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What a challenge! Over 14 min. But no reveals. I am on a tablet I doubt I could do it on a phone!
I know these are supposed to be somewhat challenging but gee whiz! that middle one took me forever to find!
3:30 and one was a lucky click… Clicked on one thing and got another… tougher than normal IMHO.
3:09 I thought I was having trouble, but I see that I was not alone. That one guy was tough to spot.
Yup! This was the most challenging ever!
Impossible to do on my phone.
At least I have an excuse, one eye.
4:32, after a few weeks easy ones, AMAC team came up a most challenging spot the difference puzzle. Kudos.
I clicked on the guy in the back 4 times–did not work !?
Just not in the mood today I guess. 3:28 with three reveals and three missed clicks on the small lamp in the foreground. My only other find was the chandelier.
I could not keep looking at the lampshades. Once the last two were revealed I still had a hard time spotting the difference!
I had a missed click on a difference of the man in the back, so I did a reveal, and it was the difference that I allegedly missed, so I am taking it as no missed clicks. 3:21
I had the same problem with the man in the back so I did the puzzle again and click the man first then every thing worked.
2:56 with 1 reveal. This one was indeed a challenge.
5:40 Very slow time. Took me FOREVER to find the missing white-haired man in the fair distance. i am sure I did what many did and kept looking at the dictionary and other features in the lower part of the pictures.
3:13. No misses. Challenging, but finally accomplished.
19:00 flat, about my usual time
2:38 First time I ever beat the crowd here!
Well, that took forever. 4:48. Did a reveal on the last one (upper right. Not much of a change.)
And this one left me bugged-eyed.
4:14!!! WOW. I got the First 4 pretty quickly. But then I couldn’t find that last one and had to finally use a reveal. My eyes went cross eyed looking for that last one!
0:56! I am shocked at my time today. I am usually much slower. Everything just clicked.
I found all 5;. 3 of which I found rather quickly. But the last 2 took me the longest time. Great puzzle. It was very challenging. Really enjoyed the journey to solve it.
I found 4, and after the time hit 4:45, I just clicked reveal for the last one. Good puzzle!
3:26 with one reveal.. oh well not terrible
1:20,fun and what a lovely library
1:09, 2 missed clicks
1:55. Had to use a reveal.
6:15, but I found them all without a reveal. By the way, several comments concerning the missing man are in error. He’s actually a duplication of a man further to the right, in one picture, and simply not duplicated in the other.
1:04…the guy way in the back took me forever (and 2 clicks) to find…..
2:38, no misses. Yay! I NEVER get to put my results on here because everybody else is waaay better!
This one SURE showed me how bad my eyes are…I know I need new glasses, but, I didn’t know how bad…that last one in the back with the white haired guy is what took 3/4 of my time!!! I think I’m officially squinting hard now…apparently I didn’t blink because my eyes are soooo dry…hahahaha