The Rocky Mountains
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Hint: A geographical feature that runs along the spine of the Rocky Mountains, precipitation that falls on one side will eventually flow into one ocean, while precipitation on the other side will flow into a different ocean.
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Colorado is one of our most beautiful states geographically. Too bad the state government is ruining it with their corrupt politics. Denver=San Francisco now. Sad. We spent many a happy summer exploring there.
When we went through one of the mountain passes in Colorado the elevation was 11,320 feet. Temperature was 31F at 11:00 am. ish. We had been debating stopping and putting on some cold weather gear, then we saw a guy (beet red) coming down with no shirt on another motorcycle. We toughed it out.
Crown of the Continent: Glacier National Park takes my breath away. Been there twice hiking and it is a place that speaks to my soul. If MT weren’t so expensive, I would live there right now. I have traveled abroad too, but MT is truly one if the most beautiful places on earth.
3:21..8 hints..I told ya I’m rusty…lol
3:37 Answer is “Continental Divide”, but there aren’t two ‘D’s in the clue words.
2:52 with 6 hints, no reveals ~ fighting a headache. We visited my mother & sister in Montrose in 2012 (Sep) & went over Monarch Pass. Had car issues because it didn’t like the elevation (or the gas). My brother-in-law said they had the same issues when they moved out there. Once we drove around, the car was fine until we went back over the pass on our way home. Found an honest garage & he disconnected (whatever), & said it wasn’t needed. Charged us half of what it would have costs us here in Maine (checked when we returned).
2:26… Slower than most, but I enjoy the brain exercise.
So it was not milestone? lol
3:44 Loved it in Colorado! It was the first place we lived after my ex-husband got out of basic training and tech school. He was one of the first Airmen Basics to be stationed at the USAir Force Academy. We had a great time exploring on his off duty time.
No complaints: some will say easy others tough. keeps my brain working! BFZ, we drove from Red Rock Canyon to Denver, and it was snowing, hazard signs flashing. Tractor trailers had chains and didn’t slow down except when climbing the hills!