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Hint: This comic strip, written by Charles M. Schulz appeared in newspapers for the first time in October of 1950.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:18 Quick one for me.
1:23 – pretty easy
44 seconds. A fast time for me. Don’t remember the 50s but surely remember the splash they made.
3:00 needed a hint on polio, my mind just didn’t go there.
1:24 Took a bit to think of polio.
With a pic of a 50s car, I wasn’t expecting words like Polio and Korea. So it took me a while to figure out this was anything that occurred in the 1950, car related or not. Also came up with a couple other valid words that sounded 50s before I hit on Elvis.
Must not have been as awake as I thought I was this morning!
Still was fun though!!
You finished the puzzle in 4:18
Hints Used on Letters: 2
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 8
Incorrect Words after Check: 3
Check Attempts: 4
1:55 – no help.
1:45 w/4 hints. Went fast for me.
Blast from the Past.
1:35 Had to correct levis to Elvis. Oops.
If you had lived back then these will be fairly easy.
2:23 1 hint
I had to use reveal on 4 letters. I needed to have hints on the first two words: Korea and Polio. I solved the other 3 words but had little difficulty spelling sputnik. I loved the 1950’s. My favorite singers were Elvis, Little Richard, Fabian, Chubby Checker, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, the Platters, and the Everly Brothers. I am sure I am leaving a few singers and groups out. It was a fine time. I remember going to the theater where two motion pictures were shown with cartoons and Lowell Thomas Newsreels between the two movies. You could stay all day in the theater viewing the movies more than once. Cost of a movie ticket was 25 cents. For around 3 dollars you could buy a coke, popcorn, and a few candy bars. I remember taking the Staten Island Ferry for 5 cents, the New York City Sub way for 5 cents, and loving the introduction of new cars models by the auto manufacturers in late September and early October. These good times have passed but the memories remain.
I really bombed on this one (5:17). I was born in 1950. I used hints for each word except for the final word. I had that before solving any of the words. Go figure.
2:06, 1 hint. I needed the first letter for the word SPUTNIK. I was a teenager in the 50’s. Those were the days!
2:07 No hints or reveals.
1:32 No hints or help, but started over because I got distracted by company.
ELVIS? ridiculous.
30 seconds. Saw them all at first glance. Personal best!
1:49 and I needed first letter hint for the disease.
1:08; good for me, but it shows how old I am
47 seconds – Saving this puzzle for last is one of the best decisions I’ve made!
1:20….sputnik got me and had to use reveal.
The third one could also be “evils”, but I guess that only applies to the last couple of years.
:36 – My best ever!
Growing up on the farm in the 50’s I remember wearing Levi’s most of the time. I guess that came to mind ahead of ‘Elvis’.
6:50 No help, but I don’t know how you amazing people finish this in seconds!
:58. Unlike many others, the first 2 popped right out to me. I would have been quicker, but misspelled the Russian rocket.