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Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Posted on Monday, June 14, 2021
by AMAC Newsline


Dear President Trump,

On behalf of the millions of Americans who wish they could personally thank you for everything, you did for our country and the world, Happy Birthday!

It is a perfect coincidence that the birthday of the most patriotic commander-in-chief in modern history is also Flag Day—the day we commemorate the official adoption of the Stars and Stripes by the United States Congress. No President in our lifetime has sacrificed more or worked harder than you to keep Old Glory flying high and proud over a safe and prosperous country. Thank you, Mr. President, for restoring our national pride, our spirit of patriotism, and, yes, our very identity as Americans. 

Thank you for giving up your life of wealth and luxury to fight for us, the forgotten men and women of America. Thank you for taking on the toughest battles, confronting the most powerful special interests, ignoring the media pressure and political correctness, and saying the hard truths that needed to be said. If you had not done it, no one else would have.

Thank you for making our hopes and dreams your personal mission and for taking the American economy to the greatest heights it has ever reached, lifting millions out of poverty, and delivering record low unemployment for African-Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. Thanks also for delivering record-breaking income gains and tax cuts for working families.

Thank you for having the courage to call out the entire corrupt system of globalism—withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, renegotiating NAFTA, and taking on Communist China. Everyone is now pretending they’ve seen the China threat all along, but we know it was really you.

Thank you for building the wall and stopping illegal immigration, even when everyone told you it was impossible. Thank you for taking on the violent crime in America’s inner cities and for defending the integrity of our police officers.

Thank you for ending the disgraceful way our veterans were being treated for decades. Thank you for rebuilding our military and having the vision and wisdom to create the Space Force. Just like on so many other issues, they laughed at the idea at first, but now everyone knows you were right.

Thank you for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel, wiping out ISIS, and shaking up the Middle East with your unconventional diplomacy that brought more progress toward peace than we’ve seen in decades.

Thank you for delivering three conservative Supreme Court justices and hundreds of new federal judges who will protect our rights for decades. Thank you for defending the Second Amendment, standing up for our free speech and religious liberty, and becoming the most pro-life president in American history.

Thank you for the COVID vaccines and Operation Warp Speed. Without your absolutely relentless determination during the pandemic, we know that would never have happened. It’s the fastest government has moved in years, and you were the force of nature that drove it to fruition.

Thank you for continually reminding us that we are one nation under God and that we must never stop asking that God bless America. Thank you for bringing back that beautiful phrase “Merry Christmas” and proclaiming to the world that Jesus Christ is the real reason for the season. Thank you for defending the virtues of our nation and the Judeo-Christian values of our founders from the slanders of the left by punishing statue topplers and honoring American history at Mount Rushmore. In the same way, we were proud when you traveled to Warsaw and defended the greatness of Western civilization—once again, you delivered exactly the message the world needed to hear.

Thank you for trying so hard to bring our country together with incredible moments such as your amazing Fourth of July celebrations complete with patriotic speeches and military flyovers, your commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, and your State of the Union addresses. The media didn’t give you credit for being unifying, but countless millions of Americans—Republican, Democrat, and Independent—were inspired by what you did.

Thank you for being a man of your word and having the audacity to keep your promises in Washington D.C., unlike so many politicians in the past. Thank you for being our voice for truth in a world filled with the lies of leftist corporate media organizations, critical race theory activists, and big tech censorship.

Thank you for transferring power back from Washington, D.C. to the American people, revivifying the bedrock principle of our constitutional government that “a nation exists to serve its citizens,” and reminding the nations of the world at the UN and at Davos of the plain truth that “If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty. And if you want peace, love your nation.”

Without your sacrifice and leadership over the past four years, America would right now be a nation in steep decline. If you had not been elected, the entire American manufacturing industry would be gone. Tens of millions more illegal immigrants would be in the United States. Countless more innocent lives would have been lost to MS-13. Iran, China, and North Korea would be far stronger, while our nation’s military would be drastically weaker. And without you, instead of being energized and revivified as it is today, the Republican Party would be on the verge of death. Thank you for not giving up or giving in even after you left office but continuing your fight for our great country and her freedoms. We know that for you and for America, the best is still yet to come.

But no matter what happens, Mr. President, your place among the greatest American Presidents in history is secure. You helped America win again. You helped Americans believe in our country again. You did exactly what you promised: you put America First—and you did indeed make America great again.

Today, we thank you, and we wish you a very Happy Birthday!


The American People

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Mike B.
Mike B.
3 years ago

This article says it all . Happy Birthday, and thank you . ????????

Jesse Sheldon
Jesse Sheldon
3 years ago

Happy birthday
Thank you for all you have done

Rev Dean
Rev Dean
3 years ago

What an unbearable load of sycophantic nonsense. The worst thing I’ve read on here for a while.

Trump. Completely amoral and only concerned with himself. He pursued our Christian agenda in order to win votes. Not because he believes in it. Trump believes in nothing accept for himself.

We must be grateful for what he achieved for us. But to venerate the man as so many do is folly.

3 years ago

Deny evolution by natural selection.

Deny the rights of women.

Deny the existence of a patriarchy.

Deny man made climate change.

Deny that social stratification favours white people, in particular white men.

Deny Biden is president.

You’re all ridiculous. Condemned to stick to one another’s religious or conspiratorial or racist BS. Only through this unity of the loonies can the path of progress and liberation from archaic Christianity, racism and sexism be blocked.

