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Hint: Which body of water lies to the East of Greece's mainland?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
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A Gyro is like an Orgy for the mouth…
Gory? Orgy? Gyro? I guess it depends on what you are hungry for . . .
anyone else having problems with the very last jumbled word that has the hint not showing enough letters? It used to work o.k. for me. But for a long time now, it won’t show the right amount of letters. It showed me three letters today. Luckily, I figured it out with the clue.
Lots of problems. Aegean did not list g for me. 2:29 w/ 3 letter hints.
Because my favorite local restaurant is a Greek one, gyro was the first word I got followed by Parthenon since we have a replica in Nashville. Orthodox threw me for a loop so 1:14.
1 minute flat. I also first thought orgy but opted for gyro for family friendliness.
Missed the second one. I spelled orgy, guess I know where my mind is today.
1;29. I had trouble with parthenon.
44 seconds
:58, and feeling quite proud until I saw Old Silk’s time. I misspelled the sea, first time, but don’t think it affected my time all that much.
My Uncle dropped a pallet of gold bars into the Aegean Sea in 1945 as a B-24 pilot for the OAS Interesting story that didn’t come out until he passed away in the 1990’s.
34 seconds. Tripped over ORTHODOX for a bit…
2:27 with two letter hints for gyro which I first spelled as gory. Don’t think I’d ever have figured it out without the letter hints though I know gyros are associated with Greece.
couldn’t figure out whether to have the orgy first then the gyro or vice versa. took me 1:18 to figure the jumble but still debating the issue. Oh well! I’ll probably end up with neither.
You didn’t even need to do the 2nd and 3rd puzzle words because they had NO letters in them for the answer.
1:12 One of my fastest times.
2:36 – A long day shopping
3:01 Hard one for me. Couldn’t get Athens or Parthenon for a while.
56 sec. Orgy; gyro; same thing.
I too got stuck on Parthenon. The rest was a breeze. I love Grecian food so I had no perverted thoughts about Gyro….lol. You guys have a blessed day
1:47 My best time doing one of these.
1:39 I’ll take that. Stay safe and make a stranger smile.
3:14. I got stuck on a couple of words and needed 2 hints.
Terrible place to visit.