Santa Claus
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Hint: Which of Santa’s Reindeer was not allowed to play in the reindeer games?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
23 seconds. Easy one today.
2:38 Nice one!
1:12 – good and easy one! Merry Christmas All!
1:20 Merry Christmas!
0;55…Too easy Santa..Merry Christmas
2:14 straight up.
2:39 “Present” had me stumped. I was looking for a reindeer name. Merry Christmas.
Great puzzle. Perfect for Christmas. Thanks.
I thought it was going to be all the reindeer. Lotsa fun. Merry Christmas everyone.
Wow, brain fog. I thought I’d never unscramble them. First one solved was Rudolph, thanks to the hint. Last one solved was present since I kept trying to recall Santa’s reindeer by names. Finished in 3:41 with no hints nor misses. Merry Christmas all!!
1:18. This was pretty simple.
The time was 1:13, no errors, no reveals, none of that, but .. AGAIN .. I was required to click CHECK the puzzle before it would acknowledge that it was completed and correctly so! Sorta spoils the fun know?!
0:49 too easy
1:33. Got stuck on present
56 seconds w/2 hints.
:19 Merry Christmas everyone. God bless all of you.
2:23 Just because I don’t do anything fast. I, too, was thinking of the reindeer names when I got to ‘present’ and used a letter hint to get the word. That was my only slow-down. Merry Christmas.
Just completed the puzzle, again, in 37 seconds. The answers came so much easier this time once I realized the first two, though different from the first round earlier this morning, were reindeer names.
2:07. Couldn’t get the easiest one . . .present. Had to use 4 letter hints. My goodness !
18 seconds….guess I know something about Christmas. 😀
33 seconds. Easy if you know the reindeer names.
1:43 Merry Christmas everyone
2:05 Merry Christmas to all!
1:24 Have to be careful hitting the keys so they “catch”, otherwise this was one of the easiest puzzles of this kind for me. Merry Christmas everyone!
27 seconds. Best time ever!
17 seconds. Merry Christmas!
:22. Best ever
Too easy
0:55 No hints, no reveals!
1:32….Merry Christmas everyone
0:44 no misses
1:07. God Bless us, every one…
Finally! No misses in 57 sec! ????