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This was great. Took me a bit of time, 6:38 minutes, but I found them all with no missed clicks.
2:44 great for me
I love all of these puzzles even when I don’t do very well! Thank you for these!
2:30 I found this one harder than usual.
Thank you for the challenge. Several of the differences were very subtle. Great puzzle.
Too hard so I gave up.
more difficult than usual, used one reveal. Finished in 2:56.
I had to hit first item 3 times before it circled. Then I hit others 21 times and would not circle but was correct. This has been happening the last 2 but never before so finally gave up and hit reveals and was correct on all 5 but only circled one after 3 or 4 hits. What has happened lately? It was fun but now frustrating hitting and no circles on correct answers. I even try on both pictures which works sometimes. Frustrated
I only got 3 in 3 minutes. My eyes must be broken this a.m., but I can still see those worms dancing out the top of the creel!
Too many taps needed on the differences to get then to show up. After 3 I just used the Reveals. No fun!
1:44 Felt that I was really struggling to find the first one. It took a while. Then felt I was struggling to find the rest of them. Can’t figure out how I got this good of time.
This one was very hard for me. After 7 min I hit reveal to see the last one… the reel. It was still fun to do. I look forward to these each week.
1:56 one mis-click
1:56 – not bad but I’ve done better. Got the first 4 pretty quickly but the last one took awhile. Love when these pictures are really hard!
3:12…This was a hard one… that’s ok though because I feel great when I meet the challenge. The differences were very small this time.?
:48 No Misses Best time ever
Surprise! Surprise! I had my best time ever and many of you say this one is relatively difficult.
2:49 with no misses. This one was pretty difficult compared to some others. I don’t feel too bad though, lots of others with about the same time. Love these puzzles and look forward to them every week.
Tough one, or I’m just really tired and can’t see!!
1:41 … Three were easy, the last two were hard to find.
2:19 no misses…that’s a record for me
2:00 with one reveal
1:52 it was a tough one!
2:32 This one a little harder than usual but I loved it. The spot the differences are my favorite.
3:03 and no reveals. Spot the Differences are what I like best.
1:52 with 4 hits. I agree that the taps don’t always register. Frustrating! I still love the spot the difference is my favorite!
Thia was a tough one ! Had no problems with clicking on differences. Fun !
2:10 lucked out and worked when I clicked stuff 🙂 but tricky finding the differences.
3:.01 with one missed click, though I believe it was due to scrolling on my iPhone to view the lower photo. I got the last difference (strap on right side of basket as viewed from front) when I tapped on it while scrolling.
For the players who are frustrated with the number of clicks required to get the reveal circle, hit the other picture at the same area and it will usually give you the circle. I try to find the more obvious difference and click that one, no matter which picture it is, left or right, and it usually will give you credit.
1:55. This was one of the easiest ones for me. This was fun.
wow….49 sec…best ever!!!!!
3:25 with 5 misses. I liked to have never found the one on the reel. Took me 2 minutes to find it. I don’t usually have any misses, so this one was hard to hit the right spot. But I too love the Spot the Differences.
For the 1st time I had to use the ‘reveal’ for the last one. I found 4 in good time but never could find the 5th. Maybe I need new glasses?
2:27 I had no problems, on this one. Had cataract surgery on left eye, but now right how is developing. Still, this is a good exercise for us Seniors.
The game is not working . I tapped ( clicked on) an article with obvious difference many times but it would not circle it.
3:55 with one miss. A couple were hard to find. Love the puzzles!
Got the first four easily and then . . . . last one was tough!!
Took forever to find that small difference in the reel with the green string. Tough one.
Wow! 1:01! Not bragging, just lucky this time. Didn’t have the problem many are stating with the unregistered hits and retries so that helped. Keep gaming everyone!
3:07 with 1 reveal tough one.. ha ha
1:34 No misses, no reveals. I am beginning to suspect that different people get different puzzles because the one I got seemed fairly easy.
This was a tough one for me. I looked forever, for the last one, and when I found it, I was shocked to find I only had 4 and still needed to find another. I almost gave up, but stuck with it, and finished in 3:44, with no misses or reveals.
Life is aggravating enough without dealing with Nancy Pelosi/Joe Biden (doesn’t do what it is supposed to do) clicker………….
You finished in 2:25
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
This is a challenge I really enjoy.
You’re right — taps are too quirky. Also photos don’t fully fit vertically on my phone screen, so I need to keep scrolling slightly up and down. Not as fun as they used to be for me.
Move the darn comment flag out of the picture!