pro and college sports 3 years ago. These people are doing their part to destroy America!

3 years ago

Many of these left-wing entertainers need to pack up and go and live in the likes of China, Cuba North Korea, Russia or Iran, etc. How about stick to making movies and leave the poltics to the “politicians”

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