Tax Season
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Hint: This occurs when you have overpaid your taxes due for the year.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:00 The answer to the last one, “This is what occurs what you have overpaid your taxes due for the year.” I would call an “interest free loan to the government”, but it didn’t fit. LOL!!
I enjoyed solving this puzzle. Word Jumbles are the hardest for me. I used a few reveal letters but eventually my mind thought through the correct answer. Great Puzzle.
34 ticks. 16th Amendment created oppressive federal government regulations which made this jumble very easy.
1:29 with a couple hints for “exemption”.
Frustrating time as the game changed midyr so we pPAID!
1:57 under pressure now, find out where my keys are quickly cuz i am pick and peck Lol!
Try typing fast with the first answer on your mind! 47 seconds no runs no drips no errors!
47 seconds. In reality, there is no such thing as a “Tax Refund.” It is simply the amount you OVERPAID the gov that they used a principal to make interest that YOU could have earned if instead of overpaying, you had invested that money. The whole thing is repugnant.
2:36 Guess I know about taxes! Lol
3:10 but I’m watching the Cardinals play the Diamond Backs.
3:29 5 letters use
personal best
1:38, but would have been much quicker if I hadn’t had problems with my scrolling. First, it didn’t want to scroll, then it jumped well past the end. It did this several times, but finally settled out.
37 seconds…best ever for me
46 seconds today.
43 seconds, no hints
36 seconds
3:21 while multitasking
stupid puzzle doesn’t provide the correct letters- was the creator having a bad day?