History Of Coffee
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:39, never before, never again, no help, I better retire while I’m on top!
I finally had to surrender and use the reveal.
2;01 with 1 reviel.
the bottom corner got me.
Found 4 right away. Again, it was the fifth one that threw me a loop. Time for my third pot of coffee.
Always that one that eludes me. Maybe better next time!
1:20 I’ll take it ,could be worse.
1:02 Pretty easy for once.
47 seconds. Clicker worked perfectly, which is shocking….
56 seconds! Best ever!
Wow…59 seconds…was an easy one…was fun to do. Thanks for having an easy one.
57 seconds with no reveals. My best time ever!!!
You finished in 2:02
:51, and I haven’t even had my first cup of the day, yet.
1:00 not bad
Yep, that 5th one always runs up the clock, this time to 3:45… ugh.
1:19. I finally found them all without using a reveal.
.30 when the picture is limited it’s easy to see them
:42. Probably my best ever!
:57!! And, I don’t even like the stuff. 3:29 yesterday.
1:51 no reveals, maybe I’m getting better at this???
1.24 and one reveal
.38 wow good one
.39 I’m with you Jerry
33 second! Never fond them that fast before. Probably never will again
2:28 on reveal. The bottom corner….
o:28 No Misses
1″05 with no missed clicks or reveals
1 min 20 sec. Not bad
Do any of you think the right picture is magnified more than the left picture or is it just my computer?
1:00. Took too long to find the last one.
2:15 cool
1.09 but missed that bottom corner. Otherwise, as usual, fun to do. 🙂
1:57 No help
1:18…. No reveals….. (:
AGAIN, the click locations do not match
4:14-no reveals, no missed clicks
2:20 one reveal
1:58 But I missed one. Lol
2:27 – good for me. These are not usually my best puzzles. I found all 5 for once. Hurray!
2:02…ok i guess
24 seconds 🙂
.13 rare thing for me