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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: What was the name of the spacecraft that landed on Mars on July 4, 1996?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
6.34 minutes. But got them.
2:24 with a few first letter hints.
3:38 – good for me with no hints this time!
So where did the “D” come from. Whoever writes these puzzles doesn’t understand the rules!
1:04 … I didn’t try and think this time and was faster.
Where did the D come from. You guys keep doing this.
2:38, one letter hint, so not too bad!
Started out poorly, then finished less than twenty-five seconds after two more initial tries.
My most consistent error is not moving my cursor close to the CHECK PUZZLE button at the bottom.
Took me a while to realize I can just keep typing the answers. I used to use my cursor on each first blank of each word!
Also, I have to place the cursor close to the CHECK PUZZLE button after I click START! so I can finish fast!
Never been great at unscrambling, so these are a challenge.
On the PUZZLES the pictures are much clearer on my IPad and I can finish much faster than on my laptop.
I hate that I can’t type the words in at speed.
I’ve gotten really bad with these. Couldn’t unscramble exploration and pathfinder so used reveals. Finally scored 1:07 on third go round, not at all happy with my performance. Gotta work harder and actually make myself work to solve theses no matter how long it takes, for fet about the time.
2:17 but I had to to a couple of first letter hints
I swear the first word was a different word at first! It changed when I checked the puzzle. Weird.
Exploration was my doom. Rest not bad and Pathfinder came easily.
The last word usually has the wrong amount of letters, or incorrect letters.
It cheated, i had put pathfinder and it daid it was wrong. I’m not good at this kind of puzzle lol