Music Of The 1960s
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3:29 You had to be on your toes for this one. But I had to finally use a reveal. I can’t believe that you would be so petty as to have an extra line on the one speaker on the left hand side. I had to strain my eyes to see it even after I hit the reveal.
Take a deep breath and repeat after me…It’s only a game…
I gave up. I clicked and clicked on one difference that wouldn’t register. On the plus side, I had a record player almost exactly like this one. The picture brought back fond memories of my childhood/teen years.
You screwed up again, AMAC. The bottom of the flower up top would not take the click and the other flower and screw up top looks fine. Giving up on these.
I had to use a reveal because the flower would not register. It circled way to the left of the actual difference. Not good.
This was a real challenge for me. I did not experience any differences that did not register. Good puzzle AMAC!
Frustrated! See obvious difference but click on it and it won’t register and counts against me.
4:04. Looked forever for the last one. Did a reveal. The difference is so minimal (upper left by the record speakers) I would never have found it !!
3:15. No reveals, no missed clicks. Kept looking til I found them. I guess they fixed the puzzle since everyone else had problems with missed clicks this morning.
2:56 Most missed up spot the difference yet. The flowers on the top were obviously different but it would not register any of them and I finally opted for a reveal for the final difference and there was no difference at all…for me anyway.
4:52, but no reveals. I had no trouble getting the clicks to circle. Last one was hard–the lines on the left. I just took my time…
Agree – who’s doing the confirmation checks on these to make sure they’re good to go????
No reveals 2:43
Aside from the fact that one difference was not regestering and one circled when a reveal was used, why wasn’t it mentioned that when reveals are used only 4 differences are circled?
6:52- no reveals
1:00 o’clock Texas time – just did the puzzle and everything circled when clicked. I guess they heard y’all!
tough one, 2 reveals
No sense completing this exercise when the image would not accept a click that was mid-left on the puzzle. These kinds of mistakes by AMAC’s people happen FAR too often and emit a sophomoric image to us who subscribe to be faced by this garbage. Shame!
2:13. 20 missed clicks on the one at the top before I hit the right (wrong?) area! The one on the left took a while for me to spot, the other 3 were easy.
Agreed. This picture comparison was too difficult. Used 3 reveals.
The one of the louvers on the left of the record is not fair. I really don’t see it, but the circle on one photo has 5 louvers and there are 6 on the other photo.
37 seconds. Pret-ty sneaky Find the Difference, this one….
Way to long with 1 reveal. The extra line on the left pic. Oh well at least no missed clicks for a change!
4:55 No reveals, one missed. No problem with identifying any of the five.
Really hard for such a simple looking puzzle. Who would have thought?
1:59 with the last one revealed of the lines. I found the first four fast, but could not find that fifth one!
Well that was easy, when I used the last two reveals…
Found all with no problem.
Started this one 4 different times. Between interruptions and the frustration of just plain not seeing them, I gave up. Finally found them all on my last attempt — with Divine intervention, I think.
This was a harder one than usual needed a reveal on the left-hand speaker,
7:27 Had to use a reveal to find the missing line on the left side top
1:07. It pays to read the comments!!
You finished in 0:42
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Reveals Used: 0
I could only spot 3 wthout a reveal. After revealing the last 2, they were quite obvious. In reality, I prefer the difficult to spot ones. I don’t experience a feeling of accomplishment when they all jump right out at me. BTW, I spent 5:56 on this before revealing.
1.03 Not too bad.
i didn’t have any trouble with the clicks..just took me awhile to spot the last one which fore was the top vent on the left. I had a record player almost identical to this one so it brings back lots of good memories.
4:04 1 reveal
1:41 w/1 reveal.
2:35 with only 3 reveals, pretty good for a Wednesday.
6:44…gave up..reveal on the lines….challenging today…
not seeing the difference today. Three reveals, oh my.
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Tough one!