Winter Weather
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1:30 However, 3 missed clicks! Took 4 clicks to finally get a circle on that little red thing above the hat. This is clicking thing is really bad. Absolutely no room for error, PERIOD!! Its either right on the exact spot THEY designate, or you lose, even if you directly click on the difference.
1:58, pretty good for me!
2:38 .. Glad I didn’t give up because this one was pretty hard for me! lol It’s always fun, regardless. :^)
2::18. Very cute picture. More like a Christmas theme.
0:58..Good timing for me..Happy ‘humpday’ you guys.
3:15 about normal
Seemed like the differences jumped out this time.
Did well on this one. 1:02
1:20 with one missed placed click. Cute.
Hard to find the last one, even after reveal, I don’t see it!
Clicked on the missing button 4 times and no circle appeared. I had to move left, almost past the button and clicked again before the circle appeared. Four missed clicks? I don’t think so.
1:43 for me.
26 seconds with 1 reveal. I still don’t see the difference in that on that one.
Really bad time. Finally gave up and used a reveal on the goblet stem.
I enjoy the spot the difference puzzles. I loved this one. Thanks AMAC.
Slow again. 2:25. Took me forever to find that last one.
Always enjoy these spot the difference puzzles. some are easy, some, like this one, are hard!
Had to use a reveal and still took awhile to ‘see’ the difference…like I said before, need new glasses!!
My best time in quite a while-45 seconds
Only 45 seconds today. No reveals
2:28 Found four very quickly but got stuck on the last one – it took over a minute
36 seconds! A personal best.
3:49 couldn’t find the last one!
2:18, found 4 in 15 seconds, took 2:00 to find the last one by the glass stem. I dislike the “blurry” portion of the puzzle.
2:07. Yikes….. I better get new glasses! Good challenge!
1:08 Much better than my usual.
1:57… The blurriness kind of threw me a bit, BUT, I still got it…
Have an awesome day!
2:14 with two missed-clicks that weren’t; I guess it’s part of the game
Easier than normal. at 31 seconds
Never got the lower left…and some others are questionable but got those anyhow
2:13 As if senior vision was not a problem, they put differences in the out of focus areas. That is just plain mean.
4:25 and had to use a reveal to get the last one by the glass stem. The first 4 were pretty easy to spot, but that last one was even hard for me to see after the reveal, then it hit me.
1:40 Probably my best one!
Can some brainiac in the hallowed halls of AMAC tell me why I would get told that I am “….not allowed to vote on..” a comment? What the – – – -?”
1:34 Doggone it! That fifth clue cost me over half a minute! LOL
46 seconds. AND the clicker worked as it should!
This is a cute photo, but it is a Christmas picture not just a plain “winter” picture.
A bit slow, today- 2:36.Had one missed click on the missing button, but it appears others had trouble finding the exact spot to click for that one, as well. I clicked on the button where it was shown, which usually works for me, but not this time.