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Hint: When you score one stroke under par on a hole.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Since I golf this one was easy. :25
I don’t golf…watching grass grow is not my thing, but I got them all except dogleg?? but as usual, I have a lot of missed letters…I apparently type faster than it is capable of taking!
Well, that did not go well… but I don’t golf.
500 years ago, men beat the ground with sticks: It was called witchcraft.
Now men beat the ground with sticks: They call it golf.
1:06 really fast for me.
2:32 Had trouble with “DOGLEG”.
I know nothing about golf, nor have ever participated in sport or watched on TV. But I got all the words just from hearing about them from radio events. I guessed at dogleg. Lucky.
:55…I don’t golf
41 sec. Easy.
28 seconds. Easy one today.
2:32, and it took well over a minute and a half to get dogleg.
32 sec, I work at a golf course.
2:22…Wth,is a dogleg
DOGLEG (whatever that is) is not needed to solve the puzzle. It would have been so easy to do it right and use the E in DOGLEG for the answer (BIRDIE) instead of using D, R, I, and E in the first puzzle word.
2:07; 2 hints.
2:18 Not familiar with golf, but the words were easy except for, “dogleg”!? Took longer on my phone than it would have been on my computer.
Would someone please tell me what a dog leg is?
A dogleg is a hole that has a turn in it between the tee off and the hole. The straight away is angled.
1 minute with one letter assist. I only shot golf once and it is boring to me.
Best ever on Word Jumble 1:30 and I don’t golf.
2:21 with four letter hints. Couldn’t make heads or tails out of the third word, lol.
2:34 with 3 letter hints
45 seconds. Pretty darn good. I’d say.
1:21. Never heard of ‘Dogleg”. Used a letter hint, then word hint. Still don’t know what it is.
2:47. A few hints. I’m with you all on the dogleg. Don’t play it, don’t watch it. But my son made an Albatros, which is hard to do, so I was told.
43 seconds, no hints or reveals, and I don’t play or like golf. I guess I just picked up this info along the way of life.
Not bad, not bad at all…no hints, no reveals
1:03….could not figure out “dogleg” and then had to use the word hint.
42 seconds. Very familiar with the word “SLICE”.
239 No reveals or misses
1:32 with one error. I stumbled on dogleg and mistakenly first entered logged. Birdie also gave me a bit of trouble since I’m a non-golfer. I just did this puzzle today, Sep 17.
1:28. Never played golf in my life. Lord willing, I never will. But I read more than a little….
1:14. No hints or helps. If I’d read the comments first I’d’ve been under 20 seconds.