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Over 5 minutes! This one was great!!!!
The fence slowed me down
Tough one – but fun!
5:20 and 43 guesses
5:42, great game.
I pray that everyone will join me in prayer to our GOD in Heaven for someone to find a cure or vaccine for this virus
Great one – one of my best times 3:09. Really tested my looking skills.
Pray also to our Lord for President Trump for wisdom, good health, perseverance and continued optimism.
3:58 and no misses. The last one took over a minute to find. Good puzzle. Thanks!!!
2:19 minutes. I am getting better at these.?
I was about to give up…decided to read comments…got the clue I needed. Great puzzle.
1:09. Really good one.
:35, best time ever!
3:04. The last one was tough, the fence.
4:29….a bit slow this morning
Great diversion. Dog interfering so took long time. Thank you all and be safe.
The last one, the fence, was definitely tough! Agree, prayers for our President and our country.
1:30…. I agree with Deborah & Shirley…. we need to be praying for President Trump and his advisors for God’s help. Just think of the impact it would make if all AMAC members banded together & prayed!???
the fence stomped me good puzzle
Love AMAC! I would love to see mahjong added to the available games!
5:35 Comments helped me with the fence.
Pray, pray, pray 🙂 Even in this God is good!
2:40 with no miss clicks, probably less than 0:30 for first four, seems there it is always the fifth on that is hard to find and takes all the time????? Must be a mental block.
In 2018 the CDC stats for deaths from the Flu alone was estimated @ 79,000. In 2009 the H1N1 was a pandemic that infected 60 million Americans. We did NOT shut the country down. We dealt with it!! Why all this frenzied panic now ????? As a 47 yr. medical professional, we have survived: measles,mumps,polio, H1N1,MERS,SARS,TB, AIDS….etc. etc. Americans are better than the news media portrays us !!!!!!!
2:32 and I too am praying for our duly elected President Donald J. Trump and that he continues to lead us and I pray for his health, his family and all of his followers. May the Lord bless him and give him the knowledge and wisdom and the gift of discernment and that those Washington demons get off his back and let him lead this nation back to health and prosperity.
The fence!!!
1:12 missed 1, base of fence, clicked too low
Thanks, all! With your comments about the fence, that was the first one I went for. “Be anxious for nothing, but in all things, with prayer and petition, present your requests to God.” Thank You Lord for peace that truly does pass all understanding.
1:19 not too bad.
Trump doing great job! Pray for Congress to get off their rearends & work with our President & for our citizens & quit squabbling! Will keep praying as I always do so!
Had difficulty making out this one, but eventually got everyone of the spot the difference items.
1:52 One of my better times.
Agree that we must pray throughout the day and night for our President. He faces a never ending onslaught by the Left and the biased media. I believe God put him in this position to bring our country back to our foundations.
after 5 min gave up…..hit the reveal……..the fence did me in…..!!!!!! should hve read some comments…….hahaha ….
1:56. I too got stumped by the fence.
Don’t forget to let your senators know how disgusting it is to put special interest groups ahead of the people who have been affected by this pandemic, either buy loss of jobs and income or who have become ill. Remind them often who they work for and where they get their paychecks from. Don’t forget to include prayers for the dedicated health care workers on the front lines. May God bless them. Lastly, if you own a GM product, you might want to rethink that.
The fence was the first thing I noticed. The rock on the right got me. I must have fallen asleep – 5:11!! LOL! My worst time ever!!
That fence was the killer! 3:48 I should have read the comments too!!
Praying for our President! How he is able to continue, with all the hated that is sent out daily to him and about him and his family, is truly amazing! His strength has to be coming from God! God bless our President and heal our country!!
This was a tough one. 4:20.
1:56, the fence slowed me down this time. The last one is always a puzzle! Everyone have a good weekend.
1:05 I like these.
1:35 the fence slowed me down
missed the fence also
2:36. I thought I would never find the last one which was the fence.
Beautiful picture! Love all AMAC puzzles..
2:19 with 1 reveal. That black fence in the top right got me.