The Super Bowl
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Hint: This 2024 Super bowl halftime performer shares a name with a person who shows people to their seats.
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Superbowl is about chips and guacamole? Shows what happens when I give up TV/football for 30yrs!
Well, that was sure a “Who Cares!”
That was dumb puzzle. I thought a Super Bowl puzzle would be about something like, for example, a Football Game.
When the World Series puzzle arrives, I have to try words like Snow Cone, Nachos, and Beer.
Chips and guacamole ? I have no idea what these have to do with football. 5:17 with numerous hints
2:13 – I’m not a football fan (gave up football when they started having garbage @ 1/2 time), so just guessed on the first 2 & took word hints on the rest.
This was not expected at all. I thought terms like touchdown, or quarterback or even penalty might be there. Since I don’t watch football anymore, I have no idea what folks eat during a game.
#4 Blew my speedy time! 4;29 with two letter hints. RAH RAH
I’m just watching because Kansas City is still in it when its over so will I be. Go chiefs.
I can’t stand football. I quit when the got rid of the checker-board field. I heard that a touchdown is no longer 5 points, but 6?
Maybe list the teams that never been to the superbowl instead of guacamole ?.
Haha. Got 2 without hints. Pretty pathetic.
NO interest in participating!
1:48 Easy once I figured out it was all about halftime.