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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: What is the quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as "higher" and "lower" in the sense associated with musical melodies?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Too easy. Never did so well.
2:27. Dancing just wouldn’t register….
1:03 with 1 help. God day to all 🙂
2:48 Rhythm got me, and I have no idea why.
1:09 easy.
1.11 quick puzzle Happy Thirsday
had I known how to spell rythym I would have done great. Duh! I did it again!
1 minute, 10 seconds, I had them. Thank you for this fun pastime
2:00. Have a good day all.
2:33 No hints or reveals. Have to be careful to hit the keys firmly or else the letters will not come out.
Good one.
46 seconds…no hints
45 seconds. No reveals, no hints on letters or words, no incorrect letters or words, only the single check attempt when I was finished. Music is always nice when you can listen to it just to enjoy it.
1:41 w/4 hints. Yes I need hints.
:36 My kinda puzzle!
1:48 Love my music!
1:16, all answers right the 1st time, no reveals/clues/etc .. BUT still .. when the last response was typed in, the puzzle did not acknowledge it .. I was required to CHECK the puzzle to end it!
I really HATE that part, and it’s curious it pertains only to this type puzzle?!??!
Enjoyed it! thank you
Thanks for these puzzles, AMAC.
2:17 but needed 2 first letter hints, when I got them it was OH! Duh!!! a little slow today 🙂
Under 1 minute. Always happy with that.
2:25 with 4 helps
42 seconds. Too easy. Of course, I am quite familiar with music, but I think I got a good night’s rest and am still awake and alert. LOL
3:24 and embarrassed. Had to use first and second letter clues for rhythm which I couldn’t seem to spell, first letter hint for tempo, and again on the bonus word which I can’t recall right now. Thanks AMAC for challenging me, hopefully making me better mentally.
Well I got rhythm and pitch without help, but used first letter clues for the rest. Not exactly a musical girl, here.
47 seconds; no mistakes. It doesn’t surprise me since music is a huge part of my life!
1:16 fairly easy
35 seconds
1:57 No hints or reveals.
1:11 – not too shabby 🙂
2:10 Had a brain “freeze” and couldn’t see TEMPO for the life of me —- until I mixed the letters up a few times. UGH
If I could print it, I would really enjoy it.
My opinion of rock music (if you can even call it music) is a scourge of the earth.
2:35. I got stuck on tempo; used a letter hint.
0:45…one of my best times.
17 seconds. Happy Saturday. Please get a Poppy from the Legion this weekend and remember the fallen.
Had the correct and correctly spelled words for the first two and was still counted as incorrect;
Problems on two out of two puzzles so far today ….. wonder if the other three are screwed up as well 🙁
55 seconds. I don’t get it. This was probably the easiest word jumble I’ve ever played, yet I seem to have the slowest time compared to those below. I guess my fingers are getting old. And I’m a physical therapist!
50 seconds. My best so far but an easy one