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2:09 this was a good one. Always looking for the tiniest difference.
1:55 with 1 miss.
2:45 Finding the A on NASA took me over two minutes.
Quick and easy for me- had my coffee this morning! 42 sec.
1:51. I KNEW that last one had to be on the NASA! Just took a several scans to catch it. Really like these puzzles!
:56, best ever… no misses!
:33, outstanding!
50 seconds Best ever. Thanks for all the great puzzles to help keep our minds sharp
2:35 no reveals, no mistakes. I may be a turtle but I’m accurate!
1:36 Took a while to find the A.
1:34. The A on the NASA was the toughest for me.
3 min. & 28 sec. missed click 1,reveal 0
1:00, No reveals..
2:40 with one reveal. Harder on my phone. But fun anyway.
1:01. My best time ever on this game! Usually it takes me three or four minutes to complete this Spot the Difference! Happy hump day folks!!
1:15 one of my better, but still short of the elusive under 1 minute mark.
Always fun!!
1:56 no misses. I love NASA and the Kennedy Space Center. Great place to visit!
I enjoy the games and appreciate Amac.
1:55…the A cost me 25 seconds
48 seconds w/ no misses. Best time ever so must have been to easy!
1:28 good time for me.. 🙂
I finally completed this in my best personal time, 1:48 with no reveals. And then I see several completion times much better than mine. What kind of vitamins are you on?!?!?!?!
1:10, perfect, no reveals, no missed clicks.
1:02 No missed clicks. Easy fun puzzle
1:42 no missed but looks like I was lagging behind today.
1:43 no missed clicks
2:09, said I had 2 missed clicks, but I forgot I have a touch screen and just wanted to get a spot off!!! Will be more careful next time!!
1:35 with a couple missed click where I touched and it didn’t take it the first time. Good brain exercise.
:58 w/2 missed clicks and no reveals. I’m on a roll. YAY!
I enjoy all the games, but my favorite is Word Search.
3:19 My usual slower than others but really enjoyed.
Fun as always Thank you
Love this puzzle. Could not find the difference in the letter A of NASA for the longest time. However, I finally saw it. Thanks AMAC for a challenging puzzle.
1:57 no missed clicks, no reveals.
Totally missed the difference in the second A
2:17 no misses
0:54 fastest I’ve ever done and no misses.
Did not know it was a speed game.
Game is fun! Really enjoyed it.
1:12 not bad