Desperate times ey? Prostrate yourselves desperate and incensed at the feet of your ‘real’ president. Ingratiate yourselves to him. It’s all that the narcissistic, self serving orange king really wants.

Frank Paul Cangemi
Frank Paul Cangemi
3 years ago

Happy 75th Birthday President Donald Trump … Enjoy YOUR Day Sir !!! … God Bless You and God Bless America; Land that We Love !!! … ????????❤????????❤????????

3 years ago

Happy Birthday to the best President ever!!!!

3 years ago

Oh man you lot are disgusting. Make me want to vomit

Linda M DuBois
Linda M DuBois
3 years ago

Happy Birthday!

3 years ago

Thank you President Trump!!!

3 years ago

Amen. We desperately need Patriots, lovers of God and Country.

Beth Patterson
Beth Patterson
3 years ago

Happy Birthday to the best President in my lifetime!
God bless you and your family.????????????????????????

Tere Gardner
Tere Gardner
3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump????????????❤️
We miss you so much!!! You are still my President ❤️????????❤️????????❤️????????

American Patriot
American Patriot
3 years ago

Libtards hate anything other than themselves. Greatest President of our time.

3 years ago

Thank you for that, because we feel the same way we miss him so much . We wish President Donald J Trump the very Best Birthday . God bled him and his family .God bless The USA .

3 years ago

Thank you Mr. President!

Richard Hassman
Richard Hassman
3 years ago

Happy Birthday enjoy your day !

David Hertzberg
David Hertzberg
3 years ago

Happy Birthday Mr. REAL President!!!! ????????????????????We are looking forward to your return soon!!!!

3 years ago

Happy Birthday Mr President! We will see you again soon.

Edward Olssen
Edward Olssen
3 years ago

Happy and Blessed birthday Mr. President!God bless you ????.

Loretta Stasa
Loretta Stasa
3 years ago

Happy 75th????????Mr, you are still my president! I hope you are enjoying your time, even though all these sore “winners” still won’t get it a rest! Those of us who have a brain can’t wait to see you back in the Oval Office MAGA, and praying the ???????? ????who are there now haven’t left us beyond repair.

Irla Loudermilk
Irla Loudermilk
3 years ago

Happy Birthday, President Trump!!

Rosanne Masch
Rosanne Masch
3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump!

3 years ago

Thank you Mr President for all you have done.

Connie Weeks
Connie Weeks
3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump!! We Love you and miss you.

3 years ago

You’ve said it all!
God Bless America and God Bless President Trump! Happy Birthday Mr. President!

Nancy Sipe
Nancy Sipe
3 years ago

Happy Birthday, thank you, and may God bless you!

Disna St Laurent
Disna St Laurent
3 years ago

Happy Birthday Mr. President. We love you and your family and thank you for your personal sacrifices made so that you could make America Great Again.

Teresa Smith
Teresa Smith
3 years ago

❤️Happy Birthday Best President in decades!! So thankful that I helped elect you

Catherine Green
Catherine Green
3 years ago

Happy Happy Birthday President Trump!
May you be blessed with many more Happy Birthdays!

Kevin Burke
Kevin Burke
3 years ago

Happy Birthday, MY President!

3 years ago

It is God who makes leaders and determines their time~ as well as the course of their leadership. Never forget our God and His love. Happy Birthday, Pres. Trump. God bless your life????

Rick Golden
Rick Golden
3 years ago

Happy Birthday!!

JoLayne Mullins
JoLayne Mullins
3 years ago

Thank you Mr. President for all of your support on behalf of the Pro-Life movement and religious freedom. JoJayne M.

Rickey Cowan
Rickey Cowan
3 years ago

Happy Birthday to the best President this country has ever had. Your truly missed. Hope that you have many, many more.

3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump.. God bless you..

Maria A.Salazar
Maria A.Salazar
3 years ago

Happy birthday

3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump

Carolyn Armes
Carolyn Armes
3 years ago

Happy, happy birthday!

Todd Jaffe
Todd Jaffe
3 years ago

If only we could displace Bumbling Biden and Kangaroo Kamala with The Terrific Mr Trump and the Dreamy Gov DeSantis this country should recover even from the mistakes of Biden.

Dawn Serlick
Dawn Serlick
3 years ago

Have a very Happy and Blessed Birthday President Trump????????

John Kass
John Kass
3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump

3 years ago

Happy Birthday, President Trump.. we thank God for you and pray for you.. hope you have a happy day.. Trust in the Lord with all your heart..❤️????❤️

3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump. Best President ever! God bless you and your family always. Thank you for what you did and continue to do for our country.

Elisa Holliday
Elisa Holliday
3 years ago

Happy Birthday Mr. President! May God Bless you and your family!

Jewel Logan
Jewel Logan
3 years ago

God bless and keep you, President Trump and your family. Your adventures as a God fearing, God loving man are not over????????????????????????

3 years ago

AMEN ????????????????

Cynthia Garvey
Cynthia Garvey
3 years ago

Happy Birthday President Trump! Keep healthy so you can come back hopefully in the next year when Bozo and his Bozette are Impeached and you can come back to the position that is rightfully yours! We love and miss you and Melania!

3 years ago

Thank you for listing all these great contributions our President Trump gave us ????????. God bless you and your family greatly. We love you.

3 years ago

You will always be my president

3 years ago

Happy Birthday & God Bless,I am very sad you are not our President – we are very sad here in Montana.

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