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Make up for last week’s easy one.
Living in San Antonio, and now it’s siesta time, I see thousands of these around town. THAT’S what must have made it so difficult.
3:11 no reveals…This is the most difficult one so far.
I looked at the same spot at least 5 times and didn’t see the difference until I finally gave up on the 5th one after 6 minutes and took a reveal. Good one!!
2:56; one reveal.
2:17..No reveals
2:24 today.
2:56 and 1 reveal. I don’t really see the difference between the two pictures on that revealed area……. But I enjoyed the challenge anyhow.
These puzzles are entertaining but I am getting a little tired of putting my curser on the difference item and having it show up as a wrong click.
2:47 I finally had to use a reveal to see the difference…I must be getting old.
1:06 – no help needed this time
3.59 and 1 reveal tough one
1:29 No reveals no misses. This one was cool.
41seconds with no reveals. Another beautiful day in my neighborhood 🙂
Lucky number 13 (seconds).
I really enjoyed this game! I had to leave it to get my dogs. When I came back I realized I could have paused the game.
I haven’t been able to play this ‘spot the difference’ for some time. It always jumps after the first click.
4:19…1 reveal…terrible for me
.46 seconds. No miss clicks for a change.
This puzzle is supposed to be “Spot the Difference.”
However, it is no different from the one that AMAC
linked me to earlier today.
good grief that was a hard one. had to do 2 reveals and one I couldn’t see the difference and the other sooooo subtle I thought it was ridiculous, but oh, well.
2:45 with a reveal right side of the brim, between blue sombrero and magenta sombrero.
Hard one today but better that way.
.30 = w/no reveals.
1:52 w/1 reveal. First 4 in :34.
Hard puzzle. I looked and looked and looked. Love the Sombreros with all the great artistic flare.
Glad to hear it wasn’t just me who had a hard time with today’s “spot the difference”. Won’t say how long it took me, and I had to use 1 reveal.
Ok, ya got me on one! ????
Spot the Difference: the picture splits every time I try to play.
What is wrong??
I got the 4 actual differences (something missing or something added” then used the reveal to see what else they claimed was different. Even with the reveal it took a minute to see the embroidered hole was made a couple microns bigger in one photo. That one was just BS to pick on aging people whose eyes may be failing a bit.
Steve, you are correct that the embroidered hole is slightly different from one picture to the next but, in my estimation, it is the missing white button that was the primary difference, not the hole.
That little old button was tough.
UGH..3:28. Couldnt find that little gold line on the bottom hat!!
The screen gets hidden after the first click can’t play
My time was 1:37 with no misses or reveals, very good for me. I think these are all good puzzles that serve a purpose for those who use them, they help to stimulate the brain. Thanks AMAC!!!
4:02 no missed clicks or reveals