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Seriously, the location of the click requirements is baffling.
31 seconds, don’t know what’s on the kid’s shoe but it was a difference
First thought – NO FLOTATION DEVICES on young boys !!
55 seconds. One of my better times.
47 seconds I want a vacation, no, I NEED a vacation. What a year and it’s just getting started.
Great puzzle. Found 4 of the 5 differences but finally did a reveal. I could not see the difference in the man’s shirt (shoulder). I am amazed that I can look at an object and not see all the differences. Thanks for the challenge.
1:11…I missed whatever was on the little boy’s foot for a while. We’re halfway to the weekend. Times a flying. You guys have a blessed day.
Looking at the pole in front, looking at the first pole to the left in the back there is a white line missing also
1:12 Fairly easy for once.
The guy’s sleeve got me. Needed the reveal at 4:49.
3:16 with one reveal (man’s left shoulder coloration). The other four were pretty easy.
2:13 no reveals
41 seconds
1:08 no reveals, good one for me.
Just under 2 minutes. The shirt was the hardest. Happy Wednesday everyone. Have a great rest of your week.
2:17 no reveals not too bad, just woke up HA HA
2:28 no misses
Those are some funny looking chickens.
Not too bad. 27 seconds and no misses.
3:00. Terrible time. Didn’t see the difference in the guys shirt. Finally did a reveal after looking for over a minute. Good point, no misses though.
4:24 Tough puzzle today. I had to use a reveal to find the difference in the man’s shirt.
0:43 Got lucky and saw them easy
2:15 with one reveal 🙁
1>37 One of my better days!
55 Pretty good for me!
4 differences quickly, then needed a reveal for the 5th!!!!!!!!
1:43 one of my fastest times.
1:19 with 6 missed clicks because the circle wasn’t centered on the fish at the kid’s feet. Would’ve been 1:14 if it clicked right over the difference.
2:29. Looks like the kids are having a great time!
I have NEVER gotten them all right, and never even gotten that far at around 2 minutes. However…I got a 10 in 2:08! Yay! Ah, small things thrill this old lady.
I got them all but it came to 6.4 minutes – because I had someone knock at my door & had to answer…took up time!!! I liked this one – I lived in FL for 35 years so it was like being “home”!